Daily Media Summary, 2016-03-24


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia





Today’s edition of the summary of the local dailies includes news of  South Africa’s Ambassador to Liberia, H.E. Mr. Vanapalan Punjanathan Moodley’s courtesy visit paid to Foreign Minister Marjon Kamara, the Liberia National Police suspension of  three of its top officers assigned at one of its sub-stations  in Gardnerville for harassing and intimidating motorcyclists among others.



South African Ambassador Pays Courtesy Call on Foreign Minister Kamara; Calls for More Collaboration with Liberia

The Heritage newspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that South Africa’s Ambassador to Liberia, H.E. Mr. Vanapalan Punjanathan Moodley, has highlighted the need for more and better collaboration between his country and the Liberian Government. According to the release, the South African envoy made the assertion when he paid a courtesy call on Foreign Minister Marjon Kamara to congratulate her on her recent preferment and to discuss bilateral issues. During their deliberations, Ambassador Moodley’s informed Foreign Minister Kamara that they at the South African Embassy, are very much interested in further promoting and strengthening diplomatic ties between both countries. “We are here to support your democratic transition in any way possible and support those social development initiatives that you are undertaking [and will undertake],” he indicated, adding that they would like to support the country’s Agenda for Transformation. He further informed Foreign Minister Kamara that his courtesy visit was to also tell her about the African Union’s Vision 2063, which stresses the aim of promoting more intra-African relationship. The South African envoy said, “Relationships can’t just be being good friends; it has to go beyond that with intra-African trade and intra-African economic activities, including support for peace and security through intra-African structures and countries in Africa.” He disclosed that his Embassy is working with other government parastatals including the National Investment Commission (NIC), Ministry of Health, National Elections Commission, among others to provide capacity-building to some of its employees. Citing his government’s assistance, Ambassador Moodley said they recently extended an invitation for seven health researchers to be trained in South Africa this June & July on research methods, particularly in blood sampling and other testing. He also spoke about collaborating with the Liberia’s College of Physicians in securing a Memorandum of Understanding with South African advanced training institutions to train health practitioners. The South African envoy stated that his Embassy has also held discussions with authorities at the Ministry of Transport (MOT) concerning rail and water transports. He lamented that most times, response from the Liberian side has always been slow in coming. The South African Envoy highlighted peace and security as a primary concern, considering events in Burkina Faso, Mail, and most recently neighboring Cote d’Ivoire. He promised bilateral cooperation on matters of security, in the wake of UNMIL drawdown. The South African diplomat promised that whatever they can do to further strengthen the bilateral ties, they will do. He named Lone Star Cell MTN, Ecobank and others as some South African companies helping the Liberian economy. He also stressed that large amounts of South African nationals are at ArcelorMittal and Aureus Mining in Grand Cape Mount County working in the mining industry in Liberia. Ambassador Moodley appealed to Minister Kamara to follow-up on an outstanding MOU that was to have been signed with a South African company for the renovation of the dilapidated Ducor Palace Hotel and the establishment of agro-processing industries in the country. He did admit that the process commenced in 2014, but was halted due to the Ebola crisis. He pleaded with the Foreign Minister to impress on heads of other agencies of government to always keep the South African Embassy abreast with development issues. Responding, Foreign Minister Kamara said she was pleased that South Africa has got interests in Liberia. She stated that the Ducor agreement is long overdue and that she would bring it to the President’s attention. “We will have to make sure that these processes come to fruition,” the Foreign Minister assured as she stated that one higher priority is the memo between the South African embassy and the Post-Graduate Medical College. She mentioned peace and security as being paramount to this government’s interest especially in the wake of UNMIL drawdown. She then promised to talk to heads of others agencies and ministries so that a platform for such discussions with the South African Ambassador to flourish.




Liberian Injured in Brussels Terrorist Attacks One Reported Missing

It is now confirmed that a Liberian was on Tuesday in the twin bombings at the Zaventem Airport and Maelbeek metro station in Belgium. The victim is Mr. Sekon Watson, of Liberian origin and presently a US citizen, according to Dr. Isaac Nyenabo, Liberia’s Ambassador to Belgium. Providing an update yesterday on the barbaric attacks on Belgium,  Amb. Nyenabo stated, “Mr. Watson who was injured at the Brussels International Airport is now being treated at the St. Lue Hospital near Brussels. I visited him a while ago and he is doing well, thanks to the Almighty God”. The Ambassador said that Education Minister George Werner, who was also at the airport at the time the Islamist militants set off their explosives, is well and was able to leave Belgium yesterday morning traveling to France, the Daily Observer writes.




Gov’t Reopens Ganta-Guinea Border

Barely three days following the closure of the Ganta-Guinea Border in the commercial hub of Nimba County, has the Government of Liberia with immediate effect reopened the border.  This was disclosed yesterday by Capt. Samuel Buomie, the Public Relations Officer of the Bureau of Immigration and naturalization (BIN). The BIN Chief information Officer told this paper that the border was opened on March 23, 2016 upon the order of the Ministry of Justice. On Friday, March 18, 2016, the Government of Liberia closed all of its borders with neighboring Guinea in Nimba County, reports the Inquirer newspaper.




