Daily Media Summary 2018-01-15

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




Today’s summary highlights stories including the election of  the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives; the donation of 10 water dispensers and 75 Cartoons of water treatment to the SOS Medical Center in Monrovia. Also included in our summary is the presentation of Letters of Accreditation to Madam Marjon Kamara by the new Country Representative of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, Madam Fatima Mohammed.





Legislators Pick New Leaders Today

The New Dawn newspaper says both Houses of the Liberian Legislature are due to vote for new leaderships today, Monday, 15 January that will head that branch of government for the next six years marking President - Elect Mr. George Manneh Weah's first term in office after outgoing President Ellen Johnson - Sirleaf. According to the daily, Grand Kru County Representative Jonathan Fonati Koffa had earlier declared his intention for the speaker post, but he has since slowed down on his ambition, thus creating a broader space for Dr. Bhofal Chambers of President - elect Mr. Weah's Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) is sitting comfortably to succeed outgoing Speaker James Emmanuel Nuquay who stood as running mate to ruling Unity Party (UP's) defeated presidential candidate Vice President Joseph Nyumah Boakai last year likely win the post on a white ballot. With regards to the Senate President Pro Tempore election, Sen. Albert Chie, an independent candidate at the upper house, appears to be standing a chance to succeed National Patriotic Party (NPP's) Sen. Armah Jallah as the next Pro Tempore for the 54th Liberian Legislature. At the polls in their respective chambers on Monday, newly elected members of the House of Representatives and the members of Senate are expected to elect the next speaker and a deputy speaker and a Senate President Pro Tempor respectively, giving them a six year mandate.


Related Captions: House in “White Ballot” Election for Speaker Post Sen. Chie, Zargo in Pro Tempore Race-VP Boakai, Speaker Nuquay to Attend Transitioning Program of Legislature (Daily Observer), Ahead of Pro-Tempore Election Today: Senator Chea Unveils Great Vision (Heritage)


 Ecobank Donates To SOS Liberia

ECOBank Liberia has donated 10 water dispensers and 75 Cartoons of water treatment or water guards to the SOS Medical Center in oldest Congo Town, outside Monrovia. Speaking before the donation on Saturday, 13 January ECOBank Liberia Managing Director Mr. George Mensah-Asante says while the bank’s focus is very much on transforming African banking landscape, and servicing customers with convenient cost-effective financial products it also cares very much about local communities here. He says with the thought of giving back, in 2013 the bank launched “a ECOBANK DAY initiative” that enables employees to come together to
help a worthy cause thru volunteering their time to work with community members. Mr. Mensah-Asante notes that the initiative is also geared toward supporting financial contributions by the Bank to improve living conditions of more vulnerable residents of communities. The ECOBANK Boss says the day is celebrated in 33 African Countries, including Liberia where the Pan African bank has presence. He indicates that the SOS Medical Center applies tremendous effort to alleviant some of the stress on other clinics specifically, during the Ebola outbreak, adding that for this and other many reasons, the Bank chose to mark its “5th ECONBANK DAY” with the SOS family. Receiving the items, the Medical Director of the SOS Children Village Medical Center, Dr. James A. Lewis, lauds ECOBANK for the donation and promises that it will be wisely used for its intended purpose. In an effort to reach more children, the second Children’s Village here was constructed in Juah Town, Grand Bassa County, reads the New Dawn newspaper.


Related Captions: ECOBank Donates Water Dispensers To SOS Medical Center (Heritage), ECOBank Donates To SOS (In Profile Daily)




New UNHCR Boss Presents Letters Of Accreditations

According to the New Dawn newspaper, the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) new representative Madam Fatima Mohammed Friday 12, January 2018 presented her Letters of Accreditation to Madam Marjon Kamara, at her Foreign Ministry office.  Madam Mohammed, who headed the UNHCR’s sub-office in Zwedru, Grand Gedeh County for three years, said she was delighted to return to Liberia which is her first assignment as UNHCR Representative. “I enjoyed working  in Liberia because the Government was very cooperative,” she said.  She noted that the primary focus will be looking at Ivorian refugees residing in Liberia. She noted that the UNHCR is moving into the phase of local integration and will definitely work with the line ministries to see that the refugee program is integrated into the Liberian national framework.  Madam Mohammed promised to support Liberia, particularly to help improve the issues dealing with registration of births as well as legal aspects, including naturalization for Sierra Leoneans who have opted to remain in Liberia. Responding, Foreign Minister assured Madam Mohammed of the Foreign Ministry’s fullest cooperation and working closely with her in the same spirit of friendship and solidarity that her predecessor worked with them.



