Daily Media Summary 2018-06-19

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




The pronouncement by the government suspending all new operating licenses and authorization it issued to media operators between January 1 and June 18, this year and the observance of the Day of the African Child in Bong County



Gov’t Suspends Licenses Of New Media…Says It Is Reviewing Regulatory Regime



The INQUIRERnewspaper reads that the Government of Liberia has announced an immediate suspension of all new operating licenses and authorization it issued to media operators between January 1 and June 18, this year. In a release issued by the Ministry of Information on Monday, the government disclosed that it is reviewing the regulatory regime of media operating licenses and authorization due to technical and administrative irregularities, including duplications of frequencies to radio and television operators, and incorrect designation and submissions. Although the release did not name institutions to be affected, the government said the review process, which kicks off this Wednesday, would not affect media entities that were in existence prior to January 2018.


Related Captions: Gol Suspends New Media Operating Licenses(Daily Observer), Media Operating Licenses Suspended(FrontPage Africa) 


Day Of The African Child: Poverty, Negative Sociocultural Practices Amongst Vices Affecting Liberian Children

Some Liberian children Saturday joined other African countries around the continent to celebrate the Day of the African Child at the Gbarnga Administration building in Bong County. The observance of the annual event falls on June 16, every year. The theme for this year’s celebration is “Despite Disability: Every Child Has the right to Liberia’s Development.” In an address to commemorate the day, the Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Williametta Piso Saydee-Tarr, noted that some underlying factors to child labor, child trafficking and child abuse were poverty, negative social-cultural practices and disparities in national government. Minister Saydee-Tarr reiterated government’s commitment to investing in the future of children. The Ministry says it is committed to executing its mandate with respect to children and therefore calls on all stakeholders to collaborate with it as they identify and implement programs that aid the improvement of quality education, according to the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Related Captions: ‘Leave No Child Behind For Liberia’s Development’- Williete Mars(FrontPage Africa), Day of African Child Commemoration: “Prioritize Our Well Being” (Daily Observer)



USA-MCC Officials In Liberia To Review US$257m Compact Progress


The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Chief Operating Officer, Jonathan Nash and delegation arrived in the country on Monday, June 18, for a two-day visit to review compact progress and focus on sustaining gains ahead of the program’s closure on January 20, 2021. According to the statement, the delegation is expected to highlight progress on project implementation under the US$257 million Grant Compact signed October, 2015, between the Liberian government and the U.S. Government. The five-year US$257 million MCC Compact with Liberia was designed to increase economic growth, reduce poverty and improve the lives of Liberians by increasing access to reliable and affordable electricity, strengthening the electricity sector, as well as improving planning and the implementation of road maintenance. According to the Daily Observer, MCC is a US Government assistance program.


Modern Training Center For LEC Soon

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Millennium Challenge Account-Liberia (MCA-L) if the Millennium Challenge Compact (MCC), will build a modern state of the art training center for the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC). The MCC is a US$257 grant signed October 2, 2015 between the Governments of the United States of America (USA) and Liberia and aimed at encouraging economic growth and reduce poverty in Liberia by focusing on improving the inadequate road infrastructure and increasing access to reliable and affordable electricity in the country, reports the Heritage newspaper.


Liberia-UK Ties Remain Strong…Says Amb. Belgrove

British Ambassador to Liberia David Belgrove has assured the Liberian government that the bilateral relation between the two countries is well rooted, and therefore, the government must be assured of his country’s assistance. Amb. Belgrove, who made the statement at a program commemorating the 92nd birthday of Queen Elizabeth, II of the United Kingdom on June 14, assured that British-Liberia relation goes far back to 1848 when Great Britain was one of the first countries to recognize Liberia’s independence and receive its first President on a state visit. Amb. Belgrove said the relation has yielded benefits for both countries in various ways, with the UK continuing to support Liberia in various areas such as education, entrepreneurship and security. He called on Liberians, mainly women, to make use of UK’s scholarship by applying when applications are invited from candidates, so that they can pursue graduate degrees, according to the Daily Observer. 


LRA Collects US$15M At Freeport


The Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) has disclosed that it made a record-breaking US$15 million revenue collection at the Freeport of Monrovia. “This level of collection has never been achieved in a single month in the history of revenue collection at the Freeport,” the release added. The achievement is the result of the ongoing closing of many leakages and revenue protection initiative including the introduction of the Centralized Customs Declaration System which is an online declaration, Customs Commissioner Saa Saamoi says, reports the INSIGHT newspaper.


