President Weah Congratulates Sierra Leone, Togo & South Africa on Respective Independence Days

President George Manneh Weah has sent three separate messages of congratulations to the Presidents of Sierra Leone, Togo and South Africa on the occasions marking those nations’ Independence Anniversaries, respectively.


Coincidentally, all of these great nations celebrate this very important Day on Friday, April 27, 2018.


According to the Foreign Ministry release, to his dear brother, His Excellency Mr. Julius Maada Bio, President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, President Weah told him that on the auspicious occasion of the commemoration of the 57th Independence Anniversary of his nation, it gives him (Mr. Weah) great pleasure to convey to him on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia and in his own name, warmest felicitations to His Excellency, the Government and People of Sierra Leone.


“It’s my hope that this anniversary will further deepen the bonds of friendship and cooperation that so happily exists between our two peoples,” he also stated.


President Weah assured President Maada Bio that Liberia will continue to work with Sierra Leone to promote peace, security and progress in the Mano River Union basin, ECOWAS region and Africa.


The Foreign Ministry release further stated that the Liberian Leader also told another “Dear Brother,” His Excellency Mr. Faure Gnassingbe, President of the Republic of Togo, that on the festive occasion commemorating the 58th Anniversary of his country’s Independence, it gives him (Mr. Weah) immense pleasure to extend best wishes to him and the Government and People of Togo best wishes.


“I hope that this momentous occasion will allow us to reflect on our historic journey of partnership and to explore new areas of cooperation noting opportunities brought to bear by the recently consummated Continental Free Trade Area which has removed artificial trade barriers and brought us more closer together as Africans,” he further told his Togolese counterpart.


President Weah hopes that the bonds of friendship and cooperation subsisting between Liberia and Togo will continue to be strengthened in furtherance of the principles of ECOWAS and the African Union.


To His Excellency Mr. Cyril Ramaphosa, President of the Republic of South Africa, President Weah stated to him that on the occasion of his country’s 24th Independence Anniversary of Freedom Day, he is immensely pleased to extend to him and through him to the Government and People of South Africa, Liberia’s warmest congratulations and best wishes on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia.


President Weah entertains the confidence that the spirit and ideals that inspired the people of that nation to reject servitude and seek freedom and justice will continue to propel the future of South Africa.


“It is these very values that bind the history of Liberia and South Africa. The cordial relations subsisting between our two countries will be further strengthened.”