President Weah Hails Prime Minister Scott Morrison Of Australia Following Successful Election

President George Manneh Weah has sent a congratulatory message to His Excellency Scott Morrison, Prime Minister of Australia on his   election as Prime Minister of Australia.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, in the message to His Australian counterpart, President George Manneh Weah on behalf of Liberia extended warmest congratulations and best wishes to Prime Minister Morrison as he ascends to the highest office of his country.


President Weah indicated that the recent election in Australia demonstrates the level of progress made in the consolidation of the democratic process which he noted has brought pride, not only to Australia but the entire commonwealth.


The Liberian leader expressed confidence that as Prime Minister Morrison takes on his herculean task of shaping the future of his country, the cordial ties of friendship and corporation subsisting between the two countries and peoples will be further strengthened in the spirit of Friendship and Cooperation.


“It is my fervent prayer that the Almighty God will continue to endow you with increased wisdom and resilience to lead the people of Australia to prosperity and continued happiness,” he stressed.