Daily Media Summary 2017-07-10

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



The Central Bank of Liberia pronouncement on the resumption of the removal of mutilated banknotes off the Liberian market is the only dominant story captured in several local dailies as embedded in our summary today.


The summary also highlights story concerning the assertion by Liberia’s permanent Representative to the United Nations, His Excellency Lewis G. Brown, II that the UN should ensure that the interventions of its sanction regime are conducted in a manner that is deemed to be fair and balanced and President  Sirleaf’s recent comments that Liberia is not bereft of laws, policies and strategies that meet international standards. 



CBL Doubles Move To Withdraw Mutilated Banknotes

The Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) announced over the weekend that it will today Monday, July 10, resume the removal of mutilated banknotes off the Liberian market. The CBL said part of the effort would include assigning teams to major markets in and around Monrovia for the direct exchange of mutilated banknotes, in continuation of its ongoing program to withdraw mutilated Liberian dollar banknotes from the local market. The New Dawn newspaper says the CBL currently has two dedicated teller windows at its head office to facilitate the exchange of mutilated banknotes. In addition, all CBL cash centers in other parts of the country, including Zwedru, Grand Gedeh County; Voinjama, Lofa County; Gbarnga, Bong County and Tubmanburg, Bomi County, are continuing to exchange mutilated banknotes.


Related Captions: CBL Intensifies Withdrawal Of Mutilated Banknotes Today (Daily Observer), CBL Intensifies Withdrawal of “Tear-Tear” Money (The INQUIRER)




UN Urges To Use Sanction Wisely- Ambassador Brown Suggests A Regime That's Fair And Balanced

Daily Observer reads that Liberia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, His Excellency Lewis Garseedah Brown, II has urged the UN to ensure that interventions of its sanction regime are conducted in a manner that is deemed to be fair and balanced; with the ability to impress upon the national consciousness of affected member states and popular opinion. Ambassador Brown observed that the imposition of sanctions is not necessarily to demonstrate the enormous powers of the United Nations but rather to assist the lost member state find its way back into the fold of the global family. He encouraged the United Nations to thoroughly consider what affected countries could learn from sanctions imposed on them and how that could positively impact societies and national lives. According to a dispatch from Liberia’s Permanent Mission in New York, Ambassador Brown made the assertion when he addressed a meeting at the UN Headquarters on the theme: “Enhancing the Design Process of UN Sanctions: Perspectives from All Stakeholders", organized by the Egyptian Permanent Mission to the United Nations aimed at discussing the enhancement of the UN sanctions design process, including perspectives of previously or currently targeted countries.


Gaps, Challenges Identified Between Legislature & Executive

Senator Jewel Howard Taylor has identified lack of proper capacity of members of the Legislative Branch as one of the handicaps they face in the discharge of their duties. According to a Foreign Ministry release, the lawmaker, who is a Senator representing Bong County, indicated that because of this gap and several others, the acceptance of huge patronage is extended to the Legislative Branch by the Executive Branch. Senator Taylor stressed that from her experience e of over 12 years in the Liberian Senate, she has come to realize that because of the over centralized nature of our system, heavy Executive patronage is still being practices, and lapses in the functioning of the Legislature, this struggle continues, the In Profile Daily reads.


“Our Country Not Bereft Of Laws, Policies, That Meet International Standards” – Pres. Sirleaf

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has said Liberia is not bereft of laws, policies and strategies that meet international standards, noting that the declaration of assets is just one of many. She said the problem is that we give little respect to the enforcement of these laws and the implementation of related policies and programs. “I trust that this sensitizing gathering will result in a change in attitude and action on the part of those responsible to comply with or to enforce Asset Declaration,” President Sirleaf asserted. According to an Executive mansion release, President Sirleaf was speaking last Friday, July 7 during the Sponsored Assets Declaration Training at Corina Hotel, Sinkor held under the aegis of the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission and partners. She thanked the Commission for organizing the event aimed at bringing attention to a fundamental requirement of accountability in public service. President Sirleaf said although the Declaration of Assets and Liabilities is new to Liberia,  she was proud that similar to many other financial management instruments, this has been introduced by our Government.  President Sirleaf then called upon the National Legislature and the Judiciary to respect the Code of Conduct by calling on concerned officials of their Branches to issue their Declaration of Assets, says the FrontPage Africa newspaper.

