President Weah Congratulates EU, On the Occasion of the 68th Anniversary of the Schuman Declaration

President George Manneh Weah has sent a message of congratulations to the European Union (EU) on the occasion of the 68th Anniversary of the Schuman Declaration.


The Schuman Declaration is the statement laid forward by the French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman on May 9, 1950. Inspired and for the most part drafted by Jean Monnet, this was a proposal to place Franco-German production of coal and steel under one common High Authority. The declaration is to be the founding text of European Integration.



According to a Foreign Ministry release, the Liberian leader, in his message to the President of the European Council, His Excellency Donald Tusk, extended heartfelt congratulations and through him to the European Council and Commission as well as the Governments and citizens of the European Union.



President Weah recognized the growth in the relationship that exists between the Liberian Government and the European Union.



“Liberia continues to be inspired by the motivation and determination of the vision of Mr. Robert Schuman, which united the people of Europe and emboldened joint prosperity of the Union,” he said, noting with gratitude that Liberia-EU relations have grown to greater heights in recent years through collaborative programs of mutual interest to their respective countries which seek to support the promotion of world peace, security, human dignity and stability.



“I am confident that the bond of friendship that cements our actions will not be limited to current undertakings, but rather, enable us to further pursue cooperation in novel arenas of vital interest directly beneficial to our peoples,” the Liberian Leader further said.



President Weah wished for the President of the European Council, Mr. Tusk, good health and success and for the Governments and people of the European Union a prosperous and unified Europe.