President Sirleaf Consoles the Government and People of Sierra Leone

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a condolence message to the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, His Excellency Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma following heavy overnight rains that triggered a mudslide and flood on the outskirts of Freetown, that led to the deaths of over three hundred persons and injury to several hundred others early Monday morning, August 14, 2017.


Heavy overnight rains triggered a mudslide and flood in the Regent area on the outskirts of Sierra Leone's capital, Freetown early Monday morning, August 14. A section of Sugar Loaf mountain came down at around 06:00 a.m. when many people would have been at home sleeping or just getting up for the day.


The exact death toll from the mudslide and flooding is not yet known, but the Freetown mayor Sam Gibson has put the figure as “a total of 270 corpses” recovered and are “being prepared for burial” as at Tuesday, August 15, 2017. Others predict that over 300 persons were killed; while another 3,000 persons are estimated to have lost their homes, submerged by the mud. Recovery and rescue operations are still going on.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, President Sirleaf, on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia and in her own name, extended to the Sierra Leonean President, His Excellency Dr. Koroma, and through him, the Government and people of Sierra Leone, especially families of the victims, Liberia’s heartfelt condolences, and best wishes for the speedy and full recovery of the injured.



“During this difficult period of national tragedy, I wish to express our solidarity with you and the people of Sierra Leone,” the Liberian leader said.



She stressed that it is the hope of the Liberian Government and people that the resilience and strength that the people of Sierra Leone have always demonstrated when confronted by challenging circumstances will be manifested again in the face of this natural disaster.