Daily Media Summary, 04-28-2014
The Bureau of Public Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Monrovia, Liberia
News of the election of the former President of the Press Union of Liberia as head of West African Journalists Association, the 10% reduction in malaria prevalence in Liberia in 2013, Foreign Minister Augustine Ngafuan’s emphasis on the conditions of disabled in the country and Vice President Joseph Boaikai’s call for the removal of unprofessional Journalists from the profession are among stories dominating summary of the local dailies today.
Peter Quaqua Elected WAJA President
A back page story of the News newspaper reports that the Press Union of Liberia has welcomed the election of its former President Peter Quaqua as President of the West African Journalists Association (WAJA). Mr. Quaqua won the elections at the 8th Ordinary Congress of the Association in Abuja, Nigeria. He succeeds Mohammed Garba from Nigeria, who was recently elected President of the Federation of African Journalists. PUL President Abdullai Kamara says the victory of Mr. Quaqua is a universal affirmation of the level of quality of leadership he provided Liberia, and would be herald of a firm approach to supporting freedom of expression across West Africa.
Related Captions: Ex-PUL Prez. Elected Head of WAJA(The New Republic), Peter Quaqua Elected WAJA President(Heritage), From PUL To WAJA-Quaqua Elected President (In Profile Daily), WAJA Elects New corps Of Officers(Analyst Newspaper), PUL Former Prexy Heads WAJA (The Inquirer Newspaper), Peter Quaqua Heads WAJA (New Dawn), Quaqua Heads West African Journalists(FOCUS)
Malaria Prevalence In Liberia Reduced By 10% In 2013
The Country Director of the Clinton Health Access Initiative at the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare has disclosed that malaria prevalence in Liberia reduced by ten percent in 2013. Dr. Moses Massaquoi said Liberia has been able to reduce the prevalence of malaria from 66 percent in 2005 to 28 percent in 2011, significantly lowering malaria deaths, FOCUS reports.
Related Captions: Malaria Prevalence in Liberia Reduced by 10% in 2013(In Profile Daily), Malaria Prevalence in Liberia Reduced by 10% in 2013(Heritage), Malaria Prevalence Reduced By 10% In 2013(Insight Newspaper)
According to the New Republic newspaper, Liberia’s Foreign Minister, Augustine Ngafuan, says those living with disabilities are still being cuffed by poverty, meaning that they are still being rejected and denied. Minister Ngafuan who had the opportunity to reflect on the conditions of such people said they are facing real life challenge that exposes them to repugnant poverty, with limited access to basic education and proper healthcare. Ngafuan who served as guest speaker at the opening ceremony of the 5th General Assembly of the Liberia Christian Association of the Blind (CAB) minced no words in highlighting the appalling conditions and attending lack of concern for people living with disabilities. On the Topic “The Enactment of Policy on the Use of the White Cane, Its Impact and Challenges in The Achievement of Government’s Poverty Alleviation Agenda for the Blind and Visually Impaired in Liberia,” he criticized the way public facilities are erected, to the extent that people with these vexing problems cannot have access to them. “Public facilities in the country are constructed in such a way that people with these problems cannot easily have access and knowledge to their usage,” the Foreign Minister observed. Representatives of people living with disabilities have been making enormous push for recognition in nationally- driven policies and programs, but little, so far, has been achieved. On the basis of the neglect these people suffer and as a way of addressing it, he said the Liberia Rising 2030 which encompasses the Agenda for the Transformation recognizes visual impaired and disability in its generality as a factor that leads to special poverty. For him, all is not lost for people with disabilities because the Agenda for Transformation, by and large, addresses their situation. “Agenda for Transformation is meant to improve access for the people with disabilities, which is an equitable opportunities in the society and will provide them with equal opportunity to job in Liberia,” Minister Ngafuan noted. He provided a bit of statistics of the number of Liberians affected by such condition of disabilities, saying “In Monrovia and the rest of the other counties, more than 3,170 persons counted to be with disabilities.” Such statistics, in the words of the Foreign Minister, is very troubling for a country like Liberia. “61% of the Liberian population of the country was less disabled persons before the civil war, but out of that number 61 % are visually disabled, 24 % blind, 7 % deaf and 8 % with mental disabilities,” he said.
