Daily Media Summary 2018-06-04

Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




President Trump’s Letter of Felicitations to President George Manneh Weah, the launching of World Bank Group Liberia Partnership framework consultation, Vice President Jewel Howard-Taylor’s trip to Israel and the publicizing of foreign exchange by Central Bank of Liberia, are among the selected stories for today’s summary.


President Weah Receives Letter of Felicitations from U.S. President

President George Manneh Weah has received a personal letter from His Excellency Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America on behalf of the American people; extending felicitations to the Liberian leader as he assumes his new role as President of the Republic of Liberia. “On behalf of the American people, I extend my congratulations as you assume the responsibilities of the Presidency of the Republic of Liberia. I was pleased to send a presidential delegation to Liberia to witness its first peaceful transfer of power in decades from one democratically elected head of state to another. This transition is a milestone for Africa’s oldest Republic and a testament to the confidence that your people placed in you”, President Trump stated in the communication. The United States President reaffirmed his country’s commitment to the longstanding relationship with Liberia and pledged his Government’s continuous support to peace and prosperity in Liberia. “The United States is deeply committed to our long-standing relationship with Liberia.  We will continue to support Liberia’s historic democratic transition and to support peace and prosperity in Liberia”, he added, asserts the FrontPage Africa newspaper.

Related Caption: Trump Congratulates Weah…Write Personal Letter(Heritage) 

World Bank Group Liberia Country Partnership Framework Consultations Launched


The World Bank Group (WBG) in Liberia has launched its Country Partnership Framework (CPF) consultations. The Country Partnership Framework (CPF) is the Bank’s new approach to country engagement aimed at making a country a driven model, systematic and evidenced-based with focus on the “twin goals” of increasing shared prosperity and ending extreme poverty. The Country Partnership Framework document will outline the Bank’s intervention strategy through which the country’s self-identified development objectives in the Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) can be achieved. World Bank Country Director for Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone, Dr. Henry Kerali said the Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) is an assessment of key challenges Liberia faces, which has led to the formulation of the Country Partnership Framework which defines the Bank’s analytical work and programs of support to Liberia over the next 5 to 7 years. Dr. Kerali added that the CPF has reached a stage to engage with stakeholders to finalize the CPF draft.  The World Bank Liberia Country Manager, Larisa Leshchenko re-affirmed the Bank’s commitment to Liberia, adding that the World Bank strategy is very much aligned with the government’s own vision. “We can work in areas like infrastructure (roads, power supply/distribution/transmission) which will allow private sector to develop much better, and at the same time strengthening our presence in human development,” she noted.  Madam Leshchenko furthered that the World Bank Group strategy for Liberia’s Country Partnership Framework is built on three key pillars: Government Institutional Capacity Building to strengthen transparency and accountability of the public sector to create conducive environment for the private sector, writes the New Dawn newspaper.

Related Captions: Enhancing Pro-Poor Agenda(FrontPage Africa), and World Bank Liberia Country Partnership Framework Consultations Launched (Heritage) 

MIA, partners hold confab for chiefs


The Ministry of Internal Affairs says it will hold a three-day National Chiefs’ Conference which is intended to brief traditional leaders about Government’s development agenda. It said the conference is being held with support from the Carter Center.The conference which is expected to take place in Ganta, Nimba County beginning this Monday, June 4, 2018 is under the theme: “What is meant by the Pro-Poor Agenda; and What is Expected of the Traditional Chiefs and Elders of Liberia”. According to a press release from the Internal Affairs Ministry, about 200 participants are expected to attend the event including senior traditional leaders from all 15 counties, members of the National Council of Chiefs, paramount chiefs, Clan chiefs, General town chiefs, Traditional women leaders and members Tribal Governors Council of Liberia among others. The Ganta Conference will bring different government leaders to explain to traditional leaders Government’s development plans under the Pro-poor Agenda for Development and Prosperity, how it will impact rural communities and expected roles of traditional leaders. The release quotes the Chairman of the organizing Committee Mr. D. Emmanuel Wheinyue as saying, heads of Ministries, Agencies and Commissions will inform the participants on what their specific mandate areas area in relation to the Pro-Poor Agenda, reports the New Dawn newspaper. 

