Daily Media Summary 2018-09-14

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



News of World leaders and royalty paying their respects to one of Africa's most famous diplomats, Kofi Annan, Former UN Secretary General is topping today’s edition of our summary.

Other stories include the honoring of outgoing Deputy Foreign Minister Dee Maxwell Saah Kemayah Sr. by the Administration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs aswell as the PPCC capacity building workshop aimed at Strengthening the Capacity of Liberian Businesses. 



World Leaders Bid Farewell To Kofi Annan

World leaders and royalty paid their respects to one of Africa's most famous diplomats, Kofi Annan, at his funeral in his home country of Ghana. It is the climax of three days of mourning which saw thousands of Ghanaians file past his coffin as it lay in state in the capital, Accra. Annan died on 18 August in Switzerland at the age of 80. Speaking at the funeral, current UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Anna was an exceptional leader who saw the UN as a force for good, pens the Heritage newspaper.

Related caption:World Leaders Bid farewell To Kofi Annan(New Dawn), Fallen UN SG remembered by Diplomatic Corps in Nigeria (Insight) The Insight newspaper also reportedanother story with caption, a force for good Kofi Annan’s illustrious career as the “rock star of international diplomacy




Foreign Ministry Honors Outgoing Deputy Minister Kemayah

The Heritage newspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release: The Administration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Wednesday, September 12, honored the Outgoing Deputy Foreign Minister for Administration now Liberia’s Permanent Representation to the UN, His Excellency Amb. Dee Maxwell Saah Kemayah Sr. for the outstanding leadership and invaluable contributions to the State and the Ministry while serving as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. According to a Foreign Ministry release, the Honoring and Appreciation ceremony took place in the conference room of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Performing the ceremony, Foreign Minister Gbezohngar Milton Findley expressed deep appreciation and gratitude to the outgoing Deputy Minister for his role played in transforming the Ministry in the shortest period of time. He used the occasion to congratulate him for his preferment as Liberia’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations. Minister Findley on behalf of the Ministry presented a gift with an inscription depicting the Ministry’s appreciation to Outgoing Deputy Minister Kemayah and extended gratitude to him for his enormous contributions to the transformation process of the Foreign Ministry under the dynamic leadership of Dr. George Manneh Weah which he noted has witnessed huge productivity and efficiency of staffers at the Ministry.

Related Caption:Kemayah vows to ably represent Liberia(Insight)


Weah Urges Muslims To Think Positively, Pray  For Liberia

According to Heritage newspaper, Liberian President Dr. George Manneh Weah, has urged Muslims to think positively and pray for Liberia as his government is working to create an environment that encourages investors for the good of the country and people. Dr. Weah specifically called on Muslims who returned from the Holy City of Mecca, in Saudi Arabia, from the just ended Hajj to lead the charge of praying for peace and stability of the nation.

Related Caption: The (Daily Observer) newspaper also carried a related story captioned “Koijee Challenges Muslims to Ensure Peace


PPCC Strengthens Capacity Of Liberian Businesses

A four day Capacity building workshop intended to strengthen the skills of private sector businesses to prepare and submit responsive bids when participating in public procurement tendering process, has commenced in Monrovia, with a call for increased participation of Liberian owned businesses in public tender. The Inquirer newspaper relates the workshop officially commenced on Tuesday September 11 2018 and will end today, September 14, 2018. Over 300 participants have been invited to attend the workshop.


Related Caption:PPCC fortifies Liberian owned Business(Insight)


PUL Opens Book Of Condolence For Prince Turlay Today

According to the Inquirer newspaper states the press Union of Liberia (PUL) regrets the death of Journalist Prince Turley. Journalist Turley died on August 23 2018 after a period of illness. He was forty-three years (43) old. Prince Turlay started his profession as a Journalist at the defunct DC 101.1 he later worked for Sky FM before joining the Liberia Broad Casting System. During his short Professional life, Turlay brought passion and humane to his strive for excellence while embracing critical analysis of his professional work with humble smiles. Meanwhile the press Union of Liberia  is urging all of its  members journalist , media workers and the public to turnout for the condolence for the signing of a Book of Condolence in honor of the fallen journalist on Friday September 14 2018 at 11 00am.


