Daily Media Summary (05-31-2019)
The Bureau of Public Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Monrovia, Liberia
Our daily news summary today captures top Headlines in the various local dailies which include the Vice President’s Launch of the State of World Population Report 2019; President Weah Hosts ECOWAS Delegation; The Liberian Government’s Provision of US$1.725M To Rubber Farmers; Bishop Karnley Rejects Homosexuality Allegations As Church Leadership Called to the Vatican; LAA Acquires New Ramp Bus for Passengers; among other stories are making headways in today’s daily.
VP Howard-Taylor Launches States Of World population Report 2019 Expresses concerns About States Of Liberia’s Educational Sector In The Report
On the occasion marking the launch of the state of world population report 2019, Liberia’s Vice President Chief Dr. Jewel Howard-Taylor has expresses concern about the status of the country’s educational sector as projected in the report. The report indicates that between 10-24 years, 72% males and 64% females are literate. This call for a more robust gender equality regime needed now more then ever before. We; both Government and our International partners and Friends; must begin to look at specific plans which will enable us to take more critical look at the entire educational system of Liberia; inculcate a new EDUCATIONAL REGIME; find new sources of funding for higher levels of investment in education, ‘’ VP Howard-Taylor stressed in her speech delivered Thursday, May 30 2019, at the launch of the state of the world Population Report 2019 held at the Monrovia City Hall pens the Heritagenewspaper.
Related Caption: Over 500K Liberian Women ‘Not Using Modern Method’ of Contraceptive — UNFPA, (Frontpage Africa)
VP Taylor Launches Population Report (The News)
VP Taylor calls for enlightened population-as UNFPA turns 50; launches State of World Population Report 2019, (New Dawn)
Pre. Weah Hosts ECOWAS Delegation
H.E. President George Manneh Weah on Thursday , May 30,2019 held talks with a visiting delegation of the Economic Community of West African States ECOWAS), focusing on issues of pertinent national importance, a release from the Executive Mansion has said. The meeting with the ECOWAS delegation which included the regional body’s President, comes a day after the Liberian President, in an address to the nation, vowed to uphold the laws of Liberia which, amount other things, guarantees citizens’ rights to free assembly to petition their government. According to the release, President Weah assured the ECOWAS delegation of his administration’s determination to uphold the laws of Liberia, nothing that Government is under obligation to provide equal protection for every citizen irrespective of his or her social, economic and political background. He said since the international stabilization force, UNMIL, turned over national security responsibility to government, his administration continues to ensure Liberia is peaceful and stable and the citizens secured, theDaily Observer newspaper reads.
Relate Caption: President Weah Host Ecowas Delegation On Pertinent National Issues(Heritage)
ECOWAS Delagation Meets President Weah…Discusses June 7 Protest, Others- (The News)
For Development Of Rubber Industry: Gov’t Provides US$1.725M To Rubber Farmers.
The Heritage newspaper reports that the Government of Liberia ( GoL) has provided stimulus furthering through a loan scheme to support the production of rubber and in support of value chain product , as the price of the common continues to decline on the global market with double negative impact on the local market in Liberia. Speaking at a news conference on Thursday , May 30, 2019 the President of the Rubber Planters Association of Liberia, Inc. (RPAL), Madam Wilhemina G.Mulbah-Siaway, disclosed that the Liberian Dollars equivalent of the amount is being channeled through the Liberian Bank for Development and Investment (LBDI). The RPAL President pointed out that the support by the Liberian government will further boost the activities of rubber farmers across the country.
Related Caption: Gov’t. Loans Local framers LD$300m(Inquire)
Bishop Karnley Rejects Homosexuality Allegations As Church Leadership Called to the Vatican
According to the Frontpage Africa newspaper, Andrew Karnley, the Bishop of Cape Palmas, has issued a press statement four weeks after a Frontpage Africa report, in which one of his subordinates Father Gabriel Sawyer accused him and Lewis Zeigler, the Archbishop of Monrovia, of sex-based assaults and abuse of power. In the detailed statement, issued May 29, 2019, Bishop Karnley vehemently refuted the allegations. “It is without a shadow of doubt that I term the accusation as a blatant lie and a malicious falsehood.” Karnley’s letter said. “There is absolutely no iota of truth in it. It is an invention of the mind of Fr. Sawyer and a calculated move by him to assassinate my character and tarnish the image of the Catholic Church in Liberia. At no time or in any place have I ever sexually harassed and abused him. NEVER EVER! I categorically deny and challenge the accusation.” Reverend Karnley, who denied the allegations in a phone call for the first report, explained the four week delay in issuing a statement, the paper reads.
