Daily Media Summary 2016-08-22


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia 




Today’s edition of the Summary highlights news of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf extending congratulation to newly sworn in Peace Corps volunteers; the Nigerian government’s decision to train the Armed Forces of Liberia and the release of the Autopsy reports by the Government of Liberia onthe death of former LPRC Managing Director Harry A. Greaves and Ms. Victoria Zayzay, the young woman found dead in a police withholding cell.



Ellen Congratulates Peace Corps at Volunteers Swearing-in Ceremony


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has congratulated the Peace Corps volunteers in Liberia at a special swearing-in ceremony of a two-year program that seeks to help restore credibility and revive hope in Liberia’s educational system. the FrontPage Africa newspaper quoting an Executive Mansion release reports  that the Liberian leader  said the swearing-in occasion marks a milestone for Peace Corps, the Government of Liberia, and most importantly, for the children of Liberia. President Sirleaf said by empowering and working alongside Liberian professionals, and equipping doctors, midwives, anesthetists, and nurses with the tools and skills to respond to health situations promptly, and professionally, the GHSP is making a major contribution to the country’s ongoing efforts to build a resilient health care system. She then challenged the Peace Corps volunteers to be beyond what they have done before; inspire those with whom they work towards professional excellence and a dedicated service to the country.  


Related Captions: Ellen Congratulates Peace Corps…At Two-Yr Volunteers Swearing-In Ceremony(In Profile Daily), President Sirleaf Congratulates Peace Corps At Two-Year Volunteers Swearing-in Ceremony(Women Voices), Ellen Praises Peace Corps(The INQUIRER), President Sirleaf Lauds Peace Corps At Two-Year Volunteers Swearing-In Ceremony(New DEMOCRAT) 


“Helping Hands”- Nigeria Promises More Support To Liberian Army


The FrontPage Africa newspaper reports that the Minister of National Defense of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Gen. Mansur Mohammed Dan-Ali has praised the Government of Liberia for what he considers as the significant efforts by the government in restructuring the country army and healing the wounds of the civil war within a short period of time. Speaking during a one day visit to the Ministry of National Defense over the weekend, Gen. Dan-Ali said their government has approved the continuation of training of the Armed Forces commander and Staff College for both junior and senior courses. He assured his country’s commitment of sharing knowledge and the equipment from his Defense industry cooperation when the need arises”, Gen. Dan-Ali further promised.  For his part the Minister of the National Defense, Browne J. Samukai added that the ECOWAS training team that had been in Liberia has been very professional in representing Nigeria. He assured the Nigerian delegation that Liberia will stand by them in the fight against terrorism.


Related Caption: Nigeria Agrees To Resume Training AFL(The INQUIRER), Nigeria To Resume Training For AFL Soldiers(New DEMOCRAT), Nigeria Agrees To Resume Training Liberian Army (Women VOICES)


Final Report On Greaves, Victoria Zayzay Out

The Government of Liberia has released what it says are the final reports relating to the deaths of former Liberia Petroleum Refining Company or LPRC Managing Director Harry A. Greaves, and Ms. Victoria Zayzay, the young woman found dead in a police withholding cell on October 20, 2015. Mr. Greaves was discovered dead on the beach behind the Executive Mansion Ground on January 31, 2016, two days after he was last seen at the RLJ Kendeja Resort Hotel. Both deaths sparked series of controversies early this year with calls for repeated postmortems to be performed on the lifeless bodies completely decade. In the final reports the Government maintains that there was no foul play in both deaths. The reports, which are said to be findings from the Liberia National Police Investigations released through the Ministry of Justice also collaborated findings of the Special Investigating Team from the United States of America, which concludes that Mr. Harry Greaves died by drowning. Details of the final reports are yet to be made available to the public, reports the New Dawn newspaper.


Related Captions: Gov’t Releases Greaves, Zayzay Death Investigation Results(The INQUIRER),Gov’t Releases Police Investigations into Death of Victoria Zayzay, Harry Greaves(FrontPage Africa), GOL’s Closure On Greaves’, Zayzay’s Deaths: ‘Asphyxiation, No Foul Play’(Daily Observer)


PUL, Media Heads Meet Today


The Press Union of Liberia (PUL) and heads of media institutions are expected to meet at the union headquarters today, Monday to discuss the recent closure of two media institutions for nonpayment of government taxes. The New DEMOCRAT reports that the Voice FM was shut down on July 4 and Sarafina Communications, operator of LIB -24 was also shut down on August 6 by the Liberian Telecommunication Authority through an injection from the Civil Law Court in Monrovia due to irregular transfer of frequency and delinquency.


Related Caption: PUL, Media Heads To Convene ‘Crisis Meeting’ Today(The INQUIRER)


SGS Takes Over Timber Exportation

The Liberian Government through the Liberia Revenue Authority, Finance and Development Planning, Forestry Development Authority and SGS Liberia Inc. over the weekend officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding for SGS to manage Liberia’s Timber Corporation. The signing ceremony brought together heads of the LRA, FDA, MFDP as well as officials from the justice Ministry and international partners to form part of the official turning over of Liberia’s timber export, which will be managed by SGS. The signing of the agreement is Intended to improve the natural resources of Liberia as well as improve the governance structure in ensuring take timbers exported from the country are harvested and exported legally, reports the In Profile Daily.


Liberia Among 10 Countries in Helping Strangers

A back page story of the WOMEN VOICES newspaper reads that The Charities Aid Foundation surveyed 150,000 and quoted by the World Giving Index, people  in 145 countries to compile its generosity league with several countries been featured including those countries been featured including those countries that are generous and are most times at the aide of strangers. The Survey further indicated those in Burma gave more money and time while citizens in Liberia, Iraq, and others were the most likely to help a stranger. Burma was followed by far wealthier nations with the US in second place followed by New Zealand, Canada, Australia, the UK, the Netherlands and Sri Lanka.


Over 20 Journalist Bridge Course in Election

Over 20 Liberian journalists as well as media practitioners have completed a five-day Bridge Media and Elections Course with a call for journalists covering elections activities to be balanced and objective in their reportage. The participants received certificates after completing the five-day Bridge Media and Elections Module. The training is intended to deliver a five-day Building Resources in Democracy, Governance and Election focusing training activities on Media and Elections, the INQUIRER newspaper writes.


Farmers Get US$104k Agro Machine

According to the New DEMOCRAT newspaper, the Action to Reduce Child Labor (ARCH) base in Kakata, Margibi County has turned over to the Livelihood Model Farm School in Zannah town, Tode District, modern farming equipment valued at US$104,856. The donation includes cassava grater machine, vegetable dryer and treadle pump, among others. Presenting the items to the Farmers, ARCH education specialist Lanus Weh said the goal of the ARCH project is to reduced child labor through education, social protection, youth employment, policy and institutional capacity building.  He said the entity is operating a four- year project to reduce child labor in three districts in Montserrado, Margibi and Nimba Counties.

Minister McClain Laid to Rest Today

The remains of the late Dr. Edward B. McClain, former Minister of State for Presidential Affairs and Chief of Staff to the President of Liberia is expected to be laid to rest today. Recently, the Government of Liberia announced the funeral arrangements for the late Dr. Edward B. McClain, Jr. from last Wednesday, August 17, to Friday, August 19, the Book of Condolence for the late Minister McClain was opened in the Foyer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was signed by President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf and other personalities including Vice President Joseph Boakai, the INQUIRER writes.


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