Daily Media Summary 2016-12-08


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


Today’s edition of our Summary of the local dailies includes the Chief Justice of Liberia, His Honor Francis Korkpor, call for journalists covering the judiciary to learn and know what it is about, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s Proclamation declaring December 9 and 10 as International Anti-Corruption Day and International Human Rights Day respectively among other stories.

Learn the Judiciary Chief Justice Urges Journalists

TheINQUIRER newspaper reads that the Chief Justice of Liberia, Francis Korkpor, is calling on the public especially journalists covering that branch of government to learn the Judiciary and know what it is about, as he promised to support a training program for judicial reporters. “Judges are not seen, they are heard. When lawyers behave like politician; the interest of the public is jeopardized. There is absolutely no influence. All we ask of is to do the right thing,” he stated yesterday when members of the Association of Judicial Reporters held a program to honor their fallen member, Journalist Moses Wlemongar Ciapha, the paper says.

Related Captions: ‘Judiciary Never Intimidates Journalists’(Daily Observer), Justice Korkpor Admonishes AJUR Members To Know The Judiciary(Heritage) 

President Sirleaf Declares December 10 ‘International Human Rights Day


According to the FrontPage Africanewspaper, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has by Proclamation declared Saturday, December 10, 2016 as “International Human Rights Day” to be observed throughout the country as a Working Holiday. According to a Foreign Ministry release, the Liberian leader has called upon all citizens and foreign residents, national and international organizations and all Government agencies concerned to join the Independent National Commission on Human Rights (INHCR) to execute appropriate programs befitting the observance of the Day. This year’s Human Rights Day which will be celebrated under the theme: “Stand Up For Someone’s Rights Today,” is devoted to the launch of a year-long campaign for the 51st anniversary of the two international covenants on human rights: the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which were adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 16, 1966.

Related Caption: December 10 Is ‘International Human Rights Day’, Working Holiday(Heritage)

Friday Is ‘Int’l Anti-Corruption Day’ To Be Celebrated In Gbarnga

The Daily Observer reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has by Proclamation declared Friday, December 9, 2016 as “International Anti-Corruption Day” to be observed throughout the country as a working holiday. This year marks the seventh observance of Anti-Corruption Day in Liberia and activities will be held in Gbarnga, Bong County, under the global theme, “Corruption: An Impediment to Sustainable Development Goals.” The significance of the day is to raise awareness about corruption and promote anti-corruption campaign activities, including the role of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) in combating and preventing it. According to a Foreign Affairs Ministry release, on October 31, 2003, the United Nations General Assembly, unanimously designated December 9th each year as “International Anti-Corruption Day” when it adopted the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC).

Relayed Caption: Ellen Declares December 9 ‘International Anti-Corruption Day’(The INQUIRER)

ECOWAS Humanitarian Mission Donates US$70, 000 for Ebola Survivals, Orphans

The FOCUS newspaper reports that The Commissioner for Social Affairs and Gender at the ECOWAS Commission Wednesday delivered humanitarian assistance in the amount of USD$70,000 to the Government of Liberia. Dr. Fatimata Dia Sow, in her speech during her one day visit to Liberia, made the disclosure that ECOWAS Commission has approved the amount for the use of Ebola survivals and orphans in Liberia. “Owing to the need to finalize the processes in line with ECOWAS procedures, coupled with the serious financial difficulties faced by the Commission in the recent past that was not realized as quickly as we wanted it. However, I believe that it is never too late and we hope that our good intentions will make some humble impact on the beneficiaries especially the orphans,” she said. 

AFL Chief Of Staff Heads ECOWAS Chiefs Of Defense Staff


The Chief of Staff (COS) of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL), Major/General Daniel D. Ziankahn, has been appointed to head the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Chiefs of Defense Staff (CODS). According to the Daily Observer, he was appointed at the just-ended 36th ordinary meeting held in Lomè, Togo, which was convened from November 22-24, 2016. The meeting was climaxed with the colorful transfer of gavel of authority from the outgoing CODS of Senegal, Lieutenant/General Mamadou Sow. As ECOWAS CODS, M/Gen. Ziankahn will chair quarterly meetings of ECOWAS Chiefs of Defense Staff with the aim of keeping close surveillance on West Africa’s current hot spots. These include Guinea Bissau, Mali and the Lake Chad Basin Countries (Cameroon, Chad, Nigeria and Niger) that are plagued with Boko Haram insurgency.

