Daily Media Summary 2017-06-09

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


Stories of President Sirleaf’s two-week ultimatum to the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning demanding an audit on Private Sector Initiative Money, the House of Representatives’ decision to stop the contract between the Liberia Electricity Cooperation and Manitoba Hydro International and the opening of a Book of Condolence for the Late UNFPA Executive Director, Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin are the dominant stories highlighted in today’s edition of thesummary of the local dailies.



MFDP Officials Took Loans With Private Sector Money’…Citing ‘Clear Conflict Of Interest’, Pres. Sirleaf Demands Audit At MFDP

The Daily Observer reports that the Liberia Maritime Authority (LMA) commissioner Dr. James Kollie, who was Deputy Minister for Fiscal Policy at MFDP during the period under probe, has been ordered by President Sirleaf (right) to return home from a trip abroad to help with the investigation.President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf yesterday issued a two-week ultimatum to the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFPD), demanding an audit of the management of the ministry’s Private Sector Initiative (PSI), meant to empower business people.  The audit, the President said, will cover the period from 2014 up to the present and is being conducted by the Internal Audit Agency (IAA). Meanwhile, President Sirleaf has also ordered Dr. James Kollie, the commissioner at the Liberia Maritime Authority (LMA), to return home from a trip abroad to help with the investigation. The president made the announcement yesterday in a brief radio broadcast, announcing the discovery of a scheme of conflict of interest where officials awarded loans to themselves with money that was set aside to empower Liberian-owned businesses. She instructed Finance Minister Boima Kamara to probe the management of the PSI.

Related Captions:Loan Bonanza At Finance (The New Dawn), Corruption Sting At MFDP(FrontPage Africa), and ‘Scandal At Finance’…Pres. Sirleaf Wants Report in Two Weeks(In Profile Daily)


House Stops Power Contract

According to the New Dawn newspaper, The House of Representatives has put a stop to all contracts between the Liberia Electricity Cooperation or LEC and Manitoba Hydro International or MHI until LEC and officials of the Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy can appear before the House. The House on Tuesday, 6 June summoned the energy sector here to provide reasons for negotiating another management agreement contract with MHI when investigation into alleged inconsistencies unearthed in its previous management of LEC is yet to be completed. On Thursday, the Minister of Lands, Mines and Energy and the Board Chairman of LEC did not appear before the House, but rather sent their deputy to address issues raised by the House. As such, Rep. Snowe has suggested that the officials go back to their offices and return next Tuesday, 13 June. Also speaking Rep. Henry B. Fahnbullah claimed that Lands, Mines and Energy Minister Patrick Sendolo had vowed to give excuse and send his deputy whenever he was invited by the House. Rep. Saah Joseph had earlier written the House of Representatives insisting that LEC Board and the Ministry of Lands and Mines be restrained from consigning the management of the corporation to another management contract. 


Related Captions: Lawmakers Halt “All” LEC Contract Negotiations (Daily Observer), Contract Negotiations Halted…Legislature Looks into Alleged Mal practices at LEC(FrontPage Africa), and Lawmakers Halt LEC’s Negotiation for New Contracts Until…(INSIGHT)


UNFPA Liberia Opens Book Of Condolence For Fallen Executive Director

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Liberia County Office has opened a Book of Condolence at its office in Monrovia in memory of its late Executive Director, Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin.Dr. Osotimehin died on Monday, 05 June at his home in New York. The late UNFPA Executive Director touched the lives of millions of people, from his staff, friends and family, to the many women, girls and young people, who were impacted by his words and work. “Dr. Osotimehin was bold and never afraid of a challenge and his strong leadership helped keep the health and rights of the world’s women and girls high on the global agenda. He understood that the world’s 1.8 billion young people are truly its greatest hope for the future.” Dr. Osotimehin, a physician and public health expert, became UNFPA’s fourth Executive Director on 1 January 2011, with the rank of United Nations Under-Secretary-General, reports the New Dawn newspaper.

Related Captions:UNFPA Liberia Opens Book Of Condolence (Heritage)and UNFPA Liberia Opens a Book of Condolence In Memory of Its fallen Executive Director(FOCUS)



Fistula Surgical Operation Campaign Launched

According to the Inquirer newspaper, a two-week nationwide surgical operation campaign for women suffering from Fistula across the country has been launched in Gbarnga, Bong County. Some foreign doctors and their local counterparts led by the National Coordinator of the Fistula Project, Dr. John Mulbah are expected to conduct surgery on fifty women suffering from the sickness. Launching the campaign, Bong County Health Officer, Dr. Gorbe Logan thanked the donor and the doctors set to carry out the surgery on the women for their dedication and commitment to end the sickness in Liberia. The surgical operation campaign which appears to be one of the major targets of UNFPA and Zonta International give Fistula victims new hope and dignity, is currently taking place at the Phebe Hospital.


