Daily Media Summary, 2016-09-28


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



News of Acting Foreign Minister, B. Elias Shoniyin’s meeting with three British diplomats, the high ranking received by Liberia for ratifying 32 ECOWAS Protocols and the removal of Mr. Alex Tyler as Speaker of the House of Representatives are among stories dominating today’s edition of the local dailies.


It also includes President Johnson Sirleaf’s congratulatory messages to the Governments and Peoples of the People's Republic of China on the 67th anniversary of its founding and the 50th Independence Anniversary of Botswana.  




Acting Foreign Minister Shoniyin Meets Three British Diplomats


Acting Foreign Minister Honorable B. Elias Shoniyin on Monday, September 26, 2016 received in audience at his Foreign Ministry office the British Ambassador accredited to Liberia, H.E. David Belgrove, who led a team of British diplomats from outside Liberia. The British Ambassador who was accompanied by the British High Commissioner to the Republic of Sierra Leone H.E. Guy Warrington, and the British Defense Attaché to Liberia and Sierra Leone, Mr. Derek S. Deighton, told Mr. Shoniyin that they were in the ministry to discuss regional and bilateral issues concerning developments taking place in Liberia as well as at the MRU and ECOWAS level, which is Chaired by H. E. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. Ambassador Belgrove also informed the Acting Foreign Minister that their mission was to inquire about the role of the two sub-regional bodies- ECOWAS and MRU and how effective and efficient these regional entities are impacting regional stability. In response after he had welcomed his guests, Acting Foreign Minister Shoniyin stressed the important roles of the two sub-regional organizations. Mr. Shoniyin also indicated that both ECOWAS and MRU have similar objectives, aimed at promoting regional integration and political stability. Mr. Shoniyin hailed the trade links between and among the four MRU countries, which he added is far encouraging where traders can freely cross borders to trade goods and services in neighboring countries, without hindrances as compare to other parts of the sub-region, reports the Heritage newspaper.


Related Captions: British Diplomats Consult Liberia On ECOWAS, MRU Roles(Daily Observer), Acting Foreign Minister Shoniyin Meets Three British Diplomats(FOCUS)




Liberia Ratifies 32 ECOWAS Protocols

Liberia has recorded high scores at the level of its commitments to the Economic Community of West Africa (ECOWAS) by ratifying all of the remaining 32 ECOWAS Protocols and Conventions and being in full compliance of the Community Levy protocol. According to a dispatch from the Embassy in Abuja, the revelation was contained in a Country Report country’s legislative representatives to the ECOWAS Parliament presented on Monday, September 26, 2016. Liberia, as of the end of April this year, had the highest number of ungratified Protocols and Conventions that amounted  to 32, a situation the Liberian delegation during its last Country Report at the time regretted, the New Republic newspaper reads.



Related Captions: Liberia Scores High At ECOWAS - Ratifying All 32 Protocols(FrontPage Africa), Liberia Scores High At ECOWAS(Heritage), Liberia Ratifies 32 ECOWAS Protocols(INSIGHT), Liberia Ranks High At ECOWAS(FOCUS)



Recused Speaker Finally Removed Through Two-Thirds Resolution

Representative Alex J. Tyler who recently rescued himself as Presiding Officer of the House of Representatives due to pressure from some of his colleagues has been ousted as Speaker through a resolution signed by 49 members of the House of Representatives. The 49 lawmakers’ action was in keeping with Article 49 of the Constitution of Liberia which states: “The House of Representatives shall elect once every six years a Speaker who shall be the presiding officer of that body, a Deputy Speaker and such other officers as shall ensure the proper functioning of the House and may be removed from office for cause by resolution of two-thirds majority of the members of the House.” The current House of Representatives has a total of 73 lawmakers and a two-third of that number is 49. The decision by the 49 lawmakers was a result of a report from the committee on Rules, Orders and Administration which recommended that, in keeping with the House of Representatives rules 48.1, and 48.3 in the committee report it was unanimously recommended that Representative Tyler be removed from his position as Speaker of the House of Representatives



Related Captions: Tyler Dumped-Associates Sign Resolution To Seal His Removal(The New Republic), Tyler Finally Removed (Heritage), Tyler Booted out As Speaker(WOMEN VOICES), Speaker No Longer(Daily Observer),Tyler Dumped-Associates Sign Resolution To Seal His Removal(The New Republic), Tyler Booted Out(FOCUS)



