President Weah Applauds Germany & Guinea on Unity and Independence Days Observance

President George Manneh Weah has, on behalf Liberia extended heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the Government and people of the Federal Republic of Germany on the occasion marking the “German Unity Day” celebration.


In the message to His Excellency Frank-Walter Steinmeier, President of the Federal Republic of Germany, President George Manneh Weah noted that his Government appreciates the German Government’s continuous support for the subsistence of harmonious relations between the two countries and peoples since the inception of diplomatic ties, which he said has enhanced mutually beneficial cooperation between both nations.


The Liberian leader recalled that since the establishment of diplomatic ties between both states, Germany has continued to demonstrate strong leadership and has successfully contributed to negotiation within the EU which retained confidence in the Union, amidst the Brexit debate on the international front. 


“It is in this spirit that my government looks forward to deepen collaborations with your government, in many spheres including economic cooperation, education, women empowerment and other aspect of private sector involvement,  President Weah further stated.  


The Liberia President then wished for President Steinmeier’s personal wellbeing and for the Government and people of Germany peace and prosperity. 


In a related development, President George Manneh Weah has, on behalf of Liberia, conveyed warmest felicitations and best wishes to the Republic of Guinea on the observance of the 61st Independence Anniversary of that country. 


The Liberian leader expressed hope that the cordial ties of friendship and cooperation subsisting between Liberia and Guinea will be further strengthened in the spirit of African solidarity as both leaders work in furtherance of the principles of the Mano River Union, ECOWAS, the African Union and the United Nations for the promotion of regional and international peace and security.   


The Liberian Chief Executive then prayed that Allah will continue to endow President Alpha Conde with abundant wisdom and strength as he leads his compatriots to greater prosperity.