President Weah Applauds India, Congo and Korea on 72nd, 59th and 71st independence celebrations

President George Manneh Weah, during the week, sent three separate messages of congratulations to the Governments and peoples of the Republics of India, Congo and Korea on the occasion commemorating the 72nd, 59th and 71st Independence anniversaries of the three countries respectively.  


The Republics of India, Congo and Korea commemorate their independence anniversaries on tomorrow, August 15, 2019 respectively.   


According to a Foreign Ministry release, in the message to his Indian counterpart, H.E. Ram Nath Kovind, the Liberian President extended heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the Government and people of India, on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia, and in his own name, as the people of India celebrate this historic milestone.


President Weah recalled with deep satisfaction the heightened bilateral ties and cooperation subsisting between the two Governments and Peoples.  


He expressed gratitude on the huge prospects for accelerated trade and investments for the mutual benefits of both countries and peoples.


To the Government and people of Congo, President George Manneh Weah, on behalf of Liberia conveyed heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to President Denis Sassou Nguesso, and his government as they observe their 59th Independence Anniversary.




Expressing satisfaction over the occasion, President George Manneh Weah stated “I recognize with satisfaction, the increasing momentous relationship existing between our two countries and peoples which will continue to be strengthened in the spirit of the principles of the African Union.”  


The Liberian President then looks forward to closely collaborating with the Congolese leader for the promotion of global peace, security and economic integration.


Also in his message to His Excellency Moon Jae-in of the Republic of Korea, President George Manneh Weah extended sincere congratulations to the Korean Government and people and expressed hope that the bonds of friendship and bilateral relations subsisting between Liberia and Korea will be strengthened for the mutual benefits of the two nations.