Daily Media Summary, 06-13-2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


Among stories dominating the local dailies today are the honoring of outgoing Liberia’s Ambassador to Beijing, China, World Bank’s pronouncement lowering its forecasts for growth in developing countries to 4.8 percent this year, from its January estimate of 5.3 percent and the dedication of a public school in Po River.


Dominant Stories

Liberian Envoy Gets Flowers In China

Outgoing Liberian Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China, Jarjar Kamara, who is currently at the European Union in Brussels, has been hailed for his tour of duty in China.  Speaking on Thursday, June 12, 2014, at a farewell ceremony in honor of Amb. Kamara, the Charge d’ Affairs at the Liberian Embassy in Beijing, Mr. Jimmy Gordon Barchue, described the two-year services of the towering Liberian diplomat as  pioneering and productive towards consolidating the already flourishing diplomatic ties between Monrovia and Beijing.  Amb.  Jarjar Kamara told the gathering that a team spirit and common purpose were at the core of his leadership during his tour of duty. He admonished the staff to work cooperatively as they have done in the past, with the new Liberian Ambassador to China, Dudley Mackinley Thomas, whenever he takes office, New Dawn writes.

Related Captions: Farewell Reception Held for Liberia Diplomat(Heritage), Liberia Envoy Ends Mission in Beijing(FOCUS), Liberia’s Ambassador To China Ends Duty(The News)

W/Bank Projects Lower Growth For Developing Countries WantsCountries to ‘Double Down’ on Domestic Reforms

The Daily Observer writes that the World Bank’s Global Economic Prospects (GEP) report released this week reveals that developing countries are headed for a year of disappointing growth, as first quarter weakness in 2014 has delayed an expected pick-up in economic activity. The Bank has observed that bad weather in the US, the crisis in Ukraine, rebalancing in China, political strife in several middle-income economies, slow progress on structural reform, and capacity constraints are all contributing to a third straight year of sub 5 percent growth for the developing countries as a whole. “Growth rates in the developing world remain far too modest to create the kind of jobs we need to improve the lives of the poorest 40 percent,” said World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim.  The Bank has lowered its forecasts for developing countries, now eyeing growth at 4.8 percent this year, down from its January estimate of 5.3 percent.


Related Caption: WB Lower Projections for Global Economic Outlook-urges developing Countries to Double down on Domestic Reforms (INSIGHT)

Po River Gets First Public School


The government on Thursday dedicated the Billy Town Public School (BTPS) in Po-River, outside Monrovia, the first Government-built school in the area since the end of the civil war in 2003. The newly built BTPS School, which has student playground, cafeteria, administrative office, toilets, football field and a reading room, is valued at US$180, 00, disclosed David W. Baysah, Ministry of Education Project Coordinator, New Democrat reports.

Related Caption: More Educational facilities Expected(FOCUS). In a related development,the Government of Liberia also during the week dedicated the Charles B. Harris Memorial School in Harris Town Community in Careysburg, writes the FrontPage Africa newspaper under the caption Harris Family Turns School Over To Liberian Government.

NTAL Institutes Loan Scheme For Teachers

The National Teachers Association of Liberia (NTAL) has instituted a loan scheme to help empower public school teachers and improve their wellbeing. The scheme was launched on Wednesday, June 11, and is the first since NTAL was established in 1938 and enacted into law in 1956. Speaking during the launch at the NTAL headquarters in Monrovia, the President Ellen Fatu Varfley said the loans will be given to qualified applicants at a minimum rate, which she did not disclose, INSIGHT reports.

Related Caption:NTAL Institutes Loan Scheme For Teachers (Heritage)

Make Use of Your Natural Resources Properly - Chinese Envoy's Wife Urges Liberians

According to the Heritage newspaper, the wife of the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China accredited to Liberia has urged Liberians to make proper use of their available natural resources to make livelihood. According to Madam Li Hong, the local people can directly benefit from making use of their natural resources. The Chinese envoy's wife was speaking Wednesday, June 11, 2014 at the donation of some bamboo and rattan weaving furniture to the Group of 77 by the Chinese Embassy. The bamboo and rattan furniture were weaved under the Ministry of Youth and Sports and Chinese Bamboo and Rattan Weaving Program. "As part of China-Liberia technical cooperation project, the Bamboo and Rattan Weaving Demonstration Center has trained many Liberian technicians in bamboo and rattan weaving since 2007.

