Daily Media Summary 2018-06-15

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




The signing of ETON and EBOMAF Loan Agreements by President George Manneh Weah, European Union launch of partners project to boost agriculture, and President George Weah’s congratulatory message to all Muslims at the climax of Ramadan are among selected stories for today’s summary.


President Weah Signs Eton, EBOMAF Loan Agreements

The Inquirer newspaper reports that the President George Manneh Weah has signed into law, the Eton Financing and EBOMAF SA Loan Agreements. The two Agreements were ratified by the National Legislature for the construction and pavements of 830 kilometers road network. In a statement delivered at the signing ceremony on Thursday, June 14, 2018 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Liberian leader lauded government officials and Liberians in general for the support given him leading to securing the two Loan Agreements for the construction of major roads in the country. “It’s my desire and I pledge that at the end of my tenure, I shall have connected all 15 counties. This shall be my focus; this shall be my legacy and my footpath after my tenure”. President Weah said the Loan Agreements will help provide the opportunities for economic growth, increase development and will provide access to youth employments, while also impacting meaningful contributions to national development.   The EBOMAF SA Loan will cover the pavement of 323.7 km roads including the Somalia Drive via Kesselley Boulevard to Sinkor in Monrovia -16km, Tappita to Zwedru in Nimba and Grand Gedeh Counties and from Toe Town in Grand Gedeh County to Ivory Coast Border-10.2km road. It includes the 185km road from Zwedru in Grand Gedeh County to Greenville in Sinoe County. Also, the ETON Financing loan covers 505.3km of roads including the corridor from Grand Bassa County in Buchanan through Cestos City in Rivercess County to Greenville City in Sinoe County onward to Barclayville City in Grand Kru County -316km road.  


Related Captions: Weah Seals ETON, EBOMAF Loans(Daily Observer), and President Weah Signs ETON, EDOMAF Loan Agreements(In Profile Daily)


Weah Reaffirms Religious Tolerance

The New Dawn newspaper reports that President George Manneh Weah has reaffirmed his Government’s unwavering support, commitment to the Islamic Community and to the promotion of religious tolerance here, in his message wishing the entire Muslim Community a Happy Eid Mubarak.The Executive Mansion says in a statement issued Thursday, 14 June that as the Islamic Community climaxes a month-long fasting and sacred encounter with Allah, President Weah cannot emphasize enough the longstanding contributions the Islamic Community has made to the society, thus reaffirming his Government’s unwavering support and commitment to the Islamic Community and to the promotion of religious tolerance. In respect of the sacred nature of the day to the Islamic Faith, the President informs all Muslims within the employ of the Government of Liberia that they are at liberty to take this day off from work at no repercussion to them, as they join their Islamic brothers and sisters to celebrate the joyous and festive Eid Mubarak, the statement adds.

Related Captions: President Weah Calls For Muslims Support To Make Liberia Better(Inquirer), and President Weah Calls For Muslims’ Support(In Profile Daily)


President Congratulates Muslims at Climax of Ramadan

President George Manneh Weah has wished all Muslims a happy and blessed Eid Mubarak as they climax a month-long fasting and sacred encounter with Allah. According to him, all Muslim government employees are free to take the day off to celebrate, without it being counted against them. The Liberian leader said he cannot emphasize enough the longstanding contributions the Islamic Community has made to the society, and as such reaffirms his Government’s unwavering support and commitment to the promotion of religious tolerance. A statement from the Executive Mansion said: “In respect of the sacred nature of the day to the Islamic Faith, the President hereby informs all Muslims within the employ of the Government of Liberia that they are at liberty to take this day off from work at no repercussion to them, as they join their Islamic brothers and sisters to celebrate the joyous and festive Eid Mubarak.” It added: “It is the hope and prayer of the President that the month-long Ramadan period will yield bountiful blessings for the Nation as we work collectively towards a prosperous and better Liberia,” reports the Daily Observer.

EU Launches PARTNERS Project to Boost Agriculture

The Minister of Agriculture,Dr. Mogana S. Flomo, Jr., and the European Union Ambassador to Liberia, Hélène Cavé, have jointly launched the EU-Liberia Agriculture Programor EULAP in Monrovia, targeting seven counties in Liberia over the next five years. The program is a prosperous agriculture roadmap to nutrition, entrepreneurship and reinforcing sustainability effort. According to a press statement, to be commonly known as the PARTNERS Project, the initiative reflects the European Union’s ongoing dedication and commitment towards sustainable development in Liberia. It is funded by the Rural Development component of the EU-Liberia Agriculture Program under which the EU is providing funding of €12 million or approximately US$14 million, with a further €1.3 million contributed by implementing partners. The project aims to support farmers and businesses to realise the enormous potential of the Liberian agricultural sector with a view to contributing to the country’s social and economic development. EU Ambassador here Hélène Cavé, says the effort is a sign of how seriously the EU takes agriculture and food security in Liberia, which is considered a priority by the new Government in the pro poor agenda of President George Weah. The statement says the project will be implemented by a consortium led by Welthungerhilfe (WHH), with ZOA, Concern Worldwide and SPARK, pens the New Dawn newspaper.

