President Weah Extends Felicitations to Czech Republic on National Day Celebration

President George Manneh Weah has congratulated the Government and People of the Czech Republic on the auspicious occasion commemorating the National Day of the Czech Republic.


In the message to His Excellency Milos Zeman, President of the Czech Republic, President George Manneh Weah onbehalf of the Government and People of Liberia, extended heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the Government and People of the Czech Republic as they celebrate this historic millstone.   


According to a Foreign Ministry release, President George Manneh Weah, recalled with great appreciation, the Czech Republic’s valuable contributions to global peace and development especially through multilateral institutions such as the European Union and the United Nations.


The Liberian Leader further observed that the relationship between Liberia and the Czech Republic, which was cemented in 1993, has been steady but slow.


President Weah expressed optimism that the two countries will add new impetus to their relationship aimed at expanding cooperation between both nations specifically in the areas of security, energy, education, and trade.


Dr. George Manneh Weah further looks forward to working closely with President Milos Zeman in addressing issues that support gender equality, women’s rights and advancement in society.


The Liberian Chief Executive also wished for President Milos Zeman good health and success as well as for the people of the Czech Republic continued happiness and prosperity.