Foreign Ministry launches website!
On behalf of the Senior and the entire family of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Liberia, I am elated to welcome you to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs pf the Republic of Liberia. As the outlet on the world, this site will provide the opportunity for the world to closely study and know the country. Our foreign policy and foreign relations will be fully covered. Also of significant is the coverage that will be provided all Departments and Bureaux in the Ministry. It is our hope that users of this site will generate keen interest in Liberia, with the view of forging closer ties with the country and its people. Users are also encouraged to forward enquires about any issue to us for answer.
On behalf of the Senior and the entire family of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Liberia, I am elated to welcome you to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs pf the Republic of Liberia. As the outlet on the world, this site will provide the opportunity for the world to closely study and know the country. Our foreign policy and foreign relations will be fully covered. Also of significant is the coverage that will be provided all Departments and Bureaux in the Ministry. It is our hope that users of this site will generate keen interest in Liberia, with the view of forging closer ties with the country and its people. Users are also encouraged to forward enquires about any issue to us for answer.