Daily Media Summary 2017-06-02

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


News of the Chair of the ECOWAS Council Of Ministers, Madam Marjon Kamara’s assertion that the Vote of Confidence of the ECOWAS Ministerial Council has inspired she and her fellow cabinet ministers in the Liberian Government, President Sirleaf’s Proclamation declaring Monday, June 5, World Environment Day and the formal ground-breaking of the CLSG interconnection project by President Sirleaf and her counterparts from Cote d’Ivoire, Sierra Leone and Guinea are stories dominating today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies.


‘Vote Of Confidence Has Inspired Us To Work’ Liberia’s Foreign Minister Marjon Kamara Tells ECOWAS Council Of Ministers


The Chair of ECOWAS Council of Ministers, Marjon V. Kamara, has told her colleagues that their vote of confidence has inspired and encouraged she and others in the Liberian Government to work unflinchingly to sustain the peace which the people of this country have enjoyed for 13 consecutive years. According to a Foreign Ministry release, Madam Kamara, who’s also Liberia’s Foreign Minister, informed the foreign guests how highly honored Liberians are to host the 2017 mid-year statutory meetings of the sub-regional body taking place at the Farmington Hotel in lower Margibi County. In his opening remarks, the President of the ECOWAS Commission, His Excellency Mr. Marcel Alain de Souza, paid homage to the Chair of the ECOWAS Authority, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who he has done all to make the ECOWAS Meetings a success. “It's been amazing what great work President Sirleaf and her government have done,” he stated, FrontPage Africa newspaper writes.

Related Caption: “Your Vote Of Confidence Has Inspired Us”(New Dawn), Inspired Us To Work ‘Your Vote Of Confidence’ Min. Kamara Tell ECOWAS Council Of Ministers; Receives Applause From ECOWAS Colleagues(FOCUS) 

President Sirleaf Declares June 5th as ‘World Environment Day’


The INSIGHT newspaper reads that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has by proclamation declared Monday, June 5, 2017, as “World Environment Day” to be observed throughout the country as a “Working Holiday”. The United Nations General Assembly, by a Resolution adapted in 1972, declared June 5th each year to be observed as “World Environment Day” by all Member States. According to a Foreign Ministry release, as a member of the world environmental community, Liberia will join in the celebration of the World Environment Day under the theme: “Connecting People to Nature”.

Related Captions: Monday Is World Environmental Day(The New Dawn), Ellen Declares June 5th “World Environment Day”(Daily Observer) 

Pres. Sirleaf, Ouattara, BaiKromah  & Conde To Break Ground For CLG Connections


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf along with her counterparts from Cote d’Ivoire, Sierra Leone and Guinea, will formally break ground for the CLSG interconnection project, slated for Sunday, June 4, 2017, on the sideline of the high-level ECOWAS Heads of State Summit in Liberia, on Sunday, June 4, 2017.  Côte d’Ivoire’s Alassane Ouattara, Sierra Leone Ernest’s Bai Koroma, and Guinea’s Alpha Condé, will join President Sirleaf to conduct the historic ceremony in Liberia. The event will be graced by an array of dignitaries including donors of the CLSG project and other stakeholders, the New Dawn newspaper reports.

Related Captions: MRU Presidents to Break Ground For CLSG Interconnection Project(FrontPage Africa), MRU Leaders Break Ground For Huge Power Line Project Sunday(INSIGHT), TRANSCO To Commence Work On Transmission Lines Sunday(Daily Observer), MRU Presidents To Break Ground For TRANSCO CLSG Project(In Profile Daily)


President Sirleaf Extols Italy On 71st Nat’l


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has extended heartfelt congratulations to the Government and people of the Republic of Italy on the occasion marking its 71st National and Republic Day. According to a Foreign Ministry release, in her message to His Excellency Mr. Sergio Mattarella, President of the Republic of Italy, President Sirleaf on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia and in her own name said, “We note with respect the cordial relationship our both countries continue to enjoy spanning about 155 years since, when your country and its people gave recognition to Liberia’s nationhood”, FOCUS newspaper reports. 

ECOWAS 51st Summit Begins Sunday, Political Parties to Sign Declaration for Peaceful Elections


A front-page story of the INQUIRER newspaper reads that the 51th Summit of the Heads of State and Government of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is expected to begin on Sunday at the Farmington River Hotel near the Roberts international Airport in Margibi County. Giving some highlights at the opening statement at the just ended two-day political forum at the Monrovia City Hall, the Chairman of the ECOWAS, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf said this grand occasion will afford the standard bearers of political parties, a unique opportunity to interact with regional and world leaders, who are expected to attend the Summit. “I wish to commend each of you for participating in the Dialogue. I believe that if there is anything all Liberians agree on it is the need to preserve the peace that enables us to be better reconcilers, a peace that provides a conductive environment for development”, she said.

