Daily Media Summary (27-05-2019)

                                                                    The Bureau of Public Affairs   

   Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




Today’s News Summary highlights dominant stories from several local dailies including news of the UN Envoy’s commendation of efforts made by President Weah and the COP ahead of the June 7, protest;  theStart-upaward given to Winners of Business Competition by the UNDP; the ECOWAS President’s appointment of an Interim Executive Director for Regional Competition, among other stories.


Liberia: UN Envoy Commends Efforts by President Weah, Council of Patriots to Ease Tension Ahead of June 7 Protest

Frontpage Africanews daily reports that The Special Representative of the Secretary General and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), Mr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas, visited Monrovia from 24 to 25 May amidst political tension ensuing from the planned 7 June protest. The objective of the mission was to support the Special Representative of the President of the ECOWAS Commission in Liberia, Ambassador Babatunde Ajisomo, the Head of the African Union Liaison Office to Liberia, Ambassador Ibrahim Kamara and the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Liberia, Mr. Yacoub El Hillo in their efforts to facilitate dialogue between the government and organizers of the protest to ensure that it is a peaceful one. Immediately on arrival, Mr. Chambas met with H.E. President George Manneh Weah. During the two days mission, Mr. Chambas was received jointly by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr. Bhofal Chambers and the Senate Pro Tempore of the Senate, Mr. Albert Chie. Mr. Chambas also met several stakeholders including the leadership of the four opposition collaborating political parties namely; the Alternative National Congress, the All Liberian Party, the Liberty Party and the Unity Party; the Council of Patriots, the Forum of Liberia Women Elders, former President Madam Ellen Johnson–Sirleaf and members of the diplomatic corps. Mr. Chambas also met with H.E. President Weah before his departure, the news daily asserts.

Related caption: UN Urges COP to Cut-Off June 7 Protest –Inquirer, UN Envoy Makes Peace Rounds in Monrovia -Analyst


UNDP Awards Start-up Capital to Winners of Business Competition

UNDP through its Business Opportunities Support Services (BOSS) project has awarded start-up capital to 4 of 5 companies that won a business completion. Under an Entrepreneurship Challenge (Business Plan Competition) launched in partnership  with the Booker Washington Institution among graduation senior students and recent graduates of the Institute, 5 companies were declared winners of the completion with the best business plans, by a panel of judges last year, the Analyst newspaper reads.

Related Caption: UNDP Award Start-up Capital to Winners of Business Competion-New Dawn


“Dual Currency Affecting Commodity Prices” Commerce Minister Tarpeh

An inside story of the Inquirer newspaper reads that the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Commerce and Industry has promised to find a solution to the issue of dual currency which it believes is hugely responsible for the instability of prices in the country. Commerce Minister Wilson K. Tarpeh made the disclosure when he spoke recently at the MICAT regular Press held at the Ministry of Information. “We have been holding series of consultations with the business community to ensure that every single commodity sold in the country is priced in Liberian dollars,” he added. he explained further that one of the factors responsible for the instability of prices of commodities in the country is due to the dual currency in Liberia.

ECOWAS President Appoints Didigu As Interim Executive Director for Regional Competition Authority

According to the Inquirer news daily, Mrs. Henrietta Uzoamaka Didigu, has been appointment, at the instance of the President of the Commission of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Mr. Jean-Claude Kassi Brou, is appointed for an interim period of 12 months, allowing the appointee to undertake crucial establishment that would lead to the full operationalization of ERACA in the shortest possible time. Prior to her appointment, Mrs. Didigu, was the Technical Adviser on Institutional Reform to the President of the Commission. She brings on board, over 28 years’ experience in regional integration and chaired, during the period, numerous high level negotiation missions, meetings and projects for her country and region, reports the daily. 

Carter Center Calls on GoL, Protesters to Respect Rights of All as BFF, UN, Diplomatic Missions Honor National Unification Day

The Country Representative of Carter Center Liberia, has underscored the need for the Administration of President George Manneh Weah to see itself in the light of the national unification policy of President Tubman by encouraging all Liberians to form an integral part of the national decision-making process and to ensure the firm protection of the rights of all Liberians as guaranteed by the Liberian constitution and other statutory provisions. The Center Country Representative James Dorbor Jallah, made the assertion recently in his keynote address at Liberia’s 55th National Unification Day program held on the Capitol Hill Campus of the University of Liberia, organized by Better Future Foundation (BFF), the Analyst newspaper reads. 

Create Awareness on Sexual Harassment Training Participants Urge CSA


At the end of day training on Sexual Harassment and Reporting Mechanism of the Gender and Security Sector National Taskforce (GSSNT) conducted by the Civil Service Agency (CSA), participants on Friday, May 24, 2019 called on the CSA to strengthen its sexual harassment reporting awareness through the gender focal persons. The participants believe that such awareness will ensure that civil servants are always reminded of their conducts in relation to sexual harassment at work places. During the training exercise, the participants also recommended that the Civil Service Standing Orders be made public and look into issues of same-sex harassment at workplaces, the Analyst newspaper reads. 

