Daily Media Summary 2017-04-04
The Bureau of Public Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Monrovia, Liberia
Today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies highlights news of President Sirleaf‘s call for her Cabinet to ensure collaboration, effective communication and unhindered cooperation if the government must achieve its 150 days of actionable progress along the last mile of 290 days.
Amid 150 – Day Actionable Progress: Ellen Urges Collaboration, Communication, Cooperation
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has urged Cabinet to ensure collaboration, effective communication and unhindered cooperation if the government must achieve its 150 days of actionable progress along the last mile of 290 days. According to an Executive Mansion release, the Liberian leader was speaking last week during a two-day Cabinet Retreat in Julijuan, Bomi County. She challenged her Cabinet about the need to find innovative ways to fund and take achievable action with a view to leaving the next administration a solid foundation from where it would build upon. She said “Keeping our promise to Liberians; Nice things don’t happen, unless you make them happen.” As part of the 150 – day Action Plan, the administration is committed to providing the next government a solid foundation to continue the peace and to achieve the change that Liberia needs. Cabinet mandated a National Transition Plan, Ministries, Agencies and Commissions Transition Plan, Civil Service, Assets Transition, Security and Rule of Law Transition, reports the Heritage newspaper.
Related Captions: Amid 150 Days Actionable Progress: President Urges Collaboration(FrontPage Africa),President Sirleaf’s Last Mile Journey(The New Dawn), Ellen’s Gov’t Racing Against Time-She Says ‘Nice Things Don’t Happen; Unless You Make Them Happen; Urges Collaboration, Communication & Cooperation(FOCUS), Gov’t Sets 150-Day Priorities(The INQUIRER)
Paving Way For Resolution In Liberia’s Code Of Conduct Debacle Ombudsman Named
Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has named members of the Ombudsman tasked with the responsibility of deciding the fate of those participating in the upcoming presidential and legislative elections. According to an Executive Mansion release, the President has named Attorneys Edward Dillon, Massa Jallabah, member and Christian C. Massaquoi, former Police Director as members. The President has also replaced Mrs. Angela Cassell-Bush with Clarence Moniba as Minister of State without Portfolio. Madam Cassell-Bush now becomes Deputy Secretary General for Administrative Affairs at the Roberts Flight Information Region. Mr. Darlington Tuagben, has also been appointed Managing Director of the Forestry Development Authority. All appointments are subject to confirmation by the Honorable Liberian Senate where applicable. According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, the appointment of the Ombudsman comes amid concerns regarding the fate of several current and former officials of government who are expected to be affected by the ruling of the Supreme Court. In March, the high court ruled that the Code of Conduct, signed into law by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in 2014, is legal and binding on the republic for all its intents and purposes.
Related Caption: Ellen Makes New Appointments In Gov’t (Heritage), Ombudsman Appointed!(In Profile Daily)
4-Day Capacity Building Workshop For Labour Commissioners, Others Opens Today
According to Heritage newspaper, a four-day training workshop to build the capacity of Labour Commissioners and inspectors, Child welfare Officers, Liberia National Police (Women and Children Protection Unit) and other key stakeholders on child labour inspection skills and monitoring opens today, Tuesday, April 4, 2017 in Monrovia. The training is organized by the Ministry of Labour in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) is intended to assist the Liberian Labour Inspectors in tracking child labour and ensure its integration in the daily work of the Labour Inspectors. It will also seek to ensure effective collaboration among the participants towards the effective elimination of the worst forms of child labour in Liberia.
Related Caption: MOL, ILO Commence Capacity Workshop Begins Today-The Plight Of Child Labor Is High On The Agenda(FOCUS)
L$10,830 Million In Circulation CBL Executive Governor, Milton Weeks
A total of 10.8 million Liberian dollars is in circulation, the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) has reported. The CBL 2016 Annual Report released recently stated that the amount indicates an expansion of 4.6 percent at the end of November 2016 from L$10,537 in December 2015. The report attributed the increase in the circulation of percent increase in currency outside banks. It stated that the expansion of currency held by the public was historical as the festive Christmas season approached and is usually typical of higher customers’ outlay, the Insight newspaper reads.