Related Caption: “Our Country is not bereft of Laws, Policies, Strategies that meet International Standards”-President Sirleaf Tells Assets Declaration Training (The INQUIRER)

US$2M LNP Chinese Supplies Arrived Sen. Pro-tem, Chinese Envoy Hold Discussion

The President Pro-tempore of the Liberian Senate and Chairman of Gbarpolu County Legislative Caucus Sen. Armah Zulu Jallah has lauded the bilateral relationship which subsists between Liberia and Mainland China, which he said has accrued many dividends to both accrued many dividends to both countries including reciprocal diplomatic ties, road construction, sports, and health. The Pro tem was speaking when he received in audience on Wednesday, July5 at his Capitol Building Office, the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China, the In Profile Daily reads.

Freeport Construction of Roads, Pavements, Drainage Almost Complete

The modernization of Freeport of Monrovia is well on course with the construction of rigid pavement, drainage, sidewalks, street lights (some as high as 60 meters), and parking lot within the facility outside of the APM Terminals concession area about 65% complete. The Project will be completed by October 2017. When completed it is expected to reduce congestion in the port with the free movement of trucks and containers, as well as improve safety to personnel. This will also address the perennial flooding within the Freeport of Monrovia during the rainy season. Illumination will also be improved thereby improving overall security in the port. The modernization of the Freeport of Monrovia is part of the Agenda for Transformation (AFT) of the Seaport sector. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf visited the road project at the Freeport last Friday evening, July 7, 2017 to get a glimpse of on-going work. She expressed satisfaction of the ongoing work, according to the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Court Clears Kailondo

Magistrate Clearance Weah of the Bondiway Magisterial Court near Harbel, in Margibi County were the prosecution of one of the country’s business giants, George Kailondo, says, “ Absolutely there is no oral and documentary evidence to  continue the prosecution of Kailondo.” Magistrate Weah said in his ruling handed down recently in open court that the Government of Liberia has miserable failed to produce any witness or witnesses that link the defendant to the crime levied against him by the state. Defendant Kailondo, who is a free man, was arrested by state security and subsequently forwarded to court for prosecution for allegedly causing the death of the late Dan Orugun, former president of the Guarantee Trust Bank, (GT Bank), the INQUIRER newspaper reads.


Disaster Management Agency Ends Regional Confab Secures Ghana, Nigeria Support

An inside story of the INQUIRER news daily reads that the newly established National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) has gotten down to duty by successfully hosting a three-day sub regional consultation in Monrovia that brought together heads of disaster management institutions in West Africa and rep0presentatives from international organizations as well as United Nations agencies. Speaking July 7, 2017 at the close of the 11th Annual Consultation of the Regional Committee for Disaster Management in West Africa otherwise known bya  French acronym GECEAO, Deputy Internal Affairs Minister for Operation Mrs. Gbeme Horace-Kollie told reporters that the Monrovia Consultation among other issues access the regional climate outlook in the sub region especially Liberia and Sierra Leone as the rainy season rages on, the paper says.


Police Discover Family Of 9 Unconscious In New Georgia Two Children Reported Dead, Another Suffering Leg Pains

Forensic police investigators said they were baffled by Saturday morning’s discovery of nine unconscious family members in a house they shared with another family in New Georgia’s Bassa Town. Neighbor D.K. Wonsaleah J. Marbiah told the Daily Observer on Saturday that police officers were called in when a young man, who was returning a phone belonging to one of the victims in the house, heard muffled sounds. “He said the voice of the owner of the phone resembled someone asleep and not aware of what was happening to him,” Marbiah said. He said the man who reported the incident had peeped into the window of the apartment and what he saw convinced him that either something bad was happening, or had happened to the family. In December 2016, a man and his wife, who had returned to the country from the US to visit family members, were discovered dead in a house in the Chocolate City community along Somalia Drive. The recriminations that ensued separated family members, some accusing others of being responsible for the tragedy.


