President Weah Congratulates Argentina

The President of the Republic of Liberia, His Excellency Mr. George Manneh Weah, has sent a Message of Congratulations to the President of the Republic of Argentina, His Excellency Mr. Mauricio Macri on the occasion marking his country’s 202nd Independence Anniversary.


President Weah on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia and in his own name extended to the Government and people of Argentina through President Macri, heartfelt congratulations and best wishes as that great country celebrates their Independence Anniversary.


In his message to President Macri, the Liberian leader wished that the warm relations subsisting between Liberia and Argentina and it citizens flourish as they work together for the attainment of global peace, security, economic and social development.


President George Manneh Weah used the occasion to renew the friendship and cooperation with that South American in anticipation of broadening their partnership in all spheres that promote prosperity in the two countries.


The Liberian President wish for President Macri good health and happiness, and for the people of Argentina, best wishes for peace, unity and prosperity.