Daily Media Summary 2018-05-18

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




Dominating our summary today are news of PresidentGeorge Manneh Weah’s congratulatory message to His Majesty King Harald V of the Kingdom of Norway on the observance of that country’s 134th anniversary of its constitution’s adoption as well as the signing of a “Letter of Intent”for the establishment of a sister city relationship between the cities of Pingdingshan in Henan Province, People’s Republic of China (PRC) and Buchanan, Grand Bassa County,


Weah Congratulates Norway On 134th Anniversary Of Constitution Adoption


The Heritage newspaper reports thatHis Excellency Mr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia, has sent a message of congratulations to His Majesty King Harald V of the Kingdom of Norway on the occasion of that nation’s 134th anniversary of its constitution adoption. According to a Foreign Ministry release, President Weah, in his congratulatory message told His Majesty that after over a century and three decades of independence and leadership, his nation has successfully contributed in shaping global leadership which serves as a shining example in critical areas such as high standard of living, effective management of sovereign wealth fund, support to global peace and security. According to the President, these contributions and many more established Norway as a global pacesetter and reliable development partner to Liberia and the African region as a whole. He assured King Harald V that Liberians are resolved to continually marshal their collective efforts to contribute to global peace, stability and development worldwide, while focusing on enhancing the socio-economic development of Liberians through his Pro-poor agenda.


Related Captions: Pres. Weah Sends Norway Message of Congratulates(The New Dawn), President Weah Congratulates Norway on 134th Anniversary of Constitution Adoption(INSIGHT)


Chinese City To Establish City Relationship With Buchanan City

The city of Pingdingshan in Henan Province, People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the city of Buchanan in Grand Bassa County, Liberia have signed a “Letter of Intent” to establish a sister city relationship.According to a dispatch from Liberia’s Embassy near Beijing, Grand Bassa County senator, Mr. Jonathan Lambort Kaipay, signed on behalf of Buchanan city, while the deputy mayor of the People’s Government of Pingdingshan city, Mr. Liu Wenhai signed on behalf of his city at a ceremony at the Noble International Hotel in Zhengzhou, Henan Province recently. Pingdingshan City, also referred to as Eagle City, is located in central Henan Province with a population of 5.5 million. It is an important energy and raw material industrial base in the country. According to the New Dawn newspaper, the Letter of Intent notes that through friendly consultations, the two cities establish a relationship to promote mutual understanding and friendship between the two countries.

Related Captions: To Establish Sister City Relationship: Pingdingshan, Buchanan Cities Sign ‘Letter Of Intent’(Heritage), Pingdingshan And Buchanan Cities Sign ‘Letter Of Intent’ To Establish Sister City Relationship(INSIGHT), Pingdingshan, Buchanan To Establish Sister City Relationship(In Profile Daily)




Weah To Replace 4,000 Huts



According to the New Dawnnewspaper, Liberia’s President George Manneh Weah has told his first cabinet retreat in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County that he has a special project to remove and replace huts along the highway in the 15 counties here, saying he knows how painful it is to sleep in huts. His pronouncement on Thursday, 17 May confirmed a US$70m project just announced by Minister of State for Presidential Affairs Nathaniel McGill that feasibility study was being done to upgrade an estimated 4,000 rural housing on the highway for the poor people. Mr. Weah says he is very serious about his special project to remove and replace huts on the highway in the 15 counties by decent ones and electrify them, telling Cabinet and development partners that he lived in the village before and he knows how painful it is to sleep in huts.


National Bar Admits 5 Attorneys-At Law


The Liberia National Bar Association (LNBA) has admitted five Attorneys-At-Law into its Bong County Chapter, with mandate from Chief Justice Francis Korkpor as part of efforts to improving the country’s Justice System. The five Attorneys admitted in the Bong Bar Association during the opening of the May 15, 2018 Term Court, include former Bong County Electoral District#4 Representative Lester Mulbah Paye, Joseph Collonmeah, Sr., James Bomosee, Godson Magill, and Emmah Sumo, respectively. During the ceremony, Resident Judge of the 9th Judiciary Circuit Court in Gbarnga, Bong County, Boimah Kontoe, urges the Lawyers to exercise high level of professionalism in the discharge of their duties, asserts the New Dawn newspaper.