President Weah Congratulates Italy On 73rd National Day Celebration
According to the Inquirer newspaper President George Manneh Weah has extended sincere greetings to Sergio Mattarella and through him to the Government and people Republic of Italy on the occasion commemorating the 73rd anniversary of the Felta della Republica; the National and Republic day of Italy. The Italian National and Republic Day is the national holiday that marks the day when Italy became a Republic on June 2nd .1946. In Italy it commemorates the referendum of 1946, when Italians were asked to decided what form of government the desired. Until 1946 Italy was a kingdom ruled by the House of Savoy. On June 2nd , 1946 Italy became a Republic after 85 years of Monarchy. Thus, the monarchs of the House of Savoy were deposed and exiled.
Phebe received US $1.5m-Gov’t clarifies
In the wake of persistent complain over lack of needed medical supplies and financial support to run the Phebe Hospital in Gbarnga, Bong County, Liberia’s Finance and Health Ministers say Phebe Hospital has received US$1.5m out of US$1.9m allotted for it in the budget by government. Finance Minister Samuel Tweah and Health Minister Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah gave the clarity when both officials appeared before the Plenary of House of Representatives Thursday, 30 May to address major challenges at Phebe Hospital. The two officials appeared at the House of Representatives as a result of a communication written by Bong County District #3 Rep. J. Marvin Cole, informing the plenary that there were reports that the doctors at the Phebe Hospital were using phone light at night in the hospital, the New Dawn news daily writes.
Students, Youth Urged To Preserve The Peace
Visiting international youth leader Mr. Momodu Saballay has told Liberian youth and students that the sustaining the peace must not be taken for granted, reminding them to preserve the peace and stability of the country at all times.“There is no process or development or even recovery if there is no peace and stability in any nation,” Mr. Saballay said in a keynote speech delivered at the YMCA in Monrovia Thursday, 30 May. He addressed youth and students on the topic: Civic Leadership and Youth Development are great insurance for progress in any population that is dominated by young people.
Mr. Saballay believes that there should be no challenge that Liberia cannot overcome, as he retrospect on how the country conquered Ebola outbreak. For his part, the president of the Federation of Liberia Youth (FLY) Amos Williams says the institution remains committed to keeping alive, the dreams and vision of every young person in the country.“FLY remains passionate to keeping the dreams and vision of every young person alive,” he says.But Williams cautions that FLY cannot achieve this if it does not get the collective support needed, the New Dawn newspaper reports.
Senator Jaye Donates To River Gee Hospital
According to the New Dawn newspaper, The Senate Committee Chairman on Labor at the National Legislature River Gee County Senator Matthew Jaye donates asserted medical supplies to the only referral hospital in Fish Town, River Gee County, southeast Liberia. The huge medical consignment, including medical beds, delivery materials, wheel chairs, orthopedic materials, pampers, and gloves, among others cost about US$10,000. Senator Jaye’s gesture is in fulfillment earlier promise made to people of the county to ensure that they have access to medical treatment without any hindrance. It comes at a time when the hospital has been challenged with numerous problems. According to the Senator, the medical package was delivered recently to the county’s head doctor during a tour of the hospital. The hospital was in the process of scaling down its services to over 10,000 inhabitants due to lack of drugs and materials for its effective operation.
Related Caption: Senators Reject Tenure Bill
Odell Sherman’s Guardian Wants Justice
The Daily Observer newspaper reports that Veronica Kollie, aunt and guardian to Odell Sherman, the high school student whose corpse was discovered early Tuesday, May 22, 2019 at the home of Reverend Dr. Emmanuel Giddings in Duazohn, Margibi County, has called on women’s group, human rights organizations and civil society organization to ensure the family get justice for their deceased daughter. Madam Kollie says she sees no reason why authorities of the Liberia National Police (LNP) freed those that were arrested in connection to Odell’s death. She added that inasmuch as the security on duty at Rev. Giddings’ residence confirmed that Odell passed through the gate consciously, “that alone confirmed the speculations that she was murdered from the yard.