Related Caption:PUL opens BOOKS of Condolence for journalist Turley(Insight)



Pres. Weah  commissions Amb Dee- Maxwell Kemayah

The Inquirer newspaper states President George Manneh Weah has commissioned outgoing Deputy Foreign Minister for Administration, Dee- Maxwell Kemayah   Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and Liberia Permanent Representative to the United Nations, its Organs as well as Cuba. President Weah Performed the commissioning ceremony Wednesday 1 2018 with a call on Ambassador Kemayah to justify the confidence reposed in him. President Weah also indicated that Mr. Kemayah preferment to represent Liberia at the United Nations was not on the basis of the bond of amity subsisting between them rather it is for the value and due diligence the demonstrated over a very short period of time in Government.



NAC, AAMIN Conclude Capacity Building Training For Journalists

The National Aids Commission (NAC) in partnership with the Anti-Aids Media Network (AAMIN) has concluded a three-day capacity building training for journalist educating them about HIV/Aids reporting without stigmatization and discrimination. The training, which was held at the Monrovia City Hall, brought together 30 journalists from both print and electronic media institution with the aim of sensitizing journalists on HIV/AIDS reporting. Speaking at the forum, the Chairperson of NAC, Madam Theodosia S. Kolee, said the training was geared towards cementing the already existing partnership with the Liberian media in the combat of HIV/AIDs, reports the Heritage newspaper. 

Liberia Gets membership In IWC – Wants Protection of Biodiversity for Future Generation


According to the Heritage newspaper, high power delegation representing the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NaFAA) is currently in Florianopolis, Brazil making official representation on behalf of the Republic of Liberia at the ongoing 67th International Whaling Commission (IWC) Meeting, after being admitted into full membership of the IWC. Following adherence to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling effective August of this year, Liberia became one of two Countries to obtain admission into the membership of the International Whaling Commission. As is required of new members of the IWC to present an Opening statement at the session, the Liberian delegation expressed hope that whatever governance regime adopted must contribute to more sustainable practices and a change in mindsets regarding the ongoing global debate about the conservation of whales. The Director General of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority, Hon. Emma Metieh Glassco, who heads the Liberian delegation indicated that, notwithstanding the varying views regarding the conservation of whales and the management of whaling, it is expected of the IWC to unceasingly ensure that Contracting Governments continue to co-operate in taking forward the work of the Commission as was agreed to by member states in 2011.



Legislators Want LEAP Program Extended to All Public Schools at Education Officers Summit

The Senate Committee Chair on Education, Dallas Gueh is recommending that the LEAP Schools program be extended to all public schools in Liberia. LEAP is the acronym of the Liberia Education Advancement Program. It is the new name for the public-private partnership that the Ministry of Education has seven local and international education service providers. The previous name was Partnership Schools for Liberia (PSL). Speaking at the opening of a County Education Officer Summit held by Bridge on 11 September in Monrovia, Senator Gueh said it cannot be fair that some government schools are performing well – thanks to benefitting from the program – while other government schools not in the program lag behind with students learning slowly, if at all.  Bridge is one of the partners of LEAP. The observation that schools and students not benefitting from LEAP are being disadvantaged is largely based on the findings revealed by an independent study that the Ministry of Education commissioned for the LEAP program in 2016, reports FrontPage Africa newspaper.

