Daily Media Summary (30-05-2019)

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


Daily News Summary For Wednesday May 30, 2019


News about President Weah’s nationwide address on economic measures, Liberia-EU Joint Press Communique on the Seventh Session Of The Liberia-EU Political DialogueAs well as pronouncement by the GOL to Review 10yrs Audit Report Among Others Are Stories Dominating Today’s Newspapers.



Other stories include Ambassador Kemayah Urging the United Nations To Use More Creative Ways To Sustain Peace and President Weah Donates to Muslim Community among others.




Dominant Stories


 Pres. Weah Announces ‘Economic Measure’ to Curb Inflation

According to the Daily Observer, President George Weah has announced several economic measures’ to curb the country’s soaring inflation rates which has contributed to increased unemployment.  Commodity prices, falling real income and the plummeting value of the Liberia dollars. However, President Weah fell short of announcing any short-term measures that will immediately alleviate the current economic hardship Liberians are experiencing a move which has angered lots of Liberians. My fellow Liberians, I want you to know that I am aware of the difficulties and hardships that the rising exchange rate is causing you: and the effect it is having on prices of all goods and commodities in the market .I am deeply concerned about these issues. I am working day and night to resolve them. “President Weah said on Wednesday. May 29, 2019 when he addressed the nation. The measures in question, economists explained. If properly implemented, will initiate the country on a new path of growth employment and transformation and rebuild investor’s confidence in the country’s banking sector, properly end state capture, and restore good governance at state-owned enterprises.

Related Caption: President Weah Announces Major Policy Actions in Nationwide Address(Heritage)


Joint Press Communique: Seventh Session Of The Liberia-EU Political Dialogue

The Government of the Republic of Liberia (GoL) and the European Union (EU) met on May 6, 2019 for the 7th edition of the EU-Liberia Political Dialogue to reaffirm the strong political relations subsisting between the two parties and deepen their political dialogue. This meeting bordered on nine thematic areas including, Government’s Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD), State of the Economy and 2019-2020 National Budget, Human Rights, Fostering an enabling business & investment environment for private sector development, Good Governance, Accountability and Transparency, Post-Cotonou Negotiations and EU Future Programming Exercise in Line with PAPD, Liberian Official Passports, Post-Brexit and Schengen visas. According to a Foreign Ministry release, the dialogue was in fulfillment of Article 8 of the Cotonou Partnership Agreement between the EU and the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) States which, led to the establishment of a platform for regular and comprehensive political dialogue. The Cotonou Partnership Agreement also calls for signatory Parties to regularly engage in a comprehensive, balanced and deep political engagement leading to commitments on both sides. Frontpage Africa reports

Related Caption: Joint Press Communique: Seventh Session Of The Liberia-EU Political Dialogue (the INQUIRER)



Gov’t to Review 10yrs Audit Report

The Liberian Government is to begin the review of all audit report of the General Auditing Commission covering ten years ago in its fight against corruption in the country. The INQUIRER newspaper reports that while addressing the nation on May 29,2019 on scores of Economic and political issues, President George Manneh Weah said that his Government will not relent in prosecuting would-be culprits following the review. “ We intend to intensify our fight against corruption, but as we battle corruption, our fight will be based on the facts and evidence of corrupt activities that is adducted by reports from audits that have been professionally conducted, rather than mere perceptions and unsubstantiated allegations” the Liberian leader stated.

Related Caption:Hunting for Thieves….Gov’t Goes Back to 10yrs(Heritage)President Weah Gets Tough… Targets Stolen Monies Abroad(The News newspaper)


Other stories


President Weah Meets Visiting Lebanese Bishop…On Fight Against Substance Abuse

Dr. George Manneh Weah says the fight against drug abuse particularly among the Liberia’s youthful population requires decisive and collective action by both national and international stakeholders. The Liberian Leader said the abuse of narcotic and other dangerous substances is having a toll on the young people in the country with serious security and economic implications on the Country. President Weah said he is prepared to work with any group or individual that takes interest in helping to fight the menace in Liberia. The News newspaper reports that the President made the assertions when he on Tuesday, May 28, 2019 met a visiting Lebanese Bishop, His Grace Guy Paul Noujaim, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Oum El Nour, who paid him a courtesy call at his office. Oum El Nour is a non-governmental organization dedicated to preventing and treating victims of drugs and substance abuse in several countries, including Liberia. President Weah hailed Bishop Noujaim for his initiative in fighting drug abuse and for choosing Liberia as a target country for Oum El Nour’s outreach activities. He said Government’s provision of 30 acres of land for the construction of a facility to help cater to issues of illicit drug use illustrates his administration’s commitment in the fight against drugs and substance abuse in the country. Making remarks, Bishop Guy Paul Noujaim expressed gratitude to the President for the kind hospitality accorded him and his delegation, and said he was happy to be part of Liberia’s development initiatives. He said Oum El Nour which caters to drug abusers and prevention is a cherished project of the World Lebanese Culture Union and that two years funding has already been secured solely by the Lebanese Community in Liberia. Bishop Noujaim also voiced gratitude to the President, Government and People of Liberia for the provision of the land in Grand Bassa County. He said the project’s center when completed will certainly help rehabilitate the Country’s youth and prevent the abuse of substances. He said Liberia’s civil crisis left the legacy of drug abuse, particularly amongst young people.