Related Captions:Fistula Campaign Launched In Gbarnga(Heritage), and Fistula Campaign Launched (In Profile Daily)




Ellen Reports Israel’s US$20m

TheNew Dawn newspaper reports that theInformation Minister Eugene Nagbe says President Ellen Johnson - Sirleaf has briefed the Legislature here that Israel has made available US$20m that needs ratification to finance a solar power plant project expected to be undertaken in Margibi County to supply electricity.“The president also briefed the National Legislature about the Government of Israel that made available twenty million dollars that also needs ratification”, Mr. Nagbe said Wednesday, 7 June, in an interview at the climax of a Special Presidential Retreat with leaders of the Legislature at the Farmington River Hotel in Margibi County. The pronouncement comes days after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu departed the country on Sunday, 4 June after honoring an ECOWAS invitation to attend the regional bloc’s 51st Summit of Heads of State and made it clear that Israel is coming back to Africa, and Africa is coming back to Israel. The Liberian Information Minister says President Sirleaf will be submitting a bill to the Legislature for ratification for solar plant in Liberia to supply electricity and also confirmed to lawmakers that the project will take place in Margibi County.



President Sirleaf Commends Portugal On ‘National Day’

The In Profile Daily quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has commended Portugal on its National Day which was observed on Saturday, June 10, 2017. Portugal Day or Portugal’s National Day, officially known as Dia de Camões, de Portugal e das Comunidades Portuguesas ('Day of Camões, Portugal, and the Portuguese Communities'), commemorates the death of Luís de Camões on June 10, 1580. According to a Foreign Ministry release, the Liberian leader extended to her Portuguese counterpart, His Excellency Mr. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, President of Portugal, best wishes to the Government and people of Portugal, on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia, and in her own name. “As we join you in commemorating the death of the national literary icon Luis de Camoes in 1580, we are reminded of the excellent bonds of amity subsisting between our two countries and peoples,” President Sireaf said.


RelatedCaption: President Sirleaf Commends Portugal On ‘National Day’(INSIGHT)

Liberia/EU Hold 5th Political Dialogue

The New Dawn newspaper reports that the Liberian government has briefed the European Union on national efforts aimed at consolidating peace and economic development. The Dialogue focused on key thematic areas to include Political and security matters, Economic and Trade issues, sustainability of donor supported reforms among others.Speaking at the 5th European Union – Liberia Political Dialogue Thursday, Governance Commission Chairman Dr. Amos Sawyer, provided updates on Laws and policy frameworks on landmark reforms in the pipeline; Maintaining an environment for dialogue and confidence building among candidates leading up to elections and during the post-elections period; and Transition management. Some of these landmarks achievements still in the pipeline are Constitution Reform including, propositions passed by House of Representatives and now before the Senate. These include tenures of president, vice president, senators and representatives, dual citizenship and women participation in national affairs. The Local Government Act otherwise known as the Decentralization Act and the Land Rights Act are yet to be passed by the Senate. Dr. Sawyer also briefed the Dialogue about collaborative efforts among relevant stakeholders – political parties, NEC, CSOs and others toward assuring the conduct of peaceful, inclusive, participatory elections in Liberia in October. The Fifth EU –Liberia Political Dialogue was held at the Cecil Dennis Auditorium and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Dr. Sawyer spoke on “Briefing on Democratic Transition”.
Meanwhile an EU – Liberia Communiqué will be out tomorrow relating to the Dialogue.


Related Caption:GOL Briefs EU On National Efforts To Consolidate Peace And Economic Development (Heritage)


MOH Gets Medical Disinfectant Worth 144K Euros

The Ministry of Health on Wednesday received a large consignment of medical disinfectant materials worth over 144,000 Euros (US$161,335) from Numelec, a Swiss group in partnership with Vice President Joseph Nyuma Boakai to improve the country’s health sector. The hospitals benefitting from the Swiss largesse are Phebe, in Bong County; Tellewoyan, in Voinjama, Lofa County; and Jackson F. Doe Memorial Regional Referral Hospital in Tappita, Nimba County. Presenting the items to the Ministry recently, the president of Numelec, Mr. François Wahl, disclosed that the donation resulted from Vice President Boakai’s recent visit to Geneva, Switzerland where he requested for better health care delivery services in Liberia. Minister of Health Dr. Bernice Dahn lauded the people of Switzerland for the major support to the Ministry especially when the country is at the rebuilding stages of its health system. Minister Dahn promised to put in place mechanisms that will ensure the proper use of the materials, reports Daily Observer.


