daily Media Summary (07-24-2019)








Today’s edition of our daily News Summary highlights stories about President Weah officially dedicating the First Steel Rod Factory in Liberia owed by Sethi Ferro Fabrik Incorporated; the signing of MOU by the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) and the National Identification Registry (NIR) to issue identification cards to all miners in operating in Liberia as well as the AfDB’s President Adesina expected visit to Liberia to participate in the country’s 172nd Independence celebration.


Other news  include stories about Liberia and Guinea Signing a Military Pact; the Lebanese Community Provision of over US$29K Life Saving Machines to RIA and a the donation of uniforms  to the LNP by the UNDP and other Partners to keep them effective and efficient.


Dominant stories


Big Boost For Liberia’s Economy

President Dr. George Manneh Weah on Tuesday, July 23, 2019 officially dedicated a huge steel factory constructed and owed by Sethi Ferro Fabrik Incorporated. Sethi Ferro Fabrik Incorporated is one of the country’s long – standing business partners. The moder steel rod factory is the first to be built and operated in the country. Performing the dedication of the factory, President Weah thanked the management of Sethi Ferro Fabrik Incorporated for the undertaking such a huge investment in the country.  “I am glad today that, in my time, Liberia has got the first steel rod factory”, the President said. According to him, the construction of factory would change the paradigm of trade in a country that has long depended on imported goods and materials. “All we know in this country is that we import steel rods and other things from Ghana and elsewhere”, he said happily. “Today, I am proud because I can tell Ghanaians that we are now a steel rod producing country”, Pens the Heritage


Related Caption: Weah Dedicates First Steel Rod Factory (The Inquirer),Pres. Weah dedicates Liberia’s first steel factory( the NewDawn), President Weah Dedicates New Steel Rod Factory In Gardnersville (Hot pepper)


Miners, Others to Get National Identification Cards

Efforts to curtail or to eliminate the presence of undocumented individuals in the mining sector across the country are underway as authorities of the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) and the National Identification Registry (NIR) on Tuesday, July 23, 2029, signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) aimed at issuing identification cards to all miners and other actors involved in the business. At a joint press conference held by the MME and the NIR at the MME’s office in Monrovia, authorities outlined not only the measure of issuing the identification cards, but also announced the setup of a monitoring team to ensure that the mining sector is not undermined by the multiplicity of “illegal miners,” as well as people who are involved in the business of purchasing minerals on expired licenses or no license at all.“The NIR will issue to each miner a national identification card and a special ID card for miners, which we called the ASM ID card. ASM represents Artisanal and Small-Scale Miners. As part of the MOU, the NIR will also collect additional information on behalf of the MME to support our work in regulating and fixing the messy ASM sector,” said NIR executive director, J. Tiah Nagbe, pens the Daily Observer newspaper.


Relate caption: Mines Ministry, NIR To Register 100,000 Miners ( Hot pepper) Gov’t Launches ID Card For Miners (The Inquirer)


AfDB President Adesina Visits Liberia Today

The President of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group, Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, will visit Liberia from Wednesday, July 24-26, 2019 at the invitation of President George Weah, a release issued on Tuesday said. According to the itinerary of Dr. Adesina’s visit, he will hold bilateral talks and join statesmen along with other high-level dignitaries in celebrations to mark Liberia’s 172nd Independence Day on July 26. He will also attend the official opening of new airport facilities at Roberts International Airport (RIA) in Harbel, Margibi County and the new government Ministerial complex in Monrovia. “The Bank has been a strong and strategic partner for Liberia in the transport, energy and agriculture sectors, with a primary focus on road construction, electricity generation and distribution and improving food and nutrition security,” Adesina said. The AFDB said it recognizes the need for continued support to Liberia and is committed to assisting the nation work through its challenges. In particular, it will assist the government in economic policy initiatives and in providing technical advice to the leadership, pens the Daily Observer newspaper.