Kesselly Boulevard, Sinkor to be connected by Flyover

According to the Insight newspaper, the Government of Liberia has reassured citizens of its resolve to construct a flyover at the Mesurado River that would link the Kesselly Boulevard in Gardnersville to 12th street community in Sinkor. The flyover is an overpass carrying a road or railed road line over another road. According the Liberia News Agency, when completed the infrastructure is expected to enhance free movement of people, goods and services in Monrovia and Gardnersville suburb, thereby easing transportation constraints confronting the population. Mobutu Nyenpan and Samuel Tweah made the disclosure Tuesday in Monrovia when they unveiled what they called “FOCAC envelop” at a press conference. As part of President George Weah delegation to the People’s Republic of China to attend the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Beijing, the two ministers thought to keep Liberians abreast on the gains the governments has made as a result of talks in Asia.


To compete Gov’t tenders FDA intensifies Wildlife confiscation spree-Rescues baby bush cow, turtle and wild Chimpanzee

Wildlife rangers from the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) have intensified efforts as per their mandate to arrest and confiscate efforts as per their mandate to arrest and confiscate endangered species that are protected under the banner of the Liberian wildlife law. Accordingly, a baby bush cow estimated to be six to seven months old was yesterday arrested and confiscated by rangers assigned in Gbarpolu County from men who were attempting to convey the animal to Monrovia for business purpose. The animal has been immediately transferred to the LABASSA Eco lodge in Marshall, along the Roberts field Highway for rehabilitation and care. In similar development, a team of Wildlife experts led by FDA Deputy Manager Director for administration, Benjamin Tennessee Plewon, III has returned to Monrovia from a fact-finding mission in Grand Cape mount County where he has gone to conduct an on-the spot investigation into the cause of the death of an elephant. During his investigation it was observed that one of the three hunters who had gone to hunt got killed by a wounded elephant that retaliated before its death. The wildlife team used the occasion to warn of the possible danger it may cause any environment and people when wildlife are pursued, hunted and killed contrary to the law that protect them, says the Insight newspaper.


Rescue Mission for Mission Wild Chimps Established- FDA, LCRP Sign Support MOU

The Daily Observer newspaper is reporting that the Management of the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) and the Liberian Chimpanzee Rescue and Protection (LCRP) have agreed, through a memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to work collaboratively with the aim of rescuing and protecting chimpanzee population living in the country’s wild, an FDA release said. The MOU, according to a release, is in the wisdom of both parties and uniquely recognizes the rights of chimpanzees and other animals that are protected by the wildlife laws of Liberia. The five-year MOU, signed on Tuesday, September 3, by FDA Managing Director C. Mark Doyen and LCRP Executive Director Mrs. Jenny Desmond, obligates the FDA to collaborate with the LCRP as a reliable and longtime caretaker of confiscated, injured and /or orphaned chimpanzees.


LCC Expresses Thanks To All Sponsors of the First Made In Liberia Contest, Providing Participants the Opportunity Gain Valuable Exposure

The Liberia Chamber of Commerce (The Chamber) in a press release is pleased to inform the public that it has received an invite from the African Growth & Opportunity Act (AGOA) Expo and Trade Fair in New York, U.S.A., scheduled September 25th -30 , 2018, and further would like to also invite you to be one of our cooperate sponsors and partners. The Ezzat N. Eid Foundation, in collaboration with the Chamber, hosted its first made in Liberia Pitching and Fundraising Event on Monday, August 27, 2018 at the Royal Grand Hotel. The gold of the event is to raised funds to assist companies of the locally made products (Made In Liberia) attend the AGOA Expo and Trade Fair in September, reports the Daily Observer.


Youth Network Outlines Police Chief Achievements

According to The Inquirer newspaperthe Liberia Youth Network, a Civil Society institution has rated police inspector General Col. Patrick Sudue high for what they called the position. The youth group said the relentless and tireless efforts made thus far by the Liberia National police, under the watchful eyes of inspector General, Col. Patrick Sudue is commendable. According to a release signed by   Isaac Saytue  and approved by  Dixon Messiah Nyanti, the youth  groups Secretary General and Executive Director respectively,  Col Sude has been working assiduously knowing that the Liberia National Police(LNP) has the fundamental and constitutional  responsibility to protect lives and properties, and restore law and other at all times.