Daily Media Summary (10-26-2020)





NEWS SUMMARY, Monday, October 26, 2020


Today’s edition of our daily summary captures stories about how the world is safer, more prosperous today because of UN”; the tribute paid by President Weah to the UN at  its 75th Anniversary celebration, Minister Kemayah’s   first action taken upon resumption of office as Minister to embark on Reform process  at the Foreign Ministry; MICAT ending  National Tourism Policy Validation workshop:, NEC ending  first legal awareness form in Monrovia and the World Bank donation of Ambulances to Grand Kru county .


Other stories highlighted in our summary include: President Weah’s cautioning Liberians and nationals of other UN Member states to refrain from violence and embrace Peace; the deployment by PHIL of 76 Community Health Mobilizers; $12 Billion COVID Vaccines approval made as well as the extension of sponsorship with LFA, by Orange-Liberia for three Years, among other stories.




World Safer Because of UN:  President Weah Pays Tribute To World Body

As the United Nations Celebrates its 75th Anniversary on October 24, 2020, President George Manneh Weah has had fond words for the august body which was founded to pursue and secure world peace and tranquility following a horrific global war. Marking remarks at celebratory ceremonies organized by the UN Liberia office in Monrovia Friday, October 23, 2020, the Liberian Leader opined: we can proudly say, the world is safer today and prosperous because of decades of its existence, the Un has score remarkable progress around the world, particularly on the peace and security pillar, pens The News Newspaper.


Related Caption: “World Safer, More Prosperous Today Because of UN”, President Weah pays Tribute To UN At 75th Anniversary(Independent Inquirer),World Safer Because of UN’’ President Weah pays Tribute to Un At 75th Anniversary (Women Voices)


Let’s Refrain Form Violence and Embrace Peace President Weah Urges UN Countries

President Dr. George Manneh Weah has Called on world leaders f the United Nations (UN) to do away with acts that have the proclivity to undermine peace. According to The Heritage newspaper, President Weah expressed disappointment over the increase of different acts of Violence and civil unrests that continue to take place in many of the UN countries amid the COVID-19 pandemic.  The Liberian leader was speaking on Friday, October 23, 2020 at the occasion making the 75th Anniversary of the UN held at its local headquarters in Monrovia.

Related Caption:President Weah Urges Africans to Refrain from Violence(Express newspaper)



World Bank Donates To Grand Kru

Grand Krue County’s Health Team has received ambulance donated by World Bank, Liberia Officer. Its is intended to buttress government’s effort in the health delivery service in the fight against the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.  The donation brings to two the number of ambulances in the country including one previously donated by GIZ,  a German government  agency working in Liberia. According to the report, Yeabi Clark, Country Health Services Administrator, who provide for the Country Health Services Administrator, who provide for the Country Health Officer, Sienna Jackon Decontee Mentoe, The Inquirer newspaper says.

Related Caption:World Bank Group Donates Ambulance to Boost Grand Kru County’s Health Sector (Heritage newspaper)

Sustained Engagement with Legal Practitioners, Voters Paramount - Says NEC Chairperson

The first in a series of Legal Awareness Forum organized by the Legal Section of the National Elections Commission ended over the weekend in Gbarnga City, Bong County with the acknowledgement by the Commission that providing legal and sustained information to Liberians remains a major priority of the NEC today. In her acknowledgement, the Chairperson of NEC, Madam Davidetta Browne Lansanah, said sustained engagement with legal practitioners and voters is paramount and an effective mechanism to building an informed democratic society in Liberia, The Heritage newspaper writes.

Related Caption:NEC Ends First Legal Awareness Form(The News)

Police Drill In Electoral ‘Do’s And Don’ts’ Discourage Political Participation

As the combined December 8 special Senatorial Election and National Referrendum draw closer, the Bassa Detachment of the Liberia National Police (LNP) has refreshed its personnel on the non-political involvement of the law enforcement enitity. The daylong gathering was held recently on the fairground in Buchanan where several police personnel assemble in an enthusiastic mood to prepare for the safety of all citizens and residents of the country, says The Heritage newspaper.