World Bank Liberia Country Manager Interacts With Media Executives… Craves For Collective Workings

The newly arrived World Bank Liberia Country Manager during an interactive meeting with Liberian media executives including the President of the Press Union of Liberia, Mr. A.K. Kamara, said she was happy to be in Liberia as a direct representative of the World Bank, and lauded the Liberian media for working with the institution over the years. Ms. Larisa Leshchenko also noted the important role the media play in the development of any country, including Liberia, and further noted that as a development partner to Liberia the bank believe that it is important for it to always engage with the media in order to ensure that its activities are highlighted to the people of Liberia who are the main beneficiaries of our support to the Government of Liberia, reports FOCUS newspaper.


Related Captions: New WB Country Director Pledges Closer Partnership With Media(Daily Observer), World Bank Commends Media(The New Republic)



Liberian Police Chief Meets Teachers Association Leadership Over Protest

According to FrontPage Africa newspaper, the Inspector General of Police Col. Gregory O.W Coleman, has called for dialogue amongst the Ministry of Education, the National Teachers Association of Liberia NTAL, and the MCSS Teachers Association, to end the ongoing stalemate which has led to teachers strike, students’ protest, and the blocking of major streets and highways, indicating that the crisis has serious national security risk, which must be addressed without delay. The Liberian Police Chief said the sporadic blocking of major highways in the country to include the Monrovia Kakata Highway, and the Roberts International Highway by protesting students is worrisome, and he is therefore encouraging the   parties to find means of having the students return to the classroom as soon as possible

at the LNP Headquarters.   


Related Captions: Liberian Police Chief Meets Teachers Association Leadership over Protest(FrontPage Africa),Police Chief Holds Discussions With National Teachers Association (Heritage)







Ellen Extends Warmest Congratulations on China’s National Day

The Heritage newspaper quotes a Foreign Minister release as saying that the President of the Republic of Liberia, Her Excellency Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, has extended warmest congratulations, on behalf of the Liberian Government and People and in her own name, to the Government and People of the People's Republic of China on the auspicious occasion of the 67th anniversary of the founding of that great country. According to the release, in her message to her Chinese counterpart, His Excellency Mr. Xi Jinping, President Sirleaf said  “On this happy occasion, we acknowledge with appreciation, the strong partnership between our two countries, particularly, in Liberia’s development transformation, which we hope will further solidify our bilateral ties,” the Liberian leader stressed.  






Liberia Praises Botswana

The INSIGHT newspaper reports that Her Excellency President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a warm congratulatory message to the Government and People of the Republic of Botswana on the occasion commemorating the 50th Independence Anniversary of that country. In her message to His Excellency Lieutenant General Secretse Khama Ian Khama, President of the Republic of Botswana, the Liberian leader hoped that the bond of friendship so happily subsisting between the two countries and peoples will continue to be strengthened in the years to come as both governments look forward to collaborating closely, for the promotion of peace, security and economic integration.  


Related Caption: Ellen Congratulates Botswana On 50th Independence Day(Heritage)



Chinese Troop Head For Liberia

A team of 109 Chinese peacekeepers left Beijing Tuesday for a one-year United Nations peacekeeping mission in Liberia. The Group of peacemakers, consisting of transportation and engineering detachments, will be tasked with road and bridge maintenance and the provision of construction materials, fuel and international relief supplies. Shi Shuai, the political commissar, said the peacekeepers were prepared to respond to any eventuality including unprovoked attack. They also received first aid training, engineering reconnaissance and riot control. This is the 19th group of peacekeepers that China has deployed to Liberia since 2003, reports the Insight newspaper.


Related Caption: 109 Chinese Peacekeepers Arrive(WOMEN VOICES)


US Grants Status Benefits to Liberians

United States Department of Homeland Security has said it is extending Temporary Protective Status (TPS) benefits for beneficiaries of TPS under the designations of Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone for 6 months. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said the extension was for the purpose of orderly transition before the designations terminate effective May 21, 2017. According to US news outlets, the decision was reached after reviewing country conditions and consulting with the appropriate U.S. government agencies, the New Republic newspaper writes.