Related Caption: N’Gafuan Wants Equitable Opportunities for Disabled…Says Blind Constitute 31% of Population(ANALYST)
“Eject Unethical Journalist” Veep Boakai Recommends
Vice President Joseph Nmjah Boakai has suggested to the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) to expose, and if necessary eject journalists from practicing due to ‘unethical behavior’. Ambassador Boakai said the ejection of unprofessional journalists would serve as an effective deterrent to other would-be violators of the journalistic ethics. Serving as Guest Speaker at a program marking the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the News newspaper held at the Monrovia City Hall on Thursday, Ambassador Boakai said PUL needs to do more in strengthening ethics in the practice of journalism by curtailing ‘yellow journalism’, the News newspaper reports.
Related Caption: VP Booakai Urges PUL to Weed Out Quacks (In Profile Daily)
US Gov’t Pledges Support to LNP
The United States Government through its Embassy near Monrovia has reaffirmed its readiness to assist the Liberian Government in building the capacity of the Liberian National Police. U.S. Ambassador Deborah Malac, stressed the need for a good police conduct, saying good police conduct towards citizens is significant in a democratic environment such as Liberia. She lauded the police administration for stringent measures taken against officers who have contravened the Police Duty Manual. A police press release quotes Amb. Malac as saying that the US Government renewed commitment to the police is predicated on the level of professionalism the LNP has exhibited in the execution of its statutory mandate, especially the improved provision of security for the people of Liberia, the News newspaper reports.
Related Captions: US Renews Commitment For LNP(New Democrat Newspaper), US Government Pledges Support To LNP (The Inquirer Newspaper)
Liberia Begins 2nd MSME Int’l Forum Tuesday
The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, with the support from international partners will tomorrow begin its second Micro, Small Medium Enterprises (MSME) Conference in Monrovia. The conference which runs from April 29 to May 2, 2014 will be possible through the support from the Government of Japan, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the International Trade Center, USAID/FED and others partners. According to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry the Second National MSME Conference and Trade Fair, will showcase their secrets-to-success, network with big local, regional and international investors, and explore unique opportunities for small businesses in Liberia, reports the Inquirer Newspaper.
Related Captions: Gov’t Launches Second Annual MSME Confab Tomorrow(Heritage), GoL to Hold Second MSME Conference Tomorrow, (New Dawn)
Planting Seed: USAID FED, CARI Train 31 Liberian Rice Seed Inspectors
The USAID Food and Enterprise Development (FED) Program for Liberia in partnership with the Central Agricultural Research Institute (CARI) has completed the training for 31 rice seed inspectors. The seed inspectors, who come from Bong, Nimba, Lofa and Grand Bassa counties, recently participated in an intensive 10-day training program on rice seed quality assurance and certification training, held at CARI in Suakoko, Bong County. During the training, the budding seed inspectors learned proper protocols for rice seed production, processing and germination testing in addition to improved practices for land preparation and fertilizer application.
Years of insecurity and limited investments in a national rice seed certification program have left the seed industry unchecked and unregulated. Liberia lacks a rice seed certification system and knowledgeable seed inspectors. Partners such as USAID FED, CARI and African rice research organization Africa Rice, are working to generate trained rice seed inspectors and advance the seed certification program in Liberia consistent with the seed policy that has already been passed at the ECOWAS level. Since 2013, CARI and the Ministry of Agriculture have worked to establish a strong foundation for a national rice seed system. The training component with USAID FED brings the total to 130 certified seed inspectors on the national scene. “The overriding objective is to bring quality and elite planting material to the farming population, FrontPageAfrica reports.