CBL, Senate and House’s Banking Committees Meet

The Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) and the House of Representatives and Senate’s standing committees on Banking and Currency, have agreed to collaborate to promote the development and security of the financial services sector of the country. The institutions said it is in the interest of all for an open line of communication between the CBL and the Committees for the common good of the country and its people. The commitments were made in Monrovia, during recent comprehensive meetings between executives of the CBL and the Senate and House’s Standing Committees on Banking and Currency. The parties, among other issues, discussed the continuing depreciation of the Liberian Dollar and its impact on the purchasing power of citizens and efforts by the CBL to intervene in the foreign exchange market to help smoothen the volatility. Discussions also centered on the country’s dual currency regime and its impact on the economy as well as ongoing efforts by the CBL to withdraw from the banking system mutilated Liberian Dollar banknotes. Discussions also focused on the challenges facing the Insurance Sector of the country; the establishment of a Banking Institute of Liberia as well as security concerns in the financial sector. During the meeting, the Executive Governor of the CBL, Mr. Milton A. Weeks, welcomed the interaction between executives of the bank and the lawmakers. The Governor assured members of the Committees of his commitment to collaborate and cooperate in a spirit of transparency and fairness in promoting the objectives of the bank. Governor Weeks noted that the Committees’ willingness to meet with the CBL to discuss pertinent issues affecting the sector demonstrate the lawmakers’ desire for constructive engagement and positive impact on the Liberian people. The CBL Governor expressed thanks that both Committees would remain open for ongoing discussions as the bank seeks to implement policies that would benefit the government and its people, thereby promoting the pro-poor agenda of the government, reports the New Dawn newspaper.

Related Caption: CBL. Senate and House Banking committees Hang Heads(Daily Observer)

World Bank Conducts Environmental, Social Framework Training For Gov’t Officials

The FrontPage Africa newspaper reports that the World Bank Liberia Country Manager, Larisa Leshchenko, has assured stakeholders that the Bank’s Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) will make a significant impact and improve its operation. The ESF is expected to be launched in October this year. She said the ESF offers a broad and systematic coverage of environmental and social risks, and makes important advances in transparency, non-discrimination, public participation, and accountability including expanded roles for grievance redress mechanisms. Speaking at the opening of a two-day training aimed at enlightening heads of government’s ministries and agencies on the ESF, Madam Leshchenko said although the framework is an important evolution in protecting people and the environment in project finance, it is not about a radical departure from the existing safeguards processes.

FeJAL Extols Female PUL Awards Winner

The Female Journalists Association of Liberia (FeJAL) has extended its heartfelt congratulations to one of its members, Bettie Johnson-Mbayo, for her recognition as the Press Union of Liberia’s Health, Women Rights and Judicial Reporter of the year 2018. Journalist Mbayo won three of the PUL 2018 awards and is the only female to have won several accolades in this year’s awards category. Others, who won this year’s awards are Power TV Anthony Stephens, Bush Chicken, OK FM, LMDI John Kollie and The Inquirer Newspaper respectively. The Association, therefore, expresses gratitude to Bettie and urges her to continue to shine in this noble profession and also hopes that she can be an inspiration to other females in the media, asserts the FrontPage Africa newspaper.

YWCA and Activa Group Foundation Launch Project for High School Dropouts

According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, at the program, the managing director of Activa International Insurance Company, Atty. Saye Gbalazeh, said the project is a miniature response to some societal needs and is a demonstration of the company’s corporate citizenship and social conscience. “At Activa, we endeavor to balance the pursuit of profit with a commitment to ethical conduct and to achieve a balance between economic and our social obligations. This program, when implemented will provide business skills and economic empowerment to about 50 adolescent girls who are high school drop-outs,” Gbalezeh added. The insurance executive said the goal of the program is to help reduce vulnerability amongst adolescent girls who have dropped out of school due to teenage pregnancy. “We have the shared conviction that by building their capacities through information sharing and empowering them to take charge of their lives, they would acquire skills that would help them overcome dependency and instead make them productive and self-sufficient citizens. Undoubtedly, this program will have a positive impact on our adolescent girls,” he added. 

Agriculture Ministry, CI Launch New Program to Tackle Deforestation


The Ministry of Agriculture, with the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and Conservation International (CI) recently launched the Good Growth Partnership (GGP) under the theme: Taking Deforestation out of Commodity Supply Chains. According to Ronald Cumberbatch, Project Manager, (GGP) the partnership, which is initiated by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and now led by the UNDP’s Green commodities programs in collaboration with (CI), The International Financing Corporation, UN Environment and World Wildlife Fund for Nature, concentrates on advancing an integrated, supply chain approach to tackling the underlying roots causes of deforestation from agriculture commodities, specifically palm oil in Liberia, reports the FrontPage Africa newspaper.

