Daily Media Summary 2016-09-29


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



Today’s edition of the summary of the local dailies highlights among other stories news of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s Condolence Message to His Excellency Mr. Reuven Rivlin, President of the State of Israel, for the passing of Mr. Shimon Peres, a former President of Israel, the request for an investigation into protest action by Students and teachers in the country and Sweden’s Ambassador to Liberia caution on the use of Liberia Freedom of Information law.



Pres. Johnson-Sirleaf Returns from 71st UN General Assembly Session


The FrontPage Africa newspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has returned home following her participation in the 71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly held in New York and has directed Education Minister George Werner to investigate and close down schools involved in Monday’s violent demonstrations, which led to the setting up of roadblocks along the Monrovia-Robertsfield highway and other parts of the country. The daily quotes an Executive Mansion release as saying that President Sirleaf issued the directive on Wednesday, September 28, 2016 upon her arrival at the Roberts International Airport during an encounter with members of the press. President Sirleaf noted that action will be taken against schools found culpable following thorough investigation in order to serve as a deterrent to dissuade would-be violators who believe that by taking the law into their own hands is a matter of right. 

Related Captions: Schools To Shutdown (The New Dawn), Pres. Sirleaf Orders Closure Of Schools(FOCUS), Protesting Schools Ordered Closed-Ellen Dismisses Aggrieved Teachers; Violent Students’ Fate Undecided(Daily Observer), Schools To Shutdown(The New Dawn ), Ellen Threatens Harsh Action Against Violators in Teachers-Students Protest(FrontPage Africa), Investigate And Close Down Schools Involved In Violent Protests…Ellen Directs Education Minister(Heritage)

Pres. Sirleaf Consoles Israel

According to theNew Dawn newspaper, Her Excellency Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of the Republic of Liberia, has sent a message of consolation to her counterpart, His Excellency Mr. Reuven Rivlin, President of the State of Israel, for the passing of Mr. Shimon Peres, a former President and twice Prime Minister of Israel. According to a Foreign Ministry release, in her Condolence Message to President Rivlin, President Sirleaf said: “It is with profound shock and deep sorrow that we have learned of the death of Mr. Shimon Peres a towering political figure, who served twice as Prime Minister and as President of your great country.” In her message to her Israeli counterpart, president Johnson Sirleaf behalf of the Government and People of Liberia, and in her own name, extended heartfelt condolences to the Government and People of the State of Israel, especially the bereaved family, for the irreparable loss sustained.

Related Captions: Pres. Sirleaf Consoles Israel Over Death Of Ex-PM Peres(The INQUIRER), Ellen Consoles Israel Over Death Of Ex-PM Peres(Heritage)


Sweden Envoy Shares Experience on “Access to Information”

A front-page story of theINQUIRER newspaper reports that Liberians yesterday joined others in the world in celebration of “International Right to Know Day” with elaborate program at the Ministry of Information. Speaking at the ceremony, Sweden’s Ambassador to Liberia, H.E. Lena Nordstorm said it is important for Liberia in the implementation of this important human rights standard that attention is given to address both women and men’s access to information. According to her, all groups regardless of age, gender, location, ability, etc, are provided equal access in the promotion and protection of the right to access to information. She noted further that Sweden believes that freedom of expression is a moral necessity and a practical tool in the fight of human rights and a vital part of any democracy, the paper reads. 

Related Captions: Use FOI Law Wisely’ -Swedish Ambassador Cautions Liberians(Daily Observer), Use FOI Law Wisely-Swedish Ambassador Urges Liberians(The New Dawn)


PUL Observes 52nd Anniversary with Dialogue on Self Regulations

The Press Union of Liberia (PUL) will observe its 52nd Anniversary on Friday, September 30 with a Conference on Media and Self-Regulation at the Brewerville City Hall. The conference, being held under the theme: “Promoting Free Expression and Good Journalism through Media Self-Regulation” is another means of strengthening professionalism within the media, while maintaining a significant degree of independence. Press Union President Abdullai Kamara said the conference is a lot more meaningful today, to allay the fears of some members of the community, who are still finding it difficult to accommodate reforms within the media scene. Anniversary activities will also include Thanksgiving Services at the Mambu Haines Garage Mosque (Brewerville) at 1pm on Friday, September 30; and at the Christ Redemption World Outreach Ministries (CREWOM) at Yellow Flower, Brewerville on Sunday, October 2 at 10am. According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, the self-regulation conference is being held in partnership with the USAID-supported Liberia Media Development - managed by Internews. 

