Daily Media Summary 2016-09-14


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


Today’s edition of the summary highlights USAID’s commitment to road maintenance in the country.




USAID Commits to Maintenance of Feeder Roads

The Director of USAID-Liberia, Dr. Anthony Chan, has underscored that the United States Government is committed to road maintenance in the Country. Dr. Chan said the US Government through USAID for the past three years have supported rehabilitation of several rural roads in the Country. He said 85 kilometers of rural roads have been completed while work is ongoing 75 kilometers and in the next few months work will also resume an additional 55 kilometers. Dr. Chan made these remarks on Monday, September 12, 2016 at the start of a five-day training and capacity building in Gbarnga, Bong County for Community-based organizations from Nimba, Bong, Lofa and Grand Bassa Counties, the FOCUS newspaper reports.


Related Captions: USAID Commits To Maintaining Feeder Roads—As USAID-FRAMP Trains CBOs(WOMEN VOICES), USAID Commits To Maintaining Feeder Roads – As USAID-Framp Trains CBOs(Hot Pepper)



Old Lady Beoplue, 153, Laid to Rest


Family and sympathizers celebrating the home-going of Old Lady Glayonnah Beoplue, who lived for more than century and half, were told Saturday to remember that “there is a time for everything, and life is a gift from God.” Speaking on the theme, “There is a time for everything,” Rev. Abraham Smith told a large gathering mourners at the residence of Pastor Adolphus Beoplue in VOA Golf on RIA Highway that while eternity is in man’s heart, God juduges all with justice, quoting Ecclesiates 3:1-4. Old Lady Beoplue lived to be 153 years, which Rev. Smith told the bereaved family to recognize that she lived a fulfilled life. Accordingly, Rev. Smith urged all to emulate Old Lady Beoplue so they can live long enough to enjoy life by the grace of God, Daily Observer reports. 

Chaos in Education Sector Teachers, Health Workers Want Werner Resign, Else…


Attempts by the Minister of Education to revamp the education sector appears to be worsening the situation in the sector as the National Teachers Association-a major stake holder in the education sector, has given ultimatum for the resignation of Education Minister George K. Werner and the head of the Monrovia Consolidated School System (MCSS), Mr. Benjamin Adolphus Jacobs. In an ‘emergency’ press conference held on Monday, the National Teachers Association of Liberia, (NTAL) in collaboration with a host of civil society organizations, including the National Health Workers’ Association (NAHWAL), called on the two top education officials to resign before September 20, 2016. The resignation of the two officials, according to the NTAL, will create the atmosphere to strengthen, upgrade and promote the education sector, the FOCUS news paper reads.

Related Caption: Teachers Want Werner Out In 7 Days For ‘Breach’ of Education Laws,(Daily Observer)
Health Workers Urged Not To Shun Ebola Survivors

A representative of the Liberia Crusaders for Peace (LCP), Mr. Daniel Bumie, has reiterated his call on health workers, including doctors and clinicians, not to turn away Ebola survivors seeking treatment at health facilities Bumie, a member of Community Engagement for Partnership for Research on Ebola Virus Disease in Liberia (PREVAIL) told a huge gathering of religious, local, and community leaders as well as heads of women and youth groups in Nezoe community in the Monrovia suburb of Paynesville Friday that Ebola survivors transmit the EVD disease to others, the FOCUS reads.


Court Cuts Tyler’s 6-Week ‘Medical Leave To 9 Days, Sen. Sherman Gets One Month To Celebrate Wife’s Birthday

Judge Emery Paye of Criminal Court ‘C’ has cut down the six weeks requested by Speaker J. Alex Tyler to seek ‘medical treatment’ outside the country to nine days, sources have told the Daily Observer. If this is true, the recused Speaker is expected to be back in the country no later than the 20th of September. The court’s action is being termed as “political decision” to support the judgment of Justice-In-Chambers, Jamesetta Wolokollie, who had earlier denied the Speaker’s request for a writ of prohibition against the holding of parallel sessions in the joint chambers of the legislature. The Daily Observer also reports that Judge Page has surprisingly grant a month excuse to Sen. Varney Sherman, who also petitioned the court to allow him to travel outside the country to join other members of his family to celebrate his wife’s birthday.

Related Caption: Court Grants Tyler Leave-Speaker Permitted One Week Medical Excuse(FrontPage Africa)


Ivory Coast Reopens Borders

The New DEMOCRAT newspaper reports that Ivory Coast has reopened its borders with Liberia and Guinea, two years after they were closed to prevent the spread of an Ebola epidemic that killed thousands across West Africa, an Ivorian Spokesman said on Friday, Reuters reports. Mr. Bruno Kone said “We had to take these measures to protect our country. And the fact we didn't have a single case must be considered a real success”.


Bomi College Gets Reaccreditation

The Liberian Board of Nursing and Midwifery (LBNM) last Friday, September 9, 2016 restored full accreditation to the Bomi County Community College Nursing Department. According to the Daily Observer, in 2015 the LBNM withdrew the accreditation because the Nursing Department lacked standard instructional staff and materials among others. Presenting the certificate of full re-accreditation to the President of the BCCC, Dr. Zobong Norma, the Chairperson of the LBNM accreditation section, Mrs. Mona Sankoh said the LBNM was impressed with the remarkable improvement at the BCCC department of Nursing, which led to the regaining of its full accreditation status.


