New WFP Country Director, Mr. Bienvenu Djossa, Presents Letters of Credence to Foreign Minister Kamara

The United Nations’ World Food Programme (WFP) has a new country director and resident representative in Liberia. He’s Mr. Bienvenu Djossa from the Republic of Benin.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, Mr. Djossa presented his Letters of Credence to Foreign Minister Marjon Kamara at a brief ceremony at the Ministry’s conference room on Thursday, December 29, 2016.


Welcoming Mr. Djossa to Liberia, Minister Kamara expressed delight at receiving the new WFP representative to continue the good work that his agency has engaged in over many years. “You’ve come at a good time and there’s a lot of room for us to work together,” she said, highlighting Government’s current emphasis on the agriculture sector.


Mr. Djossa, for his part, stressed that his agency is undergoing profound transformation. He said the WFP has developed a number of tools packaged into a new five-year strategic plan.


Broadly, the new WFP country director disclosed that in Liberia, his agency, along with other stakeholders, have commenced a strategic review of the hunger solution towards the 2030 agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with government leading the review.


He noted that the time has passed when people will come with their own ideas and later put them on shelves. Rather, WFP and stakeholders have begun to investigate the depths of food insecurity and the lack of good nutrition in Liberia which include a thorough assessment, cost sectoral assessment and then craft a country-driven strategic plan, vision and what they intend to achieve.


He further indicated that WFP’s work in Liberia is geared towards providing safety nets to strengthen food and nutrition security through “home grown” school feeding and social protection measures, and to strengthen Liberia’s capacity to own and implement hunger solutions.

Practically, Mr. Djossa stressed that WFP will provide school meals to promote education, support rural livelihoods, assets and access to markets; as well as provide assistance to refugees hosted in camps.


He emphasized that his agency’s focus is the 2030 agenda (SDGs-2) which intends to get rid of hunger, referred to as “Zero Hunger Strategy”.


Touching on the “Zero Hunger” campaign for Liberia expected to be launched shortly, Foreign Minister Kamara disclosed that Dr. Amos Sawyer has been designated as the champion and hoped that together with WFP, he plays that role. She highlighted the convergence between WFP and the Liberian Government which has also prioritized the agriculture sector so as to be able to feed ourselves.


Foreign Minister Kamara thanked Mr. Djossa for his brief insight on WFP activities in Liberia and reminded him that the Foreign Ministry is open to support his agency’s activities. “I hope that you find your assignment here not only interesting but fulfilling,” she said