President Weah Hails the United Arab Emirates on 48th National Day Observance

President George Manneh Weah has congratulated the Government and People of the United Arab Emirates on the occasion commemorating the 48TH National Day of that country.  


In his message to His Excellency Sheikh Khalifa bin Sultan Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates, President George Manneh Weah, on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia extended heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the Government and people of the United Arab Emirates as they commemorate this historic event. 


According to a Foreign Ministry release, President George Manneh Weah noted with profound appreciation, the cordial bonds of friendship that have characterized the two countries’ relations which he said have resulted, not only into mutual visa waivers for holders of diplomatic passports, but also support to the country’s national development programs and other meaningful donations towards Liberia’s security sector.  He further hailed the mutual cooperation between Liberia and the United Arab Emirates on global affairs.    


The Liberian President also reaffirmed his Government’s unwavering support  and commitment to the two countries’ bilateral relations as they work together to explore new frontiers in their diplomatic engagement and strengthen the existing ties of friendship to the benefits of the two countries and peoples.


President George Manneh Weah then prayed that Allah will endow President Sheikh Khalifa bin Sultan Zayed Al Nahyan with continue good health and abundant wisdom as he leads his people to sustained development and prosperity.