Ganta Hospital Records More Malaria Cases

The Ganta United Methodist Hospital (GUMH) Chief Administrator has disclosed that the hospital has received more malaria cases than other sickness in recent times. Patrick Mator said about 60 percent of the total number of sicknesses reports at the hospital in the last six months are malaria and malaria-related, especially among children. Mr. Mator also identified Typhoid and Lassa fever as sicknesses that are mostly reported at the hospital. Mr. Mator attributed the increase in malaria case especially among children to failure by parents to adhere to preventive measures outlined by the healthcare workers, according the New DEMOCRAT newspaper.


Mrs. Gillian Tulay Moore, Outstanding Educator, Laid To Rest - Rev. A. Too Williams: “She Made A Positive Impact

Mrs. Gillian Tulay Moore, widow of the legendary Liberian poet and cultural icon, Bai T. Moore, was an outstanding educator who touched thousands of lives, making a positive impact on them. This was how the Rev. Canon A. Too Williams, Rector of St. Stephen Episcopal Church, described the fallen Liberian educator when he preached at her funeral at St. Thomas Episcopal Church last Saturday. Mrs. Moore was a member of St. Thomas but frequently worshipped at St. Stephen, where she had many friends.  Describing her as a prominent Liberian educator and dedicated teacher, Canon Williams said Mrs. Moore lived her life in service to humanity.  “She lived a life that everyone needs to follow. She was down to earth and always cared for people no matter what,” he added.   Speaking on the theme “When You Fight Well, You Will Be Remembered” and using the text from 2nd Timothy 4: 7-8, Rev. Williams explained that the deceased will forever be remembered for being a servant, not a master,   Daily Observerasserts.


Muslims Want Laws For Islamic Holidays, Acting Supreme Leader Urges Legislature To Enact Abraham’s Day, Ramadan

The acting supreme leader of the Islamic Community in Liberia, Sheikh Ali Tweh Krayee, has urged the Legislature to enact Islamic Holidays to tackle what they described as ‘historical injustices’ against Muslims and in support of religious tolerance. The acting supreme leader, who is the National Chief Imam, said Christians or American missionaries met Muslims in Liberia and therefore there should be religious acceptance in the country. Speaking during the Feast of Abraham or Abraham’s Day in the Jah Tondo Town Central Mosque in Brewerville, on the outskirts of Monrovia, Imam Krayee recommended that there should be legislations to allowing the celebration of the end of Ramadan and Abraham’s Day. The Imam’s proposal was based upon a Bill submitted by Sen. Prince Johnson urging his colleagues to pass a law in observance of the end of Ramadan and the Feast of Abraham (Lungee) in Liberia by Muslims. The Chief Imam spoke on the theme “Personal Integrity for National Development” yesterday, saying Liberia is undergoing a “moral revolution.” He said only those who have “impeccable character” can develop the country, Daily Observerreports.


Man Sentenced To 25 Years Prison Term

A unanimous guilty verdict of murder has been handed down on Peter Seebo by a trial jury for killing his girlfriend, Jankai Sarlia. The Presiding Judge of Criminal Court ‘B’, George S. Wiles sentenced defendant Seebo to a 25 year imprisonment beginning September 12, 2016. The New Republicnewspaper reports that Judge Wiles in his ruling said “the defendant was sincere in admitting to the commission of the crime and that there was a request by his counsel for mitigation of his sentence to be reduced.” According to Judge Wiles, the sentence of the defendant will serve as deterrent to other Liberians not to commit similar crime with careful thought of reasoning. The daily reads that defendant Seebo was  indicted  June 27, 2016 and charged with the commission of the crime murder, after willfully, knowingly, intentionally and deliberately causing the death of Jankai Sarlia his girlfriend, by shooting her in the head with a Guinea made single barrel pistol on Saturday, Aril 30, 2016. 

Internal Affairs Donates To Disaster Management Teams


The Ministry of Internal Affairs has presented fifteen desktop computers and fifteen printers to Disaster Management Teams in the 15 counties. Presenting the items on the sidelines of the just-ended weeklong Coordination Conference of the minister in Gbarnga, Deputy Internal Affairs Minister Gbemie Horace Kollie said the items were provided by the World Bank through the Global Fund for Disaster Risk Reduction. For his part, Internal Affairs Minister, Dr. Henrique Tokpah said the items will help enhance the work of the disaster management committees, WOMEN VOICES writes.


‘Community Policing Forum’ Re-launched In District #3 – Community Dwellers, LNP Lead Initiative

In a bid to buttress the efforts of government in reducing the alarming wave of crimes across the country, community dwellers of Montserrado District #3, in collaboration with the Liberia National Police, over the weekend re-launched and reinforced the community policing forum of Liberia. Speaking Sunday at the re-launching program on the Pipe-line Road in Paynesville, the commander of Zone #9 police depot in Paynesville, Tarnue Kerkula said the re-launching of the community policing forum has been the dream of the Liberia National Police after series of studies aimed at strategizing means of providing maximum security for the citizens in the wake of UNMIL drawdown, WOMEN VOICES reports.