Daily Media Summary, 12-16-2014


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia.




The opening of ECOWAS Heads of State’s 46th Ordinary Session of ECOWAS with focus on the political and security situation and the Ebola virus in the sub region, the extension of the third regular session of the 53rd Legislature, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf appreciation to religious leaders for their continuous prayer for Liberia and its people and the arrival of a vaccine for the treatment of Ebola victims are stories dominating today’s summary.




ECOWAS Kicks-Off 46th Ordinary Session-Focuses on Political, Security & Ebola Situation

The In Profile Daily reports that Heads of State and Government of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) have opened the 46th Ordinary Session of ECOWAS with focus on the political and security situation and the Ebola virus in the sub region. According to a Foreign Ministry dispatch, Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan, host of the occasion, outlined both success and challenges the regional body has encountered as it prepares to observe its 40th anniversary come 2015. At the opening ceremony held this morning at the Transcorp  Hilton Hotel, the Nigerian Leader spoke of the improved economic growth in West Africa which he noted is one of the fastest growing economies on the continent. He, however, lamented the over 7,000 deaths in West Africa resulting from Ebola, which he identified as one of the many very serious challenges facing the sub region: "In the last six months, I have witnessed the negative impact of the Ebola virus disease in the region”. Liberia's Foreign Minister, Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan, is representing President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who could not attend because of the frontline role she is playing in the crucial fight against Ebola in meeting the ‘zero-cases before Christmas’ target. Making an appeal for more support towards the Ebola fight, the Nigerian leader called on member states as well as development partners and the international community at large to contribute generously to the ECOWAS Regional Solidarity Fund to fight the Ebola virus disease. President Jonathan also named the rising trend of terrorism in West Africa as a worrisome issue that threatens the peace and insecurity of the sub-region as a result of the proliferation of small arms and light weapons, which he stressed, has direct consequences. Also speaking was the current Chairman of the ECOWAS Authority, Ghanaian President John Mahama, who asked for "all hands on deck to contain the scourge of the Ebola virus".  He said the socio-economic setbacks created by the Ebola epidemic in the three most-affected countries also have sub regional consequences. "We acknowledge that Ebola is a threat to our regional integration process and to our regional peace, security and economic development", Chairman Mahama said. He cautioned that despite progress in Liberia and Guinea against the virus, details from Sierra Leone warrant a cause for serious concern.  "Let me caution that Ebola is still a very serious challenge and we cannot entertain any complacency or relent in our efforts until the last infected person is cured of the disease and the disease is wiped out from the affected countries. I wish therefore to urge all of us to keep our hands firmly on deck, spare no effort, and [remain] vigilant until we eradicate Ebola from our sub region", he stated. Earlier, the Chairman stressed peace and security in West Africa, particularly in Burkina Faso and in Guinea Bissau as he urged his colleagues to reflect and take stock of all the work ECOWAS has managed to do in this past year and also to take practical steps to consolidate peace and security in the sub region, strengthen democracy and good governance and to address topical issues affecting the more than 350 million people of the sub region. He said notable progress has been made in addressing political and security challenges, citing the holding of successful presidential election in Guinea Bissau. The Ghanaian leader then added that 2015 will be key for the sub region as Nigeria, Togo, Burkina Faso, Guinea and Ivory Coast hold elections in the coming year. Other speakers at the opening event included Mohammed Ibn Chambers, the United Nations Secretary General's Special Representation for West Africa and the head of the ECOWAS Commission, Kadré Désiré Ouédraogo who all re-echoed previous speakers during the opening session. The summit will be climaxed with a communiqué at the conclusion of deliberations of the day-long event.


Related Captions: ECOWAS Heads Meet Over Ebola, Others(The New Dawn), Political Instability, Others Stall Strong Economic Development, Regional Integration-ECOWAS Chair Acknowledges(INSIGHT), ECOWAS Heads Of State Kick-Off 46th Ordinary Session(New Democrat), ECOWAS Heads OF State Start 46th Ordinary Session(FOCUS), Nigeria Urges ECOWAS States On Ebola(The Inquirer), ECOWAS Heads OF State Kick-Off 46th Ordinary Session-Focuses On Political, Security Situation In The Region(Daily Observer)


Third Regular Session of the 53rd National Legislature Extended By One Week

The Heritage newspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying the Third Regular Session of the 53rd Legislature of the Republic of Liberia has been extended for an additional one (1) week beginning on Saturday, December 13, 2014 and ending on Friday, December 19, 2014. The one-week extension of the legislative session was effected through a Proclamation issued by the President of Liberia, H. E. Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.  According to a Foreign Ministry Release,  the Presidential Proclamation was issued upon receipt today by the President of a certificate signed by more than one-fourth (the Constitutional minimum) of the total membership of each House of the  National Legislature in line with Article 32 (b) of the Liberian Constitution.  Article 32 (b) of the Liberian Constitution requires that “when the extension or call is at the request of the Legislature (as is the case in this situation), the Proclamation shall be issued not later than forty-eight hours after receipt of the certificate by the President”.