Related Caption:USAID FED, CARI Train 31 Rice Seed Inspectors(New Dawn)
ECOWAS Pushes for Single Currency
The New Republicnewspaper reports that members of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament ended its two-day dialogue on cross border challenges and opportunities for trade and finance, with a resolution that ECOWAS should pursue more vigorously the implementation of the single currency. A communiqué issued by Mr. Ike Ekweremadu, Speaker of ECOWAS Parliament at the week-end said member also resolved that ECOWAS should that firm measures to address the numerous barriers to cross-border investment, particularly corruption. According to the Daily, the dialogue was organized by the national Institute for Legislative Studies, National Assembly in collaboration with African Capacity Building Foundation and ECOWAS Parliament brought together stakeholders to discuss ways of deepening intra-regional trade relations among ECOWAS countries.
US$800,000 For Liberian Teachers
Liberia has been given $800, 000 to enhance teachers’ education in the country under the UNESCO-China Funds-in Trust Teachers Education Project for teacher Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) in Africa. The funds, according to Liberian education experts will be used to improve the country’s teacher training program through the pedagogic use of ICT in its pre-service and in-service training programs. Making a presentation recently at the fund’s assessment forum in Paris, France, Assistant Education Minister for Teachers’ Education, Moses Jackson and Euphemia Abdullai, Dean of the University of Liberia Teachers College said the money will be spent on teachers training institutions to develop and improve the skills, knowledge and competency of Liberian teachers. Assistant Minister Jackson and Dean Abdullai said the fund will further be used to strengthen and modernize the ICT infrastructure and facilities of teachers training institutions at the University of Liberia, the Zorzor Rural Teachers Training Institute, the Kakata Rural Teachers Training Institute and the Webo Rural Teachers Institute. The project in the immediate term will attempt to identify different areas to be improved including, programs and courses, teachers educators, infrastructure and facilities as well as project and management. In the future, the project will build the national capacity of institutions on how to improve the programs and courses especially the first two-year programs of B.Sc in universities and C-Certificate programs in rural teachers training institutions in line with competent regional and national institutions. The project will also identify the relevant resources, individuals and institutions to provide trainings for initial trainings for teachers educators and ensure that government takes charge of the maintenance and sustainability of the project along with existing national initiatives and relevant stakeholders. The project agreement is to support the capacity development needs of the African countries, namely, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Tanzania, Uganda, and Liberia in relations to teachers’ education and professional development, FOCUS reports.
Extreme Militancy Lead To Violence, Min. Samukai Cautions
It was not all peaceful over the weekend, when youth from across Liberia gathered in Kakata Margibi County, for the Federation of Liberian Youth (FLY) General Assembly and the Presidential elections. Tensions began to mount as youth started singing slogans “we will proceed” when a Sheriff from the court in Kakata, presented a letter of injunction to FLY leadership to sign and stop the elections. But FLY President Mohammed Nassa refused to sign for the writ of injunction as the election went ahead. Extreme militarism has not worked
Serving as keynote speaker after witnessing the brief episode at the Kakata City Hall, Defense Minister Brownie J. Samukai strongly cautioned the youth to act right in the midst of chaos.
“Let me caution you, that extremism has not worked in the past and it won’t work now. So militancy leading to violence, will not give you a solution to your problems; activism leading to confusion is detrimental to your own future,” Says Defense Minister Brownie Samukai. The Defense Minister said as the youth prepares to lead, it is required of them to show responsible leadership. “It is your time to lead, but you must show that your leadership does not base on extreme militancy, extreme activism and that your leadership does not based on the fallacy that the crowd will take you forward. You must think and ask those fundamental questions before you act.”, FrontPageAfrica reports.
Related Captions: Fly Elects New Leaders(New Democrat), Court Injunction Mars FLY Assembly (New Dawn)
US$3M Earmarked For Peace Roadmap
A framework has been agreed to support Liberia’s peace and reconciliation roadmap with four components of the reconciliation roadmap targeted at achieving national reconciliation and peace. The four components include a framework that will ensure more collaboration and coordination amongst various implementing organs of the peace roadmap, a pledged of more budgetary support, resource mobilization and mass public awareness focusing on civil education among Liberians. Mr. Johnson assured Liberians that reconciliation will be achieve, and called on the nation to work collectively in order to build genuine peace in the country, New Democrat reports.
