Daily Media Summary (06-04-2019)






News of Housing Project Extending to Five other Communities in Grand Kru County, Liberia receiving $1.1 Million Euros, UL Students Political Activities Suspended again, Former Vice President Boakai wanting Government to Provide Security for Protesters are among stories highlighted in today’s edition of our summary. 


Housing Project Extends to Five more communities…In Grand Kru

The Tuesday June 4 publication of the News newspaper reports that, The President’s Pro-poor Housing unit Project has been extended to five additional communities in Grand Kru County, dispelling speculations that the initiative was only intended for Sass Town in Jroa Statutory District. Grand Cess will benefit from 25 units; eight in beloken, 12 in Big Swen, 12 in Barclayville and Kitia three, amounting to sixty housing units. President George Manneh Weah Self Help initiative is intended to provide free of Charge modern homes for disadvantaged people who are living in makeshifts structures across the country, as envisioned in his pro-poor agenda for Prosperity and Development. Speaking to the LINA Correspondent during his recent tour of the project site, several potential beneficiaries said, they did not believe that the project would have been extended to their communities. They said they thought the housing units were only intended for Sass Town, the paper says.


Liberia receives $1.1 Million Euro…Manage Agel Loading

The Technical Coordinator for the Support Unit at the Ministry of Transport has disclosed that the Government of Liberia has received US$1.1 million Euro from the European Union (EU) to build operationalized institution for axel load in Liberia. Dave Daiwoo said the program will help manage the axel load through and EU program that is expected to build the capacities of women in Liberia. He described Axel load as the total weight felt by the runway for all wheels connected to a given axel. It is an important design consideration in the engineering of roadways and railways. He made the disclosure in an interview recently during a workshop organized by the GIZ and the European Union through the Ministry of Transport at a local hotel in Monrovia.  Dave is quoted in the News newspaper as saying, at the end of the workshop; the participants would be trained in putting in place systems to manage different weight stations, the News newspaper asserts.


UL Suspends Students’ Political Activities Again

The University of Liberia (UL) has suspended with immediate effect all political activities on the campuses of the university of Liberia including student politics. Recently, the UL’s authority’s suspended political activities on the campuses of the University following students’ demonstration at the states run University. According to a late evening release signed by the vice President for UL Relation, Atty. Norris Tweah, the suspension comes in the wake of Monday’s June 3, disturbance which occurred on the UL capitol Hills campus. He said students run the risk of suspension or expulsion if administration’s emergency mandate is breached pointing out that, No political group shall assemble or hold meetings or engage in any political-related activities on any University of Liberia campus during this period of the suspension pens the Inquirernewspaper 


Gov’t Must Account For SRHR In Africa As African Journalists Call for Commitments


According to the Inquirer newspaper Africa is a home to 15 of the 20 countries with the highest rate of child marriages in the world; it is estimated that every day 37,000 girls under the age 18 enter into forced marriages, a practice with effectively curtails girls’ education, minimizes economic opportunities and perpetuates cycles of poverty and violence. It is estimated that if left alone the total number of child marriages in Africa will rise from 125 million to 310 million by 2050 as the population grows. Some 40 African Journalists who gathered Kigali, Rwanda decried the continuous needles deaths of millions of women and girls in the continent every year due to little or no protection from harmful cultural practices and unimplemented country policies on sexual and reproductive health.


Boakai Wants Gov’t. Provide Security For Protesters

A head of the Council of Patriots’ planned June 7 2019 protest, former Vice President  Joseph Nyumah Boakai is calling on government to provide maximum security for protesters to exercise their constitutional rights on Friday. Ambassador Boakai appealed to the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) government to fully shoulder its responsibility of providing security for the protesters. In a press statement issued over the weekend the former Vice President called on all Liberians to use maximum efforts to preserve the peace and stability of the country as Liberians prepare for the June 7th Protest. The former vice President who recently had a closed door discussion with President George Weah asserted that as leader of the Unity Party along with other heads of the collaborating political parties of Liberia has endorsed the June 7th protest stating it is the constitutional right of the people pens the Inquirer.



Fishmongers Denounce June 7 Protest

With barely three days to the much Publicized June 7 Save the State Protest in Monrovia, members of the fishmongers Association have condemned any form of protest. As a result, they are calling on fishermen and fishmongers in the country to stay away from the planned demonstration. The President of the LAFA Jerry Blamo said protest have had awful history in Liberia and sold not be condoned by any-well-meaning Liberian. Speaking Monday June 3, 2019 during a gathering of fishmongers and fishermen stakeholders at the West Point, Blamo said the Fishermen and Fishmongers have reached a consensus not to participate in a planned protest, the News newspaper reports.  


AU Condemns Reported Violence in Sudan, Calls for Protection of Civilians

Chairman of the African Union (AU) Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, on Monday strongly condemned the violene in Sudan that escalated on Monday the report of deaths and several civilian injuries. Chairperson of the 55 member of pan African bloc also called for an investigation in order to hold those all responsible and accountable, the AU says.