Related Caption:Grand Bassa Police Concludes ‘Yes To Peace, NO TO Violence ‘Training(Express newspaper)

MICAT Ends National Tourism Policy Validation Workshop

The Ministry of Information Culture Affairs and Tourism over the weekend ended a one day National Tourism Policy Document Validation Workshop to enhanced domestic revenue mobilization and collection from the tourism sector. The validation workshop which was held at the National Museum of Liberia on Broad and Buchanan Street In Central Monrovia, brought together stakeholders from the public and private sector as well as international partners to validate the National Tourism Policy Document to make necessary adjustments for the better of its people. The National Tourism Policy are law crafted by the tourism department of the Ministry of Information to with support from the African Development Bank through the Liberia Revenue Authority to improve the tourism sector to raise domestic revenue for national government. Speaking at the program, Deputy Tourism Minister Hon. Lance K. Gba-Gonyon said they crafted the National Tourism Policy Documents with the LRA to increased domestic revenue mobilization in Liberia since the country is blessed and rich in cultural heritage.  He furthered that the policy document was crafted by a international   consulate alone with other local expat in the field to help the government generate funds from the tourists sector, Independent Inquirer indicates.

Related Caption:MICAT Dep-Boss Wants Tourism Prioritized

(The Inquirer)


Other Stories

Orange Extends Sponsorship with LFA for Three Years

Orange-Liberia has extended its sponsorship with the Liberia Football Association (LEA) for three years valued at nearly one million United States Dollar. According to The News newspaper, Orange-Liberia acting chief executive officer Diakalia Berte said they were happy to continue their commitment with the LEA by sponsoring the national league and national team, especially during Covid-19. Berte said Orange strongly believes there are better days ahead to enhance and improve the sponsorship.


Minister Kemayah Vows Not To Compromise ‘’Dishonorable Retirement

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, has vowed not to compromise what he described ‘’dishonorable retirement’’ at the Ministry under his leadership. Speaking at the official closing session of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Retreat 2020 held at the Ministerial Complex in Congo Town under the theme, Envisioning and Enhancing the future of the foreign policy of Liberia during and post COVID 19’’, Minister Kemayah said retirement of employees must be treated with respect and dignity, The Express newspaper says.


LRRRC Alarms over Ivorian’s trooping Into Liberia

The Regional Director of the Liberia Refugee, Repatriation and Resettlement Commission (LRRRC) in southeastern Liberia, Robert S. Tamba, has confirmed that over 139 Ivorian refugees have crossed into Liberia in recent days. Tamba in an exclusive  interview with the Liberia News Agency (LINA) on Monday said  that the refugees entered the country through some illegal ground crossing points and settled in towns and villages on the Liberian side near the border with Ivory coast, pens The Express newspaper.


Stakeholders Review TVET Policy

The Government of Liberia (GOL), through the Ministry of Youth and sports (MYS), in collaboration its partners, specifically the United Nations Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has ended a two-day stakeholder’s meeting. Speaking at the opening of the two-day conference, Youth and Sports Minister, Dester Zeogar Wilson, urged the participants to critically and realistically review the policy so as to arrive at a more practical solution that would be applicable for the nation and its people, The Heritage newspaper narrates.


GSA Broh Dedicates Service to Liberia, Improves Executive Mansion Sanitary Condition

The Director General of the General service Agency (GSA) and former Mayor of the Monrovia City , Madam Mary T. Broh, says her services are devoted to Liberia, as she embark on the improvement of the sanitary condition at the under repairs Executive Mansion on Capitol Hill in the Liberian capital, Monrovia. ‘’I am willing to work whenever I am called upon’’ the GSA boss noted as she began a Voluntary clean-up exercise in the compound of the Executive Mansion, the official seat of the Liberian presidency, pens The Heritage newspaper asserts. 


Next Move-Best Move Cultivates Emerging Leaders


Next move-Best Move, a youth advocacy group, has been cultivating young leaders for the advancement of the Liberian nation in terms of peace, development and progress. According to the Women Voices, the campaign is in week eight as the group aimed at changing the perception and mindset of some young Liberians against acts of lawlessness and violence. According to The Women Voices newspaper, the Next Move Best Move- Emerging Leader is a campaign with the sole purpose of mentoring and focusing on developing leadership skills for school-going children.


ECOWAS Sends Voter Roll Experts

A two-person Elections Experts delegation from the Independent Elections Commission, INEC of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is expected to arrival in the country this week to help provide technical support for the Voter Roll Update exercise leading to the conduct of the Special Senatorial Election and the Constitutional Referendum. A NEC Statement quotes a communique from the Special Representative of the President of the Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS in Liberia Ambassador Babatunde O. Ajisomo to the Chai person of the National Elections Commission Davidetta Browne Lansanah saying the coming of the two elections expects from Nigeria to the NEC is in furtherance to a formal request made to the ECOWAS Commission for technical assistance to support Liberia by the President Georgr Manneh Weah. According to the communiqué from the Special Representative of the ECOWAS Commission in Liberia the two-person ECOWAS Elections Support team is headed by the formal Chairperson Election Commission of Ghana, Madam Charlotte Ossei and will be deployed for a period of 20 days, beginning 21 October 2020 to 10 November 2020, reveals New Democrat newspaper.


