Daily Media Summary (03-09-2019)








Today’s edition of our daily News Summary highlights stories about, the  Norwegian Government earmarking US$150M for the Forest Sector of Liberia, Medica -.Liberia, with support from the United Nations Development Program(UNDP) launch of  a capacity Building and Coordination Project for Justice and security sector as well as Nobel Liberia providing several cartons of copybooks, pens and several bags of rice to orphanages around Monrovia and its environs.



As Part of Its corporate social responsibility to aid the neediest in the society, Nobel Liberia last week provided several cartons of copybooks, pens and several bags of rice to orphanages around Monrovia and its environs through their organization, Orphans Concern Liberia. According to the Chief Executive Officer of Nobel Liberia, Mr. Jallah Kesselly,    this initiative is a beginning of forming partnership with Orphans Concern Liberia aimed at providing food and needed school materials to orphans easing some of the burdens being encountered by most orphanages. He said this partnership with Orphans Concern Liberia is a clear manifestation that his entity is not only here in Liberia to do business but rather to assist those who are in dare need of help and support like the orphans, who livelihood have scattered due to the demise of their parents that compelled them of to be in orphanage homes. “This is an attempt to reach out and give back to those who are in need; it is also important, we cannot accommodate everyone who came to our doors, however we will do our best for the little we have”, Noble Liberia CEO speaking during the presentation said, pens the FrontPage.

Related CaptionNobel Liberia Aids Orphans Provides School Materials, Bags Of Rice   

( the News newspaper )

US$150M Earmarked for Forest Sector

About US$150 million has been earmarked by the Norwegian Government as funds to Liberia to REDD+ for the implementation of the Liberian Forest Sector. According to REDD+ convener Dominic T. Johns in 2014, the prospects for REDD+ and sustainable forest management in the country were greatly improved by the signing of an agreement between Liberia and Norway to cooperate on REDD+ and develop Liberia’s agricultural sector, where Norway has contributed US$150 million to fund Liberia’s REDD+ effort, pens the Daily Observernewspaper.                         


440 Youths Benefit From YOP Business Start-Up Training  

The  government through the Ministry of Youth and Sports (MYS), sub-component of its Youth Opportunities Project (YOP), on Thursday, August 30, 2019, graduated 440 youths, who successfully completed round one-rollout of its Household Enterprises Support (HES) program in Monrovia. The ceremony brought together officials from the World Bank, Swedish Embassy, and representatives from the Young Men’s Christian Association. The beneficiaries learned entreprenuership development and management skills, budgeting and money management skills, business fundamentals, customer service and business record management, the Daily Observer newspaper                                                                                                                                                

Medica Liberia, UNDP Launch SGBV Capacity Building Coordination Project                                                                                                                                          Medica -.Liberia, with support from the united Nations Development Program(UNDP), on August 2, 2019, launched a capacity Building and Coordination Project for Justice and security sector as well as civil society organizations at the Lutheran conference Hall in Sinkor. The Project is a spotlight Initiative program; it is being rolled out under the theme: ‘’Capacity Building and Coordination of National Institutions ( Justice and Security) and  Civil Society Organizations Scheduled to run from july to December 2019, the News newspaper writes

As AAIWUL/FAWUL Conclude Negotiation With Firestone: About 4,000 Workers Receive Retroactive Pay

Following series of discussions with the Management of Firestone Rubber Plantation Company about 4,000 workers have received their retroactive pay from the company. The disclosure was made by the President of the Agriculture Agro industrial and Wood processing Union of Liberia (AAIWUL) Mr. Abraham Nimene. He said the decision was reached after frantic negotiations between the Company and the Ministry of Labor, AAIWUL and the Firestone Agriculture Workers Union of Liberia. He explained that under the new Collective Bargaining Agreement workers will unlike in the past discuss with management on negotiable settlement for possible increment if they cross the bench mark of 1200 tons, adding that 18% currently are being given to them says the Heritage.