Daily Media Summary, 2018-08-10

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




News concerning the signing of a US$21.5 million  contract between the Government of Liberia and the European Union to build 66 KV overhead lines;  the Chinese Ambassador to Liberia Fu Jijun’s reassurance of his country’s continued friendship with Liberia to achieve common development in both countries are among stories dominating today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies. 



GOL, EU Sign Energy Agreement


The Government of Liberia and the European Union have entered into a EUR 18.5 million (about US$21.5 million) contract with MBH Power Ltd to design and build 66 KV overhead lines and extend existing electricity sub-stations around Monrovia (Bushrod Island, New Kru Town, Capitol Hill, Congo Town and Paynesville City) respectively. Quoting apress release issued in Monrovia, the New Dawn newspaper says the process will allow the Monrovia electricity grid to absorb more electricity from the Mount Coffee Hydro Dam in White Plain Montserrado County, thereby making it possible for the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) to connect more customers to the grid. At the signing ceremony on Thursday, 9th August, Liberia’s Minister of Finance and Development Planning Samuel Tweah, signed for the Government of Liberia, while an executive for the MBH Power Ltd, a Nigerian company contracted to implement the project signed for the company. A second phase of the project, also fully funded by the European Union, will connect at least 38,000 additional households to the electricity grid, the release says.


Related Captions: EU Provides US$21.5M to Construct Electricity Transmission Lines, Substations(Daily Observer), EU Gives IS$18M for Expansion of Electricity(Heritage)


Chinese Ambassador Reaffirms Country’s ‘Unstoppable’ Support to Liberia

Chinese Ambassador to Liberia Fu Jijun has reassured his country’s continued and nurturing friendship to achieve common development on both sides. Ambassador Fu’s statement and affirmation of China’s support to Liberia was contained in a remark he made at a reception hosted in honor of the departing Deputy Chief of Mission of the Chinese Embassy, Li Zhuang. Fu said as the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit is pending to take place in Beijing a month from now, China stands ready to provide a friendly platform for mutual cooperation that will yield more sustainable benefits for peoples of China and Liberia. President Weah, having received an invitation earlier from the Chinese Government to visit that country during the FOCAC Summit in September this year, is expected to attend and have a face-to-face meeting with President Xi Jinping, pens the Daily Observer.


Related Captions: China ‘Stands Ready’ To Support Liberia’s Pro-Poor Agenda(FrontPage Africa), Chinese Envoy Bids Farewell to Outgoing DCM(Heritage)


Eton’s Deal Still On-Finance Minister

Liberia’s Finance and Development Planning Minister Samuel Tweah reassures Liberians and international partners that the loan financing deal between the government and Eton Financing PTE Ltd is on course and positively aggressive. Eton Finance PTE Limited and the Government of Liberia signed a US$536 Million Loan Financing Agreement for construction of roads in southeast Liberia. The New Dawn newspaper reports that ETON Executive Director, Dr. Yungseoung Jin, a South Korean national, arrived in Monrovia on Wednesday; a move that officials of the Coalition government believe should put to rest apprehensions around a deal whose momentum has waned in recent weeks. Addressing a news conference Thursday in Monrovia, Minister Tweah says the deal is at its concluding stages. It had promoted series of meetings held in Monrovia, with all stakeholders, including developmental partners, international financial groups, Chief Executive Officer and President of Eton and the Liberian delegation. He explained that the Monrovia meetings are intended to iron out some technical issues relating to the loan, but totally disperse public notion that the financial deal is dead upon arrival. He notes that the Eton loan deal meets concession requirements and offers the government best lowest interest in contemporary loan transactions with 1.6 percent following seven years grace period.


Related Captions: Amid Rumors of Collapse: Government Breaks Silence on US$536M Eton Deal(Heritage), ‘Not Off the Table’ MFDP Min. Tweah Discloses ETON Financing Deal(In Profile Daily)


Lonestar Cell, MOE launch Mobile Money Tuition Payment

Lonestar Cell MTN, Mobile Telecommunication Company in partnership with the Government of Liberia has launched mobile tuition payment scheme for students in Monrovia and its environs. According to the New Dawn newspaper, the scheme which was launched on August 9 is aimed at easing stress faced by students standing in long queues at commercial banks to pay tuition. Deputy Education Minister for Administration Latim Da-thong notes the traditional method of paying school fees has always been standing in queues at banks, but this partnership would help address such inconvenience, noting, “A student or parent can sit home and just register with Lonestar mobile money, they can easily pay their fees, avoiding long queue.”


