Mayor Jefferson Koijee Signs MoU with Qingdao Municipal Government to Enhance Friendship and Cooperation

(QINGDAO, CHINA – Thursday, May 2, 2019)The Monrovia City Government and the Municipal Government of Qingdao have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish a sister-city relationship that will further enhance friendship and cooperation between the two metropolitan cities in Liberia and the People’s Republic of China.


According to a dispatch from the Liberian Embassy near Beijing, Monrovia City Lord Mayor, Mr. Jefferson Koijee, signed on behalf of the Monrovia City Government, while Qingdao’s Mayor, Mr. Meng Fanli, signed for the Qingdao Municipal Government. The ceremony took place in the port city of Qingdao, Shandong Province earlier this week.


The two mayors agreed to make concerted efforts aimed at promoting mutually beneficial cooperation in the areas of the economy and trade, science and technology, culture, education and people-to-people exchanges, among others, particularly in key areas as port (the two being port cities), economy and trade, and training.


They also agreed to organize high-level visits and participate in important events in each other’s city to forge efficient and pragmatic cooperation, while officials and related departments from both sides will communicate on a regular basis, consult and discuss on bilateral exchanges and cooperation as well as other matters of mutual interests. 


Welcoming the Liberian delegation to Qingdao, the mayor, Mr. Meng Fanli highlighted the close cooperation already existing between both cities in the areas of trade, investment, marine shipping activities, among others, noting that figures for 2018 showed that the trade volume between the port city and Liberia exceeded US$20 million.


Mr. Meng, also Vice Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CPC) Qingdao Committee, indicated that since his country rolled out the Belt and Road Initiative a few years ago, his city has placed a lot of attention on enhancing trade and investment cooperation with countries in Europe, Asia and Africa.  He hoped that the new sister-city relationship established will be further enhanced to promote trade and investment opportunities between both countries in general.


Responding, the head of the Liberian delegation, the Minister of State for Presidential Affairs, Mr. Nathaniel Farlo McGill, reiterated Liberia’s commitment to the “One-China Policy” and that government will ensure that its relationship with China will grow from strength to strength.


He stressed the importance of establishing a sister-city relationship between Qingdao and Monrovia which will further boost economic and trade relations; signaling out Mr. Yao Cunzhi, a son of Qingdao, who’s company, Zhonghui Taifu Investment Co., Ltd., is investing significantly in the Liberian economy.


Mr. McGill said establishing this relationship will be a big opening for the Liberian economy and noted that the government of President George Manneh Weah is interested in making sure that the relationship between both countries is further strengthened. He stressed that the occasion is an opportunity for most Liberians who want to do business in China and vise-versa.