Related Caption: Liberia Armed Forces Chief of Staff Ziankahn Appointed As ECOWAS Chairman of Chiefs of Defense Staff(FrontPage Africa) 

TOTAL-Liberia Commissions Modern Refueller At Spriggs Payne Airport


TOTAL Liberia Wednesday achieved a milestone in the aviation sector in Liberia when it inaugurated a new modern refueller at the nation’s second major airport, the James Spriggs Payne Airfield, in Monrovia. The new facility is a 1, Om3 refueller. According to the Daily Observer, this is the third refueller the global petroleum giant has commissioned in the country after previously installing two at the Roberts International Airport, the country’s premier airport, in Margibi County. The latest has a capacity of 2,567 US gallons, while the first two hold a total of 5,856 US gallons. The Daily Observer quotes TOTAL Aviation Manager Amos Zaizay as saying that TOTAL Liberia has resolved to help government in its drive to adequately improve the aviation sector.

ECOWAS Trade Task Force Meets Ellen

A seven-man task force of ECOWAS Trade Liberalization Scheme (ETLS) has met with President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, who doubles as chairperson for the sub-regional bloc. The team led by Niger's former Head of State Mr. Salou Djibo told President Sirleaf that since their arrival in the country on Sunday, 4 December, they have met with Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Liberia National Police, the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization, the Chambers of Commerce and the Liberia Revenue Authority, members of the Legislature, among others. President Sirleaf thanked the team for coming, saying she wanted to hear their findings and recommendations to know what government can do for implementation. The ECOWAS Trade Liberalization Scheme supports free trade among member states of the West Africa region while seeking to abolish customs duties levying on imports and exports among ECOWAS States, reports the New Dawn newspaper. 

Illegal Tertiary Institution threatened with Closure


The Director General of the National Commission on Higher Education, Dr. Michael P. Slawo, has termed as criminal and unacceptable the operations of the International Miracle Institute, a Nigerian tertiary Institution of Learning that is currently offering Bachelor and Doctorate degrees to Liberian Students. According to Dr. Slawon, the Government of Liberia is not in any way aware of the schools’ operation, adding that only four universities qualified to grant doctorate degrees, as such, the faith based school is operating illegally, the Heritage reads.

Related Caption: Dr. Slawon Threatens Legal Action Against ‘Illegal’ Tertiary Institutions

(Daily Observer)  

USAID/Liberia Mission Director Commissions Biomass Energy Plant


According to the Daily Observer, the United States Government has turned over the completed and operational Kwendin Biomass Energy Plant to the people of Kwendin in Nimba County. The project, according to the release, was funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) using locally available biomass. The Kwendin Biomass Energy Plant is one of four renewable energy projects funded by USAID in Liberia. A 1000 kilowatt hydro-electric plant is being constructed on the Mein River in Suakoko, Bong County, with USAID assistance. Once completed, it will supply power to more than 2,500 homes and several businesses and institutions in the Suakoko area, including Cuttington University, Phebe Hospital, and the Central Agricultural Research Institution. 

Liberian Journalist Gains Experience in Best Electoral Practices


A Liberian journalist, Success Minor, has just returned from the United States of America, with an extensive experience in best electoral practices from the United States Presidential Elections 2016. Minor, having spent a five weeks in the US, was involved with the process of observing, experiencing, and learning best electoral practices from the United States Presidential Elections 2016. Minor participated in a month-long observer mission on the conduct of the United States Elections as international campaign fellows. The broadcast Liberian journalist gained valuable experience through various political activities including working with the Hilary Clinton campaign mainly in the swing state of Ohio, the Heritage newspaper reads.

Female Journalists Induct Officials Today

The Female Journalist Association of Liberia (FeJAL) will today induct their elected officers to stair the affairs of the Association for the next three years with a grand inaugural dinner at the Paynesville City hall. Those expected to be inducted are Siatta Scott Johnson Coordinator, Winnie Saywah-Jimmy Deputy Coordinator and Antoinette Sedolo Secretary Genera. As part of the Ceremony, senior female Journalists who sat the pace for current women in the media will be honored. According to a release from FeJAL, there will be an unveiling of an architectural design of the proposed headquarters of the association. The female pen pushers are there calling on partners and those invited to kindly grace the occasion to enable the association meet its targeted goal constructing its new headquarters, the Heritage reads.

