Daily Media Summary 2017-08-15

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




Today’s stories in the Summary include President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s Consolation Message to Burkina Faso following a terrorist attack; the Chief Justice of the Honorable Supreme Court warning against campaigning on the grounds of the Supreme Court; and the Liberian Government consoling the People’s Republic of China.


Lawyers, Judicial Staff Against Campaigning at the Temple of Justice; Chief Justice Korkpor Cautions

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Liberia, His Honor Francis S. Korkpor, has warned lawyers and staffs of the Judiciary not to engage in political campaigning on the grounds of the Temple of Justice. “No one should bring any flyers or rally here. The Court is a neutral place where we dispense justice for our people and not a political ground. Do not wear any political t-shirts here or post any flyer on the Temple of Justice ground; if you are found in this act, you will be seriously dealt with,” the Chief Justice warned, writes the FOCUS newspaper.


Related Caption: Strictly Unacceptable; Chief Justice Korkpor Bans Campaign Activities at All Court Facilities (Frontpage Africa)


Liberia Consoles PRC

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of condolence to the Government and People of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) following the death of at least 20 persons due an earthquake. On Tuesday, August 8, 2017, at 6.5 magnitude earthquake struck a remote mountainous part of a southwest village in Sichuan Province which led to the death of at least 20 persons and injury to about 500 others, the Insight newspaper reads.


Related Caption:Liberia Consoles China over Death of 20 Persons (Heritage)


President Sirleaf Consoles Burkina Faso Following Terrorist Attack

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of condolence to her Burkinabe counterpart, His Excellency Mr. Roch Marc Christian Kaboré, President of the Republic of Burkina Faso, following a terrorist attack at the Aziz Istanbul restaurant in Ouagadougou on Sunday, August 13, 2017.Media reports indicated that “three or four” gunmen pulled up on motorbikes at the Turkish restaurant in Burkina Faso’s capital at about 9:30 p.m. on Sunday night and began randomly shooting at customers. At least 18 people were killed, while eight others were injured in the attack.In January, last year, Islamist extremists attacked another restaurant in Ouagadougou killing 30 persons.According to a Foreign Ministry release, in the condolence message to the Government and people of Burkina Faso, President Sirleaf said to her Burkinabe counterpart, “It is with profound sadness and deep sorrow that we have learned of the death of at least 18 persons and eight others who were injured as a result of a terrorist attack in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso on Sunday, August 13, 2017. On behalf of the Government and people of Liberia and in her own name, the Liberian leader extended to President Kaboré and the people of Burkina Faso, especially the bereaved families, heartfelt condolences for the irreparable loss sustained.President Sirleaf prayed that the Almighty God will grant His Excellency Mr. Kaboré and the people of Burkina Faso strength, courage and fortitude as they go through this difficult period of mourning; the Inquirer newspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release.


Related Caption: President Sirleaf Consoles Burkina Faso Following Terrorist Attack (Insight)


Hydro Plant Now Produces Over 60,000 Megawatt Hours of Electricity; Says LEC

According to the FOCUS newspaper, the Mount Coffee Hydro Power Plant in the White Plains, outside Monrovia is now producing over 60,000 megawatt hours (MWH) of electricity as of July 2017, the Liberia electricity Corporation (LEC) has disclosed. According to an announcement released by the LEC over the weekend, this follows the completion and dedication of the first of four 22MW generating units of the plant on December 15, 2016. In the announcement, the LEC indicated that the overall status of the project is now put at 98 percent completed, with total completion of the original scope of work now set for November 2017.


Citizens Threaten to Boycott Elections in Maryland

Over 700 residents of Maryland County, specifically Yuokudi community, along the Liberian-Ivorian border are threatening to boycott the October elections and stop politicians from going to them to campaign due to failure of local leaders to electrify their area. Speaking in an interview with the New Dawn over the weekend, the chairman for the community, Mr. Wah Dickson, explains that their decision to boycott the elections is due to the failure of the county authorities to enable them benefit electricity being provided by the West African Power Poll (WAPP), the New Dawn newspaper reads.


