Daily Media Summary 2016-10-07


Ministry of Foreign Affairs 

Monrovia, Liberia 



News of thecirculation of the new Liberian banknotes on the market by the Central Bank of Liberia; the signing of an MOU making the LACC a recipient of the Asset Declaration documents and President Johnson Sirleaf’s dedication of the Boulevard Palace Hotel Monrovia are stories dominating today’s edition of the Summary.


Central Bank of Liberia Puts New Banknotes into Circulation

The FrontPage Africa newspaper reports that the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) Thursday commenced the distribution and issuance of the newly-printed Liberian dollar banknotes. According to the daily, the new Liberian dollar banknotes are being distributed to commercial banks and other financial institutions throughout the country to serve customers, who may wish to exchange mutilated notes for the new Liberian dollar banknotes. Both the old and new denominations of Liberian Dollar banknotes will circulate simultaneously with equal monetary value. The daily reads that the CBL has also reinforced the security features in the new series, which are both visible and invisible. In addition, the CBL has ensured that the new series is printed on a higher quality substrate to guarantee longevity and reduce porosity.

Related Captions: CBL Releases New Banknotes (In Profile Daily), New Banknotes On The Market(The INQUIRER), New Liberian Dollar Bank Notes Released(Heritage), New Liberian Dollar Banknotes Released(FOCUS), CBL Releases New Money (The New Dawn), New Liberian Money Out(Daily Observer) 

LACC, GAC Sign Assets Declaration MOU


The Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) and General Auditing Commission (GAC) Thursday, October 16, 2016, signed a Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate in the handling of assets declaration documents submitted by public officials of the Executive Branch of Government required to declare their assets.The MOU was signed by the respective heads of the LACC and GAC, Cllr. James N. Verdier, Jr. and Madam Yusador S. Gaye, who pledged their commitment to the full implementation of the Memorandum. They expressed optimism for similar collaboration with other institutions in the fight against corruption. An LACC statement issued in Monrovia following the signing ceremony at the LACC Headquarters in Congo Town, indicated that in keeping with the MOU, the GAC designates the LACC as its authorized agent to receive Asset Declaration documents on its behalf as mandated by the 2014 Act of the Legislature Prescribing a National Code of Conduct, reports the New Dawn newspaper.

Related Captions: LACC-GAC Sign MOU On Assets Declaration(In Profile Daily), LACC, GAC Sign MOU On Assets Declaration(The INQUIRER), LACC, GAC Sign MOU On Assets Declaration(Heritage), LACC To Handle Assets declaration Documents(FOCUS)

Pres. Sirleaf Dedicates Boulevard Palace Hotel

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has dedicated a state-of-the-art, 105-bedroom Boulevard Palace Hotel between 12th and 13th Streets on Tubman Boulevard; a multi-million dollars investment in Liberia. The FOCUS newspaper, quoting an Executive Mansion release, says President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf performed the dedicatory ceremony and carried out the official ribbon-cutting at a colorful ceremony. In his remarks, Vice President Ambassador, Joseph N. Boakai commended the United Methodist Church “for being so gracious to give this property to erect this facility,” and commended Mr. Halabi and team for their confidence to undertake such an investment. Following the dedicatory ceremony, she led an array of senior government officials including the diplomatic corps, business tycoons, ordinary citizens on a guided tour of the facilities to have a fair appreciation of the facility and as well encouraged workers most of whom are Liberians to serve well with commitment.

Related Captions: Ellen Dedicates Boulevard Palace Hotel (Heritage), Boulevard Palace Hotel Dedicated(The New Dawn)


Mrs. Euphemia Weeks Dies


The Daily Observer reports that Mrs. Euphemia Weeks, widow of Dr. Rocheforte Lafayette Weeks, former President of the University of Liberia and former Minister of Foreign Affairs, R.L., died Thursday morning following a brief illness. Mrs. Euphemia Weeks, mother of eight outstanding children, was in her 90th year. Survivors include her eight children, Rocheforte, Jr., an Entrepreneur and businessman, Dr. Ophelia (Fifi) Inez Weeks, a Urology professor at Florida International University, now Vice President, University of Liberia, where she grew up from age 7; Julius Louis, a patent specialist; Vittorio A.J., Comptroller, St. Georges School System, Maryland, USA; Daubeny Alexander Weeks, a mechanical engineer and Consultant, IBI International; Angelique Euphemia Weeks, Chair of the Liberia Telecommunications Authority (LTA), RL; Milton Alvin Weeks, Executive Governor of the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL); and Ronald Avery Weeks, a Chemical Engineer and Chief Engineer at Honeywell Solutions, USA; sister Trypetus Daphne Cooper; brothers Gerald Ferguson Burns Cooper, Randolph C.J. Cooper and Seward Montgomery Cooper. 