President Weah Mourns Fallen Grand Cape Mount Senator

“The cold hands of death struck our Nation and Government once again. Last night we received the disastrous news relating to the death of Senator Edward Dagoshea of Grand Cape Mount County”, a statement issued by the Executive Mansion quotes President George Manneh  Weah on the home-going of Senator Edward Dagoseh of Grand Cape Mount County.  Senator Dagoseh, according to President Weah, was a true patriot and distinguished public servant who served the people of Grand Cape Mount County with utmost distinction and probity.”His passing has left all of us grief-stricken and lack of words to express how much he will be missed and remembered for his long-standing service to our Nation”, the Heritage news daily reads.


Over 700 SGBV Cases Reported From January To March 2019

The Ministry of Gender, Chidren and Social Protection in its 2019 first quarter Sexual and Gender based Violence (SGBV) statistics has disclosed that there were over &00 reported SGBV cases across the country during the period under review. Addressing the Ministry of Information regular press briefing recently, the Deputy Minister for Gender, Alice Johnson Howard, stated that out of the total number of reported SGBV cases, 513 constitutes rape and sodomy (5507 female and six male), 25 gang rape (females), and 199 physical assaults (females). According to Howard, out of the total number of rape cases reported, 44 victims are children below five years, 85 between six to 12 years, while victims from 13 to 17 years constitute 376 cases, and 18 to 25 years 94 cases and years and above equals 98 cases, Heritage newspaper reports.

Liberty Young Achievers Donates Traffic Booths To LNP

A head of the Liberty Youth Achievers (LYA)  2019 Awards ceremony, the group has donated two stationary booths to the traffic Section of the Public Safety Division of the Liberia National Police (LNP). Presenting the  items, LYA Executive Director Fred Ola-Ola said the organization over the time has recognized the work of the police in protecting lives and properties, something that prompted the LYA to contributed to the institution. According to Ola-Ola, the visibility of the LNP at the Vamoma, Jallah Town and many other junctions controlling traffic, drivers and pedestrians is also one of the reasons that has driven the LYA to buttress the efforts of the police. Receiving the items on behalf of the Police, the Commissioner of Police for Operations, Walter B. Wray, lauded the LYA for the gesture, the Heritage newspaper


Weah Applauds Malawian President-Elect Peter Mutharika

According to the Heritage newspaper President George Manneh Weah has on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia, and in his own name, extended warmest congratulations to His Excellency Peter Mutharika, President of the Republic of Malawi on the occasion marking his reelection as President of that country. According to a Foreign Ministry release, President Weah expressed hope that as his Malawian counterpart assumes the task of shaping the future of that country, the people of Malawi will enjoy the blessing of peace, unity and prosperity under his dynamic leadership. The Liberian leader further assured the Malawian Government of Liberia’s willingness to continue the cordial relations subsisting between both countries and peoples as the two leaders endeavor to promote international peace and economic development under the ambits of the African Union and the United Nations.According to the Heritage newspaper.


“Let’s Not Push Our Country Back To The Dark Days”

According to the Heritage newspaper, President George Manneh Weah says Liberians and their international partners invested much time, resource and energy in restoring peace and democratic order from the specter of war and conflict experienced firsthand for decades to allow the country be pushed back to those dark days. The President believe Liberians are capable of surmounting the current political and economic challenges facing their country but that it all requires collective action on the part of all citizens and an abiding faith in those governing the state. 


NDS Embarks On Nationwide Drug Distribution


The National Drugs Service (NDS) has begun the distribution of medical supplies to health facilities across five regions in 14 political sub-divisions of the country. NDS Managing Director Boley said at the Ministry of Information regular press briefing in Monrovia recently that the process begins with Grand Gedeh and Sinoe counties which constitute Region 2, comprising Maryland, River Gee and Grand Kru countries. Boley said the drug ration will subsequently be extended to Niber, Lofa and Bong counties while Rivercess, Grand Bassa and Margibi counties, which  form part of Regions 3 and 4 respectively, will be next. Region 5, consisting of Bomi, Grand Cape Mount and Gbarpolu counties, according to the NDS Director, will form part of the last batch of counties to receive their consignment of supplies due to their proximited to the NDS central office. According to the Heritage newspaper


Ahead of June 7 Planned Protect: Kimmie Weeks Urges All Parties To “Act Responsibly”

Internationally acclaimed Liberian humanitarian, Dr. Kimmie Weeks, has urged all parties to conduct themselves in a peaceful and responsible manner during the June planned protest. Dr. Weeks, who is an independent candidate in the upcoming Montserrado County Senatorial By-Election, said that he was particularly concerned about the risk of violent clashed between pro and anti-government supporters. He made the statements when he spoke to a cross section of journalists over the weekend. Answering a series of questions presented by the journalists after he received a certificate of award from the Destined Kids Assistance program on May 31, 2019, Dr. Weeks said he believes strongly that it was the right, “I am a strong believer that Liberians have the right to assemble and protest for whatever reasons they think is important and towards this end, the June 7thprotesttors can and must enjoy this constitutional right,” Dr. Weeks explained. The Heritage newspaper


LCP Celebrates Peace Carnival With Top Musicians

The Antoinette Tubman Stadium (ATS) was a scene of attraction at the weekend when a huge crowd assembled in white shirts, chanting peace slogans as well as singing and dancing peace songs that were performed by some of top Liberian  Gospel and Secular Musicians. May 31, a day set aside by Liberians Cultural Ambassador Madam Julie Endee Crusaders for Peace to celebrate a peace carnival with top musicians, was part of activities marking the patriotic “Show love Campaign”, the Heritage newspaper reports.