Daily Media Summary 2016-09-26


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



Dominating today’s newspapers are stories on President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf's plead to the international community for support towards Liberia’s 2017 Elections; Liberia’s contribution to the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund; Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Liberian Government and Gigawatt Global; the graduation of 90 officials from the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration and the shooting of an armed robber by the Liberian National Police.


Other stories include the admission of new students into the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law at the University of Liberia and President Sirleaf's address to the Economic Community of West African States.



Dominant Stories

Ellen Seeks 2017 Support

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has expressed the need for full international support to Liberia so as to ensure free and fair democratic elections in the country in 2017. According to a dispatch from Washington, President Sirleaf made the call on Friday, September 23, 2016, when she received an award from the Women’s Democracy Network (WDN) of the International Republican Institute (IRI). She is among 10 women leaders from around the world honored to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the WDN, which started in 2006 with a goal of increasing women’s political and civic leadership. President Sirleaf noted that the next election will be a defining moment in Liberia, adding that it will be the first time a democratically elected civilian president, representing the aspirations of a broad section of the Liberian citizenry, will turn over power to another democratically elected president. Indicating that she has no intention to manipulate the Liberian Constitution to hold on to power, President Sirleaf assured her government’s full adherence to the constitutional process, and that she looks forward to a peaceful retirement in Liberia following the end of her tenure. The Liberian leader applauded the IRI for the critical support the organization has provided to build and strengthen Liberia’s democratic system, reports theNew Dawn newspaper.


Related Captions: Ellen Calls For Full International Support For Liberia’s 2017 Elections (FrontPage Africa), Pres. Sirleaf Calls For Full International Support for Liberia’s 2017 Elections (FOCUS), 2017 Election Is The ‘Strongest Task’… Pres. Sirleaf Tells The World; Call For Support (Inquirer), EJS Calls For Int’l Support… for 2017 Elections (News), and 2017 Liberia ‘Strongest Task’ (In Profile Daily),


Liberia Contributes To UN Peacebuilding Fund

According the New Dawn newspaper, Liberia has made a modest contribution of US$50,000 to the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund. A dispatch from New York said, Foreign Minister, Madam Marjon Kamara, announced the country’s contribution at a Special Pledging Conference for the Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Fund held on the margins of the 71st session of the United Nations General AssemblyShe noted the contribution was from a grateful heart given that Liberia is a beneficiary of the Fund. She expressed optimism that over time, as Liberia’s economy overcomes the shocks of reduced prices of its natural resources, it could contribute more to the Fund. Co-hosted by the Governments of Kenya, Mexico, the Netherlands, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sweden and the United Kingdom, the conference was intended to build political momentum for addressing systemic and structural challenges related to sustainable financing for programs aimed at sustaining peace around the world. The Fund has targeted US$300 million for the next two-years - 2017-2019. Making remarks at the conference, Foreign Minister Kamara extended deep gratitude to the co-hosts for organizing the Conference to increase donors' contributions to and mobilize resources for the Peacebuilding Fund.  “Liberia’s partnership with the Fund has taken us closer to achieving our priorities which we have defined to be reforming the security sector, restoring the rule of law and promoting national reconciliation,” she highlighted.


Related Captions: Liberia Contributes US$50,000 To UN (FOCUS), Liberia Contributes US$50K to UN Peacebuilding Fund (Daily Observer), and Liberia Makes Modest Contribution To UN Peacebuilding Fund (Heritage)



The New Dawn newspaper reports that the Government of Liberia and project developer, Gigawatt Global Cooperatief U.A., have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the financing and construction of a 10 megawatt solar photovoltaic power plant in Monrovia. A dispatch from New York said, Foreign Minister Marjon Kamara signed on behalf of the Liberian Government, while the New Projects Coordinator, Mr. Remy Reinstein signed on behalf of Gigawatt Global Cooperatief U.A. The brief event took place at the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Liberia to the United Nations in New York last Friday, September 23. Speaking during the occasion, Foreign Minister Kamara said the Liberian Government is excited to be entering into this venture. She indicated that energy is one of government’s top priorities and informed of the Government’s desire to bring electricity to as many areas including the rural communities of the country before the end of this administration.


Related Captions: New 10 MW Solar Power Plant Soon (FOCUS), 10 MW Solar Power Plant Expected (News), 10 Megawatt Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant For Monrovia…Liberia and Gigawatt Global Sign MOU (Daily Observer), and New 10 MW Solar Power Plant Soon…GoL, Gigawatt Global Sing MOU (Heritage)


Senior Officers Urged To Apply Education

The New Dawn newspaper reports that more than 90 Liberian senior, middle and junior officers graduating from the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration or GIMPA, have been challenged by Liberian authorities to apply the education acquired to professionally run the different national security agencies they represent. High ranking officers from the Liberia National Police (LNP), Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization (BIN) and Drugs Enforcement Agency (DEA) jointly graduated at the Police Training Academy in Paynesville on Saturday, 24 September after post- graduate diploma and certificate training in Ghana. The Ghanaian agency that trained the Liberian securities, GIMPA, said Irish Aid funded the program. Delivering the keynote address at the ceremony in Paynesville on Saturday, 24 September, Assistant Justice Minister for Litigation, Cllr. Augustine C. Fayiah, challenged the graduates to see in them professionalism, discipline and diligence. Cllr. Fayiah suggested that education would be meaningless if it is not shown in one’s conduct; reminding the graduates that they will now be serving as ambassadors of Liberia and GIMPA, having acquired there requisite education to ensure that the LNP, BIN and DEA have new outlook.