Related Caption: AFDB President to attend “July 26 Celebrations” (the New Dawn)

Lebanese Community Provides Over US$29K LifeSaving Machines to RIA

The World Lebanese Cultural Union (WLCU) on Tuesday, July 23, 2019, presented to authorities at the Ministry of Health (MOH) two Automated External Defibrillator (AED) machines costing over US$29,000 to save the lives of travelers who suffer from Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) or heart attack. MOH will accordingly install the the AED machines at the Roberts International Airport (RIA) in Margibi County for the benefit of many of the travelers. The machines were presented to Health Minister Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah, in the presence of Lebanon Ambassador accredited to Liberia, Henri Kastoun and executives of the WLCU. WLCU acting president, Najib Tannous, who presented the machines, said the objective is to save the lives of many other passengers who sometimes experience “breathing difficulty.”Everyone is aware of heart condition using cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), which is an aid given physically to person(s) who suffer acute attack, while ventricular fibrillation is done using the AED,” Tannous said,  He added, “The device would generate an electric shock to the heart muscle to reverse the effects of ventricular fibrillation (any sudden attack).”Tannous said that the WLCU donation comes in the wake of an appeal made earlier by Health Minister Wilhelmina Jallah to install such a device to help save the lives of many of the travelers and staffs at the airport, who may develop any heart attack. According to the Daily observer newspaper, these machines were imported by the WLCU through Charif  Pharmacy, and they would gladly provide technical training to the designated staffs,” Tannous said pens the Daily Observer newspaper.


Related caption: Lebanese Community Donates Life-Saving Medical Equipment ( Hot Pepper)


Lebanese Community Donates Life Saving Medical Equipment

The Heritage readies, the Word Lebanese Cultural Union of Liberia (WLCU) has donated two cardio Lifesaving equipment value U$29,000.00, to the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare for use at the Roberta International Airport terminal. The Cardio Life is use as an emergency first aid to resuscitate heart in the event of failure. Presenting the two Medical equipment  to Health Minister Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah, Acting WLCU President Najib Tannous said the donation was made upon request of Health Minister Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah. Mr. Tannous  noted that the equipment which will help save life, were imported through the Charif Pharmacy and will provide technical training to Health Ministry staff on how to use and maintain them. The WLCU acting President said it was gratifying for the Lebanese community in keeping with its social responsibility to partner with the Liberian Government in making health services available to all.  


Labanese   Community Donates Life Saving Medical Equipment (The Inquirer)



Liberia, Guinea Sign Military Military Pact

According to the NewDawn newspaper, Liberian and Guinean militaries have come up with their first planning document for a joint military operation at their common borders to start the process of joint patrol, counter - terrorism operations, trainings, information sharing and handling illicit trafficking of small arms, among others. The joint military measures follow the signing of a joint communiqué between Liberia and Guinea during President George MannehWeah's recent visit to the neighboring country and meeting with his counterpart Prof. Alpha Conde. Climaxing a two - day technical meeting Tuesday, 23 July in Monrovia, the army authorities representing Liberia and Guinea indicated that the planning document has to go back to the politicians to get the approvals of the Ministers of Defense of Liberia and Guinea. Liberia's Army Chief of Staff Gen. Prince C. Johnson, II, clarified that there is no imminent threat in Liberia or Guinea, but the measures are being taken now due to terrorist and religious extremist movement in West Africa. "No, there's nothing like any imminent threat in Liberia or Guinea; but looking at

Related Caption: Liberia, Guinea, Militaries End Meeting (The Inquirer)


Other Stories


UNDP, Partners Donate LNP

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and donor partners hand over 153 sets of uniforms to the Liberia National Police. This forms part of the GOL/UNDP/OHCHR Rule of Law Programme funded by the Governments of Sweden and Ireland. This is the second set of uniforms in less than a year. Support is provided to the Liberia National Police (LNP) to ensure accessible and responsive police services and the building of an effective, accountable and inclusive institution at all levels. TheNewDawn reports that, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative for Operations on behalf of Resident Representative Pa Lamin Beyai, stressed that it will help sustained support to the justice and security sector, in order to attain the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS).  "Without an efficient and accountable police service, access to justice for all will not be attained," said Abebe.  He noted that the intent is to enhance public confidence in the ability of the institution to protect the lives and property of the people of Liberia. On his part, the First Secretary and Head of Administration at the Embassy of Sweden, Henrik Gustafsson emphasized that the uniform is more than attire, but rather a symbol of trust and protection for the people of Liberia. "You are the peacekeepers for your Country and the uniform is a symbol of hope in fulfilling your duties to protect the rights of the citizens," stressed Gustafsson. Inspector General of Police Patrick Sudue expressed appreciation to UNDP and development partners for always being there to help boost the efforts of the Government of Liberia in building a strong national Police.


