Daily Media Summary, 09-22-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




Today’s summary of the local dailies includes  news of the Liberian Government and partners signing over US$11 million joint agreement to support the electoral processes of Liberia and the turning over of the newly erected Emergency Operating Center to the Health Ministry.



It also includes the visit of the Vice President of Sierra Leone to Liberia and President Johnson Sirleaf’s congratulatory message to Mali on the observance of the 55th Independence Day of that country.



EU-UNDP Provide $11 Million Elections Support To Liberia

The European Union (EU), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Government of Liberia have signed a joint agreement to support the electoral processes of Liberia covering the period 2015 to 2018. According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, the agreement was signed Monday, 21 September 2015 at the headquarters of the National Elections Commission in Monrovia. The Head of the European Union Delegation to Liberia, Ambassador Tiina Intelmann signed on behalf of the EU while the Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General and Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme, Antonio Vigilante, signed on behalf of the UNDP. Finance and Development Planning Minister, Amara Konneh, signed on behalf of the Government of Liberia. Under the tripartite agreement, the EU will contribute 10 million Euro (approximately US$11.4 million) while the UNDP will contribute US$1 million. The fund will be used to strengthen the capacity of the National Elections Commission, improve voter registration, enhance women participation in electoral processes, reinforce mechanisms for political parties and enhance security during elections. Part of the fund will be used to support civic and voter education and strengthen the legal framework for elections in the country.



Related Captions:  Liberia, Partners Sign US$12M Financing Agreement For For 2017 Elections(Heritage), Liberia, Partners Sign US$12.4m Deal…To Support Electoral Processes(the NEWS)




Liberia Dedicates U$6M Emergency Operating Center

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has turned over a newly erected Emergency Operating Center to the Ministry of Health (MOH). The center is located opposite the MOH and adjacent to the TB Annex at 72nd Junction, is meant to enhance collection of data and information about Ebola and other life threatening diseases. According to CDC Country Director, Desmond Williams, the center will be a place to train health workers to be adequately prepared for outbreaks and surveillance. He said prior to dedicating the center yesterday, about 30 health workers were trained there in Epidemiology. Mr. Williams said at a press briefing that CDC spent US$6 million to erect the structure. He also indicated that US$75.7 million has been invested in the counties for operation of emergency centers. In separate remarks, US Ambassador Deborah Malac and officials at the Centers for Disease Control said the Paul G. Allen Ebola Program provided US$100 million toward the fight against Ebola in West Africa. Ambassador Malac said the newly dedicated center is now the final home of the Emergency Operating Center having operated in a temporary facility in Sinkor for a year and a half. A representative of CDC, Jeffrey Bryant, in his remarks expressed delight over the construction of the center and attributed the success to the Paul G. Allen Ebola Program. He said the Paul G. Allen Ebola Program was very timely in responding to their request for help to West Africans affected by Ebola when they at CDC expressed the need for a quick emergency response and intervention to the outbreak, reports the Daily Observer.


Related Captions: U.S. Opens Emergency Health Center…In Liberia(The NEWS), Liberia Gets New Public Health Center(The New Dawn)







Sierra Leone VP Cuttington’s Commencement Speaker

The Daily Observer reports that the Vice President of Sierra Leone, Victor Boacharie Foh, is expected to serve as Cuttington University’s 54th Commencement Speaker. During the commencement convocation slated for Saturday, September 26, Mr. Foh will be conferred the Honorary Doctorate Degree for humanitarian services offered the government and people of his country. Over 530 students, who have successfully completed their academic sojourn, will walk out of the University’s three campuses with various degrees. Most of the 535 prospective graduates will come from the CU’s undergraduate college, located in Suacoco, Bong County. The Junior College in Kakata, Margibi County and the Graduate School in Monrovia will produce the rest. The Sierra Leone VP is arriving in Liberia with a 12-member delegation, including his wife, Mrs. Jonta Memunatu Foh. They are expected to touch down at the Roberts International Airport (RIA) aboard Kenya Airways today. Vice President Joseph N. Boakai and other senior Liberian government officials, including Acting Foreign Minister B. Elias Shoniyin will meet the Sierra Leonean delegation at RIA. The Sierra Leoneans will be guests of VP Boakai. On the Sierra Leone delegation are the Minister of Youth, Alimamy Kamara, and Dr. Jengo Stevens, Advisor to the Vice President.