House Ratifies US$86.9M Deal To Upgrade RIA Facilities, Build Mano River Roads

Members of the House of Representatives has ratified two financial agreements in the amount of US$50m and US$36,890,151.66, totaling US$86.9m, to upgrade facilities at the Roberts International Airport (RIA) and the construction of the Mano River Union road. The Mano River Union road will link the following areas: Danane-Lola (87.35km); Blolequin-Toulepleu-Liberia border (65km); Tabou-Prollo (28km); Karloken – Fish Town (80km); and Harper – Cavalla Junction (16km).  The House made the ratifications based upon reports from the Joint Committee on Ways, Means, Finance and Development Planning, Judiciary and Transport and an Ad Hoc Committee. Both reports were chaired by Rep. Prince Moye, Chairman on Ways, Means, Finance and Development Planning. The RIA upgrading report was signed between the government of Liberia (GOL) and the Export-Import Bank of China and was last week submitted to the legislature for endorsement. According to the Daily Observer, the multinational loan agreement was signed between the African Development Fund and the government of Liberia for the Mano River Union Road Development and Transport Facilitation Program – MRU/RDTFP.



House Denies ‘New Threshold’ For 2017 Elections

According to the Daily  Observer, members of the House of Representatives voted yesterday to endorse a report from the Committee on Election and Inauguration not to set a new electoral threshold for the 2017 Presidential and Legislative Elections and have written the Senate for its concurrence. The Chairman of the House Committee on Election and Inauguration, Rep. Gabriel B. Smith said in his report that on the basis of history and electoral tradition, quoting Article 80 (d) and (e) of the 1986 Constitution, it is assumed that a threshold should serve two regular periods of six years and in so doing it would be lawfully incorrect and politically troublesome for the 53rd Legislature to prescribe a new threshold on the basis of a census report for which the 52nd Legislature had already passed on a resolution. “After a careful examination of the request through a series of committee hearings and external consultations, the committee is convinced, that it would be legally unprecedented and politically inappropriate to prescribe a threshold on the basis of a census report that our legislative predecessors acted upon by a Joint Resolution; clearly instructing the NEC to maintain the sixty four electoral districts and add nine new seats reflecting an upward population in of the five counties,” Rep. Smith said.



Deputy Commerce Minister Assures SMs Of Gov’t Support-As LBMSS, Gusceman Inc. Trained 85 Drivers On Ethical Standards

Deputy Minister for Small Business Administration at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI) Paygar Flangiah, has assured Liberian-owned small businesses that government will do everything to empower them. The Daily Observer reports that Minister Flangiah made the statement last Friday at a program marking the official launch of Logistics and Business Management Support System (LBMSS) and the first graduation of 85 drivers from the Drivers’ Link Program organized by Gusceman Inc, a Liberian-owned corporation. The two companies are jointly involved in Business Development, Financial Management, Agriculture, Construction and Engineering, Logistics and Fleet management, as well as Project and program management. Other areas include Capacity building and training and Information technology. Minister Flangiah, who is responsible for helping Liberian-owned businesses have adequate access to financial services and markets, facilitating transition of small businesses from the informal to the formal sector and promoting capacity development, said he would ensure that they provide small businesses the necessary support they needed to grow.



Dr. Sawyer Challenges Civil Society Organizations In Liberia

The Chairman of the Governance Commission (GC), Dr. Amos C. Sawyer, has challenged civil society organizations in Liberia to build their capacities to negotiate national issues with government. Dr. Sawyer asserted that the lack of expertise from civil society organizations undermine the negotiation process with government and concessions companies to negotiate national issues with government.  The GC was speaking on Tuesday, September 27, 2016 when he delivered the keynote address at the start of a two-day National Multi-Stakeholders Dialogue on Large-Scale Land Acquisitions and Development in Liberia, the Heritage newspaper reads.



Youth Attend Data Collection Clinic For Elections, Others

The Community Initiative Forum, in collaboration with the Liberians United for Boakai’s Election, has conducted training for over 25 youth across Montserrado County. The one-day capacity building was intended to build the capacity of young people to administer questionnaires and collect data for the 2017 elections. Speaking to the Insight during the training in Paynesville, the Coordinator of the group, Mr. Alvin E. Maximore, said the training will also enable participants to plan and conduct campaign in local communities, among others, asserts the INSIGHT newspaper.