Daily Media Summary 2018-09-05

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




Our daily new summary today captures top Headlines in the various local dailies including the Selection of jurors in Tyron Browne’s case; the provision of medical services to over 500 residents by Serene Mobile; the passage of the Local Government Act by the Liberian Senate; the awarding of valuable brand new electronic gadgets to brilliant girls by the Ministry of Youth and Sports as well as the ratification of the US$43.4M CLSG interconnection project loan. 

House Ratifies US$43.4M CLSG Interconnection Project Loan


TheDaily Observer newspaper reads that the 54th day sitting, Tuesday, September 4, the House of Representatives has ratified the additional Financing Agreement for La Cote d’Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea (CLSG) interconnection project, in the tone of US$45.3 million, which was signed between the Liberian government and the International Development Assistance (IDA) on December 11, 2017. The financial agreement is entitled, “Additional Financing Agreement for the West African Power Pool (WAPP) Interconnection Project La Côte d’Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone-Guinea (CLSG).”The then Finance Minister Boima S. Kamara signed on behalf of the government, while Marisa Leshchenko, Country Manager of IDA affixed his signature for IDA-International. 

Additional Appointments Made in Gov’t…Bill Tweahway Goes to NPA


President George Manneh Weah has made the following Nominations in Government affecting the National Port Authority, NPA, National Investment Commission, NIC, and the Liberia Energy Regulatory Commission. Those appointed include: National Port Authority, Bill Tweahway-Managing Director, Molewuleh Gray-Chairman, NIC, J. Aloysius Tarlue-Chairman, Liberia Energy Regulatory Commission, Thomas Q. Harris-Commissioner, Atty. Togar Nimely-Commissioner. Meanwhile these nominations are subject to confirmation by the Honorable Liberian Senate where applicable, the Inquirer newspaper reads. 

Coordination Meeting of ECOWAS Maritime Zones to hold in Abidjan


The Interoperability Coordination Meeting of the Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS Maritime Zones is scheduled to hold in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire from Wednesday, 5th to Friday 7th September, 2018, to initiate and formalize appropriate nomination of staff positions for the West African Regional Maritime Security Coordination Center as well as the Zones F and G Maritime Multinational Coordination Centers. During the 3-day meeting, participants including representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and relevant maritime related Ministries, Departments and Agencies are also expected to among others issues discuss Interoperability Coordination objectives and functional dynamics of CRESMAO and Maritime Centers, theInquirer reports. 

ECOWAS Parliament Members Tour Pumah Farm In Western Liberia


… As Rep. Snow Rap On Sustainable Peace In The Sub- Region

Bomi County Representative says sustainable peace in the West African Sub-Region is vital to the growth and development of member’s states and their respective citizenry.  Rep. Snow, who head the Liberian delegation to the ECOWAS Parliament, called for more concerted efforts across the region in the spirit of peace something he observed is paramount to security. He pointed that peace remains a strategic pillar for reconciliation, development and continuous coexistence of people of different backgrounds that must be embraced at all times. The lawmaker spoke when he took a team of ECOWAS Parliament members on a guided tour of his Pumah Farm in Weakama, Senjah District in Western Liberia. The tour came a day after the just ended Delocalized ECOWAS Parliament meeting in the Liberian Capital, Monrovia, Pen the Heritage newspaper.

8 Jurors Selected In Tyron Browne’s Case

Eight jurors have been selected so far at the start of jury selection process Tuesday, 4 September in the brutal murder trial of late journalist Tyron Browne. The Criminal Court “A” at the Temple of Justice in Monrovia needs a total of 15 jurors complete the jury panel, but many of those forwarded to the court did not qualify during screening by lawyers to get the case started. Seven more jurors must be selected to complete the panel of 15 jurors needed to sit as judges of late journalist Browne. The selection of jurors will continue Wednesday morning, 5 September at 9:30a.m, reports the New Dawn newspaper. In a related story: ‘Am Not Guilty’ Jonathan Williams Denies Murdering Journalist Tyron Brown