Several Children Get Relief From Eye Diseases...Parents Urged To Act In The Early Ages

Several children have received treatment at the Liberia Eye Center at the John F. Kennedy Memprial Hospital in Monrovia. The INQUIRER newspaper says already the center has “examined 41 children” with different eye diseases and has treated about 10. Pediatric Ophthalmologist, Dr. Ramesh Kekunnaya, who arrived in the county recently to assist with the treatment, said some of these children have been treated through surgery, while others would receive treatment by the use of glasses and drugs to correct their illness. Dr. Kekunnaya called on parents to take their children to the eye clinic if they notice any problem with their vision at the early stage.



WHO, CDC On Liberia Health Sector

According to the Heritage newspaper, two global health organizations have spoken impressively about Liberia’s disease surveillance system coupled with the infection prevention control measures. The Country Representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) and US-based Center for Disease Control (CDC) said Liberia has achieved a lot in improving its surveillance as a result of which there is decrease in the numbers of disease cases in part of rural Liberia. A Ministry of Health  quoting Doctors Alex Gassisera and Desmond William Said although Liberia’s health system still has challenges, much have been achieved over the years. They pledged their commitments to continue helping the people of Liberia with technical and financial support to better the health sector.



Deputy Posts Minister Vows Development In Telecom Sector

Deputy Minister for Technical Services at the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Prosper Brown, has vowed development in Liberia telecommunications sector to be on par with other countries. According to the In Profile Daily, Minister Brown made the remark on Thursday, May 17 at the University of Liberia where the Ministry celebrated the World Telecommunications and Information Society Day (WATISD) program. May 17 of every year is considered the anniversary signing of the first international Telegraph Convention and the creation of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). The Technical Service Minister pointed out that, “We Shall endeavor to build the capacity of people and develop the necessary framework across every sphere within our nation for the advancement of Information communication and Technology.”



Muslim Cleric Calls For Peace


Muslims in Liberia join millions of their counterparts around the world in observing Holy Ramadam, a month-long period of fast and prayers with a message for sustainable peace and security in Liberia. Speaking to the New Dawn on Thursday, 17 May Imam Abdu Dukuly says Ramadan is a holy month of fasting, introspections and prayers, noting that fasting is one of the five fundamental principles of Islam during which Muslims are required by the Qoran to abstain from food and drink from sunrise to sunset. Imam Dukuly maintains that Ramadan is a time to practice self-restraint and self-reflection, and fasting is seen as a way to cleanse the soul and have empathy for those who are hungry and less fortunate. 

Related Caption: Muslims In Liberia Join Worldwide Observance of Ramadan(FOCUS)



Swedish Delegation Holds Talks With Land Authority

According to the INQUIRER newspaper, an appraisal team from the Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority, Lantmäteriet, is I in Liberia holding discussions with authorities of the Liberia Land Authority (LLA) and key stakeholders in the land sector, relative to the development of an institutional cooperation project, which is to be financed by the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida), to support the strengthening of the land administration system of Liberia. According to the daily, the team which comprised of Mr. Peter Wasström, head of the International Services Department and Mr. Kent Nllson, Senior Technical Advisor have met with the LLA Board of Commoners and Senior staff at their office in Congo Town where they discussed priority areas for consideration under the proposed institutional cooperation project.



Development Matters TV & Radio Program Launched

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has launched the Development Matters TV and Radio Program intended to create discussions on Liberia’s issues and finding solutions to them. The launch was held on May 16 on the iCampus on Carey Street in Monrovia. Speaking during the program, the Chief of Party for Internews, Jan Macarthur, explained that nation building should be the reason of everyone decision at the pole stressing that building a national identity is the key in the development of Liberia according to the In Profile Daily.  



Women Legislative Caucus Inducts New Officers

The Women Legislative Caucus of Liberia has inducted its newly elected officers to steer the affairs of the cuscus for the next three years. Those elected on Tuesday, May 15 are Rep. Rosana Schaack as chair, Rep. Munah Pelham-Youngblood as co-chair for international affairs, Rep. Julie Wiah as chair for national affairs, Sen. Geraldine Doe-Sheriff as secretary, Rep. Rustolyn S. Dennis as financial secretary, and Rep. Ellen Attoh as treasurer.  Former senator and now Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor served as the installing officer and keynote speaker for the program. She said there are fewer women now in the National Legislature than there were in 2005, adding that many women are not interested in politics because women in politics are held to a much higher standard than their male counterparts, reads the FOCUS newspaper.


Related Caption: Women Legislative Caucus Inducts Officers(The INQUIRER)