President Sirleaf Congratulates Mali On 55th Independence Anniversary

The Daily Observerreports that the President of the Republic of Liberia, Her Excellency Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a Congratulatory Message to the Government and People of the Republic of Mali on the observance of the 55th Independence Day of that country. According to a Foreign Ministry release, the Republic of Mali will on Tuesday, September 22, 2015 commemorate its 55th Independence Anniversary. In the message, President Jonson Sirleaf conveyed warmest congratulations on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia, to the Malian President, H. E. Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, and through him to the Government and People of Mali as they observe their national event. The Liberian Leader expressed confidence that Liberia and Mali will continue to work together in furtherance of the principles of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the African Union and the United Nations, in promoting peace, security and cooperation amongst all nations. President Johnson Sirleaf also prayed that Allah Almighty will endow President Keita with wisdom as he leads his people to lasting peace and economic development. She reaffirmed Liberia's commitment to Mali's stability and development as demonstrated by Liberia's contribution of troops to the regional peacekeeping force in Mali.  President Johnson Sirleaf then wished for the Malian leader personal wellbeing as well as for a happy future for the people of Mali.




G7 Forum For Dialogue With Women Adopts Resolution

The Heritage newspaper says participants at the  just ended G7 Forum for Dialogue with Women held in Berlin, Germany have adopted a Resolution, which among other things, welcomed the G7 commitment to promote gender equality by economic autonomy, education at all levels, as well as full participation and empowerment for all women and girls. According to a dispatch from Berlin, Germany at the weekend, the dialogue forum, held from September 16-17, 2015 under the auspices of Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel, salutes the G7 support to overcome discrimination, sexual harassment, and violence against women, while at the same time, agreeing that it is important to offer full access to education at all levels, and to increase the number of women and girls technically and vocationally educated and trained in developing countries by 2030. On the sidelines of the G7 Forum for Dialogue with Women, President Sirleaf held discussions with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the German Federal Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, and authorities of the German Electricity Manufacturing WOITH, Professor Dr. Charles Yankan, among others.





 DAI-FED Gives To Farmers

On September 18, 2015 in Suakoko, Bong County, the USAID Food and Enterprise Development Program (USAID FED) in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) will be distributing 49 tuk tuk’s worth US$147, 000 to Liberian youth entrepreneurs under a cost share arrangement with 50% borne by the youth. This event will begin at 11:00am. USAID FED has therefore identified 49 interested youth in Montserrado and Margibi, Bong, Nimba, Grand Bassa counties who are currently engaged in to some form of transport activities to start a new business that would provide fee based transportation in the rice and cassava value chain. This initiative aims at creating employment opportunities for youth in Liberia’s agriculture sector and to promote sustainable provision of mechanized services for transporting cassava and rice from the farm gate to the market to be sold, the Inquirer writes.




New Hope Liberia Ports

The Georgia Port Authority on Thursday signed an agreement to help the Republic of Liberia. Port Executive Director Curtis Foltz joined the Liberia National Port Authority Executive Director of Governmental and International Affairs to renew the Memorandum of Understanding between Liberia and Savanah’s port. The Memorandum of Understanding extends cooperation in areas such as technology, training, marketing, and trade forecasts, New Democrat reports.




French Delegation In Liberia On Business Trip

A delegation from PROPARCO, the subsidiary of the French Development Agency (Agence Francaise de Development – AFD), dedicated to the financing of the private sector has arrived in Liberia. The delegation has been in the country from the 14-17 September, 2015. Led by Laurent Farge, Regional Director for Proparco – West Africa, the delegation arrived in Liberia with a specific propose which includes finding the most appropriate way for Proparco to provide long term financing to private companies and support the Liberian private sector as well. The team, accompanied by the Ambassador of France, H.E. Joel GODEAU, held several meetings with high officials, in particular at the presidential office, to set up a framework of intervention, and for CEOs from private sector to have deeper understanding of the challenges in the private sector, and find potential investment opportunities, the News reports.