People Africa Founding Launches Empowerment Program
The People’s Foundation Africa (PFA), a local based charity foundation that provides educational materials as well as scholarships to “vulnerable” Liberians were recently launched in Monrovia to create educational opportunities for the beneficiaries. The Program, the first of its kind was launched on campus, Carey Streets in Monrovia under the theme, “Building and Sustaining the Peace-Young People as Catalyst”. Daily Observer
LAA Acquires New Ramp Bus for Passengers
The Management of the Liberia Airport Authority (LAA) has acquired a new ramp buss, to transport passengers to and fro the terminal to flights, as a way of adding value to the Roberts International Airport infrastructure growth, a release from the LAA has said. In brief statement, LAA’s Acting Managing, Bishop John Allan Klayee, said the new bus will ease passenger’s movement to and fro from the flight to the terminal building. Bishop Klayee said with a new terminal, service needed to improve; something which prompted the acquisition of a new rump bus. He intimated that value addition is the foremost priority of his leadership, as such all efforts will be directed to improve the service delivery capabilities of RIA. According to him in the year ahead, airport services will improve steadily to enable passenger and airline to make the RIA destination a venue of choice, Daily Observer writes.
Play For Peace Youth Academy League Reaches Last 16
According to the Heritage newspaper Sixteen (16) teams out of the 28 teams that started the 2018 edition of the Play for Peace Youth Academy league have qualified for the league knock-out stage from four different zones of the league. Twelve out of the 28 teams failed to qualify for the league knockout stage. Monrovia Football Academy, who topped zone one is joined by Ayueba Football Academy who finished second out of the four teams in the zone. Zone two was topped by Discoveries Football Academy along with Hope academy, Kebbeh Academy, Young Star Academy, JU Academy and Ahmed Denton Academy to the Knock-out stage of the league. In zone three Wilson Corner finished as at the top of the group table and they are joined by Kingston United Sports Association (KUSA), Bethlehem Football Academy and Terry Football Academy.
ECOWAS Raises Security Concerns Amidst June 7 Protest
The Inquirer newspaper reports the Economic community of west African States (ECOWAS) has raised concerns about the security infrastructure in Liberia amid a nationwide protest planned to be held on june 7. The president of ECOWAS commission, Jean Claude Kassi Brou and his delegation ar in the country to meet with the Government and the leadership of the Council of patriots , the organizer of the June 7 protest. In the meeting with President George weah yesterday , May 30, 2019 , at his Foreign Affairs office , the ECOWAS commission head admonished president Weah to exert all efforts to keep the nation peaceful and secure, stressing the need for consensus building. The ECOWAS commission President , Jean Claude Kassi Brou, along with his encourage is in Liberia to meet with the Liberian government the council of Patriots (COP), organizer of the planned June 7 protest.
Justice Nagbe Cites Justice Minister, Civil Society Group
Supreme court’s Associate Justice, Joseph Nagbe, has cited justice Minister , Frank Musa Dean, and the Citizens United to Sustain Peace & Democracy (CUSPD) to a conference on Monday, June 3 at the hour of 2: clock pm relative to a writ of Mandamus filed with the supreme court. The CUSPD on Tuesday May 28 2019 filed a writ of Mandamus with the Supreme court compel the government to perform its duty to prevent chaos in country. The Citation under the signature of Associate Justice Nagbe named he Petitioner as citizens United to Sustain Peace and Democracy , while the Respondents were named as the Attorney General of Liberia Justice Minister Musa Dean, Chairman of the joint Security, and Council Of Patriots pens the Inquirer newspaper.
Senate Rejects Weah’s Tenure Bill
The Inquirer newspaper report the Liberian Senate has unanimously rejected a bill prohibiting Tenure of all Public Officials within the Executive Branch of Government. The senate, in its deliberation yesterday May 30, 2019, argued that some of the integrity institutions mentioned in the bill were being funded by international institutions. Hence the Senate could not concur with the House of Representative , which had earlier passed the bill. The Senate’s decision followed a motion filed Maryland County Senator, Gblh-bo Brown- in which he craved his colleagues to reject the tenure positions cancellation for pub;ic officials.
Woman In Bomi County Call For Change In Election Laws
As Liberia gears up for the 2020 mid-term senatorial and 2023 general elections several women in bomi county are calling for electoral reforms to address the prevailing political realities. Speaking during a community media forum in Tumanburg City and Gbah Jarkeh both in Senjeh District Bomi County, women raised several electoral reform issues ranging from elected official tenures, woman participation, sitting lawmaker vying for another elected post among others. The Executive Director of a local NGO Veronica Johnson who served as one of the panelist at the Tumanburg forum called for the allocation of seats to enhance women political participation and representation in the first branch of government pens the Inquirer newspaper.