The Frontpage Africa news daily writes that Jonathan Williams, accused of killing Journalist Tyron Browne at his (Williams’) residence in the Duport Road Community few months ago, Monday, September 3, raised his right hand and pleaded not guilty to murder and hindering law enforcement charges. Two other defendants — charged alongside Williams — Alice and Edwina Youti also pleaded not guilty to the same charges. The second submission made by Cllr. Bombo on behalf of his client was to have a bench trial where the Judge could serve as both a judge and jury while the lawyer representing the two other defendants Alice and Edwina Youti, Cllr. Jonathan Massaquoi requested for a jury trial. Before Williams pleaded not guilty, his lawyer, Cllr. Jimmy Bombo made two separate submissions to the court. One of the submissions called for a change of venue of the trial from Montserrado to Gbarpolu County because of local prejudice his client has suffered from the media and that of the public since the incident on April 15, 2018. “Your honor since the incident, there have been a series of reports by both the print and electronic media about this case which created sentiment against the defendant,” said Cllr. Bombo. He argued that the law provides that a defendant can pray for a change of venue because of fear. 

Serene Mobile Provides Free Medical Service To Over 500 Residents


According to the New Dawn newspaper, over 500 residents of Cheesemanburge and its environs over the weekend benefited from a free medical treatment rendered by Serene Mobile for All Mobile Clinic. Serene Mobile is a volunteer medical group headed by a Liberian nurse Mema Pelham. The group is involved in providing free medical care for Liberians by people by means of mobile. Over 500 residents from Cheesemanburge got treated by the group when a team of Doctors, Physician Assistants (PA), Nurses and the Serene Mobile crew set up their tanks in Quenyondee Town to provide free treatment.

Related Captions: Serene Mobile Provides ‘Free Medical Service’ for Cheesemanburg Residents, (Frontpage Africa)


Senate Passes Local Gov’t Act

The Liberian Senate has passed the Long-awaited Local Government Act, pending concurrence from the House of Representatives. The Bill which emanated from the Lower House will be sent from review due to some changes made in the original version before being concurred with.  Addressing Legislative Reporters after the passage of the Act, the Chairman of the Joint Committees on Internal Affairs, Good Governance and Reconciliation and Judiciary, Human Rights, Claims, Senator Gblehbo Brown, in his report said the Act was passed in September 2016, by the House of Representatives repealing the local Government Law constituting Title 20 of the Liberian Code of Law and submitted to the Liberian Senate for its concurrence, pens the In Profile Daily.


MYS Awards Brilliant Girls

Youth and Sports Minister D. Zoegar Wilson, on Tuesday, September 4, 2018, presented three valuable brand new electronic gadgets to the first, second and third winners of the maiden edition of the Youth Peace Pledge & Poetry Competition, (YPPPC). The first winner, Beulah Nimeme of Cuttington University in Bong County, received a Dell Lap, while second and third winners Diamond T. Brown from Montserrado County-based University of Liberia and Jennifer Maxwell of the United Methodist University were awarded a Samsung Galaxy Tablete and an LG Cell phone respectively. Organized in 2017 by the Ministry of Youth and Sports and sponsored by UNDP, the competition has now become a regular feature of the annual National County Sports Meet (NCSM). It is intended to highlight and enhance youth involvement in the dissemination of peace messages during sporting festival, asserts the In Profile Daily.


NHA, Habitat For Humanity Sign MOU

On Friday, August 31, 2018 the National Housing Authority (NHA) entered into a four year Memorandum of Understanding with Habitat for Humanity International, a United States of America-based organization, to facilitate increased access to affordable housing for low income household through inclusive market approach. The signing ceremony, held at NHA headquarters in Monrovia was attended by senior staff of NHA and witnessed by Cities Alliance, Ministry of Internal Affairs local partners as well as senior staff of NHA among others. Speaking at the signing ceremony, the Managing Director NHA, Mr. Duannah Siryon described the MoU as the formal process reinforcing existing collaboration between the two organizations since 2017 and first step in the right direction of NHA’s strategic partnerships under the new government, pens the In Profile Daily.