$12 Billion COVID Vaccines Approved

The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved an envelope of $12 billion for developing countries to finance the purchase and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, tests, and treatments for their citizens. The financing, which aims to support vaccination of up to billion people, is part of an overall World Bank Group (WBG) package of up to 16 billion through June 2021 to help developing countries fight the COVID-19 pandemic. It adds new financing to the World Bank’s COVID-19 emergency response programs that are already reaching 111 countries. The financing package helps signal to the research and pharmaceutical industry that citizens in developing countries also need access to safe and effective COVIS-ID-19 vaccines.  It will also provide financing and technical support to developing countries can prepare for the developing vaccines at scale, in coordination with international partners.  In implementing the program, the World Bank will support multilateral efforts currently led by WHO and COVAX, says New Democrat.


Minister Kemayah Embarks On Reforms At Foreign Ministry

We have embarked on a no turning back reform agenda at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs”, says Liberia’s Foreign Minister Dee-Maxwell saah Kemayah, Sr. Minister Kemayah said the reform agenda at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is key, as such they have embarked on a stimulus critical consciousness at the ministry to ensure that they collectively work together in moving forward. AS part of the reform process he acknowledged and recognized the important role of the Civil Service Agency(CSA) and pledged to partner with them in a move to help ensure the effectiveness of the reform process. Minister Kemayah in his final speech at the end of a four-day retreat organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a multifaceted one with human resource development being the main focus on the agenda. Amb. Kemayah stressed and reiterated the need for a greater sense of ownership and belongingness among staffers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  Highlighting some of the issues at the climax of the retreat, the foreign ministry boss used the occasion to encourage workers of the entity to desist from labor theft and practice true sincerity to tax payer among others.  By that he, he meant that staffers will not be allowed to come to work late and leave very early; adding that the employees will not have eight hours to work and work for three to four hours and the leaving all of the works undone. On the issue of corruption, Amb. Kemayah emphasized the need for staffers to be sincere to tax payers and not receiving their monies and using it for something else all in their selfish interest.  According to the Foreign Minister, it is time that people respect and value to public service; “Let’s not see public service as government bone where you do just anything you feel like and at any time,” this is unacceptable, he added, TheIndependent Inquirer writes.


Bong Citizens Take Issues with MNG Gold

Citizens of the both Boinsen Administrative District and Kokoyah Statutory district have expressed serious dissatisfaction over MNG gold mining company failure to honor a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the citizens and the mining company. MNG Gold Liberia is a Turkish Gold Mining company operating in Kokoyah operating in Kokoyah District in Bong County, Liberia.  Before MNG Gold stated its operations in 2015, there was a company called AMLIB Liberia Inc. which had been operating peacefully with the people of the District and had good working relationships with them for several years. The citizens in a petition statement issued on October 22, 2020 in David Dean’s Town during a stakeholder meeting organized by company in other to create an awareness on its underground mining activity, which was attended by local leaders of the country and the Ministry Mines and Energy, said in 2013 AMLIB turned over to the Turkish Mining Company called MNG Goal of Liberia Inc. The citizens’ statement which was read by one of their sons, Duah N. Kangar said MIG Goal upon the inception of its operations, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the people of Boinsen Administrative District and Kokoyah, Independent Inquirer says.


PHIL Deploys 76 Community Health Mobilizers

Public Health Initiative Liberia (PHIL) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health’s Expended Program on Immunization (EPI) has trained and deployed seventy-six (76) community mobilizers in Montserrado to engage and mobilize communities for increased intake of the Human Papillom’s Virus (HPV) vaccine to prevent cervical cancer. The seventy-six community mobilizers will cover the seven (7) health districts of Montserrado with in a period of four days, those assigned in Todee and Careysburg health districts were trained on Friday, October 23, 2020. They will remain in engaged with communities in the districts until Tuesday, October 27, 2020. The second of community mobilizers was trained on Saturday October 24, 2020 and will cover the remaining five districts that include, Bushrod Island, Central Monrovia, Common Wealth, St. Paul and Somalia Drive health districts. They were deployed on Sunday, October 25, 2020 and climax their engagement on Wednesday, October 28, 2020, The Independent Inquirer writes.