Daily Media Summary 2017-10-17

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



Today’s edition of our summary highlights news of the issuance of Executive Order No. 89 by President Sirleaf instituting policy measures to stimulate economic growth as well as the recommendation made by the Women’s Situation Room- Liberia for a change in the date of the Presidential and legislative elections in the country as dominating stories.



Ellen Issues Executive Order No. 89 - Instituting Policy Measures To Stimulate Economic Growth by Reducing Administrative, Business Process Requirements on Concessionaires, Small, Medium-Sized Businesses, Manufacturers

 President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has issued Executive Order No. 89 – instituting policy measures to stimulate economic growth by reducing administrative, business process requirements on concessionaires, small, medium-sized businesses and manufacturers.  According to an Executive Mansion release, whereas, the Liberian economy, having experienced a protracted downturn in activities and slow growth driven by the continuous and persistent declines in the prices of and demand for Liberia’s primary exports of rubber, iron ore and timber; and whereas, this combination of events has contributed to the low level of business activities currently experienced in the economic outputs of the industrial, commercial and retail sectors. Meanwhile this Executive Order takes immediate effect, reports the Heritage newspaper.


Change Election Date From Rainy To Dry Season-Women’s Situation Room Head Demand

The Women’s Situation Room- Liberia (WSR) has recommended that the timing of the Presidential and Legislative Elections be reconsidered. WSR is calling on the National Legislature to consider legislating that the election be held in the Dry Season, which runs from April 15 to October 15 annually, instead of its present timing of second Tuesday in October every election year. According to them, the re-timing would eliminate some of the problems encountered during the Rainy Season. WSR-Liberia head, Cllr. Yvette Chesson-Wureh, said conducting the elections during the Rainy Season, affects the capability of the National Elections Commission (NEC) to distribute ballots paper, other election materials and staff, timely. Speaking on other election related issues, Cllr. Wureh also recommended that NEC polling staff be trained properly to handle the runoff election if there’s a runoff in order to minimize the high percentage of invalid ballots that are now being reported by the NEC.  Currently, authorities at the NEC have reported over 84,000 invalid votes of the 1,550,923 total votes cast in the October 10 elections, reports the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Related Caption: Women Group Releases Report On 2017 Elections (Heritage)



Global Hand Washing Day Celebrated In Margibi County

A program in observance of the 9th anniversary of Global Hand Washing Day has taken place in Kakata, Margibi County with calls for Liberians across the country to add regular hands washing to their ways of life if they are to remain safe from water-borne related diseases. The Global Hand Washing Day celebration was interspersed with a parade by students through the principal streets of Kakata and an indoor event where students preformed dramas and songs depicting messages on the importance of regular hands washing. The Global Hand Washing Day celebration held under the theme: “Our Hand Our Future” was organized by the faith-based organization, Living Water International (LWI) under the auspices of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) WASH in School Project, writes the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


30 Women Election Observers Seek Peaceful End To Process

According to the Daily Observer, a women organization under the banner, Women’s Situation Room (WSR), which deployed 30 personnel to observe the conduct of last Tuesday’s electoral process in Nimba County has called for a peaceful end to the process. Madam Musu Kardamie, WSR Executive Director, said that the observers were assigned at every polling place in all the districts to ensure that the elections were free, transparent and fair. Mrs. Betty Sharp, a WSR executive, said that the women’s group is concerned about the peace and tranquility in Liberia. She said the women want peaceful election and therefore called on all state actors and politicians to respect the rule of law and address their dissatisfactions peacefully.


Women Climax Fast And Prayer For Peaceful Elections

Prior to the holding of the October 10 elections, women of all ages gathered from dawn to sunset on a roadside close to the party headquarters in Monrovia of several presidential candidates and knelt in prayer, fasting, and supplication to God that the country be spared of violence during and after the elections. The fast and prayer was also observed by women in the other counties. According to the organizers, their action was intended for God Almighty to keep the country stable during and after the elections. The groups mounted placards outside their camps with the inscriptions: ‘Don’t touch our peace’; ‘Say no to violence,’ etc. At their small encampment, the women under the banner of a local nongovernmental organization, Women in Peace building Network (WIPNET), sang peace songs. The ceremony was attended by several groups, among them, the Women’s Situation Room and Crusaders for Peace, pens the Daily Observer.