LEC Loses 40% To Theft
The Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) is losing over 40 percent of its revenues or income to power theft in the country despite serious efforts on the part of the Anti Power Theft Division of the entity. The Manager of the Power Source Generation, Lavelee Curtis has indicated that his entity is losing over 40 percent to power theft in the country. Speaking in an exclusive interview with the Focus newspaper, he mentioned that LEC is not generating the needed revenues and income due to the sharp increase in power theft. Mr. Curtis stressed that power theft has become a way of life and the Liberian government is not doing anything substantive to fight power theft. Liberians who also spoke to this paper indicated that they have been consistently affected by power theft. The aggrieved Liberians stressed that their homes and structures are at risk because of the illegal manner in which wires and meters are carelessly planted and hung.
They mentioned that with the total amount of funds given, they have not been able to benefit or get adequate electrify due to some individuals involvement into power theft in the country.
Madam Josephine Bundoo noted that the government of Liberia needs to seriously come to their aid in order to adequately fight the issue of power theft. She stressed that residents are now living in fear due to the careless way in which lines and meters are installed. The Anti Power Theft Team has been working hard in retrieving stolen meters and most of the meters retrieved are mostly found bypassed and supplying free current at the detriment of the LEC. The theft of power is seriously hurting LEC and there is a need for urgent intervention if the entity must realize or generate revenues. The Anti Power Theft Team has been unwavering and uncompromising in tracking down those who engage into power theft activities in Liberia.
Power theft has deeply ruined the smooth operation of the LEC, thus retarding its growth.
Liberians are now calling on the government of Liberia to make power theft a non billable crime in the country, FOCUS reports.
FPA Newsroom Chief Named To UN World Press Day Panel
FrontPageAfrica’sNewsroom Chief Wade Williams will form part of a panel discussion on Media freedom at the United Nations Headquarters in New York in observance of this year’s World Press Freedom which will be celebrated on May 3rd. The briefing, which will be moderated by Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal, the UN Under-Secretary-General for Communications & Public Information, is hosted by the United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI) in cooperation with the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Other Panelists include Maher Nasser (Moderator), Director of Outreach Division at Department of Public Information; Yehia Ghanem, International Journalist in Residence at CUNY Graduate School of Journalism; Delfine Halgand, US Representative for Reporters without Borders and Agnes Callamard, Director at Freedom of Expression and Information Project. The briefing which will take place on May 1st, 2014, will be held at UN Headquarters in New York under the theme: ‘Media Freedom for a Better Future: Shaping the Post-2015 Development Agenda.’
NOCAL Assures Human Capacity Building
New Dawnreports that the National Oil Company of Liberia or NOCAL has expressed its commitment to developing and harnessing the local human capacity needed for the effective operation of the oil sector in Liberia. A release issued in Monrovia says NOCAL President Dr. Randolph McClain gave the assurance during the weekend when he led a delegation of NOCAL and other officials of relevant government agencies on a tour of the West Tell us oil rig, off the coast of Liberia. The release said he met with several Liberians working on the drill-ship operated by Seadrill and hired by Chevron to drill its offshore prospect in hopes of find in hydrocarbon resources. Dr. McClain, according to the release, emphasized that a major priority of NOCAL now is to ensure the timely availability of qualified Liberian personnel who can constitute the much needed workforce for the evolving oil industry in the country. He declared that in this regard, NOCAL will continue to provide the needed resources for the training of deserving Liberians in all fields of operation relative to the oil industry, the release said. Dr. McClain then requested Chevron officials to timely make available to NOCAL, relevant data on Liberian workers on the drillship to enable NOCAL determine their training and related needs. Also speaking at the occasion, the Chief Operating Officer of NOCAL Cllr. Althea E. Sherman expressed great delight at seeing competent Liberians working in various fields of operation on the drill ship along with their foreign counterparts. Cllr. Sherman, according to the release, encouraged the Liberian workforce to remain committed to their professions so that they can make Liberia proud. She also thanked the Chevron and Seadrill staff for the opportunities, training and support that has been provided to the Liberian crew members. In more comments, other officials of government agencies here including Maritime Commissioner Binyah Kesselly, Environmental Protection Agency Chief Mrs. Anyaa Vohiri and National Port Authority Deputy for Administration Mr. Nyekeh Forkpa appreciated the performance of the Liberian workforce. NOCAL’s Vice President for Public Affairs Lamini Warity also formed part of the delegation that toured the facilities of the drill ship stationed about 45 miles off the Liberian coast. The ongoing drilling process is intended to determine the presence of a commercially significant hydrocarbon reservoir within the Liberian offshore geological basin located in Block LB-12.