Related Caption: MOA, UNDP, CI Launch Good Growth Partnership(Daily Observer)


LCC, LRRRC Sign MoU To Collaborate

The Heritage newspaper reads that the Liberia Council of Churches (LCC) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Liberia Refugee Repatriation and Resettlement Commission (LRRRC) to assist the Commission address a wide range of institutional programs. Executives of LRRRC have been raising concern about low budgetary allotment (US$500,000) for FY2018-19), which they see as inadequate to handle major ongoing and prospective national-driven projects. The projects include rehabilitation and training of « National Internally Displaced Persons with special needs program (NIDPs) » and helping returnee Liberian migrants rebuild their lives. LRRRC Executive Director Rev. Festus Logan told the Liberia News Agency on Wednesday that the Church is a key partner to the commission in addressing those challenges due to the « greater responsibility it has in society. » Rev. Logan said the MOU signed on Tuesday outlined the responsibility of the church as possibly providing spiritual guidance and psychosocial counseling and other services to some of the returnees, as well as making available land where the ‘internally displaced’ will acquire various skills training. On his part, LCC Secretary General Rev Christopher Toe expressed delight over the accord reached with the Commission and committed the Church to living up to its terms and conditions as part of the Council’s ‘continued’ efforts towards national advancement. 


EU Launches PARTNERS Project

The European Union (EU) Ambassador has disclosed that the “Prosperous Agriculture Roadmap to Nutrition, Entrepreneurship Reinforcing Sustainability (PARTNERS) project is the EU's flagship activity in agriculture in Liberia. An official of the EU, Ambassador Helene Cave, stated that this project is the largest single contract the EU has awarded to an implementing partner under the EU Liberia agriculture program.  Ambassador Cave made the remarks Wednesday at the launching ceremony of PARTNERS held in the Monrovia. She indicated that the EU will contribute 12 million Euros out of the total allocation of the 30 million Euros under the EU Liberia Agriculture program.  According to her, this is a sign of how serious the EU takes agriculture and food security in Liberia. “The EU has been committed to agricultural development in Liberia since 2003, working and coordinating with the government in building resilience for Liberians,” Ambassador Cave added. The EU Ambassador explained that PARTNERS Project is so important for Liberia, as it links commercial agricultural development with improving food security and nutrition in those regions in country where it is most needed.  She disclosed that the project will also focus on five value chains, specifically, targeting food security and nutrition which aims to improve the lives and livelihoods of 6,600 farmers from 220 communities in seven counties, asserts theHeritagenewspaper.


Senate To Hold Major Debate On Presidential Tenure

According to the Heritage newspaper, the Plenary of the House of Senate will next Thursday hold a debate on the tenure of the Liberian Presidency. The daily reads that plenary is the highest decision making body of the Liberian Senate. The tenure of the Liberian Presidency is enshrined in Article 50 of the Liberian constitution, which is regarded as the organic law of the constitution of the country. The article states that the president shall be elected by universal adult suffrage of registered voters in the  Republic and shall hold office for a term of six years commencing at noon on the third working Monday in January of the year immediately following the elections. No person shall serve as President for more than two terms. The Senate made the decision following the presentation of a report by Senator Varney Sherman, chairman of the Committee on Judiciary, Human Rights, Claims and Petitions, the proposals of the Constitutional Review Committee (CRC) for amendments to the 1986 Constitution.


Liberian Urged To Donate Blood

As Liberia joins countries around the world to commemorate the celebration of World Blood Donors’ Day (WBDD), citizens around the country are urged to voluntarily donate blood for the survival of others. According to theHeritage newspaper, every year June 14, African region joins the global community to celebrate World Blood Donors; Day. The day draws attention to the kind gestures of regular and voluntary blood donor for patients in need as well as to encourage people especially the youth who have never given blood to care for one another by giving free blood.


Girl Stabs Boyfriend to Death

An employee of the National Social Security and Welfare Corporation or NASSCORP, Mr. Morris N. Johnson II,is said to have been stabbed to death by his girlfriend Abul Pinky. Sources told this paper Thursday that both Abul and Morris had gone out on Wednesday night to settle a long standing dispute that had affected their relationship and upon their return at Abul’s house, both got into an argument after Johnson insisted to spend the night over and Abul rejected the idea. Police spokesman Moses Carter confirmed the incident on Thursday saying the tragic incident occurred Thursday morning at about 2:10 a.m in the S.K.D. Sports Complex Community in Paynesville. According to him, Pinky allegedly stabbed and killed Morris when the victim and the accused had a serious misunderstanding at her residence in the S.K.D. Sports Complex Community during the victim’s visit there. Pinky, who is currently being treated at the state-run John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital for a stab wound allegedly sustained from the fight with the victim is said to be handcuffed at her bed as a form of arrest. She and the late Johnson were rushed at the hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival. Victim Johnson was a resident of the R2 Community on the Robertsfield Highway. Pinky will face Police investigation upon her release from the JFK; Mr. Carter says the suspect will face intensive investigation, writes the New Dawn newspaper.