Defying the Pope, Knights of Saint John Liberia Expel Fayiah


The most powerful fraternity within the Liberian Church has expelled journalist Rhodoxon Fayiah for calling for investigation of Archbishop Lewis Zeigler and Bishop Andrew Karnley and frowning on the treatment of Father Gabriel Sawyer, a priest who recently made explosive allegations of sex-based assaults and abuse of power against him by the two top clergy men. The move, by the local board of the Knights of Saint John International, directly contradicts the latest decree by Pope Francis ordering all churches to investigate allegations of sexual abuse.In spite of calls by advocates for investigation of the allegations, the Knights of St. International’s local branch is standing up to the Pope, Frontpage Africa newspaper reads.

Pres. Weah Congratulates Georgia

The New Dawn quoting a Foreign Ministry release writes: President George Manneh Weah has sent a congratulatory message to the Government and people of the Republic of Georgia on the occasion commemorating the National Day of that country. In the Message to his Georgian counterpart, H. E. Salome Zurabishvili, President George Manneh Weah, extended heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the Government and people of Georgia as they celebrate this historic event. “I am excited to express heartfelt congratulations to you, and through you, to the great people of the Republic of Georgia, on behalf of the Government and people of the Republic of Liberia, and in my own name,” the Liberian President declared with great excitement. According to a Foreign Ministry release, President Weah assured his Georgian counterpart of Liberia’s unwavering desires to consolidate deeper bilateral relations with the Republic of Georgia as it celebrates this historic milestone. 

Margibi Supt. Warns Car Owners, Drivers, Motorcyclists


Margibi County Superintendent Jerry Varnie warns residents of the county, especially car owners, drivers, and various unions of motorcylists, not to present themselves as attraction for campaign against the Government of Liberia. Superintendent Varnie says the people of Margibi should not allow themselves to be used by unsuccessful, greedy and selfish politicians to accomplish their ugly political agenda. He urges his kinsmen and all Liberians to embrace peaceful co-existence and dialogue as alternatives to seeking redress to their disenchantments despite of their political alignment. He says if Liberia and its people should continue the fragile peace and encourage foreign investors in the country, rule of law and roundtable negotiation should be the way forward instead of violent protestation. Superintendent Varnie made the call when he hosted separate meetings with driver and motorcycle unions in the county recently at the county administrative office in Kakata City, Margibi County, the New Dawn newspaper reports. 

Free Thinkers Wants Liberians Refrain From Utterance That Will Undermine GAC Report


The Free Conscious  independent and objective thinkers of Liberia is calling on the public to refrain fromMake utterance that has the proclivity of undermining  the purpose and intent of the Agreed Upon Procedure (AUP) audit conducted by the GAC.  While we welcome the ongoing public debate on the GAC factual findings, we are at same time opposed to the manner and the form the reputation of the Central Bank of Liberia Executive Governor Nathaniel Patray, 111 has been portrayed,  a release quotes the group as saying ,  the Newsnewspaper reads. 

 Un Official Meets Weah, Cop As June 7 Draw Nearer


According to the News Newpaper  the much-talked about June 7 ‘’save the state  protest draws nearer , the international community led by the United Nations is moving between twist and turn to ensure that Liberia remains peaceful. On last Friday, the UN dispatched Dr. Mohammed Ibn Chambas, Special Representative of the secretary-General of the United Nations and Head of the UN office for west Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) to Liberia to meet with President Dr. George Manneh Weah, including the organizer of June 7 protest under the banner Council of Patriots’( COP) , as well as, officials of the four opposition collaborating political parties. Unity Party, Liberty Party, All Liberian Party and Alternative National Congress (ANC)Dr. Chambas is said to have had separate meetings with the president, organizers of the protest and the four opposition parties which highlighted the need to preserve Liberia’s Fragile peace and democracy that international community invested so much in.

 Weah Expected To Address Nation Today

President Dr. George Manneh Weah is today, May 27, 2019, expected to address the nation. Sources close to the Liberian President confided to The NEWSthat Dr. Weah will today deliver a major policy statement. It is not clear as to what specifically the president will be speaking on, but our sources said the economy is the top on his agenda. The Liberian leader, sources said might also speak on the recent released General Auditing Commission (GAC) report on the US $25 million mop-up exercise money. Our sources said it is possible that the Liberian chief executive might also speak on the planned June 7 protest. Today’s address will be the president’s first since his state of the nation’s address at the legislature on January 28, 2019.

