Daily Media Summary 2017-12-08

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




Today’s summary of the local dailies highlights Thursday’s verdict handed down by the Liberia’s Supreme Court lifting the Stay Order placed on the Run-off election in the country; the Proclamation issued by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf declaring Saturday, December 9, 2017 as International Anti-Corruption Day; the signing of a five million euros grant by the  European Union, Solidaridad West Africa and the Liberian Government to help improve and expand the Agriculture Sector in Liberia as well as President Sirleaf’s assertion that democracy is the system of government that surpasses all other systems of government.




Supreme Court Acknowledges Irregularities In October 10 Elections, But Says Evidence Not Weighty For Rerun

According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, Liberia’s Supreme Court has acknowledged that the first round of the country’s presidential and legislative elections were, to some extent, characterized by fraud, irregularities and disregard of the New Elections Law. But the Court in its 4-1 opinion/ruling said it has not been established that such malpractices were on a scale that warrants a rerun of the entire elections as requested by the Appellants (Liberty Party and Unity Party), which made the allegations. The Liberty Party, led by Cllr. Charles Walker Brumskine, who came third in the October 10 elections with less than 10 percent of the votes, took the lead in protesting the October 10 election results claiming that it was marred by fraud and lacked the minimum requirement to be regarded as free, fair and transparent. The Supreme Court defined fraud as a generic term, which embraces all the multifarious of human ingenuity to desire and resort to by an individual to gain an advantage over another by false suggestions or by suppression of the truth.  On this note, the Supreme Court, said it cannot sanction a rerun as the evidence provided do not merit the annul of the October 10 elections. According to Justice Banks, the Bench also took into consideration the consequences such decision may have on the country; thereby denying the Liberty Party’s appeal for a rerun of the October 10 elections. However, as precondition for the runoff election, the Supreme Court has mandated and ordered to fully comply with the standards of publications of the Final Register Roll (FRR) as in keeping with law. The NEC has also been ordered to conduct a full cleanup of the FRR to have it comply with the provision of the law. The two parties, which are to participate in the run Election, are the Coalition of Democratic Change (CDC) of Senator George Weah and the ruling United Party of Vice President Joseph Boakai.


Related Captions: Supreme Court Orders Runoff (The New Dawn), Stay Order On Run-off Lifted…But Several Recommendations Advanced (Heritage), Supreme Court Rules For Run-Off Election…Associate Justice Ja’neh Dissents (The INQUIRER), Insufficient Evidence-S/Court Order Runoff (In Profile Daily), S/Court Trashes Call For Rerun Polls…Cites Lace Of sufficient Evidence…As Weah, Boakai Head For Runoff Election (INSIGHT)  


December 9, Is International Anti-Corruption Day

The INQUIRER newspaper reads that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has by Proclamation declared Saturday, December 9, 2017 as “International Anti-Corruption Day” and it’s to be observed throughout the country as a “Working Holiday”. According to a Foreign Ministry release, this year marks the eight commemoration of the International Anti-Corruption Day campaign in Liberia, and it will be celebrated in Monrovia, Montserrado County, under the global theme: “Corruption: An Impediment to the Sustainable Development Goals”. According to the INQUIRER newspaper, the significance of the observance of the day is to raise awareness about corruption and promote anti-corruption campaign activities as well as the role of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) in combating and preventing it. On October 31, 2003, the General Assembly of the United Nations unanimously designated December 9th each year, as International Anti-Corruption Day when it adopted the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC). The daily reads that President Sirleaf further called upon all ministries, agencies, local and international organizations and the general public to join the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission in collaboration with civil society organizations and the National Integrity Forum, to plan and implement appropriate programs befitting the Day.


Related Captions: LACC, USAID, UNDP, LPAC Celebrate 2017 IACD (Heritage), President Sirleaf Declares Saturday, December 9, As ‘International Anti-Corruption Day’ (INSIGHT), LACC, USAID, Others Celebrate 2017 IACD (The INQUIRER


To Help improve Liberia’s Cocoa Sector: EU, Solidaridad West Africa And Liberia Sign 5M Euros Grant

The Heritage newspaper reports that the European Union, Solidaridad West Africa and the Liberian Government on Thursday, December 7, 2017 signed a five million euros grant to help improve and expand the Agriculture Sector of Liberia. The Liberia Cocoa Sector Improvement Programme (LICSIP), a four year program is the first of its kind under the European Union Liberia’s Agriculture initiative and it is expected to benefit about five thousand farmers in three counties, namely Lofa, Bong and Nimba. According to the Charge d’ affairs of the European Union in Librera, Emma Sundblad, one of the aims of the project is to develop the agriculture Sector and improve food security, which she noted, is key to the people.