NEC Trains, Deploys 152 Voter Roll Exhibition Workers
The Bong County branch of the National Elections Commission (NEC) has trained and deployed 152 voter roll exhibition workers to 76 centers in Upper Bong County. NEC Senior Magistrate Daniel Newland said the workers will respond to issues that may arise at their various posts, including confirmation of pertinent information, request for inclusion based on genuine reasons, correction of information and request for denial. He told the Liberia News Agency Thursday at the end of the workshop that two persons will be assigned to each of the 76 centers in Upper Bong to respond to inquiries from Monday, April 28 to Friday, May 2, 2014, FOCUS reports.
Orphanage Homes Get Relief Items
More than 100 disadvantages were at the weekend proud recipients of relief supplies valued at US$56,000 from the Ministry of Finance Gospel Ministry. The orphanages benefitting from the relief supplies included the Calvary Orphanage Mission near Barnesville and the Great Commission Orphanage in the Chicken Soup Factory community in Gardnersville. Making the presentation in separate remarks, the spiritual and deputy spiritual heads of the Finance Ministry Reverends Jesse Karmoh and Samuel Banks said the gesture was in fulfilment of their social responsibility in reaching out to the needy in society. They noted that the gifts represent God’s favor upon them which was made possible from collections and donations received daily on the buses and Friday services held at the Ministry, the News newspaper writes.
‘We Need Committed Teachers’, Says Deputy Minister Of Education
According to the Daily Observer Newspaper, Deputy Minister of Education Ramses T. Kumbugah has made a call for private schools owners to employ committed teachers in order to help Liberian students acquire quality education. The Minister said, if Teachers are not committed and willing to actively perform their duties, it becomes dangerous to the students and the country at-large. He pointed out, however, that teachers should not use the profession as a stepping stone to another profession; rather, one must become a teacher because of the love and passion for teaching. Hon. Kumbugah made the call when he spoke at a program marking the dedication of phase one of the newly-constructed Self-Help School Building project in New Kru Town Bushrod Island, Monrovia.
NOCAL Leads Oil Rig Tour
The National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL) has expressed its abiding commitment to developing and harnessing the local human capacity needed for the effective operation of the oil sector in Liberia. The President/CEO of NOCAL, Dr. Randolph McClain, gave the assurance last week when he led a delegation of NOCAL and other officials of relevant government agencies on a tour of the West Tellus Oil rig, off the coast of Liberia. Meeting with several Liberians working on the drill-ship operated by Seadrill and hired by Chevron to drill its offshore prospect in hopes of finding hydrocarbon resources, Dr. McClain emphasized that a major priority of NOCAL now is to ensure the timely availability of qualified Liberian personnel who can constitute the much needed workforce for the evolving oil industry in the country, pens the Inquirer Newspaper.
Liberia Paired Against Lestho In 2015 Nations Cup Draw
The Lone Star of Liberia has been drawn against Lesotho for the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations qualifiers. The draw, which was conducted on Sunday at the Confederation of African Football (CAF) headquarters in Cairo, Egypt, will see Liberia begin her campaign at home between May 16-18 while the return leg will be played away between May 30 and June 1. Liberia has been at the Nations Cup twice, firstly at the 1996 edition hosted by South Africa and the 2002 edition hosted by Mali.