Sister Mary Laurene Browne Named for Major Award


The Teenage-based Girls Alliance for Future Leadership has issued a statement announcing the establishment of an Annual Award for leadership called the GIRLS’ EXCELLENT LEADERSHIP AWARD. In the statement, Girls Alliance says its first award is going to the President of the Stella Maris Polytechnic, Sister Mary Laurene Browne. The release furthered that Sister Laurene was preferred by the Alliance membership over four other distinguished women. “For years, we have followed the extraordinary contribution of Sister Mary Laurene Browne to education in Liberia. Her contributions are immeasurable”. According to the release, the Award Night takes place at the Mamba Point Hotel on United Nations Drive on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at the precise hour of 6pm, the Heritage newspaper writes.

Speaker Picks 15-man Special C’ttee-To Steer The House During Closure -Affect Changes In Leadership

House Speaker J. Emmanuel Nuquay has appointed a 15-man Special Committee to manage the House of Representatives in collaboration with the leadership, during its annual closure, from Wednesday October 5, 2016 to Monday, January 9, 2017. On Wednesday, the newly elected and installed House Speaker formally adjourned the 5th Session of the Honorable House of Representatives in harmony to the Liberian Senate, which earlier closed on Thursday, September 19, 2016. The House’s adjournment is arguably in accordance to Article 40 of the 1986 Liberian Constitution, which states: The 15-man Special Committee, comprising a member from each county, is responsible to manage and coordinate the affairs of the House of Representatives during the break (closure) and serves as a ‘management team’ in consultation with the leadership, headed by the Speaker. Meanwhile, Speaker Nuquay has appointed Montserrado County District # 6 Representative, Edwin M. Snowe, Chairman on the Foreign Affairs, replacing Maryland lawmaker James Biney. Nimba County Representative Samuel Kogar was also appointed Chairman of the Committee on Commerce, replacing Rep. Charles Bardyl of River Gee County, reports the Daily Observer.

NAYMOTE to Host Dialogue On Monday

The Daily Observer says the National Youth Movement for Transparent Elections (NAYMOTE) Partners for Democratic Development will convene a one-day stakeholders’ dialogue on Monday, October 10, at the Monrovia Christian Fellowship Church in Monrovia. NAYMOTE Executive Director Eddie Jarwolo says the dialogue will focus on the electoral management process of the upcoming 2017 presidential and legislative elections. “The overall goal of the dialogue is to assess the level of preparedness of electoral stakeholders, identify critical challenges, gaps and progress as well as safeguard inclusiveness in the electoral management cycle for a peaceful democratic transition,” Mr. Jarwolo said. The theme of the discussion is “October 10, One Year to Elections: How Prepared Are We?”  He said the dialogue will feature two discussions and address various issues on the preparedness of the electoral management body and electoral stakeholders to support the smooth conduct of the 2017 elections and a peaceful transition of political power.

Bong Court Sentences Man, 26, to Life for Murder

An inside story of the Heritage news daily reports that the Ninth Judicial Circuit Court in Gbarnga, Bong County has sentenced a 26-year-old man to life in prison for murder. According to the prosecutor, Samuel Moore was sentenced after he was found guilty of killing his girlfriend on grounds that she spent L$7,000 (about US$70) without his authorization. Moore, a resident of Sanoyea District, was brought down guilty by a trial Jury Tuesday before the Resident Circuit Court Judge Boima Kontoe. The trial jurors said the verdict was consistent with the evidence produced in court by the prosecution. Moore was arrested in August for allegedly killing his girlfriend, Manwoe Kerkulah, with a cutlass in Volomenee Town in Sanoyea District, the paper says.

ILTF Host Nat’l Media Confab on Land

The In Profile Daily reports that with support from the USAID Land Governance Support Activity (LGSA), the Presidential Interim Land Task Force (ILTF) will host the 1st National Media Conference on Land under the Theme: ‘Scale up Reportage of Good Land Governance. The event, according to ILTF release will take place on Friday, October 07, 2016 at the Monrovia City Hall in Sinkor from 8:00am to 4:30pm and will bring together reporters, writers, editors, publishers, station managers, other media practitioners and major stakeholders in the media and land sectors.