Related CaptionLebanese Bishop Noujaim To Promote Oum El Nour Drug Prevention Program(Daily Observer)


President Weah Donates to Muslim Community

The INQUIRER newspaper reports that the President of the Republic of Liberia Dr. George Manneh Weah has made a donation of 3,000bags of rice and L$3m to the community for the celebration of Ramadam as they approach the end of the holy month. Internal Affairs Minister, varney A. Sirleaf presented the donations on behalf of the President to a host of superintendents from across the county representing the Muslim community of Liberia.

Related Capion: President Weah Gives Muslims LD$3M, 3K Bags Of Rice For Ramadan( FrontPage Africa)


Ambassador Kemayah Urges United Nations To Use More Creative Ways To Sustai Peace

Liberia’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah Sr. has urged the International Community to explore every available means to ensure that the United Nations Peace building Commission remains relevant in building and sustaining global peace. Addressing the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) joint debate on the annual report of the Peace Building Commission, and the report of the United Nations Secretary General report on the peace building fund, Ambassador Kemayan said enhancing and consolidating robust multilateralism would drive the process of sustain and building peace. The INQUIRER  newspaper reports.


Govt.Secured US$12m From National Road Fund

The INQUIRER newspaper in its Thursday May 30th, 2019 publication reports that the Government of Liberia has secured US$12 million from the National Road Fund for the construction of roads in Grand Kru, Sinoe and Gbarpolu counties beginning next month( June). Public Works Minister Mbatu nyanpan has disclosed in Monrovia. Minister Nyanpn said the secured fund will be used for the construction of roads in Sass Town and Barclayville.


CBL Places Freez on Employment

According to the Heritage Newspaper, the Central Bank of Liberia has placed a freeze on employment at the institution. The decision takes immediate effect, also affects other human resource matters at the CBL. A memorandum signed by the Executive Governor of the CBL, Mr. Nathaniel R. Patray III , on Tuesday May 28,2019 directed that all matters related to promotion, salary increment and other issues of staff benefits must be handled in line with the bank’s policy through the Staff Performance Appraisal and Merit System. The CBL management warned that it would take stringent actions ( including termination of service against any staff found in violation of the directive.


PPCC Boss Vows To Reinforce PPCA Mandate Without Biases

The Executive Director of the Public Procurement and Concession Commission(PPCC) Atty, Jarbe Roseline Nagbe Kowo has vowed to reinforce the mandate of the Public Procurement and Concession Art (PPCA) without biases. The PPCA makes it imperative that public officials and procurement practitioners be knowledgeable in Public Procurement to ensure efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and accountable utilization of development projects. The Heritage newspaper reports.


Women Caucus, Others Want Forensic and DNA Test in Student’s Death

The Women Legislative caucus along with the House’s Committee on Gender, Equity and Child Development and Social Protection, have jointly condemned the recent death of a 21 year old student , Odell Sherman and sexual assaults on other girls. In a release issued from the offices of the Women Legislative Caucus and the House’s Gender Committee, for the past five weeks there had been five rape cases involving girls ranging from age thirteen to twenty years old. The Women Legislative Caucus and the House’s Committee on Gender, Equity, Child Development and Social Protection expressed deep regret and are concern about revelation about all of those rape cases. The two groups want relevant Government institutions responsible for investigation to urgently investigate the issue of rape, molestation and most recently the death of Odell Sherman. The Women Caucus and House’s Gender Committee want the investigation to include a DNA test a forensic conducted to authenticate the actual cause of death of the 21 years old student, Odell Sherman. The INGUIRER Newspaper reports.


New CBL Team In Sight…As Patray Retires In Three Months

In the wake of the L$16.5 billion and US$25 million reports by the presidential investigative team, Kroll Associates and the General Auditing Commission (GAC) that point to several lapses at the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL), President Dr. George Manneh Weah has announced that new team at the bank is in sight. Addressing the nation Wednesday, May 29, 2019, President Weah said “all of these reports and lapses point to a major lack of systems and controls at the Central Bank of Liberia, and call into question the ability of its present leadership to effectively revamp its internal mechanisms to provide greater accountability and professionalism, so that confidence and credibility would be restored to the institution.” He told the nation that in order to provide the opportunity for the Central Bank to have a new direction; he has accepted the resignation of the Deputy Central Bank of Liberia Governor for Economic Policy, Dr. Mounir Siaplay. The president disclosed that the Executive Governor, Nathaniel Patray, is scheduled for age-related mandatory retirement in the next three months. During this period, he said “we will work to transition the bank to a new management.” The new CBL leadership, he said will be recruited by a vetting committee to be established. It will be composed of an independent team of professional Liberians, to be named shortly. “Any qualified Liberian interested in becoming a part of this new leadership team may submit applications to the vetting committee, whether they are resident in Liberia or abroad, and regardless of gender or political affiliation,” he stated. Meanwhile, the president disclosed that he will announce a new Board of Governors at the bank next week, The News newspaper narrates. 


