Daily Media Summary 2018-04-27

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




Today’s summary highlights news of the construction by the Snyder Healthcare of 500 bed-Room Hospital valued at USD 8.9 in Careysburg; the submission of Real Estate Tax package to members of the Legislature by the LRA; President Weah’s assurance of conductive business climate for Liberian business people and the State visit by the Liberian leader to the Republic of Congo, amongst others.


Careysburg to Benefit US$8.9M Hospital

According to the Daily Observer, Careysburg Township in Lower Montserrado County, which population is approximately 12,000 is to shortly benefit from US$8.9 million 500-bed valued hospital the Snyder Healthcare System Incorporated has promised to construct for the residents. The project is expected to end in three years. The Snyder Healthcare System Incorporated, a private initiative 100 percent own by Liberian health professionals in the Diaspora is headed by a team of prominent personnel that include Dr. Thomas N. Tweh, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Madia V. Tweh, Dr. Sam Kolleh and Astan Kolleh. First Lady Clar Weah, who performed the groundbreaking ceremony on Wednesday, April 25 said, “this is an awesome development for residents of this community and those in the neighboring communities, because the hospital, when completed, will be one that will make a difference by breaching the gaps in the country’s healthcare delivery.”

Related Caption: First Lady Breaks Ground for 306-Bed Hospital(Heritage)

House Gets Declaration of Asset Package

Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) on Tuesday presented formally a package on Real Property Tax to each of the 73 members of the House of Representatives so as to declare their respective assets as well as give the timeline to pay  Real Property Tax. LRA’s Real Estate Tax Division, through a power point presentation on Tuesday, April 24, in the House’s Chambers informed lawmakers in a strongly-worded statement that the declaration of assets is unavoidable and that the Real Property Tax is paid once a year. The payment of the tax, according to LRA’s Real Estate Tax Division, must be done between January 1 and July 1 every year in which the tax is levied. The Commissioner of Real Property Tax Darlingston Talery said after July 1, the payment of the Real Property Tax is considered late and would accrue penalty and interest in keeping with Section 2002 of the LRA., reports the Daily Observer. 

LRRRC to Build Transit Camp for Liberian Deportees


Authorities of the Liberia Refugee Repatriation and Resettlement Commission (LRRRC) have disclosed plans to construct a transit camp for Liberians who may be deported from the United States of America (U.S.) . at the end of the  Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) grace period in May, 2019. It can be recalled that U.S. President Donald Trump recently ordered that Liberians who have lived in the U.S. without regularizing their residency status be repatriated this year. However, after intervention from authorities in the U.S. and an appeal from President George Weah to allow Liberians prepare properly before their departure, Trump rescinded his decision but set May 31, 2019, as the deadline. Making the disclosure at the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism (MICAT) recently, LRRRC executive director Festus R. B. Logan said approximately 3,600 Liberians who traveled to America for various reasons are expected back home. Therefore, his institution wants to construct a temporary home for them before they arrive., pens the Daily Observer.

President Weah Assures PATEL of Business-friendly Climate

President George Weah has said it was important for the Liberian Business community to have a business-friendly atmosphere so that the financial problems and challenges being faced by Liberians can be overcome, a release from the Executive Mansion has said. According to the release, the President spoke on Tuesday, April 24, when he met with the leadership of the Patriotic Entrepreneurs of Liberia (PATEL) at his Foreign Ministry Office in Monrovia. The essence of the meeting was to acquaint the President with prevailing challenges faced by the business community as the government seeks to create a conducive business-friendly climate for its citizens, especially business people. President Weah expressed the belief that the high tariff in Liberia was causing serious problem for the common people, and therefore, assured the business community that his office will do everything to ease the problem at the Free Port of Monrovia, asserts the Daily Observer. 

House to investigate BHP Billinton social fund


According the New Dawn newspaper, the leadership of the House of Representatives is expected to investigate concession firm here, BHP Billiton, to clearly establish status of its social development fund to Nimba County.A communication from Nimba County electoral district#2 Representative Prince O. S. Tokpah, says BHP Billiton has a commitment to pay US$200,000 annually as its social corporate responsibility for two operational areas in Nimba, and US$100,000 to every operational area, including Mount Kitoma and Mount Tappita, respectively. He says accordingly, the Government of Liberia represented by the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning has not been able to deliver said amount to the people of Nimba for the past six years, after several requests by the county for budgetary allotment. The Nimba County lawmaker also notes that similarly, citizens have repeatedly requested an explanation about the refusal of government to forward same to the account of Nimba County. 