Related Caption: L$10,830 Million In Circulation-CBL(FOCUS)
ECOWAS Stresses Need To Obtain Int’l Transhumance Certificate
In order to prevent clashes that often occur between herdsmen, trans-border authorities and even farmers, ECOWAS has urged herdsmen in the region to obtain among other measures, the community’s International Transhumance Certificate whenever grazing movements are not embarked upon. This measure according to the ECOWAS Commissioner for Agriculture, Environment and Water Resources, Mr. Tchambakou Ayassor, has become necessary to allow for easy identification by officials of animals moving from one country to the other including their grazing route and destinations, the Inquirer newspaper reads.
Quality Health Services Needed CRS Boss Tells NCHC
In an effort to strengthen the Catholic health sector in the country, the National Catholic Health Council has been launched with the Acting Country Representative of the Catholic relief Service Challenging the group to provide quality service to the people of Liberia. speaking at the launch of NCHC recently in Monrovia, the Catholic Relief Service acting boss, William Lynch said NHCH can only render quality health service to the people if the organization with develop its vision for a quality health service, the INQUIRER newspaper reads.
Norway Crown Prince Wants Girl Education, Women Safety Prioritized
The visiting Crown Prince Haakon Magnus of Norway who is also United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Good Will Ambassador has underscored the need for girls’ education and women’s safety to be prioritized, if the Sustainable Development Goals are to be achieved. Crown Prince Magnus said it was important for women to be involved in order to meet the SDGs. Speaking to women at Fish Market in Monrovia, he acknowledged Liberian women’s resilience which returned peace to Liberia. “I understand there have been tough times; risks you have taken and the resilience and endurance to bring peace; something that is good,” Prince Magnus stated. The SDGs, he told the women, has 17 goals and one of such is to have endured peace. He noted that gender equality must be embraced by all, urging men to support equity by being a HeforShe, reports the FrontPage Africanewspaper.
Liberia/EU hold 5th JIC Meeting On Progress Under Legal Timber Trade Agreement
The Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) between the Government of Liberia (GoL) and the European Union (EU) will hold its 5th Joint Implementation Committee (JIC) meeting in Monrovia from Wednesday 5 to Friday 7 April 2017 at the Monrovia City Hall. The VPA, a bi-lateral Agreement between the GoL and the EU was negotiated from 2009 -2011 and rectify by Liberia in 2013. This Agreement on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) aims to promote sustainable forest management by putting in place systems to verify the legality of timber and also strengthening forest governance. According to theNew Dawnnewspaper, during the course of these three days, the JIC will examine progress in capacity building being carried out with Government, private sector and civil society stakeholders in the forest sector to enable them meet their obligations under the Agreement. Progress in the development of systems to verify the legality of Liberia's timber exports will also be reviewed.
Related Caption: Legal Timber Trade Agreement Takes Center Stage-As Liberia, EU Hold 5th JIC Meeting On Progress(FOCUS)
Liberian Wins Kickboxing Championship
A Liberian international Victor Nagbe has won the World Middleweight Kickboxing Championship held in Australia. The New Dawn newspaper, quoting Sports Extra, a page owned by Liberian female sports writer, said Mr. Nagbe is the first Australian-based Liberian kickboxer to have won such championship, fearlessly standing 17ft. centimeters with an impressive 67 wins from 56fights. Nagbe was borned in Liberia, West Africa, but fled the civil war at age five along with his mother and two sisters to Australia.
PUL Submits Headquarter Project Blueprint To Lawmakers Says The Project Costs Over US$500,000
The Speaker of the House of Representatives has reaffirmed the dire need for the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) to be allotted budgetary support by the Government of Liberia. He said such funding support should be made in the National Budget. He said such funding should be made in the National Budget. The Speaker spoke on Monday when the President of the PUL, Charles Coffee, and the Chairman of PUL Headquarter construction project Committee presented the blueprint of the PUL building project to Speaker Nuquah at his office on Capitol Hill, reads the INSIGHT news daily.
Related Caption: Press Union HQ Project Hits Legislature(In Profile Daily)
Bong Police Officer Gets 20 Years For Statutory Rape
The FOCUS newspaper reads that the ninth judicial Circuit Court in Gbarnga, Bong County has sentenced a 40-year old officer of the Liberia National Police (LNP) to 20 years in prison for raping a 13-year old girl in Gbarnga. The daily says the court records reads that Jonathan D. Kolenky raped the child on November 27, 2016 when she sought refuge at the LNP Headquarters. The court red states that the child ran to the police station at 8:00 o’clock in the night to complain that her mother had threatened to beat her for refusing to take bath.