Acting Foreign Minister Fahnbulleh Receives In Audience Chinese Ambassador-Designate to Liberia -Promises to Strengthen Bilateral Cooperation with PRC

Acting Foreign Minister of Liberia, Hon. Henry B. Fahnbulleh on Friday, July 31st received in audience the Ambassadors-Designate of the People’s Republic of China to the Republic of Liberia, H.E. Mr. Ren Yisheng.


Ambassador-Designate Ren Yisheng’s visit at the Foreign Ministry was intended to pay a Courtesy Call on the Acting Liberian Foreign Minister pending his meeting with the President of the Republic of Liberia.


During the brief ceremony which took place in the Minister’s Conference Room on the 4th floor of the Foreign Ministry, the Chinese Ambassadors-Designate to Liberia presented copies of his Letters of Credence to Acting Foreign Minister Fahnbulleh, pending his official presentation to His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia.   


While receiving the Credentials from the Chinese Ambassador-Designate, Acting Foreign Minister Fahnbulleh hailed the cordial bilateral relations subsisting between Liberia and the People’s Republic of China.


He then assured the Ambassador-Designate of Liberia’s determination to strengthen the friendly bilateral cooperation with China, in order to enhance economic growth and development for Liberia.  


The Acting Foreign Minister further expressed optimism that the bilateral Cooperation between Liberia and the PRC will be further enhanced during the tenure of H.E. Mr. Ren Yisheng as Ambassador to Liberia.


He told the new Chinese Envoy that Liberia looks forward to working closely with him in order   to strengthen the existing bilateral cooperation between Liberia and the PRC.    


Honorable Fahnbulleh further recounted China’s role in Liberia’s development efforts and expressed confidence that Liberia-China relations will be marked by excellent achievements through bilateral cooperation especially during the tenure of Ambassador Ren Yisheng.


In conclusion, the Acting Minister assured the Chinese Ambassador-Designate of his Foreign Ministry’s readiness to render whatever meaningful assistance needed to make his tour of duty in Liberia fruitful and rewarding.          


For his part, the Ambassador-Designate of the People’s Republic of China, His Excellency Ren Yishengexpressed delight over the relationship between the two countries and peoples which he noted has gained momentum under President George Manneh Weah.   


The new Chinese Envoy further pledged his country’s willingness to continue its technical and development support to Liberia.


Also during his courtesy visit, the Chinese Ambassadors-Designate promised to work closely with the Liberian Government in other areas of partnership development.


The Chinese Ambassador-Designate to the Republic of Liberia is expected to meet shortly with His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia, where he will officially present his credentials to the Liberian leader.