Related Captions: Legislative Session Extended Over Ongoing oil Deal(The Reporter), Legislature Session Extended By One Week(In Profile Daily), Legislative Session Extended Again(The New Dawn)



Keep The Faith, Trust In God-Pres. Sirleaf Pats Preachers ‘Back For Prayers

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has thanked the religious leaders and their various congregations for the continuous prayer for Liberia and its people. She urged them to continue to pray and trust in God. “I ask us all to keep the faith, to continue to trust in God to do what is right, for I know he’s going to pour his blessings upon us. H’s going to bring us peace and he will ensure that his aspirations will be done”, she prophesied. According to an Executive Mansion release, the Liberian leader made these brief comments during the ninth edition of the national tarry at Dominion Christian Fellowship Center Central Church on Tubman Boulevard, Oldest Congo Town on Friday, December 12, 2014, the Analyst reports.


Related Captions: Ellen Lauds Religious Leaders(The News), Ellen Praises Religious Leaders…Visits Yallah Market, Healthcare Workers(The Inquirer), Ellen Extols Religious Leaders(The Reporter), Ellen Thanks Religious Leaders(In Profile Daily), Pres. Sirleaf Thanks Religious Leaders(West Africa INFO POST), Ellen Thanks Religious Leaders For Their Continuous Prayers For Liberia (Heritage)


Ebola Serum Supply Reaches Liberia

According to the FOCUS newspaper, Liberia has begun treating Ebola patients with serum therapy - a treatment made from the blood of recovered survivors. If a person has successfully fought off the infection, it means their body has learned how to combat the virus and they will have antibodies in their blood that can attack Ebola. Doctors can then take a sample of their blood and turn it into serum - by removing the red blood cells but keeping the important antibodies - which can be used to treat other patients. Doctors hope the experimental treatment could help combat the virus that has been sweeping West Africa and killing thousands of people. Ebola patients treated in the UK and the US have already received this type of treatment. The daily writes that a number of Liberian health care workers have been trained to give the therapy,  Dr. David Hoover, the Programme's Director, said.

Related Captions: Serum Supply Arrive(New Democrat), Ebola Serum Supply Reaches Liberia(The News), Ebola Serum Supply Reaches Liberia(FrontPage Africa), Ebola serum supply reaches Liberia(INSIGHT), Ebola Vaccine in Town(The Reporter), Ebola Vaccine Here(The New Dawn), Ebola Serum Supply Reaches Liberia(Heritage)




Brazil Donates US$2.48M To Ebola Fight

The Government of Brazil has provided more than 2 million United States Dollars, to UNHCR in support of its regional appeal to respond to the Ebola crisis in West Africa. “Brazil is pleased to support the United Nations High commissioner for refugees, which has an excellent track record in the protection of refugees, asylum seekers and other people of concern throughout West Africa and the world”, said Ambassador to Liberia Andre Luiz Azevedo dos Santos, In Profile Daily reports.


For Ebola: UN Craves For Liberia, Others Debt To Be Forgiven

A U.N. Commission is asking for more debt cancellations for the three West African nations hardest hit by the Ebola virus. The Commission for Africa said Monday that it is crucial that the current Ebola health crisis not be a catalyst for financial distress in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia. Carlos Lopez, a U.N. under Secretary General and the Executive Secretary of the U.N. Economic Commission for African appealed in Ethiopia on Monday for loan forgiveness, The Reporter reports.