Related Captions: GOL EU, Solidaridad West Africa 5 Million Euros Grant- To Help improve Liberia’s Cocoa Sector (In Profile Daily), For Liberia’s Cocoa Sector: EU, Others Envisage Improvement…As Stakeholders Ink Euros 5M Grant…Nimba, Lofa & Bong Counties Lead Project Implementation (INSIGHT


“Democracy Is System Of Government That Surpasses All Others”

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf says democracy is the system of government that surpasses all others; grounded in rule-of-law, respect for individual and human rights, and for institutions, which can arbitrate between competing political interests on behalf of the people. According to a dispatch from the U.S. the Liberian leader was speaking on Wednesday, December 6, 2017 at Georgetown University during a forum on the theme: “Women’s Political Leadership in Africa: The Next Generation”.  Addressing the gathering, President Sirleaf said African women have made great strides - expanding their roles in political participation at virtually all levels of government, reports the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Related Captions: “Democracy Is the System of Government That Surpasses EII Others”…Ellen Tells Next General Of Women’s Political Leadership In Africa (Heritage), Pres. Sirleaf Lectures On Democracy (The New Dawn), “Democracy Is The System Of Government That Surpasses EII Others”…President Sirleaf Tells Next General Of Women’s Political Leadership In Africa (In Profile Daily




Ambassadors For European Countries Pay Visit To BRAC

According to the INQUIRER newspaper, Ambassadors from four European Countries visited the Food Security and Livelihood Programme interventions of BRAC Liberia at Buchanan, Grand Bassa County. The Ambassador included EU Ambassador Ms. Helene CAVE, German Ambassador Mr. Hubert J. Jäger, British Ambassador Mr. David Belgrove OBE and French Ambassador Mr. Terence WILLS, including the Head of Cooperation Section of EU Delegation to Liberia, Mr. Alberto MENGHINI. BRAC Liberia was launched in 2008 as an INGO with a holistic development approach geared toward engaging local communities. BRAC Liberia has several programs focusing on agriculture and livestock, education, healthcare, the empowerment of young people and microfinance.



“Be Part Of Liberia’s Advancement”…LBDI Boss Tells UL Graduates

The President of the Liberia Bank for Development and Investment, Mr. John B. S. Davis has urged graduates of the University of Liberia to be a part of Liberia’s advancement. Speaking to graduates of the William Richard Tolbert College of Agriculture and Forestry of the University of Liberia on Thursday during the institution’s commencement exercise, Mr. Davis said Liberia can be self-sufficient when it comes to food production but was quite to point out that Liberians should also be aware that economic development cannot happen without agricultural development. He told the graduates that they are the new wine in the area of agriculture and forestry, reads the INQUIRER newspaper.


LRA Partners With Religious Institutions

The Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) has launched a campaign to seek collaboration and partnership with faith-based and religious organizations to enhance its Real Property Tax Awareness Program. According to a release, Assistant Commissioner for Real Estate Tax Division Isaac Beyan Stevens says the campaign is meant to provide clear messages that promote tax awareness, civic responsibility and positive attitude towards taxes, eventually influencing greater voluntary compliance among citizens and residents to ensure a successful and impactful outcome. The partnership with the religious community is under the theme: “A Good Taxpayer Is A God’s Kingdom Builder; A Good Taxpayer Is A Nation Builder.” Speaking at a recent engagement with representatives of various religious institutions at the LRA headquarters in Paynesville, Mr. Stevens disclosed that the “LRA Faith-Based Partnership”, among others, seeks to explain why taxes should be paid; show citizens how to pay taxes; promote civic responsibility; build a culture of voluntary tax compliance among citizens of different denominations and faith based organizations; and empower citizens to engage in discussions on the use of tax revenues writes the  New Dawn newspaper.


Related Caption: LRA Enters Partnership with Religious Bodies-To Bolster Real Property Awareness (In Profile Daily)


CODRA Ends CSO Confab In Bong

The Community Development and Research Agency (CODRA), a local civil society organization based in Gbarnga, Bong County has concluded a two-day civil society learning conference in Bong County.  According to the Heritage newspaper, the forum was convened with support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), through the Liberia Accountability and Voice Initiative (LAVI).   The daily says the conference was held at the Rural Women Empowerment Center in Suakoko District under the theme “Best Practices for Advocating for Change in the Natural Resource Management Sector” and brought together over 50 civil society representatives from Bong, Nimba, Lofa, Bassa and Montserrado Counties.

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