Deputy Speaker Travels to US to Meet US Congressman

An inside story of the Frontpage Africa newspaper reads that U.S. Congressman Erik Philip Paulsen has invited Liberia’s Deputy Speaker Prince K. Moye of the House of Representatives of the 54th Legislature to discuss pertinent issues facing the people of Liberia. Paulsen is a ranking member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Minnesota’s 3rd District and also Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee. The Republican lawmaker is also a member of the Ways and Means committee; sub-committee on Health and sub-committee on Trade and was a Minnesota House Majority Leader. The communication from Congressman Paulsen which copy is in the possession of this newspaper reads: “I would like to invite you to meet with me in my Washington D.C. office during the week of September 4, 2018, to discuss issues facing the people of Liberia, the important role that the Liberian community has played in Minnesota and how we can strengthen Liberia and the United States.” 

WaterAid Launches Solid Waste Management Project Focuses on Sanitation in Greater Monrovia


The British charity WaterAid has launched a sanitation project aimed at addressing issues of solid waste management in Greater Monrovia and its immediate environs. The garbage situation in Greater Monrovia is alarming, resulting to the need for stakeholders to jointly develop and strengthen a comprehensive solid waste management strategy. The Sanitation Project is intended to support Greater Monrovia for the Development of a Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Strategy. WaterAid Regional Director, Mariame Dem stressed the need for collaborative efforts in addressing sanitation challenges in Montserrado County. Madam Dem called on stakeholders to put into practice lessons learned from other countries, to improve Solid Waste Management in Liberia, the Daily Observer newspaper writes. 

EPA, GIZ Host Stakeholders Training


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) on Wednesday, August 29, conducted a day-long training workshop aimed at creating massive awareness around the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol. The training brought together scores of participants from various agencies and institutions. The Montreal Protocol, which was amended on October 15, 2016, in Kigali, Rwanda, is another global commitment to stop climate change.  EPA Chief Technical Advisor, Levi Z. Piah said that technicians have already started discussing the implementation of the protocol with mix views, while some are suggesting that Hybrid Fiber Coaxial (HFC) be banned. Others want high tariff placed on the importation into the country of substances that deplete the ozone layer. HFC network is a telecommunication technology in which optical fiber cable and coaxial cable are used in different portions of a network, to carry broadband contents such as video, data, and voice, the Daily Observer newspaper reads. 

Commerce to Begin Inspection Sept. 10


The Ministry of Commerce and Industry will commence its general inspections o all business establishment on Monday, September 10, and ends on Saturday, September 20, 2018. The objectives of these inspection exercises are to provide protection for consumers and to ensure continuous compliance with applicable laws, procedures and standards. Inspectors will conduct field inspection from Monday to Thursday 9:00 AM to 4:00PM daily. This inspection will be guided by the Ministry’s general inspection guidelines with focus on the following cardinal areas: Business Registration Enforcement; General Commodity Standard Inspection; Market Surveillance and Price Monitoring; Liquor Registration Enforcement; General Market Standard Training; Investment Code enforcement and Price Tag enforcement among others, the Inquirer newspaper reads.

Related Caption: MoCI Warns Businesses Against Selling Without Price Tags Commences General Inspection Exercise (Daily Observer)


Religious Advisor To The President Calls For Three Days Of Fast And Prayers

The Religious Advisor to President George Manneh Weah, Rev. M. Emmanuel Nimely, has called on all bishops, apostles, prophets, prophetess, pastors, evangelists, and Imams as well as the entire religious community to observe three days of fast and prayers, beginning today, Wednesday, September 5, 2018. The purpose of this, according to Rev. Nimely, is to intercede for God’s traveling grace and favor upon President George Manneh Weah and his entourage in acquiring investments and grants for the nation as well as to strengthen bilateral relationships with other nations. He back his calls with Psalm 18:44-45 (As soon as they hear me, they shall obey me; the strangers shall submit themselves me, they shall obey me; the strangers shall fade away, and be afraid out of their close places). Rev. Nimely also called on all churches across Liberia to hold a thanksgiving services, gratifying the Almighty God for gains made by the Liberian delegation in China, the Heritage newspaper reports.

Related Caption: Religious Advisor to the Prisident Calls for 3 Days of Fast and Prayers (Inquirer)