RPAL Lauds President Weah
The Rubber Planters Association of Liberia (RPAL) has lauded President George Manneh Weah and the government of Liberia for the continuous support to the rubber sector of Liberia through the provision of stimulus support during the period of sustain declined of rubber price on the global market. RPAL President, Wilhelmina G. Mulbah-Siaway said the President through the ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) provided over UD$1.7 million to the Association, currently manage by the Liberia Bank for Development and Investment (LBDI). Speaking to reporter at her office in Monrovia, the RPAL President assured the money will be meticulously used to benefit its members. According to Mulbah-Siaway., the fund ius expected to be used for value addition; operational cost; reopening of rubber farms that have been closed; settlement of salary arrears to the farm workers and support to newly matured rubber tress among others, says The News newspaper.
New Gobachop Market Takes Shape
The New newspaper is reporting that works on the modern 14th Gobachop Market in Paynesville, near Monrovia are said to be progressing with marketers expressing contentment. The marketers hailed President Dr. George Weah for the level of work currently ongoing on the Market in the Omega Community. According to our reporter who visited the site, the market which costs US$3.8 million is fast leaving foundation level, with other mini buildings including the six compartments of toilet, generator room and bathroom almost completed. Speaking to our reporter, the engineer for the construction of the market, Jamal Skyki said work is fast progressing, nothing that the foundation will be completed next month. He said his company is doing everything possible to ensure that the market is completed on schedule.
‘Difficult Moment Will Pass’…Weah Stimulates Liberians
According to the The New newspaper, President Dr. George Manneh Weah Wednesday, May 20, 2019, addressed the nation rekindling the hopes of Liberians that the current difficult moment in the country will soon be over. The president admitted that the country is facing difficult economic moment. However, he assured that “but this moment, like other moments of our history, will soon come to pass.” President Weah told the nation that “we, the Liberian people, are strong and capable. We know this because we have overcome the division and destruction of war, we conquered Ebola, and we have peacefully transferred the honor and duties of political leadership in accordance with our constitution and the rule of law.” The president said he’s proud to say today that Liberia is a democracy where people, who seek to do so lawfully, peacefully, and responsibly, can and do express their opinions, whether in our legislature, on our campuses, in teashops, and in peaceful demonstrations.
MYS Releases Progress Report On YOP
A progress report on covering social, economic empowerment and development for over 15,000 young people accros Liberia has highlighted profound success the first quarter of the year, emphasizing that the project target beneficiaries have responded to the program. The Youth Opportunity Project (YOP), launched early this year by the Liberian government is well supported by funding from the international partners including the Swedish government. The World Bank and other international organizations. The Youth Opportunity Project is a five-year program which is intended to empower young people capacities and help them improved access to income to generation opportunities and strengthen this government’s capacity to implement its cash transfer program. In a report release recently, the Ministry of Youth and Sports explain that under the YOP, 7,344 of the targeted youth were reached and US$1,039,337.00 payment was made to first round of the beneficiaries. It said that the ultivation of 4,212, out of 4,515 acxres of farm land it realize the income of LR$828,250.00 from the sales of initial harvest from youth farmers, The New newspaper reports.
LNP Community Watch Team Brainstormed
The Liberian National Police and members of community watch teams in Monrovia and its environs, on Thursday, May 30, 2019, began a two-day national stakeholder community policing engagement consultation in finding the violence preventive measures. The two day national event held under the Theme “Say no to Violence,” brought together officials and officers of the LNP, its partners, members of various communities watch teams in the 17 Electoral Districts of Montserrado County including members of the joint security task force, Justice and security actors and institutions, members of the National Legislature among others. Giving overview of the two-day consultative meeting, the Inspector General of Police, Col. Patrick Sudue, stated that the event is a testament that the Country’s police has taken a new dimension in dealing with the people’s police officers are under obligation to serve and protect, asserts The News newspaper.
International News
South Africa Gets Gender-Balanced Cabinet
According to Daily Observer (BBC) South Africa President Cyril Ramaphosa has announced a new cabinet in which, for the first time in the country’s history, half of all ministers are women. In another unexpected move, one of the women is from the opposition. He appointed veteran opposition politician Patricia de Lille, who had stood for the Good Party, as minister of infrastructure development. The African National Congress party won a general election on 8 May. South African journalist Veraashni Pillay told BBC News-day that the move to have half of all cabinet post occupied by women was a “surprise”. But it shows that the head of state is “astute’, she said.
Related Caption: South Africa Gets Gender-Balanced Cabinet (Inquirer)