New Appointments in Government

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has made new appointments in Government affecting the Liberia Intellectual Property Office, Liberia Broadcasting System, Grand Gedeh Community College and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the INSIGHT newspaper reads.

Related Caption: President Sirleaf Makes New Appointments in Government(The INQUIRER) 

Moroccan King Liberia Trip Confirmed King Mohamed VI Hoping To Gain Entry Into ECOWAS


King Mohamed VI will reportedly spent five days in Liberia, beginning June 3rd, 2017 when he joins the leaders of 15 West African nations and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for this year’s summit. The visit of King Mohamed, who has been lobbying intensely to have Morocco join the regional body, is expected to add to a busy week of tight security and is building up to be one of the busiest few days in Liberia since the 1979 Organization of African Unity (OAU) conference. Mr. Nasser Bourita, Morocco’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation told Radio France International recently that human and religious ties between Morocco and West Africa are deeply rooted and that the economic presence also of Morocco in this zone is very strong. All the major airlines flying in to the Roberts International Airport have been cancelled for Sunday, June 4, 2017, FrontPage Africa newspaper writes. 

ECOWAS Leadership Curtain Falls On Ellen Johnson Sirleaf


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf ends her one-year tenure as Chairperson of the Authority of Heads of State and Government of ECOWAS on a high note of successes and landmark achievements. She was elected ECOWAS Chairperson on June 4, 2016, at the 49th Ordinary Session of the Summit of the Authority of Heads of State and Government in Dakar, Senegal.  She replaced Senegalese President Macky Sall, who was preceded by Ghana's Former President John Mahama in 2015. Upon assuming the chairmanship, she immediately prioritized peace consolidation, strengthening of the regional security architecture, concluding negotiations and legal actions, and financial stability, all within the context of ECOWAS Vision 2020, FrontPage Africa reports.

Liberia Joins Global Parade To Celebrate ‘Gallant UN Peacekeepers’ In London

The courageous and heroic services of peacekeepers under the United Nations’ flag, have been celebrated and heralded -as a genuine catalyst to ensuring global peace -by the diplomatic community in London, under the aegis of the United Nations Association of the United Kingdom, UNA-UK.  Liberia’s Ambassador accredited to the Court of Saint James, His Excellency Dr. S. Mohammed Sheriff, represented Liberia, paying tribute to Peacekeepers’ who lost their lives in active service; insisting that the world is a better place today, thanks to their immeasurable courage and dedication. The annual ceremony is organised by the United Nations Association-UK (UNA-UK) in partnership with UNA-Westminster and the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), FrontPage Africa newspaper reports.

Related Caption: Liberia Joins Global Parade To Celebrate ‘Gallant UN Peacekeepers’ In London (In Profile Day) 

47 Teachers Attend Training In Nimba


A three-day psychosocial and pedagogy follow-up training workshop for teachers has begun in Ganta, Nimba County, bringing together 47 participants from all 12 educational districts of the county. The coordinator for parent-community engagement and national dropout prevention at the Ministry of Education, Madam Comfort Summerville, says the training is the second phase of the psychosocial and pedagogy training for teachers, which started in 2015. Nimba County Education Officer, Moses Dologbay, is optimistic that the training will help the teachers after the huge psychosocial impact from the outbreak of the Ebola Virus Disease on the educational sector. CEO Dologbay continues that the training enable participants to deal with trauma and other effects associated with post-Ebola era, the New Dawn newspaper writes. 

Benjamin Netanyahu To Draw Israel’s Attention to Trade In West Africa


Long before the civil war, Israel had cemented its feet on Liberian soil. The Executive Mansion, until the demise of Samuel Doe, stood as a testament to Israeli handiwork as the seat of the Liberian presidency for decades. “The visit of PM Netanyahu will draw the attention in the Israeli business community to the opportunities in this region, and will bring along more Israeli companies to have trade and investments in the region, Actually, the first one is already here." Mr. Netanyahu who was invited to the 51th Ordinary Session of the Authority of Heads of State and Government of the Community in Monrovia will be the first foreign leader ever to address the summit of the 15-nation West African regional body. It will also be PM Netanyahu’s first trip outside Israel after hosting President Donald Trump in Jerusalem.” The trip is also the first for any Israeli leader to West Africa since the late Prime Minister Golda Meir visited Nigeria in the 1960s. Mr. Ami Mehl, Israeli Ambassador accredited to Liberia and Ghana told FrontPageAfrica Thursday that the Prime Minister will be looking to strengthen economic ties and boost Israel’s know-how specifically, in the areas of water technology, agriculture, energy and cyber-security. 