Related Captions: PUL Observes 52nd Anniversary With Dialogue On Self-Regulation(The INQUIRER), PUL Opens Book Of Condolence For Fallen Media Expert(Heritage). At the same time, the INQUIRER newspaper reports under the caption “PUL Opens Book of Condolence for Prof. Wolo” that the Press Union of Liberia has announced the signing of a Book of Condolence in remembrance of Prof. James W. Wolo. Mr. Wolo died in Monrovia on Sunday, September 11, 2016 after a brief illness. The signing will be led by the President and Members of the Press Union of Liberia, the family and members of the public. The family has disclosed that a night of family wake keeping will be held on Friday, September 30, 2016 at 6pm at the St. Moses Funeral Home. The remains of Mr. Wolo will be removed from the funeral home on Saturday, October 1 at 8am and taken to the Holy Martyrs Catholic Parish in Barnesville Township for funeral rite.

Relate Caption: PUL Opens Book Of Condolence For Fallen Media Expert(Heritage)



October 1 Declared ‘Older People Day’


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf   has by Proclamation declared, Saturday, October 1, 2016, as ‘Older People Day,’and is to be observed throughout the Republic as a Working Holiday.  The Heritage newspaper, quoting a Foreign Ministry release, says the observance is to raise awareness about issues affecting the elderly and to appreciate the contributions they have made to society in the areas of education, medicine, economic, science and technology, social services, history as well as preservation of cultural heritage. The release says the event will be celebrated under the international theme: “Take a Stand against Ageism,” and observed under the local theme: “Older People in Liberia Deserve Better.” The Proclamation further added that as part of this year’s observance, a major event has been planned by Coalition of Caregivers and Advocates for the Elderly in Liberia (COCAEL) to celebrate UN IDOP, which is the second (2nd) National Aging Conference of Liberia, slated to be held at the Monrovia Christian Fellowship Church on 9thStreet, Saturday, October 1, 2016.  The Proclamation further calls upon all national and international organizations, United Nations Agencies, and citizens, in-general to cooperate with the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection in organizing appropriate programs befitting the occasion.


Related Captions: President Sirleaf Declares October 1 “Older People Day(The INQUIRER)

World Bank Preparing for New Partnership Strategy in Liberia

The World Bank Group is readying a new approach called the Country Partnership Framework (CPF) to engage Liberia in meeting the needs of the people. World Bank Country Manager Leshchenko said the new approach will be a “flexible strategy” that will focus on ending extreme poverty and increasing prosperity in a sustainable manner. She told a meeting with media executives and managers that the place of the Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) and guides the Bank Group’s support to a member country, the INQUIRER reads. 

Related Caption: World Bank Preparing For New Partnership Strategy In Liberia(FOCUS)


To Enhance Surveillance: UNDP Builds Capacity of Border Actors

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) with support from the Government and People of Japan has conducted a 4-day training for at least 680 border actors. Under the ‘Enhance Ebola Surveillance Security Project’ the training targeted 85 participants per county (35 security officers and 50 community watch members). The refresher training recently held, was intended to build the capacities of these border actors to enhance Ebola surveillance security at the different border posts of the Country, mainly Lofa, Nimba, Grand Cape Mount, Gbarpolu, River Gee, Maryland, Bong and Grand Gedeh, the Heritage reads. 


NPA Revives Sinoe County Economy with Marine Craft at Greenville Port Awaiting Presidential Commissioning

The FrontPage Africa newspaper reports that residents and officials of the Sinoe County have receive two tug boats purchased by the National Port Authority. According to the daily, the procurement of the boats is in fulfillment of President Sirleaf’s development agenda and modernization plan to transform the Liberian sea sector thereby making the National Port Authority to become a premier port in order to boost economic activities, advance commerce and international trade. Mr. Prosperous Brown, Superintendent of Sinoe County said when the port is functional it will not only benefit Sinoe but the entire Southeastern region. For his part, the Managing Director of the Samuel Alfred Ross Port in Greenville, Daffa Wiles welcomed the boats and promised to maintain them with care. Mr. Wiles called on the people of Sinoe to help in the process of taking care of the facilities, saying, Sinoe County is a direct beneficiary of the boats before extending to other counties in the region.


Liberia Eyes Sustainable Tourism Sector

Internal Affair Minister Henrique Togba has emphasized that the country needs to promote the concept of sustainable tourism in order to encourage visitors to promote the economic sector. According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, the Internal Affairs boss made the statement at programs marking the celebration of World Tourism Day, September 27 in Robertsport, Grand Cape Mount County. He said tourism has enormous economic potential and needs to be measured in order to determine the socio-economic impact on the communities. People from the 15 counties trooped in their numbers to Robertsport to showcase their cultural performance, artifacts, storytelling, mask dancing, and Hut designing in commemoration of the 37th anniversary of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). The celebration seeks to achieve global priorities outlined in the United Nations’ development goals highlighting the contribution of the tourism sector. This year’s occasion was held under the team: “Tourism for All and promoting Universal Accessibility”.


Related Caption: “Support Tourism Sector”…Internal Affairs Minister Urges(The INQUIRER)