Related Caption: Mental Health Wellness Unit Dedicated in Kakata(FrontPage Africa)


Court Rules LRA To Pay Bridgeway Over US$357K-Holds LRA In Contempt And Authorizes Payment Of US$200 Within 48 Hours

The Tax Court at the Temple of Justice has ordered the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) to pay Bridgeway Corporation US$187,019.47 plus interest of US$170,671.86  totaling  US$357,691.33, as tariff illegally imposed on the consignment of cigarettes imported by the company. Judge Mozart Chesson’s ruling also held LRA in contempt and ordered the institution to “pay US$200 into the Judiciary’s account within 48 hours; and they must present a receipt to the court for their auditors’ misleading of the court and because of the odious tactic designed and intended to delay, harass and frustrate the case.” LRA’s auditors had earlier contended that they imposed the tariff on Bridgeway Corporation, but the company later sold the product to their customers for a price that equaled the tariff. To justify their claim, the auditors were also able to present documentation proving that Bridgeway had indeed passed on the increased cost to consumers and the corporation did not require a refund. But, in his ruling Chesson said a review of the document presented by LRA’s auditors revealed no such information or evidence that Bridgeway Corporation even increased the price of cigarettes to their customers, reports the Daily Observer.


At UNESCO Water Colloquium-LWSC Promises To Supply Water Across Liberia

 Liberia’s Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC) Managing Director, Duannah Kamara on the invitation and sponsorship of UNESCO, attended the first Water Science Policy Interface Colloquium (SPIC Water) on June 14th -16th,2018 held at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France. According to a dispatch from Paris, France, Mr Kamara who addressed the 1st Water Science-Policy Interface Colloquium from June 14-16, 2018 said to also ensure the constant availability and reliability of water supply to the population, the new LWSC Management intends to put in place green technology in the production and distribution of water services – moving to solar technology for pumping supply. During his speech, the LWSC managing director underscored that improvement in Liberia’s water network through the rehabilitation and expansion of its distribution services to ensure constant availability and reliability. This he asserts should be achieved through the use of green technology in the production and distribution of water services while moving to solar technology for pumping water supply, reads the Daily Observer.


Related Caption: LRA Collects US$15M At Freeport(the New Dawn) 


“Disaster Threatens Mankind”…NDMA’s Boss Craves Media Support


According to the Heritage newspaper, the Executive Director of the National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) has called for collaboration between the media and his agency in education the public Mr. Henry O. Williams said the creating awareness for disaster prevention is very important because to respond to disaster when it occurs is quite expensive. According to a release issued in Monrovia, the head of the disaster agency made the remarks in an acquaintance meeting with the Managing Editor of this newspaper, Mr. Philip N. Wesseh. Williams briefed Wesseh on the establishment of NDMA and its huge national responsibility in meeting the country’s disaster challenges. He pointed out that collaboration with the media to promote disaster prevention would save the country a lot including human life, property and financial resources.


New Mental Home Dedicated in Margibi County

The C.H. Rennie Hospital in Kakata, Margibi County, over the weekend received a National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL) funded modern mental health home, known as Wellness Unit, that contains dormitories for men and women as well as a laboratory unit. The NOCAL sponsored project was done in collaboration with The Carter Center (TCC) Mental Health Program, and implemented by the Liberia Center for Outcome and Research in Mental Health (LICORM). The facility is intended to provide mental health services to Margibi and its surrounding counties, reads the Daily Observer.


Taking Action’: YES Celebrates World Oceans Day

In commemoration of World Oceans Day, Youth Exploring Solutions (YES), an accredited non-for-profit, passionate and voluntary grassroots youth-led development organization, conducted Ocean Engagement Dialogue and Costal Clean-up Day. These events which took place at the U.S. Embassy Monrovia and the Borough of New Kru Town stemmed from Youth Exploring Solutions participation in the third Ocean Conference convened by John F. Kerry, former Secretary of State of the U.S. Department of State. More than 170 students and youth representative from the Borough of New Kru Town and West Point participated in the Ocean Engagement Dialogue and Costal Clean-up Day, a release issued in Monrovia by World Oceans Day programs were designed to inform, inspired, and involve young people alongside people of all ages and gender to take voluntary grassroots community action initiatives to safeguard the ocean, pens the INSIGHT newspaper.