Liberia Holds 2nd ECOWAS Human Rights Day Tomorrow -President Sirleaf Delivers Keynote Address

According to the Daily Observer, Liberia will on January 16 and 17 host the 2nd official celebration of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Human Rights Day. The day will also be celebrated across the West African sub-region under the international theme: “Right to Education.” The national theme is: “Right to Education, a must for all Liberians.” During the celebration, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf will deliver the keynote address, which will be her last official address as a sitting President before the sub-regional body. The daily says the ECOWAS Human Rights Day, proclaimed on December 16, 2016 during the 50th Ordinary Session of ECOWAS Authority of Heads of States and Governments, aims to promote human rights and inclusive governance mainly with regard to women and the youth. The setting aside of January 16 of every year as the ECOWAS Human Rights Day is in commemoration of the day Africa’s first democratically elected female President, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, was inaugurated.

 2,200 Households, 150 Businesses To Benefit From Electricity in Suakoko

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) Friday, January 12, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) to provide electricity to residents of Suakoko District, Bong County. Under the terms of the MOC, USAID and LEC will jointly support the development and management of a 77-kilometer electricity transmission line from the Nimba County grid in Ganta, Nimba County, to Gbarnga, Bong County. The 33kv line should provide electricity to 2,200 households and 150 businesses and institutions in the Suakoko area, including Cuttington University, the Central Agricultural Research Institute, and Phebe Hospital. According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, the goal is to expand the project and provide electricity to more people of Bong County, particularly in the Gbarnga area.


Related Caption: 2200 Households, Businesses, Others to Get Electricity in Suakoko (Daily Observer)


FLY Calls For Inclusive Governance

The Federation of Liberian Youth or FLY wants the incoming government of President-elect George Weah to involve young people in the governance machinery of the country. FLY says its call is necessary to adequately give citizens equal opportunities to demonstrate their talents in whatever capacity they are suited for. Addressing a news conference over the weekend at the Federation office on Center Street in Monrovia, outgoing President Augustine Tamba stresses that it is important the incoming administration prioritize inclusiveness in the governance process. He says the Federation looks forward to a more reconciled, collective, inclusive and merit-based concept of governance in the coming cabinet and mainstream government as President-elect Weah prepares to take up the mantle of authority next week, reads the New Dawn newspaper.


Red Cross Donates To Flood Victims In Margibi County

Several residents including a visually impaired man of Karken Town and surrounding communities in Lower Marigibi County have benefited from donations of shelter materials from the Liberian National Red Cross Society (LNRCS). In October 2017, flood reportedly devastated the town and six others, leaving many homes damaged. According to residents, the community is usually cut-off from surrounding towns and villages during the rainy season. On Friday, January 12, 2018, Red Cross, with support through the Japanese Grant recovery project, distributed 580 bags of cements and 600 bundles of zinc to 48 family heads in the area. Edward Jojo Roberts, the Project Coordinator, said the distribution of the materials would help affected families reestablished their lives. "We remain committed to protecting the livelihoods and building the resilience of communities and people affected by the flood, working to mitigate the risks, promoting recovery and restoring their hope,” Mr. Roberts said. According to Mr. Roberts, the distribution targeted victims who are most vulnerable at the moment, reads the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Housing For New Yourpea Health Worea Health Workers Soon

 The visionary young people under the banner, New Yourpea Youth Association (NEYOYA) say it has embarked on the construction of a staff quarter for health workers assigned at the New Yourpea Health Center. The Heritage newspaper reads that the construction of the fifteen thousand projects is backed by some fellows residing in Liberia and other parts of the world.

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