Related Captions: Over 90 Security Officers Graduate From GIMPA Training (Inquirer), GIMPA Graduates 95 Security Officers (Daily Observer), and New Police Chief, Others Obtain Certificates, Diplomas From GIMPA (Heritage)


One Killed In Gun Battle

According to the New Dawn newspaper, Liberia’s Police Inspector General Gregory Coleman has said that one armed robbery suspect “was fatally stopped” in a gun battle with armed police officerson Friday night, 23 September in the Saye Town Community of Sinkor. “When we say fatally stopped that means there was a threat and the threat was neutralized. That’s what it means,” Inspector General Coleman told journalists at the Liberia National Police Training Academy or LNPTA in Paynesville on Saturday, 24, September, 2015. 11 armed robbers were said to have held two homes hostage in a notorious raid in Jallah Town and 9th Street Community of Sinkor, when the suspects allegedly attacked responding police officers with fire. IG Coleman said “a gang of hooligans” opened fire on police, saying there was an exchange of fire at which point one of gangs was fatally stopped, emphasizing that the suspect will never intimidate another citizen. As it relates to the police officer’s response to the shooting by the gangs, Coleman told journalists that a team had conducted stages of investigation to ensure that all of the police’s policies and procedures were followed. The Police Inspector General also revealed that the safety and security of the Liberian state and its people will not be compromised by any means under his watch as head of the Liberia National Police, further announcing a manhunt for the remaining robbers who are on the run.


Related Captions: ‘Armed Robber’ Dies in Police Shootout – Several On the Run (FOCUS), ‘Difficult Days’ For Armed Robbers; Police Chief Sounds Warning (News), ‘Liberia’s Security Cannot be Compromised… Col. Coleman, as LNP reports armed robber killed in Saye Town shootout (Daily Observer), and ‘Armed Robber’ Stabbed To Death in Shoot-Out (Heritage)



Other Stories

President Sirleaf Addresses ECOWAS Parliament

In Profile Daily reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf says one of her key priorities as the Chairperson of ECOWAS is to reform the regional body in line with a decision by the Authority of Heads of State and Government. President Sirleaf therefore appealed that all efforts and resources be deployed towards the achievement of ECOWAS Vision 2020 of “creating a borderless, peaceful, prosperous and cohesive region, built on good governance”. A dispatch from the Liberian Embassy in Abuja says the Liberian Leader made the remarks when she addressed and opened the Second Ordinary Session of the Fourth Legislature of the ECOWAS Parliament on Thursday, September 22, 2016 in Abuja. Speaking in a video message, President Sirleaf said, “The decision by the Authority of Heads of State to reform ECOWAS is one of the key priorities on my agenda and I will need your full support.”


Related Captions: Pres. Sirleaf Wants Borderless ECOWAS (FOCUS)



UL LAW School Admits Small but Professionally Diverse Class

According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, a class size of 50 students (35 first-year plus 15 re-admitted) has been admitted to the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law, University of Liberia, following a process of rigorous credential screening that included the administering of two entrance exams after 509 applications were received.  The disclosure was made by Counselor T. Negabalee Warner, Dean of the Law School, at the end of an intensive week-long orientation for the in-coming first-year students on Friday, September 16, 2016, on the Capitol Hill campus of the University, where the school is located. “There were over 400 candidates that sat the two tests,” Dean Warner said. “On the first test, there were more than 215 applicants and 25 persons passed, while the second test was taken by 170 students and only 10 passed for a combine total of 35; they, along with 15 readmitted students, were admitted this year.”



LRA Takes Dialogue On Resource Mobilization Western Liberia

According to the Heritage newspaper, the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) in collaboration with Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, with support from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) on Wednesday September 21, 2016 kicked off a two-day stakeholders’ regional dialogue on domestic resource mobilization in Tubmanburg City, Bomi County. The September 21–22 Tubmanburg dialogue, which brought together tax stakeholders from Bomi, Grand Cape Mount as Gbarpolu counties, as well as Lower Montserrado, is the second in a series of four regional dialogues to be held, involving the 15 political subdivisions of the Country. The first was held in Buchanan City, Grand Bassa County, bringing together stakeholders from Sinoe, Rivercess and Grand Bassa Counties.