Liberia Considers Partnership on SDGs

Liberia’s Finance and Development Planning Minister Boima Kamara has encouraged the need to have collaboration to identify innovative and cost effective solutions to complex policy challenges in the midst of limited resources in order to achieve priorities in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). “Nonetheless these challenges, Liberia has made some progress towards domesticating SDGs,” Mr. Kamara said at a one day SDGs symposium held at the C. Cecil Dennis Auditorium of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Monrovia, on Monday, August 14, the New Dawn reads.


Several Presidential Candidates Boycott Debate

Reports from Ganta, Nimba, according to The Inquirer newspaper, say several presidential candidates in the 2017 Presidential and Legislative Elections have boycotted the Candidates’ debates in the country. “We wrote every qualified presidential candidate to attend this debate in Ganta City but only five of them turned out while the rest failed to attend the debates,” the moderator, Mr. John Kollie disclosed during the program. Meanwhile, the Frontpage Africa newspaper writes under the headline, CIVIL SOCIETIES TO COMPELL CANDIDATES TO DISCUSS THEIR PLATFORMS IN DEPTH IN A PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE,that in a total departure from long standing electoral tradition in Liberia, the country’s political contenders are being made to engage in wide ranging debates on the pressing national issues that affect the country. Several organizations have organized debates among numerous candidates especially at the legislative level. To ensure that these debates are wide ranging and involve the presidential candidates the Deepening Democracy Coalition (DDC) will host its first Presidential Debate at the Paynesville City hall on Thursday, August 17 at 1pm.  


Red Cross Empowers 13 Health Facilities

Health practitioners and midwives in Bomi County have resulted to using mobile phones and candle lights to attend to pregnant women giving birth at some health facilities in remote areas due to lack of electricity, the Red Cross reveals. With support from the Canadian Red Cross, the Liberian National Red Cross Society under its Ebola recovery project has installed solar panel in 13 rural health facilities in the county to facilities in the county to supply regular electricity and strengthen health care delivery in the country, the New Dawn reads.


“Very Fruitful Visit;” Ellen Terms South African Trip

The Inquirer newspaper quotes an Executive Mansion release as saying that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has returned home following a successful state visit to the Republic of South Africa. She termed the visit as very fruitful for both countries, particularly in the areas of agriculture, health, trade, economic activities and infrastructure. The paper further states that the Liberian leader made the statement when she addressed journalists at the Roberts International Airport (RIA) in Lower Margibi County upon her arrival from the Republic of South African on Saturday, August 12, 2017 where she had gone on a State Visit, which she said was the first ever State Visit by a Liberian President.


Liberians in Minnesota Want Voters Vote Competent Legislature in Liberia

According to the Frontpage Africa newspaper, the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Organization of Liberians in Minnesota, the United States is calling on Liberian back home to build a strong, qualified and competent legislature during the October elections. Mr. Sizi Goyah told reporters Tuesday that this can be done if Liberians votes for people with the requisite competence, qualification and character at the level of the House of Representatives.


Teacher Showers GVL with Praises

A female classroom teacher in Tarjuowon District, Sinoe County has been praising Golden Veroleum Liberia operations in the area for the transformation taking place since the arrival of the company. Speaking at a retreat organized by the Tarjuowon National Congress or TNC and The Tarjuowon people Association or TAPA in Unification City to allow GVL provide updates on ongoing activities related to its operations in the Tarjuowon District, Madam Mildred Cambell Wiah, an instructor of the J. Milton Teahjay High School in Tarjuowon said the presence of GVL in the District has brought significant change to the community, the New Dawn newspaper reads.


Ahead of Presidential Elections: Women of Lofa Pray for Peace in Liberia

Recently, UNMIL Head of Field Office Voinjama, Ms. Frances Alesi attended a one day peace awareness ceremony in Zorzor District organized by the Women in Peace Women of WIPNET for their initiative ahead of the October elections and emphasized that UNMIL calls for a peaceful electoral transition to achieve another major milestone for Liberia, the Insightnewspaper reads.