LCP to improve youth career development


Liberia Career Pathways (LCP) will on Friday, 27 April launch its initiative that is meant to focus on youth career development, especially in the technical areas such as biochemical technicians and repairing of other high-tech medical equipment.LCP is a certified nonprofit and is an innovative public-private education initiative that is designed to support college and career readiness in targeted Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) clusters, Executive Director Kenety Gee told this paper in an interview Wednesday, 25 April.
“This is an effort to improve youth development and their employability in the country,” he notes. Mr. Gee discloses that the organization wants to adequately improve the job market here and as well help the youth to contribute greatly to their societies. The LCP launch will focus on narrowing the mindset of advocacy for government positions. According to Mr. Gee, LCP started with the intervention of former Vice President Joseph N. Boakai when he invited the group here. The State of Illinois in the U.S. views its partnership with the Government of Liberia as a two-way exchange of ideas and benefits lessons learned from Illinois Pathways will strengthen Liberia’s work, while Illinois’ engagement with Liberia will expose the educators and students here to the global context of areas such as agriculture. Mr. Gee indicates that the vision of LCP is to create more awareness about career development to enable the country have a strong youth labor force where the young people will engage into doing different things and contributing to their country, writes the New Dawn newspaper.

MOH launches new birth certificate

The Bureau of Vital Statistics Department of the Ministry Health launches a new birth certificate aimed at curtailing falsification. Speaking at the launching ceremony Wednesday, 25 April Prince Kaba Momolu,Director of the Bureau of Statistics says the new birth certificate has series of security features rgar nakes it difficult to falsify.Deputy Health Minister A. Varfee Tulay ,who proxy for Health Minister Dr. Williemina Jallah, notes that the new birth certificate would help in eradicating malpractices at the Bureau. According to him, it has 20 security features thus, making it easier to detect duplication. He explains that the new automation system will enable the Bureau to produce between 300 and 500 birth certificates daily, unlike the manual system previously used. He calls on employees of the Bureau to discharge their duty effectively and avoid acts that would undermine the ministry’s drive to transform the health sector. Also speaking, Assistant Health Minister Chea Sanford Wesseh lauds UNICEF for supporting the bureau to introduce the new system. He discloses that the new system allows for services to be accessed both online and offline, reports the New Dawn newspaper. 

Labour Minister confers with Qatari Government


Labour Minister Moses Y. Kollie held a weeklong visit to the State of Qatar and discussed with senior officials of the Qatari Government. A Labour Ministry press release says the visit which began from 17 April was a follow-up on discussion gearing at reviewing and consummating a Labour Agreement signed in 2014 during the administration of former Liberian President, Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf.The release says Mr. Kollie discussed with the Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani and Dir. Issa Saad Al Jafali Al Nuaaimi, Minister of Administrative Development, Labour and Social Affairs. While in Qatar, they among other things considered the recruitment of Liberians both skilled and unskilled, to work in the State of Qatar as well as the sharing of relevant ideas intended to foster cooperation between the two countries in relations to the labour sector. Minister Kollie noted that as part of President George M. Weah’s commitment to a decent labour sector in Liberia and the provision of better employment opportunities for employable citizens, Liberians stand to benefit huge economic dividends once the agreement is finally concluded between the two countries pens the New Dawn newspaper.

First Lady Weah Announces Monthly Feeding Initiative for the Elderly

According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, the Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex in Paynesville was a scene of attraction on Thursday, April 26, 2018, as hundreds of elderly people gathered to benefit from the First Lady’s initiative to feed them. Elderly men and women, including persons with the visually impaired and physically challenged, made their way to the complex to grab their ration despite the heavy downpour. The Feeding program launched Thursday, April 26, 2018 is aimed at reaching out to the elderly people  of Liberia in a show of care and love. First  Lady Weah told the elderly in a statement that the initiative would continue regularly on the last Thursday of each month. She said, though the rations distributed among them may sustain them for a month, it was an important initial gesture to express her concern for them.


Weah Off To Attend Franco-African Summit

President George Manneh Weah departs Liberia for Congo Brazzaville on Thursday, April 26, 2018.  The 3-day official state visit is aimed at honoring a special invitation to attend the Franco-African Summit.   While in Brazzaville, the President is expected to meet his Congolese counterpart, President Denis Sassou Nguesso and other Francophone leaders in order to strengthen bilateral relations between their countries and Liberia.  The Liberian Leader will also use the opportunity to expand outreach within Francophone countries and Africa at large and explore investment avenues and opportunities for development. President Weah will be accompanied by Foreign Minister, Gbehzongar Milton Findley, Presidential Press Secretary, Sam Mannah, including presidential support and technical staffs, reports the Heritage newspaper.


Related Caption: Weah Off To Franco-African Summit(Inquirer)


VP-Howard Taylor To Launch JNB Development Initiative Today

The Liberia Career Pathways (LCP), a developmental initiative of former Vice President Joseph Nyumah Boakai (JNB) will be launched today, Friday, April 27, 2018. Official launch of the developmental initiative will be held at the Methodist Compound in Monrovia and will Chairman of the Board of Directors. Speaking ahead of the launch, the Executive Director of LCP, Mr. Kennedy S. Gee, said the initiative is meant to focus on youth career development, especially in the technical areas such as Biochemical technicians and those who can repair other high-tech medical equipment, reports the Heritage newspaper.