MoH Investigates, Assesses Damage To JFK


The fire that wrecked the National Drug Service (NDS) department at the John F. Kennedy Medical Center (JFKMC) in Monrovia on Tuesday was far from being totally extinguished as of yesterday. Our reporter who visited the scene yesterday morning observed that the fire continues to smolder from the debris in the basement of the burnt out unit that previously housed the Essential Drugs Program (EDP) warehouse #2. The fire completely destroyed the warehouse demolishing the laboratory department and all the essential medical supplies and equipment that were stored in the building. Public Affairs Director Sorbor George said, “Basically, we don’t have new information about how the incident occurred on Tuesday, but what I can confirm is that our personnel are doing a comprehensive assessment to determine the level of damage to the country’s only drugs testing laboratory.” He promised to inform the public as soon as the investigation into the cause of the fire and the level of damage sustained are established, Daily Observer reports.

MOP Launches Children, Security Platform

A new platform to allow children to talk about issues on peace and security and bring up issues that affect them in the country has been launched by the Messengers of Peace (MOP) Liberia Incorporated. Executive Director Gwendolyn Myers said the platform will also look at other issues that benefit them. “The platform will also look at the same way we have the youth, peace and security agenda, so this is coming to light to bring up issues that affect and can benefit children in Liberia,” she said. The coordinator of the platform, Ms. Mildrette A. Somah, commended national civil society organizations for working closely with MOP to create the platform for the children. The program, which was launched yesterday, brought together a cross section of children as well as the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Community Development Specialist Eric Opoku and a host of other dignitaries, the Daily Observer reports.

Related Caption: MOP-Liberia Launches Peace, Security Platform…For Children(In Profile Daily)

National ICT Broadband Backbone Will Expedite Development

Thomas Wesseh Doe, founder and chief executive officer of WESAGROCOM, Inc., an ICT (information communication technology) and real estate company, says there is the need for a national network that would ensure connectivity in all fifteen counties of Liberia. In a recent interview at the Daily Observer office in Paynesville, Mr. Doe said the implementation of a national network will ensure effective communication across counties as well as improve government’s service delivery. 

Senator George Weah Pays Courtesy Visit on President Ali Bongo Ondimba Of Gabon


Montserrado County Senator George M. Weah, political leader of the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) and Standard Bearer of the Coalition for Democratic Change along with his Vice Standard Bearer and Senator Jewel Howard Taylor of Bong County, Thursday paid a courtesy visit on the President of Gabon, His Excellency Ali Bongo Ondimba at the presidential palace in Liberville, Gabon. Senator Weah expressed that he was very elated to have met a true champion of African solidarity and praised the Gabonese president for his role in serving as mediator for peace within the Central African region. For his part, President Ondimba of Gabon praised Senator Weah for his continuous efforts towards peace and his courage to continue to fight for his people despite the immense challenges he is faced with. The President went further to praise Senator Weah's efforts and contributions at ECOWAS in ensuring stability within the ECOWAS region, FrontPage Africa newspaper reports. 

Greening Africa’s Cities to Protect People and Growth


A fast urbanizing Africa is rapidly degrading the environmental assets of its cities. Protecting those assets can increase the productivity and livability of these cities, improve tourism opportunities, and enhance resilience to the impacts of extreme weather events, according to a new World Bank report, Greening Africa’s  Cities. Launched at the “Greening Africa’s Cities Symposium held in Dar es Salaam, the report points out that unique features of Africa’s urbanization such as substantially lower per capita incomes, high reliance on biomass fuels, extensive informal settlement with poor service levels, and the exposure of cities to environmental disasters, such floods, is putting pressure on African cities; natural environment and eroding the value of environmental assets their green spaces, forests, and water resources, the INSIGHT newspaper reads.

MOH, WHO Partner To Launch Blood Donor Campaign

The FrontPage Africa reads that the Ministry of Health in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO), has launched a blood donor awareness campaign in Paynesville under the theme: “Blood Connects Us All” with the slogan: “Share Life, Give Blood”. The Blood Bank Manager of Montserrado County , Madam Sowillie Fatu Lomax said the exercise is intended  to stop the sale of blood in hospitals and encourage the general public to donate blood for patients who are in need but cannot afford the cost.

CCAF, Medshare Donate Medical Supplies

Coca-Cola Africa Foundation in partnership with Medshare has donated medical supplies and equipment worth US$400,000 to six health facilities in Liberia. The two forty-foot containers of medical supplies was presented to the Ministry of Health to help build the health capacity of six medical facilities in the country. The presentation ceremony was held on May 30, 2017 at the Liberia Coca-Cola Bottling Company in Paynesville. The medical institutions to benefit from the donations include the Grand Bassa Government Hospital, J.J. Dossen Hospital, CB Dumbar Hospital, C. H. Rennie Hospital, and Lutheran Curran Hospital. The donations are part of the Coca-Cola Africa Foundation’s Share Hope program, the INQUIRER says.