CEMENCO Management Reaches Out To 4 Communities For July Celebration

According to the Heritage, the Management of the Liberia Cement Corporation also known as CEMENCO on Monday, July 22, 2019 reached out to four communities within the perimeter it is operating. The four communities the company reaches out to few days to the Celebration of Liberia’s 172nd Independence Day on Friday, July 26, 2019 are: Bassa Town, Billiam, Jamaica Road and Sawill Communities.  Each of these four communities through their respective representatives received a check from the management of CEMENCO as the company’s own way of identifying with the inhabitants of the four communities for the July 26 Celebration. Located on the Somalia Drive, CEMENCO is one of the major companies in the Economy of Liberia. It had and continues to contribute meaningfully to social and economic development of the country. In a brief statement at a gathering held at the CEMENCO head office where the checks were formally presented, the Managing Director of the Company, Mr. William P. Gaignard, said: “We are working for the well-being of the communities and the role of CEMENCO;


ED Confident Of Great Benefits

The Environment Protection Agency of Liberia (EPA) has launched Liberia’s REDD+ safeguards Information System (SIS), with Executive Director, Mr. Nathaniel T. Blama confident that the system will bring great benefits to the nation. Liberia REDD+ safeguards Information System (SIS) was recently development by conservation International (CI) and Skills and Agricultural Development Services (SADS) in consultation with Safeguards Working Group (SWG). The development of the SIS was bankrolled by the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF). The Heritage asserted that, speaking at the launch of the SIS on Tuesday, July 23,209,  Mr. Blama said the system has been tested and proven to be one of the best in the world, and as such, it is going to help the county in its conservation and forest management.  The EPA boss pointed out that though the system was made possible through the effort of the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) and the EPA in collaboration with Conservation International, the system is there for the entire country of benefit.


CDC-CGH Delegation Ends Visit to Liberia

A high-powered delegation from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in partnership with the Center for Global Health (CGH) has ended an ended an official visit as guest of the National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL). An NPHIL release said the delegation, which comprised of experts US Center for Disease Control Foundation along with the Center for Global Health, was in-country to follow-up on ‘Programmatic Objectives amied at  exploring CDCF success stories and lessons learned from previous projects; support CDC Country Offices in advancing their public private partnership strategies; and paid courtesy visits to relevant stakeholders. Members of the delegation included: Dr. Rebecca Mae Martin – Director, Center for Global Health, CDC, Ms. Sukesshi Mehta Robert; Special Assistance CGH, CDC, Dr. Judith Ann Monroe; President and CEO,   CDC Foundation, Ms. Monica Glass Thornton ; Senior Advancement Officer, CDC Foundation and Ms. Gail Lucille Mccabe – Exeutive Director, Creative Media Matters,  Pens the Heritage.


Chinese Ambassador foresees more investment here; dedicates newly renovated community park in Paynesville

Chinese Ambassador accredited to Liberia, Fu Jijun, has said that the cordial bilateral relationship that is currently subsisting between his country and Liberia will get stronger as he and his team continue to make Liberia’s case in an effort to attract more investments to the country. According to the Daily Observer newspaper, He said that Chinese companies are seizing opportunities presented by the cordiality in relationship to invest and also implement projects on behalf of their mother country. “As the Chinese Ambassador here, I would like to assure you that it is my job to make every effort to deepen the collaboration and enhance the friendship between both countries and bring more benefits to our people,” Ambassador Fu said. The senior Chinese diplomat spoke on Monday at the ceremony commemorating the dedication of the newly renovated Paynesville Community Park. It is anticipated that the Park would help boost recreational activities and improve interactions among residents.  According to the Daily Observer, he expressed delight for being opportune to form part of the dedication of the newly constructed basketball court along with the fully equipped children’s playground.


MOT Ends Vehicles inspection In Montserrado County

The Ministry of Transport has ended the inspection of motor vehicles for driver’s license and license plates for cars in Montserrado County.  According to the Hot pepper newspaper, this was disclosed by the Director of the Inspectorate Division, Ministry of Transport, Jasper White, and July 23, 2019.  The Hot pepper newspaper narrated, that the Mot commended Vehicle owners and drivers for their mutual understanding and cooperation during the exercise. He disclosed that a plan has been put in place to extend the exercise to other parts of Liberia soon adding Montserrado County alone is not Liberia.


Post Affairs Embarks  On Postal Address System

The Hot pepper newspaper reports , the Director of the National Post Address System(NAPAS), Dixon G, Gwion, has noted that the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications’ Postal Affairs Department is involved in a process of ensuring that every house obtains digital address, which will ensure it is easily reached or located. Director Gwion made the statement recently when he spoke to the Hot pepper. According to him, the government has decided to embark on the process, in collaboration with the Universal Postal Union, to ensure that everyone in the world is address. He disclosed that the Ministry Of Finance and Development Planning has provided US$200,000 to jumpstart the process, at a response to mitigating the address challenge.