Related Captions: MoE, Lonestar Cell MTN Partner for Tuition Payment Via Mobile Money(Daily Observer), MOE, Lonestar Cell Launch Mobile Money(The INQUIRER)




‘Gov’t Will Complete Unfinished Projects in Gbarnga,’ Public Works Minister Assures

According to the Daily Observer, Public Works Minister Mobutu Nyenpan has assured the public that the government of President George Weah will complete three major unfinished projects in Gbarnga City, Bong County that were initiated by the administration of former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.Minister Nyenpan informed Gbarnga residents recently that President Weah’s administration is “very well sure” of completing major infrastructure projects started by the previous administration. Among the ‘abandoned projects,’ according to Minister Nyenpan, are the Bong County Technical College (BCTC), the pavement of Gbarnga Broad Street, and the Sirleaf Market, which he said the CDC-led government will complete in the coming months “for the good of the people of Bong County.”


Housing Authority Begins Nationwide Housing Demand Survey

According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, the management of National Housing Authority (NHA) has announced that it will begin a housing demand survey exercise throughout the country including line ministries and agencies to inform its decision on number of homes to be built. According to a press release, Mr. Duannah Siryon, Managing Director at the National Housing Authority said the exercise is necessary and will inform NHA decision as he engages investment partners on the possible provision of housing units nationwide and to have available such data at its fingertips. The release further said the exercise is highly necessary because it is one of President George Manneh Weah’s primary objectives to ensure that his administration builds affordable housing for Liberians under the pro-poor agenda. The FrontPage Africa newspaper reads that the exercise is also extending to diaspora Liberians who are contemplating on returning to the motherland.


Related Caption: NHA Begins ‘Housing Request’ Survey Nationwide(Daily Observer)




Gender Ministry Awards Performing Students

According to the INQUIRER newspaper, the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection has awarded several performing students for July 26 celebration. Speaking at the award ceremony, Assistant Minister Carr said the Ministry will continue to bring the talents of the Liberian children through education programs during the country’s independence celebration. Assistant Minister Carr disclosed that this time around, for every July 26 celebration, children from all walks of life will benefit from educative programs to showcase their talents .



ECONEC Delegation Ends Four-Nation Mission Pledges Support Togo’s December Parliamentary Vote

The delegation of the ECOWAS Network of Electoral Commissions, ECONEC LED by governing board President Mahmood Yakubu has ended a four-nation Needs Assessment and Solidarity Mission, pledging support for Togo’s 20 December Parliamentary Elections endorsed by the Lome Summit of ECOWAS Heads of State and Government. The delegation met recently in Lome with Togo’s National Electoral Commission, CENI, rounding up a tour that took it first to Mali, which held an inconclusive presidential election on 31st July, and Senegal, and Guinea Bissau, on the heels of the latest decision by the ECOWAS Summit endorsing Togo’s parliamentary polls for 20th December, the Heritage newspaper reports.



Related Caption: EU Technical Support Boosts Revenue Collection(Daily Observer)




Food Security, Nutrition Key To National Development Says FAO Official

An inside story of the Heritage newspaper reads that the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO Representative in Liberia, Mariatou Njie, has said food security and nutrition are important components of the overall development of  a nation. Njie said food security and nutrition have also been highlighted among the long-term fundamental issues in national economic development. The statement from the FAO Official was contained in a speech delivered on her behalf at a program marking the 2018 Comprehensive Food Security and Nutrition Survey Validation and Response Option Workshop held at a local hotel in Monrovia early this week, the daily reads.


Liberia Does Not Need A Political Judiciary, Declares UN Human Rights Boss

In the wake of ongoing Impeachment proceedings hanging over one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of Liberia, Kabineh Ja’neh, the Country Representative of the Office of the High Commissioner On Human Rights, Mr. Uchenna Emelonye, has spoken for the first time officially since the hullabaloo insure saying “Liberia does not need a political judiciary rather an independent and reliable body that will always dispense justice impartially. Though he was not clear if the current saga is political or has legal grounds, he indicated that it is key for the country to have an exclusive independent judiciary system that will work in the interest of all void of intimidation and or political distraction, the Heritage newspaper writes.



Chinese Company Donates To Postal Affairs

A back page story of the Heritage newspaper reports that The China Gezhoula Group Cooperation has donated computer and other assorted items to the Lock Box Section of the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, which is generally referred to as Postal Affairs. According to the Deputy Minister of Administration, Cllr. Edward K. Goba, the donation is in fulfillment of a pledge made by the company when the new administration took over.


IREDD Launches Justice, Security Advocacy

According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, the Institute for Research and Democratic Development IREDD has launched a new program geared towards the justice and security system of Liberia. The Executive Director if IREDD Harold Aidoo said the program seeks to promote accountability within the justice and security sector of Liberia. Mr. Aidoo said as part of efforts leading to the inception of the project’s activities, IREDD has conducted the review of several laws within the criminal justice system of Liberia.   He made the statement on Wednesday august 8, 208 at the launch and validation session of the program.