Transport Ministry, Partners Begin Vigorous Motor Vehicle Compliance Inspection Today Director Bajebo Discloses

The Ministry of Transport, along with its partners, the Liberian National Police (LNP) and the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) has begun a vigorous motor vehicle compliance inspection. The Director of Press and Public Affairs at the Ministry of Transport, Samuel Bajebo disclosed that the inspection begins on Thursday in Monrovia and its environs. According to Mr. Bajebo the inspectors will check for driver’s license, vehicle registration and vehicle insurance. Private vehicles without the designated yellow color and are carrying out commercial activities will also be packed, the FOCUS newspaper says. 

Executive, Legislature Hold Retreat Thursday


The Executive through its Cabinet and Honorable Members of the National Legislature will this Thursday, December 08, 2016 hold a retreat in the Joint Chambers of the Capitol Building in Monrovia. According to an Executive Mansion release, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is expected to deliver the opening remarks while House Speaker, J. Emmanuel Nuquay will perform the welcome ceremony. The retreat, which is the first of its kind seeks to enable Members of the National Legislature appreciate the execution of our national priorities amid complex impacting global dynamics as well as provide an opportunity for the Executive and Legislature dialogue on common issues of national interest as the administration speeds up to leave a lasting legacy, the FOCUS newspaper says. 

Chinese Enterprise Offers Scholarships to Deserving Liberian Students…MOE Reveals


 The Ministry of Education has revealed that the Chinese Enterprise in Liberia is awarding scholarships to deserving Liberian students in the country. The Chinese Enterprise is group of Chinese business people residing in Liberia that are desirous of helping to improve Liberia’s educational system. According to the Communication Director of the Ministry of Education, Maxim Bletan, beneficiaries will come from universities, vocational institutions and community colleges in Monrovia and other parts of the country, the FOCUS newspaper reads. 

UNMIL Draw Down Poses Huge Responsibility On Government


Finance and Development Planning Minister Boima Kamara says the drawdown of the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) has posed huge security responsibility on the Government of Liberia. He said security, protection of life and property, human rights and justice, among others are critical responsibilities that government has shoulder in the wake of UNMIL‘s departure. Addressing reporters on Tuesday, 5 December in Sinkor, Monrovia the Finance Minister also indicated that security, peace and rule of law were the focus of a discussion with the United Nations and other partners ahead of the 2017 elections.  He appealed to youth of Liberia to refrain from violence during elections, stressing that doing so will help make the process go on smoothly without hindrance, reports the New Dawn newspaper. 

Government Urged to Invest More in Science Research


According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, the keynote speaker of the Thomas J. R. Faulkner College of Science and Technology at the 97th commencement of the University of Liberia, Prof. Dr. Mosoka Fallah of the National Public Health Institute at the Ministry of Health, has made an impassionate plead for government to invest substantially in science research to move Liberia forward. The Director of the National Public Health Institute called on the University Administration to rapidly shift its paradigm to a more research-focused environment to address Liberia's social, economic and environmental challenges. "Without significant investment in research, we will always be a university that passes down outdated knowledge to our students without questioning the current thinking in various fields of studies," said Dr. Fallah.

Related Caption: “Let Your Degree Be Of Help To Others”-UL 97th Convocation Speaker(Daily Observer)

The Samaritan’s smiling Purse Restoring Lost Hope

Samaritan Purse Liberia brought in surgeons to perform surgery on people with cliff lip and palate, especially those in rural places; the surgical team is currently at the newly constructed state-of-the art ELWA Hospital. Samaritan Purse Program Manager Karen Daniels said, the team has done thirty surgery adding that most of them are from Lofa and Grand Bassa.  “Some of these patients came by helicopter, many of them are from the bush-bush, they don’t even speak Liberian English, they came a long way and trust us, it’s exciting, Daniels said,  hoping the program can continue for other kids with deformity to feel normal for once, writes the FrontPage Africa newspaper.

Gov’t Donates Computers to Lofa County Community College

The FrontPage Africa newspaper reports that the Lofa County Community College (LCCC) has received a donation of 13 computers from the Government of Liberia through the General Services Agency (GSA). The donation is worth US$18,000 and includes 10 desktop computers and three laptop computers. Making the presentation on behalf of GOL, GSA Deputy Director, Cole Bangalu reaffirmed government’s commitment to supporting the educational needs of learning institutions in the country. Receiving the items on behalf of the college, the vice president for academic affairs and provost, Dr. Ibrahim Favada, lauded the Government of Liberia through the GSA for the donation of the 13 computers to the college. Dr. Favada further noted that the gesture was timely, adding that the computer laboratory was short of computers, a situation that is negatively affecting the smooth learning of students, especially those who go there to do research works. He assured the GSA officials that the donated items will be used to improve the learning environment of the students at the college.