NEC Hands Down Verdict Today-In ANC’s District #17 Primary Dispute

The Daily Observer reads that authorities at the National Elections Commission (NEC) said they will announce the verdict on a complaint that arose from the Montserrado Electoral District #17 primary. The primary, which was expected to be conducted between aspirants George V. Curtis and Abraham Sesay on the ticket of the opposition Alternative National Congress (ANC), was postponed due to a complaint filed to the NEC by Mr. Curtis. In his letter of complaint, Curtis said he was officially informed by the party, as a candidate of the district, that the ANC’s Montserrado primaries were to be conducted on Wednesday, June 21, at the party’s national headquarters. This resolve on the part of the party was after three other postponements without any justifiable reasons, he said. An ANC insider, who spoke to our reporter yesterday, alleged that members of the executive committee had accepted an undisclosed sum of money from one of the aspirants to guarantee him victory at the primaries, a claim vehemently denied by ANC’s chair, Lafayette Gould.


LPRC, Commerce Drop Gasoline, Fuel Prices

The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and the Liberia Petroleum Refining Company (LPRC) has once again made considerable adjustments to the prices of petroleum products, reducing with immediate effect the pump prices of gasoline and fuel oil on the market by ten and six United States cents, respectively. According to a petroleum price circular issued by the Government, the retail pump price for a gallon of gasoline has dropped from US$3.14 or its Liberian dollar equivalent of L$350 to US$3.05 or its Liberian equivalent of L$345. The retail pump price for a gallon of diesel fuel has also decreased from US$3.11 or its Liberian dollar equivalent of L$345.00 to US$3.01 or its Liberian dollar equivalent of L$340.00. The prices in Liberian dollars were calculated using the Central Bank’s approved exchange rate of US$1 to L$113.49. The new petroleum price circular took effect as of Wednesday, July 5, 2017. According to the Daily Observer, the decision to drop the prices of gasoline and diesel fuel is a result of a shift in the perimeter that is frequently used to determine the prices of these products in the country.



Liberia Diabetes Center Gets Community Educator

The Liberia Diabetes Center (LDC) located on Front Street in Monrovia now has a community diabetes educator in Liberia. She is Ms. Jenneve Jackson. Prior to joining the LDC, she worked for One Source Pharmacy located on Benson Street. According to a dispatch from the United States, Mr. James Momoh, founder and chief executive officer of the LDC, welcomed Ms. Jackson as its community diabetes educator stressing that with the prevalence of diabetes in the country, the message of diabetes management and prevention needs to be heard in every community in Liberia. Momoh said to fight diabetes in Liberia, awareness will be a key component and Ms. Jackson’s affiliation with the LDC will achieve one of the many objectives for which the Center was established. Momoh said the LDC is not a clinical institution but has all the resources needed for the management and prevention of diabetes.


Relation Caption: Liberia Diabetes Center Gets Community Educator (The INQUIRER)


FDA Gets New Regional Office In Bassa County To Boost Forestry Law Compliance

The FrontPage Africa newspaper reads that a European Union (EU) delegation to Liberia and the United kingdom Department for international Development (UKaid-DFID)  have officially dedicated a refurbished office for FDA in Buchanan City. At the turning over program to the agency several items including 15 motorbikes, computers, GPS, furniture, and uniforms were also donated to Liberia’s forestry authority. The provision of the equipment is a part of an initiative under the Voluntary Partnership agreement (VPA) between the EU and the Republic of Liberia. The EU and UKaid-DFID delegations to Liberia approved FDA’s request to recondition the office in Buchanan and help procured logistics to enable the VPA process and further strengthened compliance and administrative enforcement under the theme, “Forest Governance capacity building in Liberia” with FDA and Ministry of Justice in support of VPA implementation. The dedication and turning over ceremony of the facility was held in the Four Houses Community, Buchanan on July 7, 2017.


Liberians Students Envisage Better Future At SDGs Awareness

Several students from various schools on the Bushrod Island at the launch on the awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Africa Agenda 2063 over the weekend cautioned the Government of Liberia to live up to their promises in order to have a better future. At the beginning of the awareness, students from various schools on the Bushrod Island marched from Freeport of Monrovia to the Boatswain School on the Jamaica Road. The SDGs awareness is to get across the spectrum of the society but the awareness in Montserrado was focused on people in the academic circles. FrontPage Africa newspaper says in September 2015, countries around the world including Liberia adopted the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals. A set of 17 pillows goals to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all.