Related Caption: Women Group End One-Day Fast And Prayers For Peaceful Elections Here (Heritage)


Liberian Association of Pennsylvania Inducts New Leadership-Multi-Purpose Community Center Insight

According to the INSIGHT newspaper, The Liberian Association of Pennsylvania Inc (LAP) over the weekend inducted its newly elected corp of officials to stair the affairs of the organization for the next two years. LAP is the second largest African immigrant community in the Americas established since 1974. Among others inducted were, Mr.  Christopher Selekpoh-President, Gbolo Howard, Vice President, Peeco Conway, Secretary General, Stephen Binda, Assistant Secretary General and Lucy Grear, Treasure, Boimah Pusah Financial Secretary. Others included Anna Barlee, Josephine Kwaidah, Emmanuel Gartia, and Murphy Gibson as Board members. Speaking at the induction ceremony, LAP President Christopher Selekpoh promised exceptional leadership over the next two years. President Selekpoh, a second term President further disclosed that his leadership envisions a multi-million structure for the community. The property according to him, promises to be one of the largest structures when finalized. Though he did not disclosed cost of the project, he however promised its presentation before his term expires.


24 Attend IAAF-Level 1 Coaching Course

The International Association of Athletics Association (IAAF) level–I coaching course for athletics coaches in Liberia began yesterday, Monday, October 16 at the Fendall Campus of the University of Liberia, outside Monrovia. The training is part of the IAAF Coaches Education and Certification System (IAAF CECS Level 1). The course instructors, Mr. Era Gunen (Nigeria) and Ms. Salamatu Musa (Ghana), arrived in the country on Sunday, and are conducting the 11-day theoretical and practical sessions. The course features 24 participants, including former national athletes and physical education teachers, who would be certificated by the IAAF; and thereafter, they will help to develop and promote the sport and athletes in schools and counties across the country, pens the Daily Observer.


Orange Announces ‘Early Christmas’ with Grand Prizes

Orange -Liberia has launched a massive new promotion under the theme: “With Orange, Christmas Starts in October.”  The new promotion was rolled out at a major press conference held at the company’s headquarters on Capital Bypass in Monrovia.  According to Orange’s Corporate Communications Strategist, Dr. Kimmie Weeks, from October through December, the company would give away 10 brand new motorbikes and 5 new cars. “We know that Christmas is a time of happiness, love and bringing families together,” he said.  “It is a special time in Liberia and we want the Liberian people to begin to feel that happiness and joy starting from October,” Weeks said.  He said that, to bring the Christmas cheer to Liberians early this year, Orange would give away a brand-new motorbike every week, a brand-new vehicle every two weeks, and the grand prize a few days before Christmas. According to Orange, the first motorbike winner will be announced on October 23, and the first person will walk away with a brand-new vehicle on October 31, reports the Daily Observer.


Lonestar Rewards Mobile Money Subscribers With Big Prizes

Lonestar Cell MTN is driving hard is Mobile Money platform in Liberia through great prizes, the latest of which was the awarding of L$1 million to one of its subscribers, a resident of Paynesville, outside Monrovia. Prizes awarded included bags of rice, television sets, generators, blackberry phones and modem, Argo-oil, but the most memorable prize of all is the one million Liberian dollars, the grand prize. The amount is equivalent to US$8,300 from its Mobile Money Raffle draw.  The draw, which was held recently at Lonestar’s Congo Town offices, was named: “September to Remember,” celebrating the 6th anniversary of the company’s Mobile Money service, which was launched in September 2011. The live draw was also held over Power FM and was witnessed by officials from the Liberia National Lottery Authority and Lonestar employees, reports the Daily Observer.

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