Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan Heads Liberia Delegation to Egypt

His Excellency Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan led a two-man official delegation that attended the inauguration of Egypt’s new President, Abdel Fatal El-Sisi, on 8 June, 2014 at the Presidential Palace in Cairo.

The President-elect was officially sworn in at the Constitutional Court in Cairo, taking over as President of Egypt from out-going head of state, H.E. Adly Mansour. President El-Sisi and former interim President Mansour then headed for the Presidential Palace where both leaders signed a power transfer document in the presence of foreign and national dignitaries.


During the ceremony, H.E. Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan was introduced to President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi as the Liberian Foreign Minister. Minister Ngafuan was among several world leaders and foreign government officials who were present at the inaugural ceremony.


H.E Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan met with the Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E.Nabil Fahmi,and both Ministers had a brief discussion on further strengthening the already cordial bilateral relations between the Republic of Liberia and the Arab Republic of Egypt; a visit by Minister Ngafuan to Egypt for bilateral talks is expected this year. The Minister also met with several foreign ministers who were attending the occasion; the Liberian Ambassador to Egypt introduced H.E. Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan to several resident Ambassadors to Egypt.


Minister Ngafuan, accompanied by Mr. Rancy Saye Tokpa – Deputy Chief of Protocol, was received upon arrival at Cairo International Airport by H.E. Alexander H.N. Wallace III – Liberian Ambassador to Egypt, Madam Rania Megied – special assistant assigned to the Minister, and Mr. Muhammad A. Kromah II – Protocol Officer of the Embassy of Liberia in Egypt.


The Minister was representing President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf who was officially invited for the occasion but could not attend due to tight domestic engagements.