BIN Recruits 250 Officers

In the wake of UNMIL draw down, the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization (BIN) says it has recruited 250 personnel that are undergoing training in Grand Cape Mount County, Western Liberia. According to the New Dawn newspaper, the recruits have be in training since February to augment the current strength of the BIN as it deploys along Liberia’s borders with neighboring Guinea, Sierra Leone and Ivory Coast as part efforts by the national security apparatus to take over from UN Peacekeeping forces in June this year. Speaking to UNMIL Radio Wednesday, 23 March the Spokesperson for the BIN, Mr. Abraham Dolley, said, the 250 trainees include Border Patrol Officers, amongst others. He said the patrol officers are being trained in Bong County under the auspices of the United Nations Missions in Liberia (UNMIL). Mr. Dolley said the BIN has an Academy in Foya, Lofa County and by early next year it will establish a permanent academy of its own where all personnel will be trained in various immigration and naturalization disciplines, and added the Border Patrol Units have been strengthened and provided 80 motorbikes thru donation from the United Nations Development Program.



Top Police Officers Suspended

The Liberia National Police (LNP)says it has suspended with immediate effect three top officers assigned at its Zone Four Police substation in Gardnerville for harassing and intimidating motorcyclists. A police statement issued in Monrovia Wednesday, 23 March named the suspended officers as the General Commander of Zone Four Chief Supt. Sackor J. Freeman ( ID -LNP-1128), Patrolman Alex Z. Theo (ID-LNP-0639) and Zone Four Chief of Traffic, Patrolman Musa A. Kanneh (ID- LNP-0875). The New Dawn newspaper reports that asuspension letter issued to the three officers accused them of being involved in acts of unprofessionalism and other forms of police impropriety. Police Spokesman Sam Collins said the three suspended police officers have been turned over to the Professional Standards Division for further investigation. The LNP accused the officers of allegedly being in the constant habit of harassing motor Cyclists in the Gardnerville area, indicating that the act contravenes Chapter III Section 1.21 of the new Police Duty Manual captioned, ‘’Prohibited Conduct’’.


Related Caption: 3 Police Officers Suspended(Heritage)



LESSAT/Partners Launch Education Program

A joint Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) pre-college education was launched in Monrovia from March 17-19, 2016 to encourage students to explore the sciences while a dinner organized by Liberians Encouraging Students in Science and Technology (LESSAT) will be held on April 29, 2016. “To make science and math courses, fun will not only help students learn but might also plant a seed of interest that could grow into an exciting and rewarding STEM career,” (LESSAT) boss Doris Myers, disclosed. The program under the theme: “Liberians STEM education environment, prospects, challenges and the way forward” was held the at the YMCA building with several grades and college students who interacted with Heads of relevant government and private institutions, motivational speakers amongst others, participating students would become members of a (STEM) club that will be formed soon, the Inquirer newspaper writes.




Cabinet Gets Critical on Economy

The cover page of the FOCUS newspaper writes that Cabinet has considered critical austerity measures to maintain macroeconomic stability and has approved the administration’s performance dashboard for priority projects. According to the Executive Mansion Release, cabinet reviewed the 20015/2016 budget performance and 2016/2017 Budget forecast and acted realistically in light of the economic stimulus package. The Cabinet, the Mansion, said objectively considered strategies for disbursing undisbursed funds for key donor funded projects, the paper reports.





UL President Justifies Tuition Increment

The President of the University Of Liberia (UL), Dr. Emmett Dennis has given justification for tuition increment at the university. He cited economic constraint occasioned by the shortfall in the National Budget as the key reasons for the tuition increment. According to him the UL is presently undergoing difficulties in running its affairs. According to the Heritage newspaper, Dr. Dennis spoke Tuesday, March 22 at a press conference at the University’s Capitol Hill campus. In another development,  Dr.Dennis, has urged students of the University to continue to strive to make important contributions to their educational sojourn. Dennis observed that an individual remains the primary beneficiary of his or her education and as such must be willing to make the necessary financial contributions and other sacrifices that will afford them opportunities to receive quality education, the FOCUS newspaper writes under the caption “Dr. Dennis Nudges Students to Invest in Education”.



WHO Regional Director Calls for Strategy to End TB

The World Health organization 6(WHO) Regional Director for Africa, Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, has called on African governments to embrace and adopt the “End TB Strategy”, as the world observes this year’s World Tuberculosis Day. World Tuberculosis Day is celebrated on March 24 each year to build public awareness about the global epidemic of tuberculosis (TB) and efforts to eliminate the disease. The day is one of eight official global public health campaigns marked by the WHO, the FOCUS newspaper writes.





USAID Agrees to Renovate 10 FTI Buildings

The Director of the Forestry Training Institute (FTI) in Bomi County, Jeremiah Karmo, has disclosed that the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has agreed to renovate 10 buildings to accommodate staff of the institute in Tubmanburg. He said discussion has been finalized between the FTI Administration and USAID to renovate the buildings, the FOCUS writes.





Tomorrow is Good Friday

As Christians across Liberia prepare to observe the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ,  the Daily Observer newspaper pens that tomorrow, Friday is Good Friday, the  day which Christians commemorate the death of their  lord and savior (Jesus Christ) on the Cross and the act that brought salvation to all those  who believe in Him. Good Friday is the culmination of Holy Week, which begins on Palm Sunday and takes place two day before Easter. Celebrants gather in their places of worship with their families on Good Friday to remember Christ for paying the ultimate sacrifice to save mankind. On that day some churches commemorate the Passion of Christ in lectures expounding on His last seven statements before His death on the Cross.  

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