Related Caption: MYS/Chinese Bamboo Program Donates(The News)

11 Stripes Inc. To Host Miss Liberia

The steering committee of the Miss Liberia Beauty Pageant has awarded 11 Stripes Incorporated the franchise to hold the up-coming Miss Liberia beauty pageant, after a thorough vetting exercise; Monica Samuel reports. Speaking at the Ministry of Gender and Development and a member of the steering committee was to develop or improve existing guidelines for the hosting of the Mis-Liberia beauty pageant, National Chronicle reports.

Related Caption: Miss Liberia Back On Track-11 Stripes Incorporated set To Host Prestigious beauty Pageant(New Democrat)



Ellen Applauds Philippines On 116th Independence

The Heritage newspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has sent a message of congratulations and best wishes to the Government and People of the Republic of Philippines on the occasion commemorating the 116th Independence Anniversary of the that Republic. In her message to His Excellency Mr. Benigno Aquino, President of the Republic of the Philippines, President Johnson Sirleaf on behalf of Liberia, extended heartiest congratulations to the People of Philippines on the historic event commemorating that country's 116th Independence Anniversary. "It gives me an immense pleasure to extend to you, and thorough you, to the government and people of the republic of Philippines heartfelt congratulations and best wishes on behalf of the government end people of the republic of Liberia, and in my own name" , the Liberia leader declared. President Sirleaf recalled the Philippines' numerous contributions to the peace process of Liberia, through its participations in the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Liberia, (UNMIL) for which she said Liberians will forever remain grateful. The Liberian President added that the cordial ties of friendship and cooperation between the two countries will continue to be strengthened for the mutual benefits of their respective governments and peoples.

Ellen Congratulates Ukrainian President

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of congratulations to the President of Ukraine, Petro Oleksiyovych Poroshenko, on his election and subsequent inauguration as President of Ukraine. In her message to Ukrainian President, President Johnson-Sirleaf extended warmest congratulations on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia for his overwhelming victory in that country’s recent national elections. President Sirleaf said Mr.  Poroshenko’s victory in the elections is an expression of the distinguished leadership qualities and extraordinary trust and confidence the People of Ukraine reposed in His ability to lead them. ”Your assumption of this high office Mr. President comes at a time when Ukrainians’ aspirations are predominantly geared towards a unified, strong and economically vibrant Ukraine,” the Liberian leader stressed.  President Johnson Sirleaf further added that as President Poroshenko assumes the office of the President, Liberia looks forward to working closely with Ukraine at this critical period in the history of that country, adding ‘the relations between Liberia and Ukraine has remained sturdy and very promising.’ “Its cordial bilateral cooperation has also allowed for growing Ukrainian investment interest in Liberia and the continuous outstanding and dedicated Ukrainians peacekeepers serving in the United Nations Missions in Liberia”, the Liberian President added. The Liberian leader further wished for President Poroshenko success in his endeavors to promote democracy and achieve comprehensive development in his country. Madam Johnson Sirleaf then prayed that the Almighty God will endow the President of Ukraine with abundant wisdom and strength as he steers the affairs of states, the News newspaper writes quoting a Foreign Ministry release.



Brown Speaks On Poverty, Development

Information Minister Lewis Brown, says Liberians shouldn’t just sit and criticize government, but they should work together to reduce poverty by empowering the youth. According to him, the way to do this is not to criticize, but to provide quality education for every young Liberian, which government is committed to achieving. Minister Brown said government embarked on a process to build schools in every district of the 15 political subdivision, adding, “And today, we are lucky to have 1.6 million children in school. Speaking Thursday, June 12, 2014 during the Ministry’s regular press briefing on Capitol Hill, the MICAT boss explained that Government’s priority areas in fighting poverty are those people living in decline communities such as slums, especially in the rural parts of the country by building schools, clinics and other things that are lacking within those areas,the New Dawn writes.