Veep Howard-Taylor Rallies Support For Education, Health, Energy, Agro In Israel


The FrontPage Africa newspaper writes that the struggle to ensure the success of Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) led government’s “pro-poor” agenda requires that all hands get on deck and Liberia’s first female Vice President Chief Dr. Jewel Howard-Taylor is hitting on all cylinders to help President Weah improves the lives of the Liberian people. In Israel, where she had gone to attend the 30th International Women Leaders Conference organized by MASHAV- Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation, Vice President Howard-Taylor said her participation in the event will pave the way for Liberia to benefit from international cooperation and programs in education, health, electricity and agriculture from the Middle Eastern Country. The conference brought together outstanding women from 45 countries is themed – ‘Leading Women Making a Difference’ in Haifa, Israel’s third largest city from May 28-30, 2018. “It’s a great opportunity to be here again in Israel attending this very significant conference amongst women leaders of the world.  We are learning new skills and technologies that will contribute to the growth and development of Liberia. 

Ambassador Conteh Holds Business, Investment Meeting With Abuja Chamber of Commerce


Liberia’s Ambassador to Nigeria, Professor Al-Hassan Conteh has held a successful business and investment meeting with the President of the Abuja Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Prince Adetokunbo Kayode.  Held in the office of the Chamber in Abuja, the meeting aimed at forging possible collaboration with the Abuja Chamber of Commerce and Industry that would work out modalities leading to the organizing of a joint Liberian-Nigerian Business/Investment Roundtable, a release from the Liberian Embassy in Abuja says. According to the release, said joint Liberian-Nigerian Business/Investment Roundtable would engage Nigerian businesses to invest in the promising Liberian economy. The proposed roundtable will also seek to inform interested business firms or companies about the economic landscape in Liberia and business opportunities between both countries that have continued to enjoy long and firm bilateral relationship, pens the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


EPA To Celebrate World Environment Day

According to the Heritage newspaper, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will tomorrow, Tuesday, June 5, join other countries of the world to celebrate World Environment Day. Madam Frances Brown Saydou, Manager of Inter-sectorial Coordination at the EPA and the Chairperson of the World Environment Day made the disclosure on Thursday during the regular MICAT press briefing. The United Nations General Assembly established World Environment Day on the first day of the Stockholm Conference on the human environment in 1972 as a result of discussions on the integration of human interactions and the environment. The 2018 theme seeks to make governments, industries, communities and individuals come together and explore sustainable alternatives and urgently reduce the production and excessive use of single-use plastic.


Tax Cut on Basic Goods Brings Joy To Rally-Time Marketers

Sellers at the Rally-Time Market in Monrovia have joyfully welcomed the decision by President George Manneh Weah to approve tariff reduction on over 2,000 basic commodities. The marketers believe the move is a win-win situation for them and consumers, as they hope to buy and sell at affordable prices. Last, week President Weah gave the commissioner General of the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) 72 hours to draw up a new tariff reduction scale on a wide range of commodities imported into the country. Before his directive to the LRA, President Weah observed that the tariff regime, including the ECOWAS Common External Tariff, was causing “serious hike in the cost of basic goods in the country and was adversely affecting Liberians, mainly the poor,” reports the Heritage newspaper.


Related Caption: PUL Mourns Ex-President T. Nelson Williams(Heritage)


US$426M Pre-Financing Agreement Submitted To National Legislature…Construction of Roads, Bridges, Other Insight

President George Manneh Weah has submitted to the National Legislature for ratification a new Pre-Financing Loan Agreement in the tone of US$426 Million entered into between the Government of Liberia (GOL) and Group EBOMAF Under the Agreement the loan will be financed by EuroBond, redeemable after 15 years with a 5-year grace period and a 10-year interest only payment. According to an Executive Mansion press release, the loan, when ratified, will be used for the construction of 256.2 Kilometres of paved roads and bridges in Monrovia and major corridors of the interior of the country. Group EBOMAF will begin pre-financing the road project within three months after the agreement is ratified, writes Heritage newspaper. 