Fake Nurse Arrested In Bong

Security officers at the Phebe Hospital in Suacoco, Bong County recently arrested Ernest Keyean, 40, who holds a secondary school certificate, for pretending to be a registered nurse at the hospital. It is alleged that before his arrest, Keyean was working at the hospital as a nurse aid, administering drugs to patients. Speaking to this newspaper yesterday, the Medical Director of Phebe Hospital, Dr. Jefferson Sibley, denied media reports that a nurse impersonator had been working at the hospital since October 2016. According to the Bong County health authorities, Keyean was apprehended by health workers assigned at the Phebe Hospital and turned over to Phebe Security when he was noticed selling medicine to a patient seeking medical attention at the hospital, writes the Daily Observer.


House Committee Reviews Ombudsman

According to the New Dawn newspaper, the House of Representatives has sent to committee room for review, an Act to amend Part XII of the Code of Conduct for the creation of the operational framework of the office of the Ombudsman, a key component of the Code of Conduct that seeks to deal with the conduct of public officials and government employees. The House on Thursday, 8 June mandated the Committee on Judiciary to review the instrument and report on Tuesday, 13 June. The Senate on Tuesday, 6 June unanimously passed the act and sent it to the House of Representative for concurrence. The two Houses have to Concur in the passage of the Act before a longstanding controversy that appear to have slowed the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman can be successful, though President Ellen Johnson - Sirleaf had earlier nominated officials to run the office for the implementation of the Code of Conduct. According to the Act, members of the Ombudsman shall hold office for two 3-year terms following confirmation by the Senate and appointment by the President, and shall be removed from office by the President for nonfeasance, malfeasance, misfeasance, and criminal acts as prescribed under existing laws and regulations.


Related Caption:‘Ombudsman Act’ Passage Delayed(Daily Observer)


Deforestation threatens environment

TheNew Dawn newspaper writes that the Environmental Focal Person at the United Nations Development Program or UNDP Moses Massah has warned here that deforestation or the clearing of the Liberian forest, poses serious threat to the environment, and causes harm for species. “This act of clearing our forest has a negative impact on the environment. It affects biodiversity including the … ability to threaten the environment …” Mr. Massah said on UNMIL Radio on Thursday, 8 June. He has cited shifting cultivation, charcoal production, unsustainable logging, industrial oil and rubber plantations and unsustainable mining as the key drivers of deforestation in Liberia. The UNDP Focal Person describes deforestation as one of the key environmental challenges Liberia is currently facing. He says the caution was earlier sounded in the city of Ganta, Nimba County at the World Environment Day celebration organized by Liberia’s Environment Protection Agency or EPA when he served as proxy for UNDP Country Director, Dr. Pa Lamine Beyai at this year’s celebration. The EPA is responsible for the protection of the environment and conservation of biodiversity through the implementation of policy that ensures long term economic prosperity for Liberia.


Related Caption:EPA, UNDP On Private Sector Engagement(The INQUIRER)


4 Counties Hold Security Meeting In Ganta

A three-day reflection and planning meeting on regional security has opened in Ganta, Nimba County.The meeting brings together security sector, rural women heads, chiefs and elders from Maryland, River Gee, Grand Gedeh and Nimba Counties, respectively, funded by the United Nations Development Program [UNDP]. Addressing the opening session, Assistant Internal Affairs Minister for Technical Services, Elvin Frank, says the forum is intended to review draft work plans from the final communique’ signed between the Governments of Ivory Coast and Liberia to combat violence between the two countries. Assistant Minister Frank notes that the Ganta meeting would review minutes of past meeting held in Guiglo, Ivory Coast and a follow-up that is expected in Sanniquellie, Nimba County shortly. Elvin continues that the three days meeting will also focus on challenges faced by chiefs and elders residing near the borders on both sides, and achievements made since they returned from Guiglo, including challenges faced by state securities, among others, reports theNew Dawn newspaper.


US$71.6M Hotel Investment Agreement Passed By Senate

According to the Daily Observer the Liberian Senate has passed an investment incentive agreement between the Liberian Government and Musons Group, Incorporated, for the construction of a five star hotel & resort in Marshall, Margibi County. According to highlights of the agreement, Musons, which is a one hundred percent Liberian-owned architectural and construction company, will develop the hotel, which will comprise 210 rooms, theaters, and an international conference center with a capacity of six thousand guests, twelve luxury villas with a swimming pool each, chalets, two helipads, a water park, a shopping center, and medical facility. In an exclusive interview with the Daily Observer at his 11th Street offices yesterday following the passage of the agreement, President and /CEO of Musons Group, Inc., Joe Gene Mulbah said the facility will have a waterfront with outdoor and indoor gardens, recreational facilities and rooftop gardens for public and private use and for tourists. The Bill is sponsored by Senators Oscar Cooper and H. Dan Morias.