Supreme Court Concludes March Term

After delivering opinions in than 30 cases, the Supreme Court on Friday closed its March Term of Court. Announcing the closure, Chief Justice Francis S. Korkpor disclosed that in keeping with law, the court will on Monday, October 10, open for the October Term of Court. Justice Korkpor has accordingly ordered the Clerk of the Court to communicate this to the other two branches of government. He said although the March Term was difficult, he enjoyed the support of his colleagues on the Bench and all court staff, and prayed that similar solidarity prevails in the court during its October Term. On the final day, the high court handed down opinions in two cases and dropped from its docket the Alliance for Peace Democracy (APD) versus the National Elections Commission (NEC) case upon request for withdrawal the followed a compromise in the case by both parties, reports the Heritage newspaper.


Local Groups Collect Data of Drugs Users

With the increasing wave of illicit drugs abuse among young people in the country, three (3) local nonprofit groups have launched a campaign to collect the census of drug users throughout Liberia. Liberians Against Drugs Abuse (LADA), the Liberia Initiative for Empowerment (LIFE) and the Mental Health Reporters Network (MHRN) embarked on the collection of tangible data to share with partners that want to create programs on the use of illicit substance in the country. “This is the beginning of a year-long activities to collect relevant information on the number of drug users in the Country,” says Eugene David, Executive Director LADA. He then emphasized that the census will also provide data on the kinds of illicit substances consumed and the disaggregation of male and females living in ghettos in the various communities, asserts the Heritage newspaper.


Related Captions: Local Groups Collect Data of Drug Users (FOCUS)


PPAL Celebrates World Contraception Day Today

Liberia will today join the world to celebrate this year’s World Contraception Day (WCD). The Day was launched in 2007 to improve awareness of contraception and enable young people to make informed choices on their sexual and reproductive health life, a release from PPAL said. The release said the aim of the celebration is to target groups to choose whether, when, and how many children to have and achieve progress on all the global development goals, adding “all of this helps break the cycle of poverty and puts families, communities and countries on a stronger more prosperous and sustainable path, writes the Newsnewspaper.



Salvation Army Pledges to Buttress Government

The Commanding Officer of Salvation Army Liberia-Sierra Leone Command, Lt. Col. Samuel Amponsah, has pledged the fullest support of the Salvation Army to the Government of Liberia in areas such as spiritual, health and most importantly in the area of education in post-conflict Liberia, reports theFOCUS newspaper.



LEC Moves To Improve Customer Services

The Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) is applying new procedures to its customers’ services with the aims of improving efficiency levels while why decreasing response time, as well as promoting the quality of the service to customers. Mrs. Famatta Kallon Sirleaf, Deputy Managing Director of customers’ services said massive overhaul of customer services procedures is ongoing to improve service to customers. She said efforts were made in past months to improve relationship with customers, reports theInquirer newspaper.


Related Caption: LEC Enhances Customers Services (In Profile Daily)


Financial Inclusion Can Address Inflation’

“The majority of our people don’t have access to financial services. If we can change that, it will have a positive macro effect on the economy,” Central bank Governor Milton Weeks has said. According to him, Liberians are suffering and poor because they do not have access to financial services to create opportunities for themselves. Suggesting that financial inclusivity could have a positive effect on inflation, which stands 8.4 and 8.5 percent in the Liberian economy, he believes “financial inclusivity can address inflation.” In an interview with the Daily Observer last Thursday in Monrovia, Governor Weeks said “Many Liberians are not included in the financial structure of the country, and the Central Bank is doing all it can to manage the situation.” He defined inclusion as “bringing the majority of our poor people who have no access to financial services to the financial services sector.” According to Gov. Weeks, the CBL “can ensure that the market woman can have access to financial services. It’s not just having a bank account, but access to a loan, insurance and other services that the majority of our people can have access to where they did not before. This can be done using mobile technology and will result in a better quality of life and result in an overall improvement of our economy.



Legislature Pressures Executive To Reprimand Corrupt Public Officials

According to the Daily Observer, the outgoing leadership of the Joint Public Accounts & Expenditure Committee (PAC) of the Legislature has urged the Executive to reprimand corrupt public officials who have been found liable in the Auditor General’s audited reports and ensure the restitution of money misapplied. Over the weekend, during the turning over ceremony in the House, former PAC Chairman Rep. Ben Fofana and co-Chairman, Senator Henry Yallah, respectively, said after thorough scrutiny of the AG’s audited reports, the Joint Committee has submitted two separate reports to the Executive for compliance, affecting 11 public institutions. Outgoing Chairman Fofana said the Joint PAC has the statutory task to review the AG’s audited reports and forward recommendations to the President for action, but it has not been thriving over the years. According to reports, in 2014, the Joint Committee recommended to the Executive through a detailed report, five institutions for prosecution, including the Roberts International Airport, on the AG’s audited reports from January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2007 and the Ministry of Education (Free & Compulsory Primary Education), from July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007. Others were the Ministry of Gender and Development (2006/07; 2007/08 & 2008 up to September 2009); National Port Authority (Land Property on the AG’s audited reports of 2006/07 and 2007/08); and the Ministry of Justice (Management of the Prison System in Liberia, 2008/09 and 2009/10)