NPA, APM Terminals Seal 5-Year Lucrative Deal


The Heritage newspaper reports that the Acting Managing Director of National Port Authority (NPA), began to pay 15% royalty on its total annual revenue from Marine Services before expenditure and development is in keeping with the new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) as of May 25, 2018. Speaking at a press conference Friday, June 1, 2018 when she highlighted the achievements of the new management team, Acting, MD Cuffey Brown further disclosed that additionally, 50% of the remaining profit on Marine Services will be paid to the Government of Liberia after 15% royalty is paid. APM Terminals, she mentioned, will also pay the amount of US$1.2 Million to the NPA as arrears for the extra two years the Company operated the Marine Service and at the same time, provide training for the NPA Staff for the period of five years. 

Police impound 1,000 rounds


The Liberia National Police (LNP) announces in Monrovia that it has impounded 1,000 rounds of single barrel gun from the Yeala Border in Lofa County.  Briefing journalists Friday, 1 June on the new development, Police Inspector General Col. Patrick Sudue said the LNP was very swift by moving in and arresting four cartons of single barrel rounds, each carton containing 250 rounds which totaled 1,000. He says the discovery was made on Thursday, 31 May based upon intelligence gathered from the Yeala Border. He also announces that on 1 June, police intelligence acted on a tip - off received and went all out in the filed, successfully bursting a huge drug syndicate. He says police impounded 829.6 kilograms of marijuana with a street value of approximately L$2,488,800.00. in Chocolate City on the Somalia Drive. The huge consignment of drugs was put on display at the LNP Headquarters along with the single barrel rounds for photos and video recording. Col. Sudue says six suspects are in police custody undergoing investigation. Police authorities say a female suspect called Adama Fayiah has told investigators that she was a business partner to prime suspect Moses Saah that is said to be on the run, according to the New Dawn newspaper. 

As Farmers Get Modern Equipment: Rice Production Boosted In Nimba


Two separate modern rice processing equipment have been given to two farming groups in Nimba County in order to boost their rice production for commercial purposes. The two cooperative groups that benefited the gesture are: Gbaley-Geh Rural Women in Karnplay Twon and Dokodan Men’s Group in Gbedi Twon. The farmers were given the two separate equipment by Liberia Agribusiness Development Activity (LADA) through Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA) with funding support from the United States Agency, pens the Heritage newspaper.

CBL To Publicize Foreign Exchange

According to the Insight, the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) says it will, no later than 24 hours prior to each foreign exchange auction, publicize the date and amount available for the foreign exchange auction. In a release, the bank said it will publish the amount won, the names of successful bidders and the clearing rate for Auction. “The measure which takes effect starting June 2018 is intended to promote public awareness and transparency in the auction process. It is in keeping with Sections 14 and 15 of the CBL Foreign Exchange Sales Auction – Rules and Regulations,” the bank said in the release. Continuing, the press statement said “the CBL conducts foreign exchange auctions, which entails the selling and buying of foreign exchange. This policy tool was adopted by the CBL in 2004. By intervening in the foreign exchange market through the purchase and sale of foreign exchange, CBL aims to smoothen the volatility in the exchange rate.”


PUL Mourns Ex-President T. Nelson Williams

According to the Insight newspaper, the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) regrets the death of its former President, T. Nelson Williams, at 85. Williams died on Monday, May 28, in Alpharetta (outside Atlanta), Georgia in the United States of America. The respected journalist and Statesman graduated from the University of Liberia with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in 1958 and later obtained a Master’s Degree in Journalism (1963) from Indiana University. Mr. Williams held many public posts, including Chief of Press and Publications; Chief of Research and Reference; Deputy Director General and Under Secretary and Deputy Minister of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism.  One of the high points of his legacy is recorded in his service to the University of Liberia, where he became the founding Dean and Professor of Journalism of the Department of Mass Communication. Williams’ life, the Union indicates, can be measured in the continuous contributions graduates of the Department of Mass Communications of the University of Liberia are making to nation building. In a related development, the Press Union of Liberia is saddened by the death of the Nimba Bureau Chief of the Liberia News Agency (LINA), Mr. Orlando M. Kpan. Kpan died on Friday, May 11, in Nimba County ad has since been buried.