Historical Agreement signed between the Republics of Guinea and Liberia for the Collaboration Management of the Ziama-Wonegizi –Wologizi Trans-boundary Forest Landscape.

Historical Agreement signed between the Republics of Guinea and Liberia for the Collaboration Management of the Ziama-Wonegizi –Wologizi Trans-boundary Forest Landscape.


Conakry, Guinea- On October 24, 2019, the Liberia and Guinea governments signed a historical agreement for the protection of one of West Africa’s most unique and priceless ecosystem, the Ziama –Wonegizi-Wologizi Tran boundary Forest, which straddles the border of both countries.


The agreement is expected to provide a platform for transboundary collaboration and coordination; establish transboundary wildlife corridor, and foster dialogue for the creation of peace Park in the future.


The Ziama-Wonegizi –Wologizi Transboundary Forest Landscape is one of the largest remaining segments of the upper Guinea Rainforest Ecosystem and holds biodiversity of global and local importance. There are several animals and species only found in that forest. However, more than 119,000 of the forest land is under the threat of human incursion for agriculture, mining, logging, hunting, and unplanned development. The landscape is the home for more than 25% of Africa’s Mammals including flagship species such as critical endangered western Chimpanzee and pygmy hippopotamus. It is one of priority landscape of the Mano River Union. 


Signing on behalf of the government of Liberia were Honorable Abraham K. Korvah Sr, Deputy Minister for International Cooperation and Economic Integration and Honorable C. Mike Doryan, Managing Director of Forest Development Authority. While our Guinea counterparts were represented by Dr. Diene Keita, Minister of International Cooperation & Africa Integration and Oye Guilavogui, Minister of Environment, water and Forest.


Other members of the Liberian delegation: Honorable Mayamu Fofana, Lofa County Representative, Lofa County Superintendent William Tamba Kamba.