Commerce Ranked 3rd …FOI Compliance Public Entity

Liberia’s Independent Information Commission (IIC) has named the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MOCI) as the third ranking Freedom of Information compliance entity amongst 66 public institutions in Liberia. The Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) and the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning came first and second, respectively, in a report by the Independent Information Commission during a workshop at the YMCA in Monrovia on Thursday, May 23, 2019. Speaking during the workshop, the Program Officer/Project Coordinator of the Independent Information Commission, Simmie Nyanfor, said his entity took into consideration several criteria in arriving at the decision. Mr. Nyanfor named updated functioning websites, active participation in IIC–sponsored workshops and meetings and regular publications of annual reports as some of the factors taken into consideration in grading the three public institutions. He hailed heads of three public institutions for their hard work in making the FOI Law workable through pro-active disclosure amongst other achievements. The IIC Program Coordinator also called on the other public entities to do their best in the area of FOI compliance as part of efforts to improve transparency and accountability in governance. Mr. Nyanfor also disclosed that the Independent Information Commission has been working along with sixty six (66) public institutions in Liberia, reports The News newspaper.


Ministry of Education Pays Fees of Liberian Scholarship Students across Africa

The Ministry of Education in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning has completed he processing and disbursement of funds t Liberian scholarship students across Africa. A Heritage newspaper publication quotes a Ministry of Education release as revealing that the funds which are initial payment, caters for the arrears of allowances as well as funds to cover ticket and luggage fees for returning students. The release also disclosed that local scholarship fees were also processed and disbursed to cover arrears to colleges and universities across Liberia.



Sen. Chea Concerns About Land Dispute…In Sinoe

After the passage of the Land Rights Bill in 2018 by the National Legislature, land disputes across the country remained a major concern for people in Southeastern Liberia, including Sinoe County. Sinoe County Senator Augustine Chea has written Plenary of the Liberian Senate bringing to the attention of that body, issues of land disputes in several parts of the county. In a communication submitted to the Senate Plenary, the Sinoe County Senator said during his Easter break, he received information about boundary disputes between different townships, districts and chiefdoms in several parts of Sinoe County. He said the disputes originated from the creation of new districts, townships and other administrations that is leading to more conflicts and animosity in the County. The Sinoe Senator pleaded with his colleagues to invite authorities of the Liberia Land Authority and Ministry of Internal Affairs to understand the actual situation from them. He urged that the institutions appear along with relevant stakeholders to show their strategies put in place to settle this dispute county. Meanwhile, a motion was passed for the communication to be received and copies distributed to individual Senators and the Senate’s leadership takes charge of the matter to make appropriate decisions, says The News newspaper.


Libya, UNICEF Sign Agreement To Provide Education For Libyan Children

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and The Libyan Ministry of EducatioN on Tuesday signed an agreement to provide education affected by the armed conflict in the country. “Towards improved learning and quality basic services for children and adolescents, Ministry of Education and UNICEF have signed today a two-year work plan 2019.” UNICEF said in a statement later Wednesday. “The plan aims to ensure equal access to quality education and provide conflict-affected children with education services and catch-up and remedial classes,” the statement added. The plan also include training of teaches and education personal on a range of topics, including the provision of protective education, UNICEF explained, asserts The News newspaper.


Five Armed Rubbers Sent to Prison

Criminal Court ‘D’ has convicted and sent to prison six armed robbers at the Monrovia Central prision for robbing several residents in the ELWA Community. The six Armed robbers according to court documents, were given separate imprisonment ranging from two to four years. Amos Binda, Perry Kanu and Prince Gbah were slapped with four years punishment each and also ordered to restitute one thousand seven hundred United States dollars stolen from the victims. A man identified as Varney Keita will be imprisoned for two years while Jamel Kollie was given seven months. The Armed robbers were convicted as a result of their open confession in court. According to the INQUIRER


UL Confucius Institute Celebrates 10th Anniversary

As part of several activities leading to the 100th commencement convocation exercise at the University of Liberia, the Confucius Institute has celebrated its 10th anniversary in Liberia with several students exhibiting their talents in Chinese language and culture. Confucius Institute is a non-profit, public educational organization affiliated with the Ministry of Education of People’s Republic of China, whose stated aim is to promote Chinese language and culture, support local Chinese teaching internationally, and facilitate cultural exchanges. It was established in Liberia 2008 at the University of Liberia. UL president Dr. Ophelia Inez Weeks told the audience that the partnership between the two institutions has afforded Liberian students the opportunity to study the Chinese language and explored their beautiful culture at the state-run university over the last decade, The Daily Observer.