 Weah Vows To Protect Liberia’s Peace

President George Manneh Weah has reiterated his commitment to the protection of Liberia’s peace and security and for all citizens irrespective of their ethnicity, political and social back grounds. The Liberian Leader said it is his constitutional and moral obligation to ensure that all Liberians are treated equally in an enabling and peaceful environment. Meeting the special Representative of the Secretary- General of the United Nations and Head of the UN Office for west Africa and the sahel (UNOWAS), Dr. Weah said he is open to do whatever it takes to better the lives of his people. This, he said, entails remaining engaged with every stakeholder who has an idea for the development, peace and harmony of Liberia. The President met Dr. Mohameh Ibn Chambas behind closed doors on Friday, May 24, 2019 at the president’s Foreign Affairs Office in Monrovia pens the Newspaper.

 Gov’t Rejects ‘fake Letter

The Government of Liberia say its attention has been drawn to a fake communication on  the social media, purportedly from the Ministry of State to the authorities of the Liberian National Police. The Ministry of Information in a statement posted on its facebook page said this has been the tactics of dangerous individuals who want to undermine the Peace and security of the state. It further said at no time did Minister Nataniel Mcgill write any such letter. The Government has consistently reiterated its commitment to protecting the constitutional rights of all Liberians, including those planning on a protest action, News newspaperreports. 

 Woman, 2 Children killed in Motor Accident

According  to Heritage News Paper: The Tower Hill Community on the Robertfield Highway in Lower Margibi County was on Saturday, May 25, 2019 a scene of sorrow, following a tragic motor accident that left three dead and several persons reportedly feared dead. According to the information gathered by this paper, the woman, who is identified as Marcelia Yonquoi, died along with her children after a stand truck climbed over the vehicle in which they were ridding. A family source told this paper that the deceased and her two children were on their way to their father’s place in Harbel when the heartjerking incident occurred. The Tower Hill Community is barely 15 minutes’ drive away from Harbel, where the deceased were travelling. The Hill is noted for tragic motor accident. It could be recalled that a member of the House of Representatives, Montserrado County Electoral District #15 Representatives, Adolph A. Lawrence, died in a similar accident while traveling from Buchanan, Grand Bassa County, after celebrating his birthday. 

President Weah Motivates in-Training Protocol Officers


The Heritage newspaper reports that over a one hundred government protocol officers undergoing a two-day training session have got fond words of motivation from the President of the Republic, Dr. George Manneh Weah, who has called on them to make maximum use of new skills and expertise being imparted  into them. At least 125 protocol officers drawn from all three branches of Government are undergoing a training course intended to improve their efficiency and effectiveness. In remarks at the opening ceremonies on Friday, May 24, 2019, President Weah described the initiative as essential and timely, adding that it would help the trainees perform well at state functions and other forums requiring protocol services.  He said the training provides an opportunity for protocol officers to be more knowledgeable and productive in the performance of their duties. “This is a very good opportunity for our protocol officers 

Bong Civil Society Council Chair Wants MOE Budget Increased


The Chairperson of Bong County Civil Society Council, Madam Marlon Jarwo, has underscored the need for the 54th National Legislature to increase the Ministry of Education budget. Speaking in Gbarnga recently, Madam Jarwo called on the National Legislature to increase the education budget so that students will “feel the impact of quality education in the country.” 

Trump Dismisses North Korean Tests of ‘Some Small Weapons’


According to the Heritage newspaper US President Donald Trump has dismissed concerns about recent North Korean missile tests, appearing to contradict his own national security adviser. In a twee issued shortly after his arrival in Japan on the Sunday, Mr. Trump called the missile “small weapon.” US National security adviser John Bolton said on Saturday that the tests violated UN resolutions on North Korea.  President Trump began a state visit to Japan on Sunday by teeing off a round of golf with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The two leaders ate breakfast together on Sunday, before heading out to play 16 holes of golf in Chiba, outside the capital Tokyo.  Mr. Trump wrote: “North Korea fired off some small weapon, which disturbed some of the people, and others, but not me. He added: “I have confidence that Chairman Kim will keep his promise to,

AU Unveils Memorial Wall For Fallen Peacekeepers

The African Union (AU) has unveiled the Memorial wall in honor of heroes and heroines from its member states who lost their lives for the peace and stability in Africa on support mission. According the News newspaper, the inauguration of the Memorial Wall featured on Saturday at the Africa Day celebration which marks the birth of the Organization for African Unity (OAU), and now AU in 1963 in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa.

Sudan Rebel Leader Returns Despite Death Sentence

A Sudanese rebel leader has returned to the country after years in exile despite having been sentenced to death in absentia. Yasir Arman was convicted for involvement in an uprising that began in 2011 in Blue Nile State. He is reported to have faced no problem from the authorities on his arrival. He returns six weeks after President Omar al-Bashir was ousted from power and observers speculate that he could take part in peace talks, the Inquirer says.