President Sirleaf Congratulates Korea on 

Independence Anniversary

The Inquirer newspaper states that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a Congratulatory Message to her colleague, the President of the Republic of Korea, His Excellency Mr. Moon Jae-in on that country’s 72nd Independence Anniversary on Tuesday, August 15, 2017.August 15, is celebrated each year as the Independence Anniversary of the Republic of Korea when it was liberated from Japanese imperial rule 1945 after the end of the Second World War. The Republic of Korea attained complete sovereignty on August 13, 1948, but officially celebrates its state of Independence on August 15. Also, known as Gwangbokieol (Restoration of Light day), it was designated a public holiday in 1949. According to a Foreign Ministry release, President Sirleaf, on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia and in her own name, extended heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to President Moon Jae-in, and through him the Government and people of the Republic of Korea.The Liberian president said, “As you celebrate this joyous occasion, I hasten to acknowledge with appreciation the impetus of recent times in building our relations, which has drawn our two countries closer. We will continue to work closely with your Government to ensure the sustenance of gains made in our relations as we explore new areas of future cooperation.”President Sirleaf stressed that as both countries work together in furtherance of deeper cooperation at the United Nations and other international cooperation platforms aimed at promoting development, peace and security among all nations, she wished President Moon Jae-in continued good health and strength as he leads his people to nobler heights.


20-Year-Old Girl Survives Attack

A 20-Year-Old Girl reportedly escapes from two male attackers, who allegedly extracted blood from her, using a syringe and then injected her with an unknown substance, using the same syringe. Narrating her ordeal to the New Dawn via mobile phone on Monday, 14 August the victim only identified as Princess Garblah explains that while she went out door to attend nature, two unidentified men pounced her with a syringe, injecting her and extracting blood from her body, the New Dawn reads.


The Rule of Law will Prevail Chief Justice Korkpor Vows in Impeachment Saga

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Liberia, Francis S. Korkpor Sr., has vowed to ensure that the rule of law prevails in the cases before the court relating to the impeachment of three associate justices by some lawmakers. It can be recalled that recently, five members of the National Legislature through its Judiciary Committee submitted a communication seeking the allegedly violating their oath of office by engaging into misconduct, grows breach of duty and exhibiting clear inability to perform the functions of their offices. The lawmakers cited that recent Supreme Court opinion in the much talked-about ‘Code of Conduct’ in which the Justices allegedly usurped the power and authority of the Legislature to make law,’ thereby making ineffective and virtually null and void the Code of Conduct, the Heritage writes.


GoL Partners Dedicate 2 Service Centers

In furtherance of the Unity Party led government’s commitment to decentralize services to the people, the Government of Liberia in collaboration with development partners has dedicated two additional County Service Centers with a call for citizens to cherish and take ownership of the facilities. Addressing the dedicatory ceremony in Harper and Greenville Cities, Southeast Liberi over the weekend, the Chairman of the Governance Commission (GC), Dr. Amos C. Sawyer, reminds citizens of development partners’ desire to increase support to the development drives of Liberia, which he says depends on the proper management and usage of existing facilities. The county service center is a one-stop-shop that offers dozens of services such as issuance of marriage; certificates, permits, licenses, etc, the New Dawn writes.


GVL Provides Safe Drinking Water for Locals in Sinoe

As part of its commitment to provide safe drinking water for its host communities, Golden Veroleum Liberia (GVL) and citizens of Tarjuowon District in Sinoe County on Wednesday 9 July broke grounds for the construction of additional two new hand pumps in Wiah Town and One Way communities. These facilities when completed will provide safe drinking water for more than 300 community residents. Recently, the company constructed six new hand pumps and rehabilitated and turned over in Butaw District for six communities which are currently providing safe drinking water for more than 5000 community residents in Butaw and Tarjuowon District, the New Dawn reads.