Related Caption: UN Agency Ask For Ebola Debt Forgiveness(The News)


US$1.5m Ebola Museum Insight Here

A consortium of seven civil society organizations in the country is mobilizing over US$ million to build a museum in Monrovia to memorialize victims of the deadly Ebola Virus Disease (EV). The institutions include, Farmer Friends of Liberia Inc. (FFL); Center for Our Common Future (CCC); Center for Advocacy Resource and Development (CARD); Old Hand Concords Liberia (OCL); Top Developer Technology Solution (TDS) and Citizens Initiative For Total Empowerment (CITE). Making the disclosure last weekend, the group’s Project Coordinator, Fofee B.W. Siryon, said the consortium of seven civil society institutions decided to lobby with their local and international partners to construct the facility to memorialize those that have fallen prey to the Ebola epidemic, the Reporter reports.


Gov’t To Boost Local Products

The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Commerce & Industry has taken a giant step in boosting local products on the Liberian market. The Ministry of Commerce has announced the launch of the National Trade Store intended to boost local products. Disclosing this following an acquaintance meeting with Vice President Joseph N. Boakai yesterday Commerce Minister, Axel Addy said the National Trade Store will be launched on Thursday in Monrovia. During the meeting, Minister Addy informed Veep Boakai about achievements and challenges facing the Ministry of Commerce & Industry and called for government’s continuous support in moving the ministry forward. Responding, Vice President Boakai welcomed the many achievements by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry and called for teamwork at the Ministry. Veep Boakai said every employee must be given equal opportunity to perform for the betterment of the Ministry and the entire country, Inquirer reports.



Pres. Sirleaf Appoints Justice Minister

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has appointed a new Minister of Justice, Cllr. Benedict F. Sannoh. Sannoh replaces Cllr. Christian Tah. According to sources at the Executive Mansion, the Chief Executive transmitted Sannoh’s appointment communication to the Liberian Senate yesterday after long consultations, involving other legal minds, both within and out of her office. Sannoh’s nomination is subject to confirmation by the Liberian Senate, reports the West Africa Info Post newspaper.


10 Kids Receive Scholarships

The News newspaper reads that a local charitable and non-governmental group, Eloise Tebeh Murry Foundation has been launched in Paynesville City with ten children receiving scholarships. Speaking at the program, the President and founder of the foundation Reuben Kpenneh said Steve Murray has been helpful through the provision of financial and moral support, as well as sponsoring people in the community. He indicated that children who are benefiting from the scholarships were selected based on assessment of need.


Ellen Dedicates Market

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has dedicated the Henry Yallah Unification Market in Kpainkpa’s Town, Lower Montserrado County. The market is the initiative of senator Yallah of Bong County and former President of the Liberia Marketing Association (LMA) Geneva Koffa. According to an Executive Mansion release, the market seeks to enhance the social economic conditions of marketers and create an alternative market that will alleviate overcrowding, traffic congestion and environmental degradation at the Red Light Market. Speaking during the program, President Johnson-Sirleaf thanked Senator Yallah and Mother Koffa for the initiative. She pledged US$1,000 to the project and later led rally which raised additional funds to begin the project, the News writes.


Related Caption: ‘Liberia Survives On Markets’(The New Dawn)


R/Cess Gets Approval For Technical College- As House Passes Bill For Establishment

The House of Representatives has given green light for the establishment of a vocational and technical college in Bodowhea Town in River Cess County. The House’s Plenary passed the proposed bill during its extra-ordinary session last Thursday following a comprehensive report submitted to Plenary by the House’s Joint Committee on Education, Ways & Means and Judiciary after weeks of scrutiny. The Committee noted in the report that the establishment of the college will buttress government’s efforts to train middle and higher level technicians to increase Liberia’s human resource capacity. It also believed that the establishment of the college will go a long way in creating youth empowerment, thereby, reducing poverty which is one of the challenges facing the Government of Liberia, reports the INSIGHT newspaper.


ICEJ-Liberia Conducts Psychosocial Training To Ebola Survivors And Community Members In Mount Barclay

International Christian Embassy Jerusalem-Liberia (ICEJ-L), in collaboration with Love to All Nations, conducted a daylong training “says no to stigmatization of Ebola victims” , and counseling to Ebola victims, community members on psychotherapy interventions, anxiety, depression, and other emotional distresses faced by Ebola survivors’ community members amongst others. The training which was held in Mount Barclay at the Mother Blessing Orphanage Home conglomerated fifty (50) participants from several affected communities. According to ICEJ-Liberia National Director, Rev. J Aaron Wright, the essence of the training is to coordinate with faith and community based members and organizations to support mental health services especially in the wake of the Ebola virus in the country, the Heritage newspaper writes.